ligan Daily 3IGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911. OF CIXRS', "THE PIPER" PROVES Pu11 BY . At caidy raffles are held to as ever by Prosecuting At- ge Burke. A cigar store vas given his choice yes- ing of appearing in court the raffle. ie gave it up. air to the regular candy ermit these raffles to be ed the prosecutor. "It notj >wn the legitimate candy ; forces people who don't . raffles to engage in the order to hold their trade.j as overrun with this raffle r, and some folks are try- the same thing going! ear. There isn't going to ting. The raffle game is CONSITLT SANTA FE OFFICIALS Two Societies Endeavor to Bir Two members of the Executive Board "Irish Players" Here of the Musical clubs leave this morn- Some time ago, it was ar ing for Chicago to consult with Mr. S. that the local Anti-Tuberculosi E. Busser of the Santa Fe system. would bring to Ann Arbor, e They will make the final arrangements "Irish Players" or "The Piper" for the Chicago-Los Angeles trip, and to provide funds for the wint decide about the itinerary, returning to work. The Women's League h Ann Arbor Friday morning. been correspon'ding with the About forty glee clubs from various ment of the two productions universities and about the same num- received offers for the appea ber of orchestras, and almost five hun- one show in this city. dred other amusement companies have The fact that both organiza applied for the special arrangement located here has somewhat offered by the Santa Fe this winter, matters. The tuberculosis .soc and to furnish special entertainments the first to start communicati for the Santa Fe officials. Tentative these companies, and it is posE arrangements with the Northwesteri the mail, representing the Musical clubs have been made by the league, was confused with th, railroad. other society. There will be rel over the matter, however A u Tu Mthe end it is probable that at FACULTY FORMS a of these shows, and perhaps b appear in Ann Arbor this seas "UNIVERSITY CLUB" ROLLER TOWELISAMA SAYS SANITA TIONT CO'W ter hav P : ;; 1 Starts the New Organization Will Include 118 Professors and Instructors. Deans Vaughan and Hinsdab Banish it From th Campus. The germ-laden roller tow accomplices, cake soap and all combs, are to go the w condemned. At least this is ion of the two present meml AMONW "TIlE WORST." j VAUGHAN ELECTEDI PRESIDENT, T. Crane, our "friend" from s nothing if not consistent gh. The latest "stunt" which s knocker of colleges has in- is that of following up his newspaper attacks on the with pamphlets sent to ibers of the engineering de- For the last week hundreds ents of that department have iving copies of these pam- title of which is "The Fu- At an enthusiastic meeting held yes- terday afternoon in the west physics1 lecture room, the University Club of Ann Arbor was inaugurated by the> and members of the Michigan faculty. A+ m constitution was adopted and officers cE .Ir elected. One hundred and eighteen or almost one half of all the members of the sev- eral faculties were present, and were enrolled in the new organization. fie clui will be governed by a board I xt The Regents will, appoint the third mei meeting on December as the completed core roller towel will go life. of seven directors. The foil >hlet Mr. Crane attacks have been elected as directorsf University of Michigan first year: Professors Vaugha sity of Illinois. He says Muralt, Holbrook, A. L. Cross, Bi )schools are the "two Reeves, and Reighard. From thm in respect to practicin'g new officers were elected as fc on" on the persons they President, Prof. V. C. Vaughan; to benefit. A personal tary, Prof. C. L. deMuralt; trea on Prof. John R. Allen, Prof. E. Holbrook. lowing for the n, de ical Engineering de- umt of certain state- o have made. s that the reason thel technical schools to are most intimately . cience and thatthe ously awed by any-I Committees were also appoined to se- cure club quarters and equipment as soon as possible, E~NlOR LITS TO HOLD BIG DINNER DANCE DiCEMBER be ign 16 cal at it the match is now under way between chess club of the university and of the University of Chicago. The cLh is carried on by mail and, as re is but one move a day, it will bably last most of the winter. It i match in which all the members each club are eligible to suggest ys. The positions in the games ab moves arrive, will be posted on the b bulletin board in University Hall. he Chess and Checkers Club has se- ed McMillan hall as its headquar-i for the year and will meet there! ry Tuesday night. The teams have as yet been chosen. rthin Testifies its Expert Witness. r. A. S. Warthin