,.- r911yW1q - r1YY r For the rest; Have you seen those gobby Qi ford, blues at Milward's?. Tar i3o S. State St. - 19 tf LOST Patronize the new print shop, Davis and Ohlinger, Job Printers, 109 E. 13 of the Lost-A pin with numerals C. H. S. '09. Finder please call 988-L. 45-6-7 School Year ,. E rI NOTICE TO THE MEM T RS OF Til I RA Mny ------ -----1 V1 & Co.'s uld e to be ha Aiywhl-re. we ackno keige no ri y in every instatce. ICIG9AIN UI N 1Lost-Fountain pen bearing initials Public nc tice is hereby given that a special I H. M.-"L. Call 1545-L. Reward. meeting of the members of the Michigan Union I * 45-46-47 will be h-lid at 7:3o P. M. on Tuesday, Nov- h ember . 1r:i. at Waterman Gymnasium for the purpose of considering amendments .'to Lost-Small gold cased watch, key- Articles V and VII of the Articles of Asso- ciation of the Michigan tUnion and for the winder, fob attached. Reward if re- further purpose of considering the following turned to 312 John R. St., Detroit. amencr ents to the Constitution of said cor- 44-5-6 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION _44-5_6 Article III is to be amended to read as fol- WANTED. "Section I. All men who are students in actual residence at the Iniversity of Mich- ;an,Aln-l1niRegents. members o the sev' Wanted-A student to make picture "ral faculties and officers of the University f Michigan may become members of the frames. This is a good opportunity. 'ssociation upon the payment of the annual Lyndon, Photographer. 45-6-7 "Section II. (a) Any person eligible to mem- ership as provided in the preceding section FOR RENT nay become a life member on payment of .F R . fty dollars ($50). (b) Any person eligible to membership For Rent-Suite for two, 603 East Mad- s provided in the preceding section may be tome a life member on payment of fifty dollars ison. -. 42-3-4-5-6-7 '$5o),.payable in the following manner: ten ollars $lio) to he paid at the time of apoli- -ation for membership and forty dollars ($40) Sweaters cut over at the Palair a able in four equal annual installments, said 1stall-ents to become due and payable on one Royal. 209 E. Liberty. 1-tf two, three and four years from the date of such application. Such applicants for mem- 'ersnip shall he entited to all privileges and Rosenberg presses suits-25 cents suhiect to all the obligations of full member- ship from the date of first payment, provided, 12tf however, in case such applicant shall fail to make payment of any one of said four annual payments within one year of the date such Rosenberg calls and delivers. 12tf installment shall . become due and payable he rshall forfeit all rights to beome a life member by thereaiter making payment of thatKOllouf cuts and makes clothesfor or any remaining installnaent, and any install- Klofct n ae lte o ments which may theretofore have been paid the college men. Old post office build- by such applicant shall be considered and taken as regular annual dues. , ing, Main and Ann Street. 28tf (c) Any person not eligible to membership under the preceding provisions may become a life member of the association on the pay- Rosenberg dryclean suits. 12tf -ent of one hundred dollars ($oo), provided such candidate for life membership has secured the approval of two-thirds of the Board of Martin guitars and mandolins, best lDirectors. "Section III. The Union may at any meet- on. garth, on sale at Schaeberle & 'n, by a two-thirds vote of the members pres- Son's Music House. 29tf ent, elect to honorary membership any person who may have rendered distinguished service to the University of Michigan, provided such Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. 12tf candidate for honorary membership has re- ceived the approva of the'Board of Directors. Article TV is to be amended to read as Rsnegdyaassetr.1t t e la ovaof heBoad o Diec ra Rosenberg dryoleans sweaters. 12 follows:° "Members of all of the above classes, except as hereinafter crovided shall have the same privileges. All members except those admitted BESSIMER'S GRILL - Charcoal to membership under Section TII, of Article ~ r . Prehos tek,113 W. fHu- III, of this constitution shall be entitled to vote at the meetmgs of the Union and at the ron St., Upstairs, opposite Interurban annual election of officers, provided, however, that at the annual election of officers, of those Rtation. 42 eod to 66 members possessing the qualifications specified in Section I, of Article ill, only those who, havesigned their names on the membership Shoes repaired while you wait. An roll in the club-house before nine A. M. of the second Satrday in Aprii shall he entitled dres, 222 So. State St. 34 eod tf to VT of Article V is to be amended Graduate Toques Wagner and Co., read as follows: e State street. 