ivucnigan vauy
ear W iill be'__ . -...__. _..,.. . r
a. meeting of
this evening On e,
termancho'mistres," by Sir ecent Illness Compels him to
Athletic as- Arthur Pinero will be Give up Interscholastic
words to theia n s.kr r
Tom's Helmet, Missing for Three
Weeks, Now in Proper Pae
Tom's helmet has come back--the
one that was "lifted"-during the recent
Majestic troubles. For three weeks
it has been hid away, treasured as a
souvenir, but today it rests secure up-
on Tom's head, and Tom is proud and
s relative to
up in their.
y something'
nes. Every
promptly at
g will begin
who has a
h1 the Michi-
aw at Boise{
t will be on
1. Work be-i
bably be in
ll, and no
ates will be
m In Clia
satisfied. He's even more, he's a vin-
UY Hdicated man. For these three weeks,
SUCCESSFUIJL TRYOUT i S CHOSEN. SUCCESSOR TO BE CHOSEN TODA a mere fur cap has usurped the proud
place of the helmet, but it was always.
"The Schoolmistress," by Sir Arthur Arthur B. Moehlman, who was elect-"laco mek"ules, aditios,
Wing Pinero, the up-to-date English ed interscholastic manager at the las and stom ofbtheoliceman fe help
playwright, was the play chosen to be election, resigned this position yester- lessly before Tom's faith. Then Tom'
given this year by the Comedy Club. day. His recent Illness and slow re is not rich in worldly goods, but---
given covery have made it impossible for hr
which came to its final decision yester- ys that's not it. The one wedge between
day. A farcial comedy, it contains to put in the time and energy neede students and the "night cop" as
ain to handle the work 'of this position tesuet n h ngtcp a
three acts of clever lines, which de- nd h rkbeen removed and once more there is a
f threeeaactsnoftcleverelinesewhich de-
mand a cast of seventeen charactersgs perfect understanding.
nine which will be men, and gh resignation to Director Bartelme. It The hat was returned to the Daily
nin ofwhih wll e mn, nd igh, !will probably be acted on at a meeting-
women. This play, which the noted bdt last night with the following letter
English dramatist only gave to the of the board of control to be held to tucked in the band:
world last year, has been played with y .s also probable that his successor Editor, Michigan Daily:
unusual success in London, and made Iilsoapobaedathssesstr Here is Tom's long lost hat. As you s'
no less of a mark in this country when will be appointed at the same meeting. said in one of your articles, "the hat s
givn b anal str cstdurng ewIn css fresignation the board elects'
given by an all star cast during New se O will come back sometime." This was i
York's last season. It will be staged . .. pTom's opinion also. I would hate to *
for the first time by an amateur cast this will be the procedure in this case break a tradition of the school, rdl .
To Leave. at the Whitney theater on the two :Oanyusetin.m"Artiletoheae
dates, January 22, and February 10.:hysleto t"nett ri rt
oncerning the grave! "Work will necessarily have to start hspital of Detroit Sunday returning to
his omein tat ity whee h isre-
national finance of immediately and parts will be dis-hisrhomeibthat city, where he is re-
ossibility of the in- tributed this week," said Manager Ar- ported to be doing nicely. His recov-
ery is certain, but not very rapid, and
in American colleges thur G. Cohen of the Comedy Club la his condition will not permit h to
not worry the local The name of the playwright, Arthurt.take up any heavy work. His resig-
s,according to Albino Pinero, is especially known to lovers nation has occasioned mch regret
the university Chin- of the drama. Having won his place throughout' the campus.
b. President Sycip, in 1906 when he wrote "His House in ILEOP F LTY ORGAIZE
student here, states Order," he has been favorably criti- HOETO CUTY I RI ANIZE
cized by American critics. His fame INTO "VERIFICATION CLUB."'
idents- have implicit in England, however, is greater by far, A
'a, Charge d'Affaires as his dramas have been written for knw a ty " rfication lub
ation in Washington.I the English public, and portray life known as the "Verification Club" and
comprised of homeopathic physicians,
Yung Kwai will find in England, which is better understood
by the Britishers than it is in Amer- will have its first meeting within a
eviating any distress ica Pinero has also contributed in few days. The object of this association
the collapse of the late years, a play, "The Thunderbolt," is to discuss the various elements of
"So far," said Sycip, which ranks with his best work, and the materia medica, and especially the
demnity students at which brougih 'forth ; iriticism by the verifications of remedies as used clin-
failed to secure his New York press which pronounced ically.
:e from Washingt6n, him "one of the most expert play- "The homeopathic theory," said Dean
ik that future pay- wrights of today, mot . erty W. B. Hinsdale yesterday, "is that
wrehtdf]'dynot unworthy of;
theld." comparison with Ibsen himself.' 'drugs should be 'tested out upon heal-I
on the disorder in Following is the list of the success- thy persons before adopting them as
Sycip took an opti- ful tryouts who were elected to memb- remedies. By these tests, it is claimed
situation, and proph- bership In the Comedy Club and who that the most accurate estimate of a
public would be the will fall in line for the parts to be drug's power can be determined. From;
a. "There are many given out this year. The list is, low- the results made of the drugs tested,
a should have a re- ever, not wholly complete as yet. They estimates are made as to their clinical'
government," said are Misses Mercedes De Goenaga, Isa- adaptability as medicines. The chief
Manchu regime is ele izer Mrgerite Stanley, Is- object of the club will be to report on
belle Rizer, Marguerite Stanley, Bes-j
to rule 430 million bed-side verifications; 'negations' also
J' odan rbr sie Smurthwaite, Mary E. True, Mil- 1
re sold and bribery f dred Gilford, Harriet Carrol, Mary being as important as a verification."
