ClifGAN GRADUATE TO TALK ON SOU'TH AMERICAN AFFAIRS.1 LOST r I ILost-A pin with numerals C. H. S. '09. Charles H. Hurry, Michigan '00, of Finder please call 988-L. 45-6-7 the student department of the Y. M. C.Tt lVxrfl!kl 'nT.I0',l MALLORY HATS A., will lecture on South America Sun-1 day evening in Newberry Hall. The lecture will be the second of a series bearing the general head "How the Other Half Lives," and will be. illus- trated with stereopticon views. The lectures of the entire year that will be delivered before the members of the Y. M. C. A. have been arranged into series, the titles for which fol low-: "A College Man's Debts;" "Re- sponsibility for Character in Educa- tion;" "Big Things in College;" "Prac- tical Discussions Upon Four Important Beliefs of the Christian Churcgh;" and "Big Men for Big Jobs." IFACULTY' MEMBERS WILL BE CANVASSED FOR THE UNION. WARD and no questions asked to person returning Histology Drawing which disappeared last _week from Ilaboratory. M. Pesquera, 1005 N. University Ave. 45 Losts-Fountain pen bearing initials' H. M. L. Call 1545-L. Reward. 45-46-47 WANTED. Wanted-A student to work for room. Phone 789-J or call at Monroe St. his 609 45 oss beet E a~t amid "S 205 s. Main pities will be to your rations, Tally 3Lunch Sets, A thorough, systematic canvass of the university faculty for Michigan Un- ion members will be inaugurated 'to- day. Jerry Collins, '12, E, has been placed in charge of the campaign and students have been chosen by, him to canvass every building on the campus. Werner Allison, '12, will take care' of the literary buildings, Rudolph Van Dyke and Herbert Trix of the en- gineering buildings, Victor Jose of the law building, Clay Bullis of the den- tal department and :Walter Royt" of the 'medical and homeop buildings. Graduate Toques Wagner and Co., State street. 45-46-47 Souvenir Michigan Pennsy combi- nation pennants, half price, .25 cents today at Lyndon's. 45 Have you called at Grinnell Bros. for what you desire in the line of Mu- ic? If not, why not? They can supply anything in the Musical line at lowest possible prices. W. J. Simonson, Mgr., 120 and 122 E3. Liberty Street, Ann Arbor. 42 tf Best line of Barney and Berry skates i the city at Killin's State street'Hard- ware. 44-5 venient call 1067-L at once. Bring in your dull Safety Razor Blades and have them resharpened. Killins' State street Hardware. 44-5 Wanted -A, student to make picture frames. This is a good opportunity. Lyndon, Photographer. " 45-6-7 Lost-Small gold cased watch, key- winder, fob' attached., Reward if re- turned to 312 John R.:'St., Detroit. 44-5-6 FOR SALE For Sale-.-Djebills 'on a leading New York HotelI. See-the Business Man- ager between 1 and 2 p. m. eod tf For Rent-Suite for two, 603 East Mad- ison. 42-3-4-5-6-7 Sweaters cut over at the Palaus Royal, 209 E. Liberty.' 1-tf a61T'e British JocEtI rau I Rosenberg presses suits-25 Rosenberg calls and delivers. myright cents. 12tf LI ~;SMITH & BROS1 Typewriter BaH.earing- Long Wearing You'll need a Tyepwriter liter. Get the best now and have it's use whilein college Ask us to show you FUELBER & ZERADSKI A moat(conYE pat1 Cut frtiD £eer 4& Cohn Kolloui cuts and makes clothes for the college men. Old post office build- ing, Main and Ann Strvet. 28tf Any style and color 310 S. State St. Up StairsI MR~S. C. re r Co. Have 'you- seen those inobby blues at Milward's? Tailor, State St. Rosenberg dryclean suits. O~ f ord 33u S. 1 9 tf 12tfj Bell Pho~ne 1404 r bat hs of the your home will treater success ing 'a gre ater of Happiness have some of Martin guitars' and mandolins, best on earth, on. Bale at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. 29tf, Rtosenberg's phone, Bell 266. 12tfI Ana- Now Comes The Ckui'1of7 ad dressers A tfhe +fop; ParkS A4 +kxe poinis. 4 ply Hlanl Made, Y4Sizes 15, 2for25 FRISBIECOOK&CCO NAK6EPS 7'4201(K3 111141111111P, 1uuumE For Sate in Ani Waginer e Rosenberg .drycleans sweaters. 120~ h ..r I LET 'EJWr. FEEZE Schumuacher's Hardware will fur iiish you with a pair of S ates, and you car sk~ate. Peck & Snyder Skates 306-310-312 Soulh M*I% Towels QUARRY DRUG CO.' 4 L, R'S NLstabishad 1858 *SILK' NECKWEAR Fownes .Gloves Lucas and 'Kenniedy Gloves I' Wat *rmzazi. 9 Ideal, Conkl ri Self I ildasg, M...r.'s Mum Leakable ]Sig Beji, Repeaters. Alarnisa and Novelty Alarms 3I' AN JE %Vii+LRvY and NO 1 ELTIES y and Watch Re'agring Jewelr-y Store Be11 Phone 534 L', TINKER A& COMPANY' 342 South State Street Call and inspect our lines of Full Dres s Accessories Soft and Plaited Bosom Shirts, Stiff and Soft Hats Michigan Pins, Fobs and Fraternity jewelry. Big'Beb alarms $2.50 Arnold alarms $1.00 Four Patroniage is Well Cared for Here ia OVER the hills with dog and Velvet is companionship indeed Vreivet, famous as the finest leaf frorn old Ken- tucky--aged by time-the only mnake-sure pro- cess.. The leaf hangs in the old warehouse for over 2 years-gradually changing from green to mellow -then you get the smooth, full flavored, good tasting smoke that the southern planters themselves like. Never a bite in such tobacco. Velvet!' Don't forget! SPAUL DING & MER.RICIC CHICAGO p 1St. Next door to University School of Music Miusic-For the College Student The New; Song ITY Ewan v. Moore -By- 30 n Ready Full2 ounce tins Colic geMen at Allen 's- Good Clothe,