THE MICHIGAN DAILY _I . v rMwr,,,,,,r,,,,,,,. ~r. a e ge Mien UNIVERSITY NOTICES I w *,*A% c CLASSIFIED ADS.* You'll itauy time c1 db)you a power of good in the oilu ith your Fall and Winter ouwfitting. -e interested in having your 'suit, hat and toggery "just right" paying extravagant prices, we're at your service ou'11 like our clothes, our prices and iestly ask for your consideration. our The- Commerce club will meet in the Economics building, second floor, at 7:30 p. mn. Tuesday evening. All Michiganensian business 'candi- dates. report at office, Press building, 11 a. m. Sunday. Meeting of Oratorical board Monday at 4:00, room, 405 N. W. Meeting of; the Commerce Club Tuesday evening in Room 201, Eco- nomics building. All '12 men with football ability meet at south Ferry field Monday af- ternoon. at 2:30. Further informa- tion. will be given at that time. Man- ager. Meeting of Executive Committee of musical clubs at union at 7 p. m. to- morrow. Gargoyle meeting 3,,p. m. today, Ann Arbor. Press Building. Every one who can write or draw come. All junior lit football candidates re- port for practice; tomorrow at Ferry Field at 4 o'clock. A tag day campaign for members will be conducted tomorrow by a score of workers for the Women's League. It is the hope of the committee to tag every woman on the campus' who has not yet joined' the League. V. GrossI E. Liberty, Corner 4th.1 TRY LIG (Q SCU.MID 20358. Mek.10 St. LDENTS, Procuxre Loose Leaf Note Books nient, Economical. Paper supplied in every ruling. Los tFiday a. in. on Campus between West Hall and Alpha Phi House,', A Conklin self-filling pen. Reward.: Phone 1315-L. 4-5 f Lost-A plain gold bar baby pin with intertwined initials F. A. L. Return to U. of M. library. 5 Lost--Between 818 Packard and Hotel Whitney, letter containing transpor-r tation available only for loser, also pad containing notes. Claim reward at 818 Packard. 5 Wanted-Young Lady to represent us1 at the Uiversity of Michigan. Ap~ ply either direct to us or care of the' Michigan Daily. S. LIEBE~ltANid & Co., Tailor Made Dresses, 507 IV.r Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. 4&5 For Rent--Large pleasant suite of u rooms two blocks from campus. All conveniences, $4.00. . 607 East Liber- ty Street. 4 & 5 For Sale--A high grade mandolin with new leather case. 1020 S. Universi- ty, phone= 904-J. 5-6-7-8 Kollauf cuts and makes clothes for the college men. Old Post Office Bldg. Main and Ann Sts. Stf F~or a quiet afternoon o'r- evening go up the Huron. U. of M. BOAT LIV- ERY. 1-25 RANI RAH! R~ti! Salz pen sale a howling success. Don't delay. Monday is your last chance. J. L. Skinner, 306 State St. Pianos to Rent. Terms reasonable. Schaeberle & Son, Music House, 110 S." Main St. tf. DON'T pay a big price for a fountain pen.± Glet a Salz direct from manufacturers prices. SSale ends tomorrow. J. L.' Skinner, 306 State St. We set glass. Major & Co. Both 'Phones. ti 1 Shoe repairing, laces and polish for sale. J. H. L~ambert, 613 E. William St. 3 eod tf Shoes repaired while you wait.. An- dres, 222 So. State St. 3tf I f-- ; .:.: < -- ;? :rc & 4g >,. 4 The clothes c ~e haveto ~A;, t ~c gentl prices. 'V e knao w that yur vsitl o o._ sor Jr st t _ri , S , _ . ,, ,_ <_ MONDAY. Is your last chance to buy facturer's prices. Fountain ends Monday. J. L. Skinner, 'fSt E. at manu- pen sale 306 'State 5 Note Our Pricos BIDE OPENING 17.E LEATHER~ CANVAS X 8 % .80 $ 50 X8 1.35 .75 Xc8 i0 .80 x 8V2 1.65 .85 E1ND OPENING X8 .95 .50 x9y 1,25 .60 WHY PAY MORE? CLOTH $ .30 .35 ;05 ~.35 .50 .45 .30 .30 CITY ORDINANCES.f chairer, Stationers, Printers, Binders Bell Phone 1404 rmacy, 1219 S. Univ. Ave.; C. P. Bancroft, 722I .; Rainond S. Van Doren, 703 Packard St. 1.4'w $85000 important :n cqiai ,t i ce with our or e w:11 help you in many ~ayS .r... Physically and Illentally We anticipate your needs at our corner store. The