r rnids .ATES MUSIC AND DRAMA , "The (GirlI From Rector's.,' At the New W'hitney theater on th evening of Thursday,. December 7~ wI' be presented "The Girl From Rector's, In the Southern California Press it ha received many encomiums of prais from the press. The audiences ther were enthusiastic in praise of the pe; formnance. The company that is prE senting the piece is assured us by th managemenit to be one of the best i: ability and reputation going out o New York this year. 1GAlv DAILLY - SCHOO)L OF MUSIC ADDS A1_Y(}U ARE NOT R EALLY IN THEII TeCELLIST TO ITS FCLY.UIERIYUNESIO R TeUniversity School of Music an- MORNIN11 , ET IT TILE BALA NE flounces the engagement of Mr-. RicW ATL t fF 'lIgfoI 1 se re ard Y. tHall, of Detroit, a cellist or some renown, as teacher of the vio'.on- .cello. Mr. Hall is a graduiate of Yale. Besides teaching, -Mr. Hall will appeair on the faculty concert programis.Al his appearance at one of the1 concerts last month, he made a very fav orabe' imjpression. Mr. H-all will be in Anxn A rbor ailter1- nate Thursdays, and those desiring to study the 'cello should enroll ait they office immediately, as he will be in A1nn arbor today. (- -.- .. _. a ( I,.- I /. , KICjk off ( 8Yi o 'U, ol 8xio Fiel' day and I OR' S Creams the city Store .Photi, 270 Mr T. 1 o-ld & Co.'s to be had Anywh ere. 4e acknowledge not ty' inl every instance. :Id & CoMpany Huron MaidJetic ,Theater. The Exposition Four is considered by muany to be the best musical act on the vaudeville stage today and the; fact remains that this great offering plays each year the largest and most impor- tant vaudeville theatres in the country as a star attraction. The members of this quartet are musicians of unusual ability and they will be the big feature at the Majestic 'theater for the last three "days of this week starting with the performances tonight. The rest of the bill will include Jim Rutherford well known as principal clown writh Barnum and Bailey circus although in his vaudeville act he does not resort to the usual makeup and clowning ef-, fects of the circus rirng, "0Q AV THREE TRYOUTS. On :account of the large number c1' contestants in the Peace Oratorical Contest this year it has been necessary to divide the tryouts into three squads. coming Thursday, December 14 at 7:3; Friday at 4; and the same even- iing a't 7:30 in room 302 N. W., U. H. From these preliminaries six' men will be chosen and on December 18 they Swill compete for the honor of repre- senting Michigan in the state contest to be held at Lansingl the last week in; March. The winner of this is awarded one hundred dollars and represents the State of Mticigan in an inter-state contest against Ohio, Pennsylvania, In- diana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. IThe following men have submitted orations and will appear for the try- out in the order given. Thursday, 'T. Dogherty; C. F. Johnson; L. G. Bell; B. C. Mitchell; R. A. Collins; S. Blum- rosen ; T. H-. Franking. Friday at 4 p. in., T. H. Kelly; C. S Wood; A. J. Hart; Henry B.' Schuer- Iman; J. 1:. Henton and George Pack- ard. Friday evening, 1M. Kraemer; C. "C. Harbison; J. Wr. Harding; A. F. Fra- zee; J. B. Courshon; P. V. Blanchard; and F. S. Tourley. The University of Michigan has been unusually successful in carrying off the honors in this contest in past years having won over seventy-five per cent of those in which she has had repre- sentation and losing out last year by a mere point. Hfestn 'Becomies assistant LProsecutor, "WVillie" Heston, ex-Mlichigan player and conceded to be the greatest half- backi that ever played football, has been appointed assistant prosecutor in the Wayne County circuit court. Hes- ton has been practicing law in Detroit for the past three years, and his ap- pointment to the staff of Prosecutor Sheperd comes in recognition of his ability. 