'or Slips at Union Yes.
neral Sale Dec. 11.
Rifle Club Secures Target Range
And New Equipment.
Regular practice of the Rifle Club
will begin the latter part of next week.
The club has again secured the target
range at McMillan hall, upon which im-
portant improvements are now being
'r _ .
no sig-.
An active campaign is planned for
the season, of which an augmented se-
ries of interclass contests will be an
important feature. Negotiations arE
also under way for a shoot with M. A
C., in addition to the regular inter-
collegiate shoot which is held in the
All persons interested in the work of
the club are requested to communi-
cate with President Roble, phone 1535-1
Daily Representative Finds Chi
Students Take That View.
That student sentiment at the
versity of Chicago is strongly in
of a game with Michigan, wh
Michigan maintains a training tab
not, was the one conclusion pre
ing itself to a representative of
Daily, who spent Thanksgiving or
campus of the Windy City institu
A prominent athlete when questi
as to his view of the training t
said, "I only wish we maintained
The Lord knows we need it."
General dissatisfaction at the e
ing athletic conditions may be h.
on all sides. "Why they're even
ing .to make a graduate school ou
the University," said a well known
roon,,campus celebrity.
"There are about 800 undergradu
at the University of Chicago, 50
whom are members of the fresh
class. This leaves only 300 mei
pick teams from and even part of t
are not eligible on account of t
e the Union management
ted the seat sale in its own
he facilities are not conven-
and it is thought that the
vill eliminate difficulties.
e obtained at any time dur-I
k up to Friday.
ral seat sale will begin
cember%11. Owing to the
nd for seats the manage-
opera has decreed that no
e changed. No money will
, and no seats will be held
Prof. Scott Speaks This Afternoon.
* Professor F. N. Scott, of the rheto-
ric department, will deliver a lecture!
on the "Genesis of Speech" this af-
ternoon in the south amphitheatre ofI
the psychological laboratory at 2
o'clock. The speech was originally
scheduled for last week but postponed
because Prof. Scott was unable to be
in the city.
Fancv Work and Home'
ed Goods Readv for
W C ( AB
Mme, Pasqt
LocalIv N
. Hr.. r
I, v~ u.r~,ua~ai r -.---
-Newberry is about to make a depart- Mie. Bernice de Pasquali will make
ure from the beaten track of the past her second appearance in Ann Arbor
For the first time since the establish- on Friday evening oC this week, when
she will give a song recital in Univer-
ment of the Y. M. C. A. at the univer- sity hall as the third concert of the
mittee ,
and sin
igan football
sity the members of the association are
o give a bazaar, in an effort to raise
$435 to meet their obligations.
The bazaar is planned on broad lines.
A stock of art stuff has arrived
from Japan which was ordered espec-
ially .for the event. At the Japanese
booth, the fancy-work section runs a
close second to the art work. The
women planned for this function in ad-j
vance and during the summer months
many skillful fingers manipulated lin-
ens and laces to the end of transform-
ing them into fussy jabeaux and what
Choral Union series. That it will be
one of the great events of the season
musically can be foretold with con-
fidence, for never has a singer won
a more sweeping ovation than was ac-
corded her first visit here last spring.
Since Madame Pasquali succeeded
Sambrich as the prima donna soprano
of the Metropolitan opera house, her'
successes have been continuous. Th-
season of 1910-11 was spent in concert
work with Scotti; this year, she, will
again sing at the opera, but has grant-
ed a few concert engagements in re-
sponse to insistent demands for re-
turn visits. Ann Arbor is of the for-
Tle program which Mme. PasqualiI
will present here is remarkable for
variety and interest. There are arias
of Mozart, Denizetti, and Rossini, a
group of German, one of American
and one of French songs, and some of
the classics of the 16th and 17th cen-
tury. Miss Ina Grange will play the
It i
this w
mas h
to be
not, that catch and entangle the fem-'
inine soul.
its. Among the medley of effects wrought'
a open out at the bazaar will be seen the
7:00 country booth. Here will be sold
Vater- pumpkin pies, whose recipe will not
rested be divulged; fried cakes, that for their,
at, this nicety are a veritable work of art; ap-
ple butter that required three days?
of 'continuous stirring in its making;
and all the wholesome foods that have
s Ot. achieved a fame for the good house-I
i filed wives who made them. The decora-
will i4
lected but at a late hour
was impossible to ascerta
of the other man.
