&N DAILY I DA I LY 4mythical publication before New Year's stles Street Not" S, TYPEWRITETR,' ,for sale and rent. LIORRIL L UYNCH BELL58S2-J El IUil Official iNewspaper at the Unixersity of ilichigan. Published every morning except Mon-' .. day throughout the school year. 4 MANAGIN, EDITOR. Walter Kw Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert R. DilIey Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- versity. I~ t Editors. News Editor.......Harry Z. Folz Assistant .............Frank Pennell Athletic Editor ....... .Karl Matthews Assistant <...........G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama ....Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Piles ................Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Walle W. Merritt Frank Shaw Maurice Myers Edward G. Kemp. -Night Editors. Maurice Toulme Mack Ryan Loren Robinson Robert Gillett Wallace Weber. Reporters. John Townley Oscar Beckman C. Harold Hippler J. Selig Yellen Frank Murphy. William Daugherty BUSINESS STAFF. Assistant to Mgr. ..Joseph Fouchard A. R. Johnson, Jr. ....Emerson Smith Edgar L. Jaffe ...... W. T. Hollands. Advertising Mgr ...,Elmer P. Grierson Circulation Mgr...E. Ray Johnson OFFICi HOURS: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. in., 10:30-11:30 p. m.; Bus- iness Manager, 1-5 p. i.. Both Phones 960. Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail, $3.00. 2FFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building. Maynard Street. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, 28, 1911 such a hope may be a foolish one. Our expectation may be unreasonable. If so, it can be explained, and partially excused, by our, discredited notion that the directory was intended for use during the year 1912-13. Of course, it 4aot to be denied that it will make in- teresting reading next semester to those who have the historical bent.' And despite the fact that by February several score students will have float- ed around to new addresses or have been sent home for a rest, and the society lists will be antiquated to a large extent, nevertheless. the faculty list will probably be correct, and use- ful. The student body should not be so unreasonable as to expect the di- rectory before Christmas. The print- ers are busy with rush orders which they might have to give up if they printed the directory. Of course there are printers in the world outside of Ann Arbor but they might charge more. Still we have a suspicion that most of us would rather pay thirty- five cents for a directory in October, than twenty-five cents on February 1. Our interest in the directory is what might properly be called "an estate in expectancy." It was quite lively during October, but has become rather pale and weak of late. We are be- coming so adept at finding people in the dark that there will be a strong temptation to shift along as we have been doing and spend that twenty-five cents on fiowers for the J Hop. But we promise to nurse along our interest as best we can, so that it will be strong enough to give.Niie Rahs and Plaitnjum Portrato When You Desire Portraits of Qua lit Go to THE PHOTOGRAPHER NOW READY-and the best e THE Michigan Calen for 1912 It is a thing of beauty-a joy for a whole year- a splendid Christmas gift Boxed_25c WHR University Bookstore Plata a ars 15 Cents 319 E. Huror Phone 1000 Titles of Popular Copyright Fiction 50c HHE HNS FUDENTS' BOOKSTORE ;ee our Window Display Platinum Portraift a quarter the field. when the directory comes on We Do French Dry and Steam CI PR.ESSING eknd REPA Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75a FULLER+& O'CONNOR Tailors 619 *: .TOWN TALK * * * * * * * * * .