THE MICHIGAN DAILY ...._, .... Street TH I IlICHIGAN DAILY tution around which it behooves allI PLA Y Street ITING. LAW OUTLINES, TYPE SUPPLIES, TYPEWRITERS, econd hand?, for sale and rent. ). MORKILL LTL MORE LUNCH BELL .82-J Official Newspaper at the UniTersity of M~icigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year... MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert I. Dilley Editors. News Editor.........Harry Z. Folz Assistant...........'rank Pennell Athletic Editor ......F. E. Shaw, Jr. Assistant............G.- C. Eldredge Music and D.rama .... Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files ................ Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Walle W. Merritt Night Editors. Maurice Toulme Ernest Burton Loren Robinson Karl Matthews Reporters. John L. Cox Oscar Beckman C. Harold Hippler ....Robert Gillett Wallace Weber William Daugherty J. Selig Yellen. BUSINESS STAFF. Assistant to Mgr. ..Joseph Fouchard Advertising Mgr ... Elmer P. Grierson Circulation Mgr.....E. Ray Johnson C. H. Kleinstuck A. R. Johnson, Jr. OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. OFFICE HOURS: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. m., 10:30-11:30 p. m.; Bus- iness Manager, 1-5 p. m.. Both Phones 960. loyal undergraduates to rally. former years before the freshmen had forgotten the traditions of Michigan, the mass meeting before a football game was the rallying point for all classes. Here they buried their dif- ferences for the time being, forgot that class distinctions existed, and united to support the team in the proper manner. Freshmen were not molested at these gatherings because all realized that this was a time to forget every- thing else and stand behind the play- ers in one solid body. Friday. night the incoming class, hardly matriculated in the university, displayed poor taste by entering Uni- versity hall in a body and giving vent to its class -yell. Such an event has not occurred within the memory of the present upperclassmen and we have great hopes that the class of 1915 will realize its display of pettiness and refrain from future demonstrations of a like nature. Chasing seniors up trees is hardly less excusable. town Zallh We can't* say what we think about this Record-Herald sheet without starting a faculty. censorship. They ran the Wolverine athletic story bd- neath the Ypsi sport notes. Chained to the pole of the tent is Brute Pontius who wrought much hav- oc with a Buckeye line up yesterday. SOPHS FIND HAZING TOO TAME. Aggies Beat up Car Conductor in Poster Quarrel. LANSING, MICH., Oct. 7.-The haz- ing of the freshmen became too mon- otonous for the M. A. C. sophs last night and when a trolley car came along they attempted to put posters relating tontheannual rush in thecar. When the conductor objected the trol- ley was pulled off and as it was being put back the conductor was attacked' and beaten badly. The faculty will take actions m the affair and whole- sale expulsions may follow. In TextBs and Students' ,upplies for all depaitment . T(n of Second Hand Books Cheap- Engineers' Supplies All the best makes of inztruments, price $10 to $25 Many good second hand sets at -5 t,, $15 Every set Guaranteed. Fo'UVtMein Pens All the leading nakes including Waterman Ideal, Conklin's Self-filling, and "Wahr , Spt vial," the best $100 pen on earth. Loose Leaf Note Books, Shop Tools, Lab. Supplies, Etc., Etc. WAHR'S UNIVERTITY BOOKSTORES 316 So. State St. Maain St., Opp. Court House Pla'tinum Portra its Platinum Portra When You Desire Portraits of Quality Go to THE PHOTOGRAPHER , r the , Draw- Boards, 319 E. Huron Phone 961-L Plamtinum Platinum Portraits U Trojanowski HIAIRDESSER sing, Manicuring and assage. cooing a Specialty. ty Bell 696-W Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- versity. