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November 21, 1911 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1911-11-21

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9 c

(Continued from page 2)
however, in case such applicant shall fail to
make payment of any one of said four annual
payments within one year of the date such
installment shall become due and payable
he shall forfeit all rights to become a life
member by thereafter making payment of that
or any remnaining installment, and any install-
ments which may theretofore have been paid
by such applicant shall be considered and
taken as regular annual dues.
(c) Any person not eligible to membership
under the preceding provisions may become
a life member of the association on the pay-
ment of one hundred dollars ( ioo), provided
such candidate for life menbership has secured
the approval of two-thirds of the Board of
'Section III. The Union may at any meet-
ing, by a two-thirds vote of the members pres-
ent, elect to honorary membership any person
who may have rendered distinguished service
to the University of Michigau, provided such
candidate for honorary membership has re-
ceived the alpproval of the Board of Directors.
Article IV is to be amended to read as


I -f

of the above classes, except
vided, shall have the same
mbers except those admitted
ider Section III, of Article
itution shall he entitled to
gs of the Union and at the
officers, provided, however,
election of officers, of those
g the qualifications specified
Article III, only those who
names'on the membership
ouse before nine A. M. of
ay in April shall be entitled
Article V is to be amended
iment of the Union shall be
-d of Directors, composed of
officers, three others elected
eUniversity Faculties, and
University who are members
same to be elected by the
of the Alumni Association
This Board shall constitute
ctors for the corporation. It
itle to the property of the
be especially vested with
donations to the Union.
completion of the Michigan
project as outlined in the
Michigan Alumni Association,
tinm of Tune 28th, 1011.the

Lost-A chased silver belt pin at foot-
ball game Saturday, or between Fer-
ry field and Trigon House. Please
return to C. Warrick, 617 Washtenaw
avenue. 41-42-43
Lost-Hunting case gold watch, Illi-
nois, M. H. T. monogram. Reward if
returned to 529 Walnut. 41 & 42
Lost-On Saturday a bar pin set with
rubies and diamonds. Finder call
Mrs. Klingmann, 341 E. Liberty. Lib-
eral reward. 42-43-44
Lost-Between 12th and Monroe and
S. University and Church streets, an
open face. Elgin watch with initial
H. Call up 1158-L or leave at 721 S.
12th St. 42
Lost-Friday night on walk leading to
U. Hall, wedding ring (small). Leave
at Skinner's on State street. Re-
ward, 42
Loste-A fountain pen between Eco-
nomics Building and Tappan hall at
3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Call
1235-L, W. I. -McKenzie, 645 So. In-
galls. 42
Lost-Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) re-
ward and no questions asked, for the
return, or for any information lead-
ing to the return, of the two suit
cases taken from A. J. Paul's Satur-
day. "A. J. Paul." 42
For Rent--Suite for two, 603 East Mad-
ison. 42-3-4-5-6-7
Wanted-Work of any kind by young
man. -42-3-4
For Sale-Duebills on a leading New
York Hotel. See the Business Man-
ager between 1 and 2 p. m. eod tf
Sweaters cut over at the Palals
Royal, 209 E. Liberty. 1-tf

Always fresh be-
cause we get our
supplies direct and
frequently, from
the makers of the
best in the land.
and Confections


Patronize the new print shop, -Davis
and Ohlinger, Job Printers, 109 E.
Washington Street. Bell Phone, 432-J.
18 eod tf








44nsere to3L$I .4 A, ana 4.)1.14..fte remUWai
oard of Regents of the University;
igan Union club-house project shall,
urpose, be considered as completed at
as such club-house shall be ready for
rpon the completion of the Michigan
b-house project as set forth in (b) of
n, the management and control of the
e, buildings and grounds shall be vest-
Board of Governors composed of the
SSecretary of the Union, who shall be
-man of the Board, the President of
a, one member of the Board of Reg-
he University, to be chosen by the
and four members of the Union to be
om the life, faculty and alumni mem-
vided that at least three of the said
be alumni of the University."
VIII, Article V is to be amended
ig out the words "a majority."
s IV, Article VIII is to be amended
is follows:
percent of the members possessing
fcations for membership as specified
n I, of Article III, shall constitute
at any meeting of the Union, annual
IX to be amended to read as fol-
dments to this constitution, not in vio-
the Articles of Association, may be.
t any meeting of the Union, annual
, by a two-thirds vote of the members
provided twenty per cent of those
possessing the qualifications for mem-
pecified in Section I, of Article III,
nt, such amendments having been
with the notice of the meeting."
Arthur B. Moehlman,
Recording Secretary.
40 to 48
ce Club to Hear Detroit Broker
Commerce club will hold a
this evening at the Union at
[. W. Craig, a Detroit broker,
eak on "The Bulls and Bears
Ups and Downs of the Stock
" Edmund Hanavan will pre-
the meeting which will begin



Rosenberg presses suits-25
Rosenberg calls and delivers.




Kollouf cuts and makes clothes for
the college men. Old post office build-
ing, Main and Ann Street. 28tf
Have you seen those 4obby O ford
blues at Milward's? Tailor, 33u S.
State St. 19 tf

on earth., on sale at Schaeberle
Son's Music House. 2
Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. 1
Rosenberg drycleans sweaters. V
Shoes repaired while you wait. A
dres, 222 So. State St. 34 eod
Second Candy Sale is Success.
The Women's League Candy Sale
Saturday cleared about $25.00.
continued until Saturday evening at

Rifle Club Elects Officers Today.
There will be a meeting of the old
members of the Rifle club this after-
Y noon at 5 o'clock in the trophy room
of Waterman gymnasium for the pur-
pose of electing officers for the year.
The club is considering the city arm-
ory for a range instead of McMillan
for hall which has been used in former!
years. There will be only one Nation-,
al Indoor Intercollegiate Shoot this
md year instead of two as 4ast year, and
it will start in January and last until


Kentucklans Plan Organization.
The 25 or more from Kentucky in
the university are planning the organi-
zation of a Kentucky club. All men
from that state are requested to meet
at the Union Friday evening at 7

Designers of

SUPPLIES, Etc., go
stuck nt's Supplies!
Suppy Store

Why Not Buy Where You Can Get the Best Goods
At Lowest Prices



Goodyear's Drug Store
Any Dcictor In Ann Arbor can tell You About Us


Both Phones 11

We are never Undersold

- Shirts





is to

tailor is
urned out
manship the best. If you haven't been
ress, 1 ux- do or F ock Suit see us about
t fabrics are shown.
erle, Varsity Tailor
ist Liberty Street

For nice hot chocolates and daily home made candies
go to the


1107 South University Av
W6 would be pleased to show
. you our
Brown Ticket Hose
They are Guaranteed

i 1



Servie wild please you and every thing is clean;
Specialties on Saturday

Esco Hosiery-Argersinger Gloves CHI
2 1

I qs..




Allen's Go

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