ivania will
refuse to
with the
He Will Represent Faculty
And Senior Law Will De-
liver Student Toast
Professor Robert M. Wenley andI
Langdon Larwill, '12 L, have been
. Arbor last.
,an students
eatment and
en the game
, led by the
in a body to
s away from the
it was only the
al cool headed
d the students
said one of the
e operva-
down the
had deco-
[1 the way
cceeded to
were pre-
lob by the,
t sentiment.
in theI
chosen to represent the faculty and the
student body respectively at the annual
smoker in honor of the football team
on November 28, in the two gymnasi-
Professor Wenley has appeared
more times before the student body
than any other member of the faculty
and he was chosen by the smoker com-
mittee upon his general popularity
with the students as shown at former
mass meetings. Larwill is a senior
law student well known upon the
campus for his oratorical ability.
Several prominent alumni have been
invited to speak at the smoker by Har-
ry Steinhauser, chairman of the speak-
er committee but no definite .replies
have been received as yet. Within the
next few days the rest of the speakers
will be chosen.
Cartoon Contest is Started.
The cartoon contest which is to, be
a feature of the entertainment for the
guests has been inaugurated. The re-
sults of the contest will be thrown up-
on a screen by a stereopticon machine
and prizes of $5.00, $3.00 and $2.00 will
be awarded to the men who produce
the three best pairs of drawings. Ac-
cording to this method each man must
enter at least two cartoons to draw a
prize. Any student is eligible to enter
the contest on any topic of gener-
al interest to the campus may be taken
as a subject. The drawings must be
in the hands of Lyndon, the photogra-~
pher, by Monday at 8 p. m. Any
further Information concerning the
contest may be had by communicating
with Edward. Kemp.
Pres. Hutchins to Address Graduates
President Hutchins will deliver an
address before the Graduate Club on
Progressiveness in Higher Education,
Saturday evening, in Barbour gymnasi-
um. The occasion is the initial social
meeting of the club. After the ad-
dress there will be a dance.
Dean Cooley to Be at Nebraska.
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley left Mil-
waukee yesterday, where he has been
testifying in a boiler explosion case,
for Red Wing, Wis. He will stay there
until Friday; when he will proceed to
Lincoln, Nebraska, to attend the alum-
ni banquet to be held there after the
Michigan-Nebraska game. He expects
to return to Ann Arbor next Monday.
Seniors Can Now Verify Credits.
Blanks are now obtainable at the
Registrar's office for senior lits to ver-'
ify their credits. All 1912 men in the
literary department are, expected to
report for this purpose and secure
certificates of their standing. The last
date at which this can be done is De-
cember 15. It has no connection with
enrollment with the appointment com-
Women's League Will Entertain.
A dance will be given by the Wom-
en's League at Barbour gymnasium on
Thanksgiving night. The girls may in-!
vite their escorts. Admission is by the
League ticket plus 15 cents to defray
expenses. Arrangements are under the
direction of a committee headed by
Jeanette Higgins.
Mass Meeting Held at Minne-
sota Last Night Explains
Numerous Messages ,
The mystery of the numerous tel-
egrams, the hurried trips and the se-
oret conferences has ben solved. And
he solving of that mystery has brought
to light an interesting possibility.
While the matter is not definitely cer-
tain, all indications point to the sup-
osition that those wire messages came
from Minnesota in connection with an
enormous mass meeting that was held
there last night. And so the answer
is Minnesota.
The monster mass meeting;was held
to probe the'student feeling in regard
to a return to Michigan. Not only was
the student opinion asked but many pe-
titions from alumni asking the resump-
tion of athletics between the two
schools were expected to be read and
possibly resolutions passed. The spir-
it of the move has swept the northern
school and has aroused great interest
among all its students and alumni. ,
But before Minnesota took the jump
he wanted to be sure there was a land..
ing spot. Hence the telegrams, partic-
ularly to Yost asking him to wire the
sentiment of Michigan and his own, to
be read before the meeting. Yost re-
plied by wire and stated that Michigan
would welcome Minnesota and assur-
ed a. landing place in case the north-
erners took the leap. And it is also
understood the other athletic authori-
ties approved of the statement.
