J: * * ~
.*~ Mercev £l xpres I$ a*!' .SorroI v.c
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1 >k
News of, the ,,loss of thlomlsonl
to the 1Michliganteam ean chled
aestopl'in at th e Deroit Coun-
try dclubutl)audy
Capt. ~Mcrcer of te Red1and
"We Oare almgtysryTO
hear of'hms sbere avomnlc
adhis co nsequent lo 10ss to Michl--
ig-an. l ie lis a grad payer, one,
whom w;Xn all ifearand'respecti.
His lplacannot possC j)ibly bO1J .tfill-
ed antd ywe w anltdto me Mich-
igaln-at her betNow ithat isilin-
Lung f d theMos
n ( L u t- r af i t I1 ;"' y 1 1i.4 I'
*V( TI'ET4ItF UPI7!4 'I
Li 3 'T ?i3: BE Ti -t I uN 1 T DANE,_.
YesterdIay's; bertting on Saturday's
Desp.6ite the umro " boar sois
f ortheom1ing1fromathe East nd theldis
coulrag;ing sto(rie s _is; ing ,from the;
W1olverine camp." litte Pensy oe
wais in cianspotr p rdt ic oa
fromChiagohadsent on "12,500 to ;be
placed t odds f two to0 pee
nLothiing finure lslthan' a rumoiir, A P.enusy
A . ltucp r Crop 0of M C~ich ian Y101 0ito is
goingEo jbel'tc nWtra y
heads , andit'lusyetusamcnin.-.
spIre aMchantmtoxco, h
Mze and Slue ca°} o buotrumpoto
be Tiepicplpaer of t ven
ing, Judge !Mur_11'fintofPow; 10ba:u
unabe to be p'rsn. ;1re_. =7 ~h
* * * * * * * * *
X11].J ) 9",i J V 1 5.x,1 rfl TK1
1_tT O'i "
1 r
7rn.. rit o L'ei iii 2 vt'
Are '
livelj cheering and in)n.Lnys
or ihoa minsoe nhn eron0uotnsrsle n~ n
3_ ort h'111 football teamT1' "n';Watr' ird ldsw k ilb xii
O'Lmttn;wl esor n np
man ynmasin'ionNembr2Swl ah eiCacblay l r
hb p o iiO u r o m e e yvewd Cr ' * mnf, l st e e i i' " c t i t e
FC e unrdglln feietre il ei rmpyat7c'lok n
Fadsofaplean svea
S 0 ~ MAL T WO 1110 W
'I' In e~uhienf vi
I '11 i'~
poor health for to Pres idenuth in ':1S hav accepted tbjt
tlie a"0o waaoper'at- invitti~n tO Preside a toastna
crjc~ed'e.The opera- Dr. Angell 'Willbe a' d to attlln r
'seful and the young, to give a ,'hort talk, C!oatlh Yost wvill
h:e road to recovery, also be present if he isi the i'ciyat
mne and then t'he end , the trne. A promc mont alumnlus, asu
I o W mdenht spca.her and a representati 'itcI
ornell game Kraenz- frOm the faculty still remain to N'
!ng against, hope that' hosen, They w',vill be named iahl i th
able~ to play. One of neOt few days. Brevity and si ce will
in hi s hip was torn'be, the. orde of Ois year', spe eches, if
; me and this neces- th0ih1;f~h cnnteeaeo-
,al. froini aAtSatur- serIed.
as Vee a ~ble to walk: 1 Tle combined mulsical club .s, the uni-
d has been out every! versity band andiam utud nt quartette
.a~chies But hie was ',ill also help to eertain the audi-
'e than three or four 1enceG. A vaudeville sketch has en
nise mpain and the in- arra;nged for as one of ti afc.tur s ocf
o signls of imI-prove-. the smoker. A numberi P of ot o-
ily it ha been an-~ elfies will be introduced.
- eNo L erisueAfT CrSECO ~ND DIN ER
called the Footba.!-ui nbr, comes off '
the. re? aturday and ,will be laced t"~msc i"ws fiil
on su le 't Fe.rry Fieldtatatenon
fc;,'yfrteThe coavor d i n o '.this is uc y d raly'hs o teMh-
str'1iing-_;One , don in coIlo'trs; ,.y',,,- ;am Uin at the scondmmb rI
7,,,dEVert...It shows0an 1",, mandner hold last ni10, A. jet black Per-
i2 ns otball "togs, surrouindcd !byfoot- siankittn accomllinied by a cat-sized
balso wihaperte scor es of cradcxvas rece i i d at thecluibhoCusC
ther season's gamc. Knet chyetrdyand [w vs Introduted ato is
14 conribtessevralskT _ ~mognew '.duties by Toatst ter L =tch Fl
thmbeinga a ule-pagedaigof and i 7 S 'Mmers of' the Union who at-
het ' roShSoph 0 rush,!tended the dinner. 1lhe litt:En. was gV-
D7onald . KHaires, an lumC' nus, ccon- en to -iTh Unnby AMry". RF&HM ur&i
trbtste rnia'soyAsraeyjwfe of Vrofessor Curtis of' the astron-
and~~~,n a abt"oydepartmnent
Farank"lin . Adams,at preenton ProfessorCad_(am,.'wh-o was theues
the stfsof "Life"and the "New MYrofhoor CtIhedin, gave the .prini-'i
Eving Ma121 'lil," 1_; is heauhr0f oeSallWK. .rho emVainder of the pro-
humoro_(?'us ye se. A shor-sketch, " ils = .'ram on 1stitd C' mulca l an1d xvocal
en (
ons aone, for. he has Ojpfliia .ii ".1?1In'fO.M= Pnn ~iue. Donald KRahn. Ao~raunscon-
for sawe time now Out-of-town Gi cts ane eter AYn r tri itnN iofrel
ncer on -efense, be- Ped at the ihigan 1Un ion frm ths One( ofthe eitor01s Ofthe l ?:iader.
