higan Jai T ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1911. YOUNGSTERS SHOW FRENCH EDUCATOR STATE GOVERNORS.SUPPORT YO NGSERS SHRENEWAL OF ATHLETIC TiE. --- - -I i Ai. STURDY PHYSIQUEj LECTURES TONIGHT Gpher overnor is ersto Conference, However. I 'I Dr. G. A. Mav Finds Entering Gustave Lanson, U To-ate (Special to The Michigan Daily.) Class Better Developed Professor, to Spoak on "The ; DETROIT, MICH., Nov. 30.-Govern- I han Last Year's France of Today" 1T or Eberhardt ofMinnesota and Govern- or Osborn of Michigan, who spent the AVERAGE IS IRO M 7,0t EXAMINE LE('TURE IS FREE TO PUBLIC. day ht Detroit together with the other; western state executives, expressed That the averae frshman this year M. Gustave Lanson of the University their opinions concerning the much . or., - ricn ce~l ncm~ fin f hlni i n y . LV 0145-1 il hold has a more perfectly developed anato- of Paris will speak tonight in Sarah >f these my than the freshman of last year, is Caswell Angell Hall at 8 o'clock on the ultimatum that Dr. G. A. May, the topic of "La France d'aujourd'hui," discussed resumption or at netic re- lations between the universities of their respective states. Governor Eb- erhardt had brought up the subject of ie 's director of Waterman gymnasium hasunder the auspices of the university. athletic relations between the Gophers vents him dmHe will deliver his talk in French. No and the Wolverines in the course of hs article, arrived at, from his study of the an- admission will bepharged to the lec- his talk at the Detroit Opera House r his pre- thropometric charts of the classmen. ture, which is open to the general pub- in the afternoon. important Seven hundred and eighty members of lic a ay that by the class have been measured and the In a recent report published in the es between these two great schools," rofession- results from these measurements have I'official bulletin of the National Society said the Minnesota executive. "Michi- etroit and been compiled as follows: of French Professors of America, the gan and Minnesota ought to play each et summr Average age, 18.9 years; height, 67.8 writer speaks of M. Lanson as fo other. As I said in my little speech, ep the old pinches; weight 140.1 pounds; lung ca- lows: "o. Lanson is at the present Michigan has the habit of beating us i all very pacity, 250 cubic inches. These statis- time the professor of most promise in but she could not find a worthier foe. stions. Es- tics show an increase over last year's the University of Paris, and it is he Our games with you are clean and who have figures. who personifies that which is called hard fought and there is always the ve years. ,Out of 780 examined it was found 'the spirit of the Sorbonne.' He is a best of feeling between both sides be- us organi- that: 3 were color blind, 204 wore thinker and the success of his career' fore, during, and after the game. But ted to this gdsse, against 185 last year; 291 had is in no way attributed to his popular- 3 would not like to see Minnesota break some obstruction of the nose, (deviated ity or to political pull. He is a man away from the Conference as much as )OK, '12. septum, spurs,or large turbinate bones) who thinks and who makes others I desire to see the two schools clash." 86 had enlarged tonsils, against think. His speech is clear, and incis- "r