The meeting last night will prob--t
ably be a big factor in deciding Min-
nesota's policy. While the resolutions
of the students and alumni are not
final, still they have more or less in
weight in its administration of the
policies and the messages of reassur-
ance from Michigan may lend enthusi-
asm to the gathering. Something is
going to happen soon, but it seems as
if the first break would come at Min-
Will Lecture On Venice.,
At the regular Friday evening party
of the Women's League Professor Cross
of the Fine Arts faculty wP' deliver an
illustrated lecture on Venice. Prof.
Cross has spent the greater part of his
life in Italy and the slides will for the
most part be photographs taken by
W. S. Mack, Who Was Stricken at the
Pennsylvania Game, Died
Tuesday Evening.
W. S. Mack, pf Aurora, Ill., former-
ly general manager of the Scott-Fore-
bush Publishing Co., of Chicago, died
Tuesday evening from an attack of pa-1
ralysis received while watching the
football game on Saturday. Mr. MackJ
had a son, Edward A. Mack, '12 E, at-
man tending the university, and the
stricken man was removed to his
son's room where his wife and daugh-
ter reached him on Monday. f
The family at once proceeded to Au- 9
rora, Ill., with the body where the fun-
eral will take place.<
E. A. Mack does not know whether or
not he will return to school this sem-
Engineer is Working on New Turbine,.
A small steam turbine of the new
Tesla type is being built in the me-!
chanical engineering shops by Haroldj
T. J. Davis is Chairman of Cal) and
Gown Committee and B. H.
Heads Executive Body. 1
The committees which will have
charge of the activities of the senior
law class were announced yesterday
by President R. 0. Bonisteel. Mush
The committees follow: w
. Auditing committee-W. A. Bertsch,
hairman; C. V. Essery, R. K. West. Ei
Executive committee-B. H. Reck, I1Ar
chairman; J. J. Ferris, H. T. Bauman,
Y. J. Edmundson, A. D. Gatz. i ALUX
Invitation committee-G. F. Clifford,
chairman; N. M. Hebinger, J. W. How- Califo
ard, B. M. Burns, H. L. Armstrong. Are
Cap and gown committee--T. J. Da-
vis, chairman; G. Alcorn, P. Q. Nyce,
G. W. House, S. W. David. That
Washington Birthday committee-W. eighte
W. Blackney, chairman; E. N. Genz- back
berger, D. J. Ericksqn, C.' E. Misner, F. was d
S. Dombrowski. finger
Pipe and Stein committee-B. A. Zu-- rgai
ver, chairman; R. L. Imler, I. E. Kerr, to lea
J. R. Wilson, V. Mansfield. been
Banquet committee-R. D. Markel, The c
chairman; P. P. Farrens, W. B. Am- of 'the
berg, C. A. Blass, W. K. Towers. ing in
Picture committee-A. W. Allen, days a
chairman; J. O. Eppstein, G. M. Melton. four h
J. J. Danahoff, H. C. Schulte. itinera
Lansing committee-A. E. Meder, but a
chairman; A. W. Boyer, A. L. Barkey, Los An
B. B. Vedder, F. A. Picard. the ro
Promenade committee-R. H. Fry- Upo.
berger, chairman; J. A. Gordon, A. he Los
Davenport, H. K. Ward, H. B. East- medial
burn. of the
Senior sing committee-J. Wuerth- they wi
ner, chairman; C. A. Ferguson, A. L. a rous
Hoover, P. H. Cale, M. H. Mc1Vahon. Lob A
Class day committee-A. R. Dilley, last Sa
chairman; T. C. Evans, F. R. Hinks, H. from t
P. Trosper, N. K. Fox. cussed
Union dinner committee-Robert Tip clubs.