Tuberculosis Society Lac
Because of the lack o
there was no meeting of t:
and Ann Arbor Anti-Tub
.ciety yesterday afternoon
for the meeting will be
Engineering Debater
A meeting of the debati
,rc- ,
tions are pumpkin yellow against a Graduates Recommended for Degrees.
background of cornstalk and sun- A regular meeting of the faculty of
boneted, ruddy maidens will be the the literary department was held last
saleswomen. night. The following graduates who
The bazaar will be held Thursday have completed requirements since
and Friday, December 7 and 8. June were recommended for degrees:+
1 l R W 0 'i fl1,.... l1...... l .o
le of the efficiency of the
sses with those of preced-
All students showing de-
A. BK .Bkr ooo lmoe lteegnei
ficiencies will be summoned before .tg society will b
the dean and an effort be made to at,- Soph Lits Feast at Union. C. V. Brown, Percy Donovan, Myron D. this evening in the society's rc
EMENT. certain the cause. Over seventy-five members of the Knapp, F. H. Miller, R. L. Moreland, 7 o'clock. The question to be c
soph lit class attended their first din- Nina L. Ransom, Arthur L. Smith, H. is, Resolved: That economics
>asement New Photos Not Demanded for Seniors, ner at the Michigan Union last even- T. Stock; B. S., L. E. Daniels. be substituted far the foreign la
on State Any photographs that conform to the 'ing. Guy Woolfolk, president of the course in the engineering depa
Vhile the standard of the Michiganensian will class who was to act as toastmaster, Discusses Self Government in Schools.
adway it be received by the editors from sen- was unable to attend on account of Self Government in Schools by the Faculty Club Adopts Constiti
e departs iors, upon the payment of the usual illness. When the plates were cleared Pupils was the subject of discussion at The Faculty Club will hold it
out the fee of $1.00. The pictures must be away, musical selections and toasts the meeting of the Educational Club meeting tomorrow afternoon at
ut a hole brought to the office before January 15 were given by several members of the last night. D. I. Frace, J. Hull, S. M in the west physics amphitheo
Le smoke class, and Mr. Plaisance, a member of Levin, and J. M. LeCato took part in which time a constitution v
roprietor Phoenix Club Banquets at Union. the faculty. the discussion. adopted. Prof. C. L. DeMuralt
ily noth- The Phoenix Club, which is compos- chairman of the constitution c
started ed of graduates of the Detroit Western Fresh Lits Postpone Dance. Population Question up for Discussion, tee.
furnace, High School, will give a dinner at the The Fresh Lit dance which was to "The Effect of the Increase of pop-
- Union tomorrow night. have been given 'at Barbour gym on ulation on Socialism and Anarchism" Math Profs Will Dine at I
night. . the afternoon of December 6 has been was the subject discussed at the meet- The local mathematical sociel
ng of the Pastor Speaks to College Women. postponed to December 16 from 1:30 ng of the Economics Society held last posed of members of the mathe
his even- "The Character You Have to Im- to 4:30. . The reason for the postpone- might in the Economics building. faculty of the university, will 1
y rooms part," is the subject of a lecture to be ment is that the hall could not be ob- ". at the Union tonight. After the
his time. given this .afternoon at 5 o'clock by tained for the former date. "Ike" Secretary Smith Visits Detroit. the society members will go to
ae medi- Dr. Samuel C. Black, pastor of the Col- Fischer will furnish the music and re- Secretary Smith was in Detroit yes- gineering building and hold a :
bmit its lingwood Avenue Presbyterian Church freshments will be served. The tick- terday on University business. He at which Professor Peter Fie
of Toledo, Ohio. ets will be 25 cents. , returned last night. be the principal speaker.