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1911. Night Editor-Maurice Toulme. We Do French Dry and Steam C PRESSING .nd REPA Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75c FULLER & O'CON NOR Tailors 619 Ann Arbor Callag hen(E-. COM 340 S. State St. Opposite Law B Law Booki New and Second-Hand Old Books-Taken in Exchange-Ne Callaghan (L Con Opposite,,Door of LawvvBl3dg. Next to CLOTHES BY HAND OVERCOATS PRESSED 28c TATE STREET lusic Every Day "Our Alma Mater.r Did you miss the "Yellow and Blue" at the game yesterday? Many did. You should have if you did not. Con- trary to the time honored custom, the new song, "Varsity," was played be- tween the halves.. We are proud of it; it is stirring. It will be one of Michigan's most popular songs. But the "Yellow and Blue" is more than a song; it is the voice of thous- ands of alumni joining us in proudly proclaiming our love for our Alma Mater. We unconsciously bare our heads and with the surge of the mu- ic, the same feeling thrills use which for years has inspired and urged oi the men of Michigan to victory. ........... Tear this out, fill it in mail to. the Mcia R WEEKS $3.50 --_--_ 1-11 216 S. INGALLS ST A.R DILLEY, Buisness Manager Enter my name as a subscriber to THE MICHIGAN D ILY for the collet year 191141912. Price $2.50 if paid before Dec.15 or $3.00 thereafter. Name------------------------------- Address ---------------------------- ICO Fresh Fresh. Michigan stands for bigger things than class rivalry. The big ideas and the spirit of the university which have been handed down from classes long since forgotten are mountains in size compared to underclass differences. Michigan's athletics are one of these. This is essentially a university insti- tor With the first issue for 1911.1912 THE MICHICAN DAILY becmea a six column paper. issue is typical of those that are to come. The management believes that this enlargement and imps ment of the paper merits a large increase in circulation which is necessary if this larger and b paper is to succeed. If you want to subscribe, mail this blank today. This " " 0 r rrr. 0 A MONTH d. Dry & Steam Cleaning i 925 N. University Ave. \' WACNER & CO. Announce their Fall and W for men. The line is high grade and elusive patterns in suitings at $30.0 dressy. effects in Overcoat nga. inter line of Woolens comprises many ex- 0 and up. New and 303-305 S. State St. tend A Limited Number of 's to sell Choral Union Tickets 10 Star Concerts_$3.00 - - Oct. 20 FLON ZALEYS - Jan. 22 - - Nov. 17 LHEVINNE - - Feb. 18 - - Dec. 8 MAY-MUSIC FESTIVAL-4 Days 5 Concerts Bri ng written reterenec sSgn( hy responsiiic party INQUIRE AT rsity School of Music Charles A. Sink, Secretary ~ Billiards is a fine game, ask those who play. You need some recreation and what is Van Doren's Pharm acy 703 PACKARD STREET Drugs, Candies, Soda Supplies, Cigars and Students' Supplies We make the best chocolate, soda in town. Drop in on your way to Perry Field. A.G.SPA L.DIS The Spalding Tra-, g TRADE Is known throughout the world as a Qqsaeaity . A..0. SPALDI 254 Woodward Ave. NG &BROS DETROIT UNITED LIr are the largest manu- facturers in the world Between Detroit, Ann Arbor of OFFICIAL EQUIP Jackson MIENT,forali athletic sports and pastimes. If you are interested Detroit Limnited-8:13 a. M., 10:13 a. m. in athletic Sport you p.m.. 2:13 p. 1m.4:13 p. m., 6:13 p. m., 8:13 should have a copy of Kalamazoo Limited - 7:46 a. in 9:46 shouUihctc a crn.' 11:46 a. mn 1:46 p, im., 3: 46 p. mn., 5:46 the Spalding Cata-j Lansing 7:46 p. m . logue. It's a complete Local Cars East Bound-1o Detroit, 5 encyclopedia of m., 6:45 a. m., and every two hours to What's New in Sport p.m. To Ypsilanti,5:45 a. m. and half and is sent free on re- t Q tol1:15 p. i., also 12:15 a. m., 12:30a 12.50 a. mn. To Saline, change at Ypsil quest. N0 10. BROS. Local Cars West Bound--5:40 a. m., 7 Detroit Mich im., and every two hours to 11:15 p m. 1iy better than this? HUSTON BROS. TON EAST RANDALL & PACK, Photographers