4UI G N RM i New Whil (Continued froin page 1.) 1 5itrctnot that of the university, is There is too mnifest anl ambition to ' usurp the functions of the university 01F 1 i i , i e d t e i e w r s i reshm en" in its H and-B3ook, p. 72: "t o Ann Arbor early and come to Y. AT. C. A. headnur:rter: for informa- tion. Dh o.; bother the Inil-ersity ofli- SChulS 1¢unfn eZei1,y 71Tey ar'e busy. ;We like to be bothered." There is stronb feelin~g fremtently exp"res sed,l that it is unwise for the university to enc(ourage the Y. Al. C. A.'s assumpT- tion~ of these du-ties, and student iiem- bers of the Michignn Union have al- 0. ready declared their initenltion to pub-j - lish. the Hand-Hook hcreafter. , We.observe no improvem;.ent in the 4MUSIC AND DRAMA Ri "Ii SIens ,welfare of the students now, as com- , i e i h t e f r e a s h nhad the U niver s'ity S. C. A., at all com - mnensurate with the differcee in et- peuditure. One of the former members ci the latter b"oard said recently that h budget did not c,eed at any tint( 1,700,00,-1ess than one-eighthi of the Y. M1. C. A. budget. It has been said that theo studt'ts contribution amounClits onz i a verage ,to $3.00 each,-a totl of circa $4,500, or more than three timdes the total expense formewrly, and some of those students comlain of their inability to buy text-hooksq. They sa ,y they are ashamfed not to contribute when they arc told what is "usually done. ' N(_-. we aro thlre-atened by thle Y. M. C. A. as a competitor in the function : of' t2MhinUnion. We, have beefn hopi.; that the Union wmind prove iN fact, as woell as in name, a ceniter W'ound which, and in WOih a" cs'' n and alumni interests would unite. 11t should embrace all the associations, Athletic, present Union, Literary As- sociations, and also the R;eligious Asso- ciation, etc., together with the Mlichi- gan Daily. All interests should be con- stituent parts and make up its interests as awhole. But we are threatened now with the divisive force of this Y. M. C. A., a branch of an organization, p~owerful, and resourceful in miethods and means. It has served due notice of its inte ntion to erect a building of its owns at a cost of~ $200,000 to $300,000x. That means a divided university sentiment for all time to C'one, a potential troubler in our midst, whose strength and nude- sired influence in the future wve can- not now measure or foresee. Chauincey QIOtt% Dc. 6. Four songs which will be whistled and sung in all parts of town the next E j ay after his first appearance here, arer introduced by Chauncey Olcott during the action of his new play "Macuhla" at the Whitney Theater. The titles are "Macushla," "With the Twinle in Her Eye," "The Girl I Call fy Sweet- heart Must Look Like You," and "Good' Bye My Emerald Land."- "'11he Girl From Rector's." "The Girl From Rector's" that is to be produced at the New WAhitney Thea- ter on Thursday, December 7, receiv-; ed, the following notice from the Free Press: "The worst that can be said of 'The Girl From Rector's,' is that it is' a 'ripping good play, one that is calcu- lated to drive dull care away and at the same time impart a little informa- tion to those who might not be .ac- quainted with the ways of the Great j White Wt~ay. The engagement h~ri for' one night only. Seats are now o sale at the box office.- FIFTEEN YEARS AG~O TODAY. A giant mass meeing wa held to encourage the speakers who were to; represent the university in the annual debati with Chicago, The football season closed with the 1 Athletic Association $421 in debt. Th' Chigago Alumni association loane $300 to meet the defiit. 