hest and surest tack- ' evening until after the Pen asy game. To -
He. s heartbroken 'morrow the ,diing room nwill tibCeO UP 4YQa Sf1t1 '0 oedt lyadi da 1UfrNc n op inen- t lLas meting fortheasenir w
Id go in despite his' from 5 :30 to SM:0. The usual price of 'yesterday afternooan it waOs unaI~nous-
FfFifty ;cents , a'teaLOillbe charged. < lt' cieto hold -' sericesof1five clas
11 Blig shiif. '----dinners at the Union throuighout the,
11011:110 of iiWNWaiU ub Today.
MTh f ineetig ofthe I~linois C lb.
-s a ofc;z<ially recognized org anization
wil be held this> afternoon ait 4 o'clock
tnT Ci apr}hall.'This meetfing land the
smoker which wi be held next wek
tyill be the lsttwvo cacsfor 'lli-
noi;;:ans to get inito ]the club as ;charter
1 s
Tv j1 $ rJ [
omscn was s. atedt to play at full
rday and Pontius tiara to hold
irighit end. New ime'n mnust now
alineth to pla.y these positions in
days,' Non'e other 'than., Thomson
layed full in any game this SEaS01
this mneans that"1111in iiP1Peiie6d
will fill the star's shoes. Meek is
Dan wh~o is counTted on to mrake up
Engieer ChwgeTOPe of Meeting.
Becaruse of the .TPennlgame the LDc-
troit-Aun Arb or section of the Amen-
can Institute of'l, lctrical lEngineers.
will metSauayeeningin ed of
in the :'morgin ro 83o tee-
gineerng building at 8 o'clocA. G. 0N.
Lemmon ZaUIof _C the Q. UR.Will speak.~r
year ain accordanecet the tffer e-' membeOK
tended): P o all th c C.las by he ion
Denta Boar VoipleteLWork TheOWfcaS for the Penn gmeSat-
'thmier-..:' <1, which arrIved I Ann Arn a tortes.' 11llbut one are east-
ber c__o '.:lny, MwiOllomplotits e xm m , mL .TheOy ar: Rel 'ere, Joe Fen-
'o ofl1 tw bty:, fier ad nt n Tn-dto ' l owdloh In;.pir o, AlSa
nsalin nas
(c) .An
tilCei' the
a ^rlf 11 men
loss of the regular and to do '1eut BoHfi's 'Ciiditn tillI'riAiNl.'treid:n>s_01' the stateO to 'or0ow
Pating for the teemn1.There is no Reen J I. :1ali11tilli rica
as to a f C's 1CIdok<ng;abiity , fU oniton hile . hats gained dun- .igu 2'1f;TmrrwM:'n'
C tice his punts have been long IIlug the past wiee's, rocovey is &ow TheRget-,l h mtit-
gh, As to his ability in carrying' and he will 'o he able to be out for morrow morninq at 11 in the Regents
l1 little is known as he has not amonW- , ]. st and!pewhaps longer, roo.. the. f irst fc of thela bu ld-_
peen in that cap)acity. Bult. -- --- --- in.
is ben drilling himt hard in th_;at Dr'. uxtn me HiWo0
inn has pr°obably dk'eelped him rl. . . B,',secetryof the.imei' r'rmaon{ Ieah
c-a ?x a 0; ne il"^,uugoi, . niIcr1, ie i ,:'a :
gamion to Stxa' aethian she
evening."I entmthem two blocks o!
ticets an ased hem to retu' rnl, by
has bee returned,
ing,'w to-1thirs vo
j tt i, ic 'o-lravv me
vhin'i A l!av rndrk
to th Iicict Slect
e t a t t_ , s c i tha . i lid a t i' l o o r r ;
tla I the :urmvai of ti e;
Arti'ie I ittshe a.'
thrve _on ll members iieA
to vcnboth, nei Sc
Sec!'.(f; 1:11o;nstitio
Dental ~l)e . , wo rthe past few
ays has beeccinfinedto is11.home7
thrIeateedw 1di1htena rsue
hsis work in theniesiyeted.
The ouveir oste proramof the
noon. htsell tody at10) cents,bu
tomorowthe ric w-lCbe 1 :ents,
Just who Zw ill play
(Contlnued on-
the rightxtre m-
paef- v.
. p -+..r-.... . e eawz ., "_ {K. "li a'?' RTdGf!"n i'dt'4i1.a':' riwib +A i L:; 3%:.2 :. .'.1 : .., L'"L r Vii. l'. w_ ..-' C', .i, '""""-'a"'.'IILwYw 95dd rs .aMVafT-vntrsfra ra u . a.r ~ .n., . e
KiY 'r ..
' i .l
Senid One Back 1101
'to the Michigan
who Couldn't coml-e.
FMA Y i, n
rc suc ^ - Y-ate--c , a xcs ,
1 0 .r.. "=.,:.s."i:assx . .w