r11 LlAN IL 10C A N ,I L BESSIMER'S GRILL - Charcoal .rilled Porterhouse Steaks, 113 W. Hu-I ron St., Upstairs, opposite Interurban station. 42 eod to 66 Patronize the new print shop, Davis and Ohlinger, Job Printers, 109 E. Washington Street. Bell Phone, 432-J. 18 eod tf * ildS *: :* * * * * * * * CLASSIFIED ADS. Advertising matter for this classified columnu must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op- posite the Majestic between the hours of 12 noon and 10 p. M., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time up to 9:30 p. m. These Ads bring Results. * * * * ! ' I , The Sign of TheTemple Denotes that there you will find High Class Motion Pictures I 8x a: Rosenberg dryclean suits. Have you seen those nobby blues at Milward's? Ta -r State St. Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. 12tf Kick-off (Un. Re 8xio U. of M. Fo 8xio Fielding H. esday and 01 ford 3u S. 39 tf 12tf * Creams city Store Phoxa* 270 L 1 l -m- -. | : 1i al MUSIC AND DRAMA' Piano Recital, The second of a series of .recitals given by the members of the faculty of the School of Music was presented last evening in Frieze Memorial Hall by Harrison Stevens, pianist' The past year Mr. Stevens spent in Berlin studying under Lhevinne, the Russian pianist, who appears on the Choral Union series this winter, and the broadening influences of such a master were apparent in Mr. Stevens' playing. His tone is large, broad, and powerful when the occasion demands; and limped, clear, and delicate in pianissimo passages. His interpreta- tion bespoke an intellectualt as well as technical study of the numbers. Uhauncey Olcott in "Macushla." Chauncey Olcott comes to the Whit- ney Theater on next Wednesday in his new play "Macushla," (Pulse of My Heart.) The play is from the pen of Rida Johnson Young, who, it will be remembered, wrote "Ragged Robin," in collaboration with Rita Olcott, as well as his last year's success, "Bally of Barrymore" and in these pieces estab- lished her claim as a clever writer of Irish plays. Mrs. Young in "Macush- la" has written a charming love ro-, mance of Ireland during the early part of the nineteenth century. She has grasped the spirit of that mad-cap in a masterly way, portraying the fox- hunting gentry with the skill of a Charles Lever, and in the leading role of the piece has given Mr. Olcott one of the best parts he has ever played. __ WANTED. Wanted-Second growth Hickory butts suitable for Automobile spokes. For further information call on or write W. C. Morrey, Mgr., Timber Depart- ment, Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Michigan. 49 to 73 FOR SALE. For Sale-Two Pasquali reserved seats Dec. 8. Phone 937. 54 LOST' Lost-A round gold belt pin, shaped like a buckle, between the Presby- terian church and Quarry's drug store Sunday noon. Finder please return to 602 E. Huron or call 1212-J 2r. 54' Lost-Silk watch fob with gold chain attached. Return to V. B. Tupper, New York State-club or call 201-L. Reward. 54 Films ChangcA Every Day Adnission 5c Admission 5c "Down Town" on So. Main ICleve-r First I ANN ARBOR'S BEST eYr .Pho HOUSE MOTION PICTURE 1 n P OST. Of Tr Lost-About November 23 or green Crocidolitem necktie campus ;or AWil1liam street. laer,a pin on Reward. 54 I CHU 0 " to be had Anywvhere e acknowledge no .y in every instance. Lost-On Saturday a $15 chemistry laboratory coupon on campus or Monroe street. P. Koontz on ticket. Finder please call 1262-J - at 724 Church. 54 Lost-Gold watch with Phi Beta Pi fob attached, on Huron street be- tween Fifth avenue and State street Reward. Call 1687-J Bell. 54-55 We have a large stock of "'Up-to- Date" Sheet Music, Pianos, and Musical Instruments of all kinds. Look them over before purchasing elsewhere. GRINNELL BROS. MUSIC HOUSE, 120-122 E. Liberty St. For the Dashing, Dar Come into the Store today an of the 'swellest line of college tog: eyes on. The real leaders among the young fellows of this town all we & Company When All Others Fail Buy WAD HAMS & cot W. J. Simonson. 50 tf T, & SCHAFFNER MARX Rosenberg presses Martin guitars-*and on earth, on sale at Son's Music House. suits-25 cents. 12tf mandolins, best Schaeberle & 29tf Overcoats,, Hats a Redman Collars Holeproof Hosiery Spalding Sw Barker Collars Interwoven Hosiery and Jerseys Wad2hams2 Cc S1 21-123 S. Main St. CLOTHES HERE UNIVERSITY NOTICES a"C Clothier, 217 5o. Main and Overca's $15.00 up Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres, 222 So. State St. 34 eod tf, V LET Business meeting of Commerce club in economics building tonight at 7:30. Meeting of both sections of Deutsch- er Verein tonight at 7:30 instead of Wednesday. Meeting of 1912 basketball candi- dates, Wednesday, 5 p. m., Trophy room. Ferris Institute students of Ann Ar- bor and Ypsilanti will hold a joint meeting in Webster Hall, third floor law building, Saturday evening, 7 o'clock sharp, December 9, 1911. All orations for the Peace Contest are due today at Prof. Trueblood's room, 302 U. H. "Awakened Rameses" committees will have their pictures taken at r1entschler's today at 12. The Chess and Checkers club will meet tonight at 7:15 at MeMillan hall. Meeting of the Gargoyle business staff Tuesday at 5 p. m. Sweaters cut over at the Royal, 209 E. Liberty. Rosenberg calls and delivers. Palmis 1-tf TYREY' Furnish the Ice Cream for1 Your Party I Cater To Clubs and Frats i Printing, Engraving, Embossing' sV'int Statunery, Two-fold Announce- ients or Card with Envelopes to match, ,enu and Dance Programs. See our new and up-to-date display room. Don't (et confused in the name and Pkace-Chas. F. Meyers, 215 S. Main St., 2nd Floor. Phone 281-L. Ann AWbur, Michigan. 12tf HAVE YOU BROUGHT IN THAT $2.00 FOR THE DAILY FOR THE BAL AXCE OF THE YEAR? M AJ E ST I C Musical Comed An' laHa ioneymfoon 10 - PEOPLE - 10 Ciris? Yes! Coming Thursday EXPOSiTION FOUR Or.at..t.of sical Acts sanen Goodyear's Dru ore 107 SOUTH MAIN S [REET We are Never Undersold The latgest and finest stock in the city. Everi thing you moy necd, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, etc. LABORATORY SUPPLIES such as MfCROSCOPICAL GOODS, DISECTING INSTRUMENTS ti , . W Yi' 1 i? V ./>,. G 'i3 I I I 'y -; , r f p I g For nice hot ch6colates and daily home made candles go to the A CHECKMA that bites and selected tender mid leaf over two years-pr only the measured pac A flavor and smoothne Pipe smoking with N proving that time only we would all have it- "Your IM your entire satisfaction- come here for Coat to the medium weilht dressy coat, :ERCOAT f< r motoring, we've Fabrics, ne, Varsity Tailor Liberty Street I Sugar Bowi 2 oz. Fins At Service will please you and every thing is clean Specialties on Saturday I I ,.. -- -r.---,,..-. ... .....s.... SforCollegeMen at Allen',