'lWi~NYYEARS AO 'Z'elAY Alonzo A, Stagg, who was reported to have accepted the position of phys- ical director. at the new university at99 Chicago, has decided to accet the offer of the Yale management' to: become Professor of Athletics there., I)EAN RATES SPEAKS ON 'PFE M[11' AIQNS OF LA WYER"" Dean H-. M. Bates lectured before an open meeting of the W~ebster society last evening at Webster Hall in the law buildidg. His subject was "The Temptations of the Lawyer," Some of the material for the lecture was taken from the dean's personal experience. Over two hundred and fifty attended the meeting. IUNIVERSITY NOTICES Meeting of Cosmopolitan club this evening at 7:30 o'cloick, room 107 north wing University Hiall. Alpha Nu-Meeting at 7:30 tonight, Alpha Nu rooms. /r One way of increasing your salary without: striking the boss for a raise is to make your dollars buy more. Night: Matinee 4 Y PRICES :.35c, 450c, r The~ Rexall Dru Have you found it? It is Mire in Ar We sell lots of Rex all just as they do in every REX ALL SIGNIFIES QUAL THE BROWN DRUG E. C. EDSILL, Prop. 122 S. Main St. The Rexall Store Pre Mediree, MigNht, Sadurde,: A. H. WOODS suggests' an eveningj Laughing Sensation of the I TIME 1 20 Weeks %x][R1 16 W IN THE- os . Ida 20 W OrAqI. New' Wvith an All-Star ,:,T:: Talk about the day's events Two Brings the Michiga door for the rest of IOnly 50 cents - Uvs 10 ty CONFIINS, CIGARSI CGO4RTTS, PIPES its for B- -B Pipesn It is for reasons such as these that the head of one departm('ent says: "Hands off the university," and another ,Let it depart from our presence," sen- timents that have been echoed by Imany, and by the brightest and best minds in the university. ILet thema resolve themselves into a 'University Religious .Association., re- strict their activities, correct their Designers of AI c~ will try and- VCRsC y..u all and give you the very best satisfaction. LARGE LINE OF CLASS PIPES .. JO0LLY. )8 S. State Street, AnnArbov, Mich. flOODY Corns, bui~ions, ingrowin': nis. r and u ed eptic. office hour s.P0-1' a nm. 1-5and 7ich-4 p r MISS E. J.. FOLEY 921° E. Huron Street, End North 12th 31 cks East of Highi School . phone 9899"J manners, become genuinely' interested in the state university and its members and the churchesi of our city and I ven- ture to say that they wvill find in many of their present critics hearty well- -wishers, financial as wvell as moral sup- Yours truly, JAMES A. CRAIG. Dr. Hllsdale Returns Home. Dr. W1. B. Hinsdale, dean of the Homy- copathic department, returned yester- d'ay from Bay City where he spent Thnsgvn with his son, Dr. A. L IHinsdale. English Cuts IHENRY& co. 711 ililpaid Subscrip1 Are Due Dcel If you subscribed at ginning of the ye haive not paid your si tion you must pay Ilec ' anopport unity: The Weair U-Well Branch Maratlion The Best GUARANTEED Hoscu on the Market. 15 c a pair; two pairs for 25c; six pairs in a box, 75c. Colors, Navy and Black We hav-e sold thi' hose for several seasons, aid findl it. to give thl e vey, beznt of Kati-faction. Try a, box of i hese at e and convince N ourself of it~s mritHs. r I I ,i ; as lf i ,'i'! lr . , ' T. ' l i ' I a i l I III lliil l I I eity ,31Il theprodct of Its own facetories direct to you. 'o middle profitswhatiever is ex a cted,. Men's standard Goodyear WNelit shoes of the sam11e quaityad style that fcost yollreglarily3.0,$35 and iir 4.00 atheWT.\ llare $1.9S,'$2.485nd l$j2.9S., in yourI YOU a line of the best, fitting union undlerWear oan the Market. are made-to fit all men, no matter whether lie be Q fl U~tS tout or slender, short or tall.,The outline of the e garments are symmetrical even to the a bag. t he cuffs and a-rklets are a, continuous darn, be-ing kuittt.(l to thl,, away with the heavy am n moSt unecomfortabl c ridgo s, s0o noticeab in apcd in knitting-, with amilitary slope, assuarung-apc rec ft hJ.atlthat point. us explain to y ou the advantage, of a VASSAR UNION SUIT. One dollar and two cents saved on ever pair. Dlollars are haird to make-don't spend Your slioe dollrs wvithout see Ing whnt Weo ffer you