THLE MCHIGAN ]DAILY Street DISPLAY is of Exclusive Styles and Trousers. ., 311 So. State Street NG MERf( RANT TAILORS ' TY1 EWRITING.L\ V )J C[1l . TIYPO CK WRITER SUPPLIEQ. TYPEWRITERS, (bew and second hand), for sale and rent re- . D. M ORRIL L OVER BALTIMORE LUNCH BELL5R2-J' nc l l The Banner All Day #_ November lith il 'rt We have a full clock of iant , Arm Ba d and Tiers. Buy them now gt t your cho'ce. Pen- Ban- and Michigan and Pennsy Colors I SHEEHAN'S STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE TH E fI~tGIAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year..- MANAGING EDITOR. Walter I. Towers.- BUSINESS MANAGER Albert i. Iiley OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. OFFICE HOURS: Managing Editor,, 1-2 p. i., 10:30-11:30 p. m.; Bus- iness Manager, 1-5 p. m.. Both Phones 960. Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- versity. NEON ..L SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1911. Night Editor-Mack Ryan. The Spirit of Michigan. Once more has Michigan spirit prov- ed irresistible. With Thomson, Wells and Pontius unable to contribute their wonderful efforts, the Varsity, discour- agingly crippled, but fighting like de- mons, responded nobly to the entrea- ties of the men of Michigan. Such courage as they displayed could not be withstood. It was Michigan spirit, in the bleachers as well as on the field; a marvelous exhibition of pluck and unyielding determination. A Beat. We may, perhaps, be pardoned for patting ourselves on the back over our accomplishment of putting a sporting extra containing a complete account of the game on the streets within two minutes after the final whistle. Such work would be most creditable to a metropolitan newspaper with a com- plete and specially designed equipnient and a veteran staff. That four thous- and issues failed to satisfy the popular demand shows that the student body appreciated our efforts. Not only to Editor Robinson and to the Ann Arbor Press but to the entire staff whose spirit of untiring endeav- or made the achievement possible we gladly give the credit. LIT SOPHOMORES PLAN FOR MANY SOCIAL FUNCTIONS. Dinners, dances, and smokers are to form the elaborate social program of the soph lit class for the ensuing year Three of the dinners which, in accord- ance with the planfollowed by other classes, will be held at the Union, will be stag affairs, while two will include guests. The dances will be of the dinner- dance variety, one to be held at Gran- ger's, the rest to be in Barbour gymna- sium. School of Music Girls Plan Dance. The'girls of the University School of Music have planned for a dance to be held at the Country club next Tuesday' evening. NOTICE TO THE MEMBERS OF THE MICHIGAN UNION Public nc tice is hereby given that a special meeting of the members of the Michigan Union will be bhid at 7:36 P. M. on TuesdayNov ember aF, x~t, at Waterman Gymnasium for the purpose of considering amendments to Articles V and VII of the Articles of Asso- ciation of the Michigan Union and for the further purpose of considering the following amendments to the Constitution of said cor- poration: AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION Article III is to be amended to read as fol- lows: "Section I. All men who are students in actual residence at the University of Mich- igan, Alumni, Regents, members of the sev- eral, faculties and_ officers of the University of ichigan may become menbers of the association upon the payment of the annual club dues. "Section II. (a) Any person eligible to mem- bership as provided in the preceding section may become a life member on payment of fifty dollars ($5). (b) Any person eligible to membership as provided in the preceding section may be come a life member on payment of fifty dollars ($o) payable in the following manner: ten dollars ($mo) to be paid at the time of apoli- cation for membership and forty dollars ($40) payable in four equal annual installments, said installments to become due and payable on one two, three and four years from the date of such application. Such applicants for mem- bersaiip shall be entitled to all privileges and subject to all the obligations of full member- ship from the date of first payment, provided, however, in case such applicant shall fail to make payment of any one of said four annual payments within one year of the date such installment shall become due and payable he shall forfeit all rights to become a life member by thereafter making payment of that: or any remaining installment, and any install- mnents which may theretofore have been paid by such applicant shall be considered and taken as regular annual dues. (c) Any person not eligible to membership . under the preceding provisions may become a life member of the association on the pay rent of one hundred dollars ($ioo), provided- such candidate for life membership has secured the approval bf two-thirds of the Board of Diredtors. "Section III. The Union may at any meet- 'ng, by a two-thirds vote of the members pres- ent, elect to honorary membership any person rho may have rendered distinguished service to the University of- Michigan, provided such :andidate for hororary membership has re- ;eived the approval of the Board of Directors. Article IV is to be amended to read as ollows: "Members of all of the above classes, except as hereinafter provided. shall have the same ?rivileges. All members except those adm tted o membership under Section III, of Artice II, of this constitution shall be entitle} to rote at the meetings of the Union and at the annual election of officers, provided, however, tist at the annual election of officers, of