ping, chairman; E. L. Jacqua, J. J. Nego
Walsh, R. A. Cunningham, P. T. Gay- started
nor. lately
Reception committee-H. S. Gamble, on a w
chairman; J. J. DeVose, O. H. Kreuz- efforts
berger, J. A. Caruthers, M. C. Martin, clubs,
Social committee-M. S. June, chair- Fe wer
man; J. D. Lynch, L. E. Larwill. This
L. E. Larwill. Michig
Memorial committee-L. F. .Martin, havecE
chairman; D. L. Lucking, L. E. Lud- is the
wig, A. C. Lewis, G. 0. McGehee. her so
! .r
411-Fresh team has not
Ferry fiela gridiron for
and during the exeite-
to Michigan's big games
s have been forgotten.
ext, however, the fresh-
their season by meeting
reshmen on Ferry field
ult of the game depends
A the fresh will break
at With defeats by Mt. Union and Adri-
Le an against them and a victory over
at Olivet to boast of, Coach Cole's prote-
ges stand ready to fight the Farmer
freshmen to the last ditch in order to
Id help their season's record., The, game
d with Heidelberg university, scheduled
il for November 11, on Ferry field, was
t_, cancelled and the youngsters have
1d not played a game since early in the
Is month, but notwithstanding this fact
re they have been practicing hard and
is will be ready for a tough battle with
n. the upstate school while- the Varsity is
y at Lincoln.
d :Alumnus Editor is Coming Home.
?d Wilfred Shaw, secretary of the
Alumni Association and editor of the
y Alumnus, who has been traveling with
rt his wife in Europe, since July, will
e sail Saturday of this week from Tri-
e este, on the Martha Washington, land-
ing in New York, December 4.- Mr. and
d rs. Shaw were not expected back till
e, later in the month.
Junior Vereiners Elect Officers.
Following are the results of the elec-
tions of the Junior men's section of the
h Deutscher Verein: Glenn G. Munn,
re president; Edward Schlegel, vice-pres-
st ident; secretary-treasurer, Herman'
An impromptu musical show par-
ticipated in by several students Tues-
day night resulted in the police being
called to a house on Thayer street to
stop the proceedings. It is alleged the
students began to sing and mixed a
quantity of Salome and barn dances
in the program. The landlady object-
ed to the festivities and after being re-
fused admittance to the room she call-
ed the police to quiet the disturbance.
On the arrival of the blue coats the
show came to an abrupt ending and
no arrests were made.
Man-mere man is to be excluded!
A circus, that form of amusement and
entertainment which has always be-+
longed peculiarly to man, from the
small boy to the grandfather is to be
denied them. This is the ultimatum
delivered by the managers of the
League Circus. Posters promising the
most wonderful attractions are placed
in view to taunt us. And besides the
features of the "Big Show" depicted
here there are to be sideshows. Mrs.
Jarley's Wax Works, a Vaudeville
Show and the immortal Punch and Ju-
complete i
trated by a
A. '06, and I
New York c
received 'froi
Alumnus offi
The two w
small party
March for I
they set out
with small
1700 miles b:
Republican Club Meets Friday.
A meeting of all progressive Repub-
licans is scheduled for tomorrow after-
noon at 4:00, in McMillan hall. A. L.
Cohen, secretary of the Progressive
Republican club of Michigan of which
the local organization is a branch, will
address the gathering. Peter Miller,
'13, is temporary chairman f the Pro-
gressive Republican club in Ann Arbor.
but permanent officers are to be elect-
ed at this time. .
Rosenfield, '12 E. The feature of this dy will be in evidence. In the words of
type of turbine is its wonderful com- the poet-press-agent:
pactness and small size. Tesla, the' "There are peanuts and pop-corn and
inventor of this turbine claims that pink lemonade,
when he perfects his invention he can At the Circus!
make it so compact that a man can And all the wild beasts that make1
carry a ten H. P. turbine on his watch you afraid,
chain. At the circus!
There are clowns that are slim, j
In another week the football teams And the freak-Karahim,
will jion the students in recitations re- All at old Barbour Gym,
marks the Detroit News. At the circus!"
Porto Vellio, abo
Porto Vellio is t
comparatively ne
railroad. Since Au
been visiting the
Hospital Qua
Scarlet fever ar
which have preva
hospital for the p
been cleared up.
have been raised
now free from an:
Students at the
tana have petitions
extra week of va