45-46-47 , 4 o, e t vernment of the Union shaft be vested in the Board of Directors, composed of the aforesaid nine officers, three others elected Have you called at Grinnell Bros. annually from the University Faculties, and five alumni of the University who are members for what you desire in the line of Mu- -f the Union. the same to be elected by the .G fntwynt hycnspl Advisory Council of the Alumni Association ic. If not, why not? They can supply oi the Iniversity. This Board shall constitute anything in the Musical line at lowest the Board of Directors far te corporation. It shall have legal title to the property of the possible prices. W. J. Simonson, Mgr., Union and shall be especially vested wtl 120 and 122 E. Liberty Street, Ann power to receive donations to the Union" 10ad12E iet tet n (b) Upon the completion of the Michigan Arbor. 42 tf 'nion club-house project as outlined in the resolution of the Michigan Alumni Association, passed at its meeting of June 28th, 19::, the APPARATUS IS INVENTED FOR title to such club-house, buildings and grounds shall be transferred to, and thereafter remain TESTING DEFECTIVE CILDEN in the Board of Reg ts of the University; the Michigan Union flub-house p:oject shall, for this purpose, be considered as completed at An apparatus for testing the intel- suchtime as such club-house shall be ready for lectual processes of animals and de- use and occupancy." "(c) Upon the completion. of ,the Michigan fective children has just been complet- Union club-house proect as set forth in '(b) of e o h scooydprmn y this section, the managenent and control of the ed for the psychology department by club-house, buildings and grounds shall be vest Mr. J. H. Stevenson,.of the instrument ed in the Board of Governors coposed of the Financial Secretary of the Union, who shall be room in the engineering shops. The thA Chairman of the Board, the President of invention involves the principle of the the Union, one member of the Board of Reg- ents of the University, to be chosen by the combination lock.- By pressing cer- Regents, and four members of the Union to be chosen from the life, faculty and alumni mem- tai keys in proper order, a compart- hers, provided that at least three of the said ment containing food is opened. four shall be alumni of the University." - Section VIII, Article V is to be amended - - by striking out the words "a majority." YOU ARE NOT REALLY IN THE Section IV, Article VIII is to be amended to read as follows: UNIVERSITY UNLESS YOU ARE "Ten percent of the members possessing READING THE DAILY EVERY the qualifications for membership as specified in Section I, of Article III, shall constitute MORNING. QET IT THE BALANCE a norum at any meeting of the Union, annual O ERFR$.0 or special." OF THE YEAR FOR 2.00 Article IX to be amended to read as fol- lows: "Amendments to this constitution,'not in vio- lation of the Articles of Association, may be G P ning, Engraving, Embossing, adopted at any meeting of the Union,annual Fine Stationer., Two-fold Announce or special, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided twenty per cent of those mentsorCardwith Envelopestomateb, members possessing the qualifications for mem- Menu and Dance Programs. See our bership specified in Section I, of Article.III, new and up-to-date d'splay room. Don't are present, such amncdments having been published with the notice of the meeting," get conftsedinthe namp aruil Place-Cha. Arthur R. Mnehlman, F. Meyers, 215 S. Main St., 2nd Floor. Recording Secretary- Phone 28tL Ann Arbor, Michig;.n. 40 to 48 Washington Street. Bell Phone, 432-3. 18 eod tf Always fresh be- cause we get our supplies direct and frequently, from the makers of the best in the land. 69 Chocolates and Con fecRois E. E. CAbKINS -I Kick off (Un Reg. Sx o U. of M. Footb 8xio Fielding H. V( V J 8x,2 Mich- h ; pF0rj of T Clever C F For the Dashing Daring CollegE Come into the Store today and get a g of the sweilest line of college togs you ea eyes on. The real leaders among the well d yo ung fellows of this town all wear L & Compan All Others Fail Buy WADHAMS & CHO CLEVER SUITS Overcoats, Hats HART, SCHAFFNER MARX Redman Collars, Holeproof Hosiery Spalling Sweaters Barker Collars Interwoven Hosiery and Jerseys Wadha s'aCon WOOL CLOTHES HERE a. U The Clothier, 121-123 S. Main St. Electric Chaffing Dishes, Pei TOASTEitS AND HEATERS I 217 So. Main Suits and Overcoa s $I5.00 up Have Your r_._. I'. Christmas Presents LET Set Aside Now R UB EY Furnish the Ice Cream for Your Party I Cater To Clubs and, Frats If you want STATIONERY, FOUNTAIN PENS, -NGINEEi'S SUPPLIES, Etc., go to headquarkics for Students Supplies The Student Suppy Store GILBERT & MORSB CANDIES Kiflins' State Street Hardware, 31 337 South M Temple Theatre Will open Novem the Latest Motion Admission 5o 2:30D 5:30, 1:30, IO:3O-hange of Pictures Daily il J r a Why Not Buy Where You Can Get the Best Goods At Lowest Prices Goodyear's Drug Store Any Doctor In Ann Arbor can tell You About Us A 0od Qo Both Phones 11 We are-never Undersold Sis l I iI J I I coated 1o your entixfe Sat'SfaCtIOL-ccme here for gtTop Coat to the miedium xvc4,bt dressy c3tat, za' OV E'RCOA T f r motoring, Ne'v( Fbrics, EadJ o -erve \(U. i For nice hot chocolates and daily home made candles go to the Welsb 1"", j sugar Bowl IDEAl 100 C Spocil Shadowless Engineers Dra terle, Varsity Tailo r I { st Liberty Street Service will please you and every thing Is clean Specialties on Saturday i The Ann Arbor Gas IC lop" W" m ON IN I I 111 1-1 1 1 in I= mlow , r r (",n Iles eMen at Allen's Go 1 1. I