C 1 rgan x1 1 *1 . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1911 1,! Y. M. C. A. ruins. Hence- id ideas were opuiar Y. M. s transferred Vork. 'ganization is o that of thej o-educational A. is an't-co- 1 and women FCCd jllJ)A (VY VV :J)3ice ~ M~i II 4 /N,2EC l\ IS MOST PERFECT FRESHIA N. C. A. Berge Has Best Chart Among First Year Men Examined. Of the eight hundred freshmen re- cently examined by Dr. May, there is MINE NOT one whom the doctor says approaches nearer to physical perfection than any I of the others. C. A. Berge, of Nebraska, i3 the man whose physical condition, as found by the doctor and shown on the Gophers V\ Anthropometric chart, deserves the a side by side in the same class- and-so far as we can observe rofit to both. The Y. M. C. A. Y. W.C. A. must sing, and pray, ,eive their moral and religious tion apart In that it is oppos- "iM i l cr _ws__N_ R' e church system also. hold that it is of ital impor- hat the students maintain their ship in, or affiliation with, the RADICAL REFORMS s, be regular attendants upon vices, active in their activitiesK E uting to their support to the ex- ME E A their ability. We hold that no neans exists for their moral and s development and that this In Lecture, !M. Lanson Points1 o'supplementing from without. Out Changes in France other hand, we hear frequentlyg hts who were church members Since Prussian War longer attend "because as, they y go to the Y. ?ff. C. A." Many SPE.AKER TEN DERIA RECEPTION. L, we are told by the students ves, do not continue to go to "The France of today is a vastly dif- A. C. A. after the freshman and ferent country than that of forty years ore years. What happens wher ago," said M. Gustave Lanson of the ve college and the early church University of Paris, in an address at distinction. On this chart, which was invented by Are Not Influe Dr. May and first used by him, it is' ian Situaton possible to get at the Approximate condition of a person and does not STIENTS IKE consist of mere measurements. ;'r'it C~iv : " i'tBer-e's measurements are ex- They Control Ath"eti cellent even to his lung capacity, the1 T hat Micidgan be thing that put him above his nearest o e competitors. In fact, the next highest A F man was bigger in every respect than (By Fra Berge but fell down on that important. measurement. The red line on th;, MINNEAPOLIS, Al HONOR SOCIETIES= m r:":: ;"2F chart of Berg;e nearly corresponds to (Special). From the the other chart until it gets to lung ca- here there will be i Faculty and Student Sentiment pacyity*hen it branches off several conference meeting squares to the left and goes far out of:% itMneoas Seems Opoosed to Abolish- the "Excellent" column. uw, if Minnesota is ment of Organizations Berge's measurements are as fol- touch off the fuse. lows: height, 69.7 in.; weight, 170 lbs.; on the part of the P HONORARY SOCIETIES JUSPTIFIED. chest expanded, 41.6 in.; chest that approaches ap; I_ not, as a matter flilt with the' past. It has been this in my pres- rs and by some been reluctant to -ry way, and has on, we have been e Student Guilds rmal way. This it was said, "the is"-more mater- aed e object to the habitual vulgarities exaggerations, and self-laudatory nendations, of its advertising Lds. It is difficult to avoid the easant conclusion that in purpose, sll as in result, they are quite mis-} ng. What, for example, could be' revoltingly vulgar than the re- advertisement in the University of3 igan Daily of a professor's ad- , with its not "caring a plugged el for religion" and its advice to another pill?" What more un-' than the advertisement of "spe- preparation" (of a certain student) [ebrew for the work at Busrah, Sarah Caswell Angell Hall last even,. ing "The period of reconstruction from the Franco-Prussian war until the present time has been one of radi- cal reforms, especially along the lines of legislative matters, education, fi- nance, the relation of the church and the state, the new military defense and of building up of a great colonial em- pire. "A great factor in France's intellec- tual strength is the fact that she has formulated and taught many ideas which have been adopted by all the nations." M. Lanson also explained how the workings of past history have influ- enced the growth of modern France. A large audience listened to his talk, which was delivered in French, M. Lanson is being entertained at the residence of Prof. H. P. Thieme. The members of the French faculty tender- ed him a reception after the lecture at Prof. Thieme's home. STUI)ENT BURNS TO DEATH. Oregon University Football Player Meets Herribe End in Flames. contracted, 36 in.; right arm down, 12.21 in.; right arm up, 13.1 in.; right fore- That hlonorary as 'well as honor so- '. arm, 11 in.; left