n page 0. ters and Y. MA. C. Li to please note organization among faculty not "planning the miancing g of a private gymnasium ise." Of course, we reserve do so at any time if we see fact is that we thoroughly importance of our cooper- .he greater Michigan Union far from doing anything conflict with the Union, we all that is in our power to atter. W~e endeavored at accomodations in the pres- building. Thiis was abso- sible. W~e then decided to best thing and we are, now range for quarters in this building, even though this neans that wve shall live in 4uarters until the new Un- is finished. The fact that who is prominent in the iour committee of organ- id alone suffice to indicate "Then as to the defense that sever- al local churches have not been inter- fered with by the Y. M. C. A.'s work as shown by the increased attendancej during the last few years. I know this is in no way due to the Y. M. C. A. but to the strength and personal efforts of the ministers who have occupied the, pulpits of the Congregational church, which was one of the churches men- tioned .particularly. I refer to Rev- erend C. S. Patton, who was here until a year ago. "But this is too short a space for ne to treat the matter as it should be treated. You can expect a more de- tailed account later." I * * * * * * * * 3 * I* * * ; * CLASSIFIED ADS. Advertising matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op. posite the majestic between tihe hours of 12 noon and 10 p. mn., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time-up to 09:3) p. Mu. TheJlse Ads bring Results. *' *I * *{ *: L6 1 'h British b)uit9 FOR SAlLE naintain the closest ith the Union. urs very truly, C. L. de MURALT. e above communica- aculty member when night, said, "There i the replies offered e probable stand of in regard to these instance, the 'incon- 'alust a certain por- y. The faculty 'club cannot be compared other project. The 11l be, a purely uni- on; the Y. AL C. A. Wholly alien in ori-I lIs to the University forms no past of it. rted presumption to buon the same level A. 'CALENDAR b m~eeting at 4, Tap- " at Barbour Gym 2. 1LL For Sale-Duebills on a leading Now York Hotel. See the Business Man- ager between 1 and 2 p. m. eod tf WANTED. Wanted-Second growth Hickory butts suitable for Automobile spokes. For further information call on or write W. C. Morrey, Mgr., Timber Depart- iient, Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Michigan. 49 to 72 LOST Lost--A Waterman self-filling foun- tain pen without cap, on campus or 1. University. Reward. Phone 1500 J. 49-50-51 FOR RENTU. Rent-Two suites all modern conven- iences. Rent reasonable. Call 822 Arch St. or Phone 1791. 50-51-52 FOR SAILE. F~or Sale-Good dress suit at reasona- ble price. 42,1 E. Univ. Ave. Bell Phone 993-L. 50-51 1 . f - You'll need a T2 the best now an college FUELBERI 310 S. State St. 1~s SENI, a] Rosenberg presses suits-25 Rosenberg calls and delivers. cents. 12 tf Party at New berry 12tf addresses Men's H all at 6 :310 on 1 -"School of Scandal" reading hakespeare class at Sarah Cas- Angell Hall at 8 o'clock. Piano Recital by Harrison A. is, School of Music, 8 o'clock. -Soph Lit class dinner at Un- Martin guitars and mandolins, best on earth, on sale at Schaeberle & Son's Music House, 29tf Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. l2tf Sweaters cut over at the Palalu Royal, 209 E. Liberty. 1-tf HAVE YOU BROUGHT IN THAT $2.00 FOR THE DRILY FOR THE BAIL A1NCE OF THE YEAR? lass dinner at Uin- c. 7.-Faculty Concert at High ;drool Auditorium at 8 o'clock. c. 7, S.-Y. WV. C. A. Bazaar at 'Newv- cerry Hall. c. .-Senior Law Class Dinner at lnion. c. 8.-Bernice de Pasquali, Choral inion Series, University Hall at 8{ 'clock. . .-Kentucky Club Smoker at Un-E c. 8.--Dr. Cross addresses ',omen . 13-16.--"The Awvakened Ramneses," Rosenberg dryclean suits. Have you seen those hobby blues at Milward's? TW~ew State St. 12tf Ox for~d Wou S. 19 tf YOU ARE NOT REALLY IN THE UNIVERSITY UNLESS YOU ARE REAtDING THE DAILY EVERY MORNING. GET IT THE BALANCE 01F THE YEAR FOR $2.00. Rosenberg drycleans sweaters. 12t_ L T 'ERK FREEZEI Schumacher"s Hardware will furnish you with a pair of States, and you caii skate. ,ot Peck & Snyder Skates 50851031260" ftMaimt 11 I!Illi'I I!I:Il;li lll ;': W. AC, Bath Robes and Dressing Gowns Imported Patterns $4.00 to $12.00 V. moove 'Yo~ur Inspectiln.Invited IIKER &, COMPA bc ______ _____ Furn TIN fishers and i LNY and William Sts., latters Cor. S. State St. a Full Two Ounce Tins 5 I sG(