returned yester- from Corunna, Mich., where he, testifying as an expert on lead oning in a case between the Ann' or railroad and one of their, em- yees. Voodrow Wilson has received the ;est vote for the presidency in the rlin Review's straw ballot so far.. 1The, sther scientific. He then proceeds to The next social event on the ro- aughan when seen yesteraay. ing sdefinition of science which is gram of the senior lit class is a "din- will certainly attend to the matte ive ai ner-dance" to be held in Barbour gym- the roller towel, although a substi c alculated to clear up the mystery in ihat regard. nasium, Saturday, December -16. Elab- is rather difficult to find. Paper to The courses in Electrical and Civil orate preparations are being made are not entirely a success becauset for this party and the social commit- are often torn up and scattered ab engineering are the particular objects of Crane's attack. ree intends it to be the largest class after being used. Perhaps some r ____rane s attack. - function of the year. The dancing will can be secured by changing the p start at 4 and continue until 6 p. in., ent towels more frequently; but NO CAMPUS TICKET OFFICE when there will be intermission for would be only a make-shift as rl FOR CHRISTXAS VACATION; the serving of dinner, after which the towels are fundamentally unsanitar dancing will be resumed until 10 p. m. principle." In all probability there will be no Tickets will be 50 cents and the coin- Dean Hinsdale supeested sev joint ticket office maintained on the inittee desires all who intend going to remedies for the roller towelE campus for the accommodation of the purchase tickets before December 14 "There are several- ways to pro students this year. The Michigan Cen- in order that the catering may be sanitary towels," said Dr. Hins tral is planning to sell tickets at their :promptly provided for. last evening. "Individual towels c station during the holiday rush, and to The sale of tickets has been so ar- be furnished and attendants migh prevent the congestion three windows ranged that there will be enough men engaged to keep strict watch over will be put in use, and several extra present to see that all ladies are es- ery wash-room, but this would pr ticket sellers will be on duty. No spe- corted home. bly entail too much expense. T cial holiday rates will be offered this retically a towel upon which one year. Home seeker's rates are availa- SOPEOMORE GIRLS TO GIVE son has wiped a portion of his ski ble, however, to far western students FRESHMAN BANQUET SATIURDIAY not fit for another person to use. such tickets being purchasable this practice, however, it would be at li month on Wednesday, the nineteenth. The annual freshman spread given helpful to have present towels chan These ti-ckets are good for twenty-five by the sophomore girls to the freshmen every day. This expedient would days. girls, under the auspices of the Wom- of course, eliminate the real tro In order to facilitate traffic the Mich- en's League will be held at Barbour which lies in the fact that the r igan Central will make a change in the ! Gyrnasiumn Saturday evening, at 8 itself is infected with germs. Ther time of the first section of the 2:33 o'clock. Mrs. Hutchins, the wives of ter of public soap, combs and bru: train going west, December 20. The the Deans of the departments, Dean deserves fully as much attention first section will leave the station at Jordan and Miss Bigelow will chaper- 'does the towel question, and we 2 o'clock, and the second section on one the affair. The grand march will pect to attend to them all when schedule time. In preceding years the be led by Margaret Irving, sophomore committee is reorganized." second section leaving at the same time- vice-p,-esident, Mary Lewis, freshman as the first section arrived in Chicago vice-president, Maud Mills and Harriet Phoenix Club Banquets. in advance of the preceding train. Wuster. All university women are in- The Phoenix club, composed of g The Ann Arbor railroad and the De- vited to attend and it is expected that uates of the Detroit Western troit United Lines have announced no several out-of-town guests will be school held its second dinner of change in the present schedule of p-esent. An admission fee of 50 cents year at the Union last night. Cha trains, or any special holiday rates, but will be Oiarged. Admission to the vis- Kennedy presided as toastmaster extra cars may be run by the D. U. R. itor's g.llery is 25 cents. several members responded to toy th, bot eli pre th -ll ry 'er ev vil da ti re ob he Pe in; ea ng n( ub oll me ish e