1c* * * * * * * * 1' * I INTED. Wanted-'-Second growth Hickory butts suitab~le for Automobile spok~es. For further information call on or write! NV. C. Mor rey, Mgr., TimberDea- mett Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson.j Michigan. 49 to 73 LOST Lost-A string of Coral Beads on State or Washington streets. Please re- turn to 204 N. State. Reward. 55-56 Lost--On campus, a belt pin with four, amethyst sets. Reward for return tc 812 Monroe St.5-7 FOR SALE For Sale-Two Pasquali reserve(I seat: Dec. 8. Phone q')7. :5G We have a large stock of 'Up-to- Date" Sheet Music, Pianos, and Musical Instruments of all kinds. Look them over before purchasing elsewhere. GRINNEIJL BROS. MUSIC HOUSE, 120-122 E. Liberty St. W. J. Simonson. 5m tfk ) * * * * * * * * * * For'ite0 h Bg ar CLASSIFIED ADS. Advertisig matter for th is Classified columa~afnenist always be pa;id for in adi'ance, and mny be left at the DAILY office op- posite th e IMjestic betaweenb the hours of 12 noon and 10 p. au., or at Quairry's 1)ruig Store, N. University and StaIte, at an~y time up to 9:30 P. In. these Ads bring Results. * :~ *, * $ Cailed EE.CALKIN S I Comec into the Store today ai of the swelest line of college to' eyes on. The areal leaders among ti yocu ng fellowvvoo this town all wi PO t x CON ,. r i and IClothes Over cats ,H Barker Colliars Il~lerwven Hosiery Schaft'ner & Nlarx style and qa.lity. Mlartin guitars and on earth, on sale at So's Music House. 12tf mnandolinis, best Schaeberle& 29tt' I .$30,00 to $45.00 get assortment of s4 yles riees (,n two (kys' notice, ur atfproval. You can save Loi $2,5.00 on the suit. II Lutz's Clothing Store Ii 217 So. M tn LET Sweaters cut over at the Palaits Royal, 209 E. Liberty. 1-tU Have you seen those hobby 01 fort; blues at Milward's? Tr- ?u S State St. 19 ti, Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres, 222 So. State St. *a 34 cod tf Patronize the new print shop, Davis and Ohlinger, Job Printers, 109 E Washington Street., Bell Phone, 432-Jf 18 cod tf HAVE YOU BROUGHIT I\ THIAT I $2.00 FOR THIS, DAILY FOR THE ItA], ANCE OF TILE YEAR? MACKINAWS-A fine line of all wool coats in 'stock, sho~vn by Irving & Plumb. Prices' $5.00 to $8.00. Phone 1314., 803 So. State, 1.L FINE HAND 'WOR 121-123 S. T RUBEY Furnish the Ice Cream 'for Your Party 1 Cater To Clubs and ff FratsI ' Printing, Engraving, Embossing, lW'ineStbabLery, 'Two-fold Anuounce. meits or Card w ith 1Envelopes to inutol", venu and Dance Progrytams,. See our! new and4 up-to-date d&splay roam. Dont' get on fused n t fe na wmullnd lacc-C has.. F., Meyers, 215 S. Main St., 2nd )Floor. Phone gal-G Annl Arbor, AMichigan., Y w' ANOTHER - CREAT- MUSICIANS s u I Gooyear's Drug 5tore U 107 SOUTH MAIN STREET Greatest of Mu icai Ac-ts Vaudev~iie's Repre. NELL ERCERDOROTI Aerial :ActCoen We, are Never Undersold The. latgest and finest stock in the city. Ever} tiing you inay recd, Combs, lErushes, Soaps, etc. I LABORATORY SUPPLIES such as IMICROSCOPICAL GOOIS, DISECTING INSTRUMENTS k V Jim Rutiherford and Lot Famous Ciown In a Farce -EXCLUSIVE PHOTO Ii a' 84V coated to your entire satisfactioE- come here forn ;iht Top Coat to the medium weight dressy coat, heavy OVERP'COAT for irotoring, we've F-,brics, ady 'o selrveyou. For nice hot chocolates and daily home made candles go to the .S uga fowl )ieterle, Varsity 17 East Liberty Street. Tailor ec. '18, 19, 20 "MERRY VMARY" 25 Peopl&' Service will please you and every thing is clean Specialti~es on Satlurday A I r wi for CollegeIIen at Allen 's G oo dC