following notes from a few: of the city ordinances may save some trouble. Riding bicycle on sidewalk;. Coast- ing on sidewalk; Playing base ball; or foot--ball in. the streets; Posting bills or notices on. sidewalks, trees, tele- phone or telegraph poles; Walking ;on lawns or lawn-extensions; Loitering; Discharging firearms witiin the city' limits; Burning leaves on paved streets; Burning leaves or starting a fire in streets to burn up rubbish of any kind before sunrise and after =12 o'clock noon; The running at large of dogs, prohibited. Especial atten- tion is called to the traffic ordinances regulating the~ driving of Autom~obiles and other vehicles. A few of the points are: Time ,limit within the business district 10 miles, and other districts within the city limits 15 mil-, es per hour; Do not drive through a procession; Keep at least six feet from street car taking on or discharg- ing passengers; Keep to left ° when, overtaking another vehicle; Going in opposite directions vehicles pass each other on the right; Keep on the right; Always stop with right side to the curb; Vehicles turning to the left into another street shall pass to the right of and beyond-the center of the street before turning; All vehicles standing at curb shall move at request of po- lice officer; All automobiles shall car- ry the proper number of lamps and display the number and kind of lights required by the state law; The po- lice department have all powers and duties in relation to the management Fof the vehicular traffic. THEODORE APPEL. Chief of Police. 1 &3. The STUD.NTS_° CTREI wHi present dnie i.mbe;s1thisyear. secured and -0then1T h hr ig.arar- class attracti.V W >t preset Oratorical CeiltvA4 John Mthl _v4. A41 FolIlette ~tonand pan V arsity Tailoring Parlors, 336 State St.,, Agency for Ed. Strauss Enough said. Co.1 4tf iarry IDrxajCo. $108S,000 11mm Wterrm-an'. Ideal, Coraklim Self Dris Filigi, MAOre's Nom 160eaablem ks Noveltarms arad M1ICHIGAN JEWELRY and NOVELTIES ewelry and Watch Repairing .'s Jewelry Store Sell Phone 334La .. LAST. CALL. Salz pen sale ends tomorrow, your last. chance to get a pen at manufact- turers' cost, 3. L. Skinner. 306 State St. 5 CENTER RUSH. for Salz pen-look out; get that pen early. Sale ends Monday. $2.00 pens 90c, $3.00 pens at $1.50, $6.00 pens at $2.50. 5 SENIOR LAWS! Let us typewrite your Practice Court Work. McNitt & Lewis, Law Type- writers, 302 S. State. Yoncano it only co-ts, ou4"- eWe are t,.r~ rer'has osr :oi C y II .z __.... _u; ~.> z array . scaon t to icket se ~iefor Stu, Sunday, ab &~~: DneSixty ( flCollege .Michigan Pins, Fobs and Fraternity Dmu- Jewelry. Big Ben alarms $1.50 Arnold' .u Jeweaer aarm $1.00 nSt Yaur Patronage is Well Cared for :Here ev~it mflusic 1Ibouse60I ig Maynard St. Next door to University School of Music ' --. ___ F-urater nity M anfagers We handle every article in the Hardwar.,lI atix, ri Pumi"g ire Manses and Cooking Utensils a specialty Phone us your order The oll7 ~ istof the I Schunmacher Hardware 30S-5lO0-al3 so zth Madan Conpany The Homde of Music-For the College Student Choice Stock of &sic Music-Always the latest in Popuslo.r and Opere+.tlc Hts EX- LUSIVIE AGENCY bsorx Manidolins ejnd O lto rs 3a *"FLANNEL SHIRTS ImPorted and .Domestic Cloths-FPriced from $1.50 to $4. 00 The entire line is open for your inspection,. even though you do not wish to purchase at the present time. TINKER.& COMPANY Furnishers andflatters to University Men C0OP. S. STATE and WILLIAMS STS. WATCH OUR WINDOWS' FOR NEW IDEAS Sheehan & Co.=-Statioincry. J. Karl Malcolm-Tailo r. Tuttle & Co.-ILnnchecs, Cal dies and Tl o- bacco. Tlinker & o- ~r:.1cs Old Town C ano~e An .: ifand-Prji CAM PULS S'rot{ES' IYom Covell-Shoe DET'ROIT' Do NWN -IroIN ksf .. hu&Co.-Eook Ati i~~air &Co.- E uldng's gencya tic Goods. Allcnel Hotel. Allen & Co.- lhdies 11 C TOtI.S for Colic geMen At Alien's GooO :~ ~ I