mean that are P'ublshed every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. .. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. MANAGIMG EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albi rt R. Dilley .7 McGee k Ryau t Gillett Hippler present lot, which we regard as far better than that of the schools within we desire and do not have does not the conference, circumscribed as they are by harsh and narrow rulings. The f.ct that we hope for a future rear- rangement that will enable us to seek the most desirable athletic antagonists without restraint, does not mean that we are at present dissatisfied. We have found favorable alliances to the eastward, and we have not had to trav- el farther to get them than we would to reach many of the conference breth- ren. We have resumed athletic rela- tions with Cornell in all branches of sport and we were in the habit of meeting the Ithacans before there was a University of Chicago. Finer sports- men than the Ithacans we have never met. We have found many pleasant rivals. The universities about us have risen to an athletic prowess fully as great, if not greater, than that of many of the conference schools. Michigan has been well classified as a middle eastern uiiversity. While the majority of our alumni are located in the west a line drawn north and south through Ann Arbor finds as maiy students resident east as west of it. Normally Michigan should play schools both east and west and we de- sire athletic relations with both. W( look forward to a time when prejudices will have died down, false barriers low ered, and we may meet the strongest in the west as well as the strongest in the east in all branches of sport. We remember many pleasant contests with Minnesota on the gridiron, with Chi- cago on the gridiron, track, and dia- mond, with Illinois on the diamond and with Wisconsin on the football hield. We hope for more in the days to come when jealousies will have been forgotten. The conference, originally Michi- gan's creature, organized at Michigan's instance and according to Michigan's plans has, especially during the past year, strayed far from what Michigan believes in, in the regulation of sport. Regulations have been pas'sed and now exist in that body which make athletic relations with the members of that body impossible. Michigan has no de- sire to give up her eastern alliances. She will not do it. She cannot return Pta.tin -It is a this M ichil lit, V. irierso:: Fohnso a Smith fol lands d S arm- ig Editor, n.; Bus- .,I S. W. no desire to return i governing body be cc We will watch the , 1911. ference representat great interest. If P inson' to leave the confer( witb All members of both staffs of The Daily will dine at the Union club house this evening at 6 o'clock. Michigan and the Conference. In addressing the student body at the University of Minnesota Dr. Will- iams of that institution is reported to have stated that Michigan is dissatis- fied out of the conference and finds her present athletic situation unsatisfac- tory. The western press in general takes a similar attitude raouarly por- traying the Wolverines- as shut out trom, or as having shut thmselves away from, the western athletic pud- ding. Such a view is far from accu- rate. Michigan is not discontented with present arrangements. The fact that there ai~e yet athletic relations which us she will be welcome. nesota is proceeding to se portunity for Michigan's rE western fold under the imp Michigan is ready and an: sert the east and devote h to western athletics exclus making a mistake. Mn- .op- I'', Leaves School for Political Campaign. Peter A. Miller, '13 lit, has with- drawn from the university, and is now actively engaged in campaigning for Senator LaFollette and the progres- sive party. Mr. Miller has charge of the organization work in Washtenaw county and is acting in conjunction with alumni all over the state. In the near future he will start out on a stump tour throughout the state and westward in behalf of progressive re- publicanism. Full Line at Buy your Chapman' 20,% So ._ _______ s The new thing in the Englk. Slip-On 'is the Raglan Shoulder. , and Park St theatre, shopping is district 11 hall-has grand rden. . to 12:30 A. M. Private Balh WAGNgER &; CO. *n.e ghi.ta..shoe -I--- - AN y and up per Stop Sneezige Did ypu catch cold Saturda) ? We carry acomplete line of all the good cold cures, and Cough Syrups at the right Prices. Don't forget to stop at VanDoren's Pharmacy 703 PACKARD STREET HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. There is a difference in bil- liard tables. When you play on a Bruswick-Balke you know it is the best. We have no other make. ItI you are no.t gettingi your t AILY regularly, a postal card to t te Business Man- ager will start somnething HAVE YOUR CLOTHES HALL BROT HER Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 75c LADIE5OARMENTS OUR SPECIALTY. TRY US IAT uller Proprietor HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. 'p K SANDALL & PA CK, Photographers