* * * * Hotel Cumb are the origina 1 makers 6 lish clothes. None but im ed woolens here and nearly he patterns are confined ex- ively to Kirschbaum. Drop nd see our display of fabrics. P Kirschbaum The Original Young Nen's Tailor" 37 * 797 Woodward Night Editor-Wallace Weber. University Calendar Nov. 28-Michigan Union Smoker, Wa-- terman and Barbour gyms, 8 o'clock. Nov. 28-Recital, Gatty Sellers and Win. Short. Episcopal church 8 o lock. Nov. 30-Thanksgiving day Recess.. Dec. 1-Gustav Lancon "France of To- day." Sarah Caswell Angell hall, 8 o'clock. ?(c. 4-"School for Scandal," reading by Shakespeare class. Sarah Cas- well Angell hall, 8 o'clock. Dec. 4-Soph Lit Dinner at Union. )ec. 7.-FacultyConcert, High School Auditoritum, 8 o'clock. Jec. 8-Bernice de Pasquali, Choral Union 3eries, University hall , o'clock. ?ec 13-16-Michigan Union Opera. The 19i2-1B .irectory It is with just a little dread of being aughed at that we confess that we once entertained hope of possessing; students' directory by December 1. ve i now, n the face of appearances, we are blindly trusting the Fates to provide us with a copy of the near- Back Again. What a busy time we have been hav- ing. You're Welcome........ Dear Ed:- I wish to thank you for destroying your column of'ignoble wit. "Purisimus." Great is the pleasure it gives us to report that our Busy Manager emeritus has seen the great light, forsaken the ways of the wicked who beg ads. Our Norm Hill will be an ornament to the repertorial staff of The News of our metropolis. Going to the smoker That makes it unanimous. Physical Director Visits Chicago Catherine L. Bigelow, Director of Barbour gymnasium is visiting in Chi- cago to-day and tomorrow where she will investigate the physical culture classes at Chicago University. QUAI{TER1)ECK CLUB TAKES iN FIVE NAVAL EN GINEERS Quarterdeck club, the naval engi- neering society has elected five new mnembers: Clarence L. Mathias, Ray- mond E. Laurer, Palmer Livingston. Henry Vaughan and Louis Hall. The society is planning to give several din- ner parties during the winter, and in the spring a number of sailing parties at Whitmore Lake. yJ g ti I!jrl fi I tit co s KEPT BY A College Men Special rerms S. W. Cor. Broadway, at 54thSt., Near 50th St. Subway and 53d St. Elevated Ideal U Ne Tr All Outi VNDER THE MANAGEMENT Harrey P. Sttrxuaon., formerly with Hotel Imperial. 1. J. A. GREY, Prop. Buy your ALARM CLOCK at Chapman's Jewelry Store 20 South lan Str et It you are not getting your DAILY regularly, a postal card to the Business Man- ager will start something Phone 1534-L When in DET ROIT Stop at New and Absolutely FireproF-. Cor. Adams Ave. and Park St Detroit Un On information to tendent Allen, Ypsila United Lines, by offi organizations, the mo capacity of the regu group of students to bor, extra cars and e. promptly supplied. Sweaters cut over at the Royal. 209 E Lihprty Pala i 1-tf !airman __..._ . _ a - _ r , y f ) tJ. L3 ;l t ., u 1 Raincoats ,The new thing ,in the English Slip-On is the Raglan Shoulder. WASNgER & CO. ei gwhiteshoe I1 In the centre of the theatre, shoppimg and business district Has large convention hall-has grand roof garden. 4 Music from 6 P. M. to J2:3o A. M. Every ]room has Private Bath EUROPEAN PLAN Rates: $1.50 per day and up I } Stop Sneezing Did you catch cold Saturday ? We carry a complete line of all the good cold cures, and Cough Syrups at thu right Prices. Doi't forget to stop at Vail Dorcnl'sPharmacy 703 PACKARD STREET HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. Players are particular about ies. We have good cues; light heavy, plain, corded or S ny to suit. Find what you ike and we reserve it for you in private drawer without charge. ...The, ,Mrs. J. R., FASHIONABLE Blue Tea Room "flair --'ac~' Rain water Sham: 1221 S. University Dell Phone16896 1110 South Universi HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESSED BY H HILL BROTH ERS410 SOUTH Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 75c Overcoats Dry EcRanci LADIES GARMENTS OUR SUtl S SPECIALTY. TRY US OvEkc LW W " let Proprietor HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. d')s .Ir & ICK, Photographe