ent men are barred Palmer, Pauline Kleinstuck, and Beu- The Verification Club will have stat-
umbencies, and the lah Dillingham. T e men are, David ed' meetings throughout the college
he corrupt officials. Cohn, H. L. Nutting, C. B. Mitchell. year,and will deny not itself entirely of
Sa movement John M. Hause, WillIam T. Daugherty, the comforting nourishment of an oc-
such should be en-' casional variation from talking to eat-
L~o eliee in librty1 B. Schuerman, Wiilliam W. Camp-
110beiee i lbetybell, Carlyle Ferguson and John Sy-
revolutionary lead-I bell, yProfessor W. A. Dewey will present
hat they may be; the discussion at the first gathering.
treat Tom in this way. I hope, that
Tom will use the hat much in the fu-
ture. o
:Sincereiy yours,
W. .J. r.
Reserve and Varsity Squad Men Who
'. ,' w
n proceE
n part,
hich, u
ificial p
ity news
tep was
he facul
nd Pres
. Brumi
ric, to t
he title
ie expec
er way
"We wt
now mo
rof. Bri
Did Not Win "M's" Get "R"
Sweaters as Reward.
Twenty-seven football players, mem-
bers of the Varsity squad who did not
make their "M's" and those who com-
posed the reserve team, will be award-
ed "R" sweaters in recognition of their
work. The list was completed at the
office of the athletic association late
yesterday afternoon. The following
are the men who will receive the
- Varsity- squad: Allmendinger, Coop-
er, Otis, Peterson, Herrington, Roblee,
Wenner, H. Smith, and .C. E. Wyman.
Reserves: Gates, Hanlon, Dennison,
Wiggins, Shaw, W. F. Quinn, Cyril
Quinn, Sherzer, McHale, Scott, Car-
penter, Kennedy, Bleich, McLaughlin,
Maurer, Madison, and E. P. Wyman.
the peop
The va
"Say, just take a peep at this robe
of Rameses," said Mrs. Huston, maker
of costumes for the Union opera, yes-
terday. "The. material for that train
alone is liable to cost-well all of a'
hundred dollars. But don't forget that
we folks of the histrionic art quite fre-'
quently speak in terms of stage mon-4
ey." Mrs. Huston remarked that the
amount of new and unique costumes
for the production is, however, to prove
one of the features of the success of
"The Awakcned Rameses."
Frederick B. Wright, archaeologist
and explorer, was the guest of Prof.
Kelsey yesterday, and visited the uni-
versity library and other' campus
buildings. Wright made a trip to the
Arctic regions with Dr. Cook, seven-
teen years ago; and later went across
Siberia studying glaciers with his
father, Rev. G. S. Wright, of Oberlin,
College. He is the editor of "Records
of the Past," an archaeological maga-
zine. He left last night to lecture in
That the play to be given by the
Deutscher Verein this year will be bet-:
ter than ever before is the enthusiastic!
announcement of the committee who
has charge of the matter. Several
plays are under consideration at the
present time and the selection will:
be made some time during the week
It is probable that a comedy will be1
chosen, as "Der Dummkopf," present-
ed last year, was so successfully receiv;1
Work on the new play will com-
mence immediately after the Christmas
holidays and it will be presented at
the Wl4tney Theater in the spring.
At a meeting of the senior men's
section held last night, H. R. Flowers
was elected President. to fill the va-
I cancy caused by the resignation of 0.
E. Fuelber, who was elected at the
beginning of the year.
as a rule,
work of re
etc., but to
thentic rep
state. W1
have repori
ter may co(
News Editc
specially! Detroit.
n oppor- Second Fischer Parti Comes Friday. -
nment to Fischer's expostion orchestra of FENCERS ARE CHALLENGEDa
e has al- Kalamazoo will give the second of their TO BVi r WITH ILLINOIS.
he revo- series of dances for this season next
'ecognize Friday evening at Granger's. At this At an enthusiastic meeting of the
nations function some of the J-Hop numbers Fencers' Club last night, Wednesdayj
s is done [for this year will be featured. This afternoon and Monday evening were
ill be es- party will 'be formal. set aside for class instruction while the;
Tickets may be procured by calling regular challenge bouts and tourna-
236 or 319. ments will take place only on Friday
. Glover.; - afternoons. Professors DeMuralt and
y auditor Commerce Club Plans for Smoker. Reighard will aid in initiating the new
)rganiza- Plans for a smoker to be held at the' men and Major Pack has consented to
the main Union next Tuesday night were made appear on Mondays. An invitation to
He will 'by the Commerce club at a meeting meet the University of Illinois with n.
nizations last evening. The club has also ar- three man foil team at the Illinois Ath-
g of ac- ranged to have Frederick B. Stevens, letic Club in Chicago on December 21
ay from ;the Detroit manufacturer, address was referred to the executive commit-
them some time next week. tee.
Prof. Trueblood's' class in Shakes- ;ciu
pearean reading gave a recital of Sher- etc.
idan's "School for Scandal," Monday bos
night in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, wil
and the manner of presentation was ma
superior even to the high standard of for
former years. Some of the ability wh
shown bordered on the professional, wil
and the attention of the large crowd bu(
present was closely held to the end. C
its May Consult Prof
sor Glover, university
itroller of student o
ow has his office in I
of University hall.
officers of these organ
ultation and auditing
on Monday and Frid
Shaw and Wife 'Return from Europe.
Mr. Wilfred Shaw, editor of the
Michigan Alumnus, will arrive in the
city this morning with his wife, on the
9:15 Michigan Central train, after a
wedding tour abroad since early last
summer. A telegram was received of
their landing in New York on the
George Washington.
2 to 4
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