arm down, 12 in.; left cieties are established institutions, and arm up, 13 in.; left forearm, 10.9 in.; that their right to exist should not be right thigh, 23.3 in.; right calf 15.7 in.; seriously questioned, is the general left thigh, 22.5 in.; left calf 15.2 in.; trend of campus opinion. The com- lung capacity, 265 cubic inches. munication published in yesterday's _ columns of the Daily, advocating the LAW l)EPAtRTMENT ChANGES submission of the problem of campus TIIME FOR RENOVINI "CONS." societies to popular student vote, is not meeting with decided favor among "Near-Flunks" Can Only be Removed either faculty or students. at Time of Regular Final Ex- "It would be interesting to canvass ams; Affects Prospects the student sentiment concerning hon- of Athletes, or and honorary societies," said Prof.' A. C. Canfield, president of the local Regulations have just been adopted chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the liter- by the faculty of the law department, ary honor society. "However, the real which are in keeping with the present student body is ready fight to the last ditch division in the sentimc graduates, however, t the question of the s i- rule. At one time, th in support of the aboli ing but lately a powerf the existing regulation Michigan would not with the Gophers sho let down in this respec There has not been a meeting or a mass m the old favorite "I wai solution hardly' lies in the hands of students. I befleve that honorary soci-I eties are justifiable." "The attack on campus societies, contained in the Daily communication,! seems uncalled for to me," said Fran- cis T. Letchfield, '12 eng., local head of Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honor society. "However, there is little; doubt but what the campus is over organized in regard to honorary socie- ties."? "Scholarship should surely be re- warded," said Prof. T. E. Rankin. "One laudable means of accomplishing this end is to encourage honor societies. I also believe that honorary societies are appeared not once but twice in praise-worthy inasmuch as they re-. blic prints when the student in EUGENE, ORE., Dec. 1.-Virgil No- . ard ability other than that displayed n had barely learned the alpha- land, a freshman, left guard on the in the class room." o corrections were made. University of Oregon football team, Registrar A. G. Hail, in an interview "alien" institution assumes the was burned to death in an electric last evening, expressed himself as D interfere in the life and work bathrobe Wednesday. heartily in favor of both. honor and' students, teach, guide, and in- Noland, who played in Saturday's hinorary organizations. "It would seem those who have come to us game against Washington, had com- to me," said Registrar Hall, "that hon- istinctly academic and profes- plained of a few bruises and some or socities, especially, are of such long, ends in view. We deny its com- rheuiatic trouble and he was trying standing that any attempt to abolishI as well as its right to under- the apparatus, believing that electrical them would be useless." ose important roles among iour currents ,iht at east help h' rheu- Jerry Collins, '12 eng., stated that s. . matism. both types of societies supply a laud- nounces some half-hu.ndred dif- A little b-ore 5 o'clock, his room- able incentive for work in their re- activities!" Such a variety of at- i-mate was in the room and he was then spective felds. e distractions is surely Enough, lying on the bed with a bathrobe "Honorary societies are perfectly were nothing more, to condemn around him and apparently asleep. justifiable," said Matthew Bish, '11 are not surprised that two of Shortly after u: O the odor of burning eng. "However, it would seem to me .cipal workers last year, accord- cloth was detected in the house. When that the campus is over-loaded with one professor, failed in exami- the inmates of the chapter louse enter- societies of the honorary brand." and that the leader of the "Bi- ed the room the bed was ablaze. sses" got his credit in a univer- The fla1E were extinguished imme- We Will Eat. est policy of raising the standard of schol- feel. arship in the department. The first. Prof. Paige, the confer decided change is in the time for tak- sentative, issued the follo, ing special examinations for the re- interview this evening wl moval of conditions. Acording to the expresses the attitude of th present ruling, "con" exams may be "The legislation Minnesd taken only at the time of the next reg- gest to the conference will ular examination in the subject. They moral and ethical basis, fo may be removed, however, by exami- reason and common sense , nations in September, the week before be formed with a view ei I school begins. Although this