11 Soiled, indescribably except Mon- hool year. .. e at Ann Ar- Act 'of Con- 879. t bert 1L. Dilley Editors. Editor ........Harry Z. Fohr .t......Frank Pennel ctEditor........KarlkMatthew: nt ............G. C. Eldredg( and Drama .... Earl V. Moor( llegiate News Harold G. McGef ................Emmett Taylor Editorials. B. Moehlman Walle W. Merritt Shaw Maurice Myers Edward G. Kemp. Night Editors. Toulme Mack Ryan Robert Gillett C. Harold Hippler filled with germs, it is a menace to our general health. They are usually al- lowed to hang until the janitor can- not distinguish them from the support- ing wall. Then comes a change and the same operation is repeated. Why should everything else be sanitary and this blot remain? Surely the medical faculty cannot have overlooked the danger. MICHIGAN SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR TO VISIT HERE. Michigan state and county superin- tendents of the poor will arrive in AXnn Arbor today, and will remain here until Friday. On Thursday, the meet- ings will be held in the new medical building, and the same evening the members of the board will take dinner at the university hospital. The work of the convention is of in- terest to the medical departments, be- cause these commissioners, when they discover patients who need treatment, send them to the university hospitals. From this source, the university re- ceives a large proportion of its pa- tients for clinical work. I Town Talk In the absence of the beauty editor, ye T. T. scribe must fain answer the following: "Dear Editor:--Would a course in aesthetic dancing at Barber gim help remove freckles from under my left eyebrow? I don't exactly see how it would, myself, but a second year man told me it would be just the thing. By all means, Gerald, report for aes-! thetic dancing at once. Why suffer when absolute cure awaits you? "Do your exam-plugging early-only fifty-nine days left," says the Illini Campus Scout. To which we append "verily." * Written the folks in the "little white house on the hill" what you'll "take" for Christmas yet? TI The Long W A H F All the Best q Plmtinum- Portr -es Tr MIori Reporters. rownley Oscar Beckman Murphy William Daugherty g Yellen Fred B. Foulk Tallmadge H. Beach Carpenter n R. Hunter James D'Evelin Milligan Leonard M. Rieser F. Rosenbaum 'J. V. Sweeney BUSINESS STAFF. ant to Mgr. . . Joseph Fouchard ising Mgr ...Elmer P. Grierson ation Mgr.....E. Ray Johnson Tohnson, Jr. .. . .Emerson Smith L. Jaffa.....W. T. Hollands 319 E. P latlnum We D Suits Cleaned and FULLER . b Want Ad Stations. Press Building;. Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- versity. FFICE HOURS: Managing Editor 1-2 p. m., 10:30-11:30 p. m.; Bus- iness Manager, 1-5 p. in.. Both Phones 960. yi :- Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail, $3.00. OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building Maynard Street. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911 Night Editor---C. Harold Rippler. Why We Don't Wash. Like the inevitable poor we have with us always the roller ,towel and poor ventilation. The latter cannot be remedied immediately, but the exist- ence of the former, evidently counten- anced by the University committee on sanitation, is a crying shame. Some of us remember when it was possible to get a drink on the campus. But the medical department discovered that various families of germs, from the lit- tle colon to the deadly tubercular, made these their playgrounds to the ev- ident danger of the student body. At once the drinking cups disappeared. We are still waiting for the sanitary foun- tain. The-roller towel, the all import- ant adjunct of a newspaper office, es- caped their notice. Drinking cups were bad enough; the roller towel has it UNIVERSITY CALENDAR First shi by Adams E: Dec. 7.-Soph Eng, class dinner at Un- ion. Dec. 7.-J. Law dance at Barbour gym. Sale ni Dec. 7.-Faculty Concert at High gin Dec, School Auditorium at 8 o'clock. the eight Dec. 7, .-Y. W. C. A. Bazaar at New- berry Hall. Dec. 8.-Senior Law Class Dinner at Union. Dec. 8.-Bernice de Pasquali, Choral Union Series, University-,Hall at 8 o'clock. Dec. 8.-Kentucky Club Smoker at Un- Hair Dressit ion. Electrical F Dec. 8.-Dr. Cross addresses Women Trea on "Venice." Full Line Ti Dec. 9.-Senior Dent class dinner at and I Dec. 9.-Alumni Smoker at University MLLE. Club, Detroit, 7:45. Undergraduates 119 E. Liberty invited. , Dec. 9.-Freshman Spread at Barbour Gymnasiumj WE SERVE Dec. 11.-Junior Eng. Class Dinner at W SE I Fine Union. Lowney's and Dec. 13-16.-"The Awakened Rameses." .;,I I . .. . 0, I W .Z U red it Youi~ 0to 1 I ,h F [I ) and but ave the iglish Cut black or tan at $4.50 Why pay more? Drop in some time. ! ..____ . .. k...,.. t Stop Sneezing Did you catch cold Saturday? We carry a complete line of all the good cold cures, and Cough Syrups at.the right Prices. Don't forget to stop at Van Dorcn's Pharmacy 703 PACKARD STREET ru LoCSMITH & BROS# Typewriter BaIlBearng-Long Wearing You'll need a Tyepwriter later. Get the best now and have it's use whileiu colleSe Ask us to show you FUELBER. & ZEWAOSKI 310' S. Statue St. Up Stairs iM r - It you are not getting your DAILY regularly, a postal card to the Business Man- ager will start something V I, Ziefle & Nissle ree Doors South of Gsrman Amercan Bank I HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PR H-ALL BROTLHEiRS Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 75c Ove LADIES GARMENTS OUR SPE IALTY. TRY US .. .. ) ",Ph