those tembers possessing the qualifications specified in Section 1, of Article III, only those who iave signed'their names on the membership -rol in the club-house before nine A. M. of he second Saturday in April shall be entitled o vote." Section VII of Article V is to be amended to read as follows: "(a) The government of the Union shall be ,ested in the Board of Directors, composed of he aforesaid nine officers, three others elected annually from the University Faculties, and ve alumni of the University who are members if the Union, the same to be elected by the advisory Council of the Alumni Association If the University. This Board shall constitute the Board of Directorsfor the corporation. It ,hall have legal title to the property of the Tnion and shall be especially vested with ower to receive donations to the Union" "(b) Upon the completion of the Michgan Union club-house project as outlined in the -esolution of the Michigan Alumni Association, 'assed at its meeting of June 28th, 1911, the title to such club-house, buildings and grounds shall be transferred to, and thereafter remain in the Board of Regents of the University; the Michigan Union club-house poject shall, for this purpose, be considered as completed at such time as such club-house shall be ready for use and occupancy."' "(c) Upon the completion of the Michigan Union club-house project as set forth in (b) of this section, the management and control of the club-house, buildings and grounds shall be vest- ed in the Board of Governors composed of the Financial Secretary of the Union, who shall be' the Chairman of the Board, the President of the Union, one member of the Board of Reg- ents of the University, to be chosen by the Regents, and four members of the Union to be* :hosen from the life, faculty and alumni mem- bers, provided that at' least three of the said four shallje alumni of the University." Section VIII, Article V is to be amended . b~y striking out the words "a majority." Section IV, Article VIII is to be amended to read as follows: "Ten percent of the members possessing the qualifications for membership as specified in Section 1, of Article III, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Union, annual or special." Article.IX to be amended to read as fol- ows: + "Amendments to this constitution, not in vio- ation of the Articles of Association, may be adoited at any meeting of the Union. annual r special, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided twenty per cent of those nembers possessing the qualifications for mem- ership specified in Section I, of Article III, are present, such amendments having been published with the notice of the meeting." Arthur B. Moehlman, Recording Secretary. 40 to 48 Mihia PenDecoratior Michigan Souvenirs of all WAHR' University Bookstore Pthvunsm Portrouats Pla Banners Pillows 319 L. Ituron PI( ne When You Desire Platinum Portraits F Pennants We are the original makers of English clothes. None but im- ported woolens here and nearly all the patterns are confined ex- clusively to Kirschbaum. Drop in and see our display of fabrics. P. Kirschbaum "The Original Young Men's Tailor" Portraits of Qualil TH Go to THE- PROTOGR APFEE - We Do French Dry and Steam CIe P RLSS) G grid nPAI Suits Cleaned and Presaed 75c! FULLER & O'CONNO R Tailors 619 I - Ann Arbor Callaghan (&AC0rn 340 . * Stat. St. Opposite Law Ba Law Books New and Second-Hand Old Books -Taken in F xchange-Ne, Callaghan (LCorn, Opposite D.,or of Law Bldg. Next to C HARRY LENOX, 1 56 Lafayette Ave. Detr Scotch, ErgF',h, and Irish Wool:ns for Ove and Suits. The stock is complete in evt ry -G.2737 791 Woodward A Contracts Written by Month or Term ies Cleaning and Pressing IEnlglislh Styles 1). r Skirts Pressed 35c Ladies' Suits Pressed 50-6 c and deliver. Telephone 1534-L ... , I G HT an enlargement from you favorite negative. Airy negative from which a good contact piii t n ay I e i ide will ii- d an excel i t t eniarveniei t Can be made any size from kodak ntgaive sui able for fia: ing E. J. SChMIDT 709 N. University Upstairs DETROIT Between De Detruit Limite K lamazoo i"M 11:46 a. m1N O 1 Lansilg 7:4h p. Local Cara En u.:5am,a I v toll :15 p. m l' 5n )a. im. To Local Cars Wes n . xD110every I'V -_ .. )1( si Fark in Yicbigan Fstablihed I49 L(CMIRCIAL ADsD ' AVI (t: A CLCUNTS 501I]CITED f nit ct nveriert to call at the Bank' u e vlil ronptly mail Information n BANKING Bi MAIL, on request. D R E kORE ltorge hendrie D. C. Delamater . A. Dean Phillip h. flcMillan -.A.t hapoton,M.D. treh err' "o-drie id, ey 1. Mil er John M. Dwyer Arthur M. Parker Paul F. Bagiey Have you noticed appearance a perfect fitting Dress Suit gi This is the only kind we make. WAGNER & CO. Our fabrics are the ne STATE STREET the distinguished ives one. west. ': 7 _________ Get i our, C4 Per usy Gam en's Phl:.rmac a sp~cal ( rl Gib rt's are Van DAK'er 703 PACK, the tor- V d ne. et. Mrs. J. R. Trojanowski FASHIONABLE HAIRDESSER Hair Goods, Hairdressing. Manicuring and Face Massage. Rain water s hampooing a Specialty. 1110 south Uni-ersity Bell 696-W It you are not getting your DAILY regularly, a posta card to the Business Man- ager will start somethI GOOD BOARD $3.50 IN ADVANCE, a THE PINES, 503 E. Jerferson StreetB ue Catering to Parties a Spcialty. Music by Fischees 0ichestra. JOHN FERGUSON, Proprietor 1221 S. Univ 0 " G l, 5 and 7 Passenger Cars LKY.Prices Reasonable HOME PHON b 452-Black rage, 200 West Huron Street I II HA=LL BROTF - WE CLEAN AND PRESS CLOTHE SUITS DRY CLEANED 75c OVERCOATS DRY .LEAr1 bIllS PRESSED) 25c LADFE tIARMENTaOUR 410 SOUTH SPECIALTY. TRY US r 1 ! I 14b7I -4 - ,T , 7 - -Vi All ./ 1'1