ruling Michigan situation or in t was made to affect the general body local selfishness. If the of students, and not against any par- was now as originally co ticular class, athletics will be the same legislation would be hardest hit, for now baseball and track Signed JAME men, if they draw a condition the firs.t There is but one hope he semester, will be inable to participate lies in the fact that the st in athletics the rest of that year. Sen- the balance of power on t iors and probably the senior lit-law control and may refuse tc men will be permitted to remove their schedule dealt out by the conditions by taking special exams im- if it does not include a Mic mediately after the spring recess, and Students, alumni and town f thus may be able to receive their di- to meet the Wolverines. plomas in June. It is intended by these regulations Sorority Holds Con}' r.ot to burden the men who receive con- The local chapter of the ditions, by giving them the added work pa Gamma sorority are cf preparing for ®a "con" exam, but thirty visitors this rather to allow them to prepare for Last evening, an informal these exams when not already busy ty was tendered the guests with school werk. ter house. The conventic In addition to the above regulations. tinue until Sunday. a ruling was also made providiifg that all special students must have made Sphinx Initiates F up all entrance re4uirements before Five junior lits were 1 their second year in the department, in Sphinx, the class society, order to become candidates for a de- balming held last night. gree. phytes were: "Rip" For Foote, "Walt" Hill, "Nick eeting sity biblical literature course after diately and physicians arrived within The staff' of the Michigan Daily will SENIORS ARE SLOW TO GET and "Walt" Staebler. red a much hesitation, and then, as by an a few minuo"s, but Noland was dead. banquet at the Michigan Union tonight. PICTURES FOR YEAR BOOK, titude act of grace, that only an hour ago a His body was rightfully burned. It will be the first of a series of five delphi Banqueted at L mally professor said, "I am constantly hav- dinnrs that have been arranged for Not more than a dozen seniors have Forty-five plates were laic "It ing trouble with students active in that Big Braves WNll Iii-t. the year. so far reported at the photographers' 54th annual dinner of the Ad it you work!" "An athlete may not play if he The tribe of Michigamus hits the _ ____galleries for graduation pictures, and ciety which was held at the U com- has a "condition," but a worker in the trail W hitmore lakeward this morn- Hold "J. Hop" Today. editor Hloover of the 1912 Michiganen- night. E. G. Kemp presided ignif- outside "attractions" of the Y. M. C. A. ing on its annual rabbit hunt. Old hun- The miniature "J. Hop" to be given sian is anxious at the delay. master and Rowland Fixel >f the may continue to work there without ters claim that this has been a won- by the junior its will be held this af- "January 15 is the time limit for the Drill, Arnold Eggerth, Pete penalty. derfully prosperou yer?or the Wash- ternoon at Barbour gymnasium from sittings of pictures for this year's an- Anthony Barrett and B. I. t was When the pastor of the Baptist Stu- tenaw county bunny .family and the 2 to 5. Refreshments will be served nual and there threatens to be a big sponded to foasts. The ban years dent Guild proposed that the Y. M. C. slaughter is 'xp A to b heavy. Re- after the dance. pile-up of work' for the picture men in charge of Karl Mohr, Ar ssoci- A. with the guilds should emphasize turn will be made to tIe wigwam in__ 5: the last few days," he said yesterday. gerth and John Henton. y, the' first, as they do at Chicago, the uni- the evening over the Ann arbor rail- " ;iohnlinie" Garrels Ill. "It would facilitate matters greatly at lated" versity courses, the Y. M. C. A. vigor- roa'd. "Johnnie" Garrels, '07 E, who von our end of the line, i, the prospective First Assembly Held Last New- ously objected. "Mr. T. does not think his "M" in track and football, is ill with graduates would show a little mere Over seventy couples atte With it is for him to advertise the university Students at the University of Mon- appendicitis and may be forced to sub- promptness, and undoubtedly would first Assembly party which :o the courses," said one of their offihials last tana have petitioned the faculty for mit to an operation. His brother Allan save them a lot, of delay at the last last night at Granger's Acad. >f-the year. This shows that the Y. M. C. A, one extra week of vacation at Christ- Garrels, '14 E, won his "M" this year in moment if they would start getting in eral of the fraternities entert alien, (Continued on Page 4.) mas time. football. line now." of town guests. i i,