* * * %k .. * # IUNIVERSITY NOTICES Office of the University Auditor in S the main corridor of U. Hall will be open till further notice, Mondays, Wed- nesdays and Fridays from 12:15 to 12:45. Dr. Edmunds o.the medical depart- ment lectures in the medic amphithea- ter tonight at 7:30 on "Eblich's Rem- edy, 606." Soph engineering class meeting Fri- day at 4, room 311. - All '12 lit football men meet at Ran-' fdall and Packs for picture Friday at 12: 15. If it is impossible for you to come call the manager at once. Call X1067-L.' * * * * * * * * * * CLJASSIFIED ADS. Advertising matter for this classified column must always bo paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op- posite the Majestic between the hours of 12 noon and 10 p. in., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time "1p to x:30 p. M. These Ads bring Results. *1 'u :* *- v. *: *k x 1 * Family BIJOU THEATRE Down Town Home of Superior Vaudeville and Photo Plays s I: And tie of ['s hocolate Creams 1 parts of the city Store Pkhous.270 U There were fourteen "W's" awardedi to women in the competitive sports at the University of Washington this fall. All the latest popular song bits at Grinnell Bros. Music House at Ten cents per copy. A complete stock of the latest Opera hits at popular prices also. Everything in college songs and ollections. 18 -tf DON'T GET THE IDEA THAT IT'S O0 LATE TO SUBSCRIBE. THE -IIG ISISUES ARE YE~T TO COME. Kollouf cuts and makes clothes for the college men. Old post office build- ing, Main and Ann Street. 28tf SUBSCRIBE FOR THE FOLKS AT HOME AND WRITE FEWER LET. TIER. M7ichigani and Pennsy Banners, Pen- nants, Arm Bands, etc., at Wahr's Uni- versity Bookstore. 34-5-6-7-8-9 .JTAUh A WANT A) FOR THAT LOST OR FOVWP AIRTICIr AT THE. D AJlJY OIFOR AT QUARRY'S. 'WANTED. WANTED: NEWSBOYS TO0 SEIL, THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SOUV'ENIR SPORTING EXTRA. CAILL AT DAILY' OFFICE BETWEEN I AND 2 ANYI DAY THIS AWEEK. tANNARBOR PRESS BUILDING. Wanted-Ten students for Jewish board. 806 S. University Ave. 36-27-38, i Wfated-A sorority club of girls to; board. Rates will be made to 25 girls. Address X, Michigan Daily. 38 LOST. Lost-Set drawing instruments in room 437 'New Engineering building. Finder return to Instructor M'enef cc.E Reward. 36-37-38 Lost-Small brindle bull terrier about three months old. Finder call Bell 131 or return to 607 S. State St. Re- ward. 37-38-39 Lost-Gamma Phi Beta pin, Erna George engraved on back. Finder please return to 417 East Univer.sity. Reward. 37-38-39. LootConklin fountain pen in., Dean F Lits' anti-room. Finder return to -'6 Church St. and receive reward. 38I Found-A log slide rule. Inquire at 1126 W'ashtenaw. 38 RUBBERS-Buy your rubbers at f'PU4FiEI4DS" then you will be sure of having them properly fitted. We carry the GOODYE1AR GL4OVE brand exclusively. 119 S. Main St, 38-39-40 Buy your Saturd y Evening Post of Chas. A. Stevens and help him win a pony and cart. His chance i , good, re- member him. He Is a future Michigan man. You will find hime under the arch. See cardls, 4 38 Starting TONIGHT Black and Tan Comedians Dean & Stevens In a bit of smart foolery DAINTY O L IVE HARRIS and Others MATINEES Wednesday and Saturday ii Il~c--Never Higher--iOct11levrtC Pic old & Co.'5s For the vledge no instance. Come Into the Store tod of the swellest line of colic eyes on. The real leaders amoi young fellows of this town Co mpanyI 'on Log Wahixr Wlide Rutles 0nlY $1.00 at University Bookstore.j WADHAMS & co, When Air' Others Fail Buy HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX WOOL CLOTHES HERE a ~' .'U TZ T'~rhe Clothier, 217 So. Main The Markham Pottery has placed at the Foster Art Store a fine collection of their pottery which will lbe on sale for a few days at reduced prices. -36-38-40. Patronize the new print shop, Davis and Ohlinger, Job Printers, 109 E. Washington Street. Bell Phone, 432-J. 1.8 eod tf Shoes repalreki while you wait.- An- fres, 222 So. State St. 34 eod tf LIGHT WEIGHT RUBBER BOOTS are the proper thing for this sloppy weath- er. We carry a large stock of the best men or women-"URFIEbDS," 119 S. fMainSt 38-39-40 Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. Have you seen those nobby blues at Milward's? Tailor, State St. Rosenberg dryclean cuits. 12tf Overcoats9 H Redmhan Collars Holeproof Hosiery Barker Collars Interwoven Hosiery Wadhams Oxford 330 S.! 19 th l2tfI A7 ISuits and Overcoas $15.04 up Martin guitars and mandolins, best on earth, on sale at Schaeberle & Son's Music House, 29tf $4,00 BoarldI LEI Dine with your visiting, friends Satur- day at Mack's Tea Room.~ Turkey Ta- ble D'Hote Dinner at all hours. 38-39-40 Sweaters cut ever at. the Royal, 209 E. Liberty. Rosenberg presses suits-25 PalaisI 1-tf cents. l2tf .Y YONER II. Wct t Huron St. Rosenberg calls and delivers. lztf for Your 1;,Cater Tor Clubs and j iafkluaws-Large assortment of all wool samples for sale by Irving and Plumb. Prices $5 to $8. Phione 1314, 803 S. State. 36 to 41 Rosenberg drycleans sweaters. I2tf 'Printing, Engraving, Embossing, Fine Stationery, Two-fold Announce ments or Card with Envelopes to mnateb, Kenu and Dance Programs. See our new and up-to-date display romi. Don't get confused in ft(. dame ted Place-Chas, F. Meyers, 215 S. Main St., 2nd Floor. Phone 281-L. Ann Arbor, Michigan IT I HENRY Fiats Designers of Men's Clothes,. will in If you want STATIONERY, FOUNTAI N PENS, ENGINEERI'S SUI PLIES, Etc., go to headquarters for Student's Supplies ;e j The Student Suppy Store: GILBERT & MORSE CANDIES ,Lvwmmw ., ,d English Why Not Buy Where You Can Get the Best Goods At Lowest Prices Goodyear's Drug Store Any Doctor In Ann Arbor can. tell You About Us I ER F O I I. I: ... s. r 5 s1 Both Phones I11 We are never Undersold' I I THlE VAR~SITY TOUGERY SHOP 1107 S. University Avenue Has just received a line of Silk and silk Lise Half Hose. ket us show' you our Fall line of lined and unlined Dress Gloves. T tailor is rued out anship the best. If ss, Tuxedo or Frock fabrics are shown. At Liberty Street For nice hot chocolates and daily home made candies go to the R9 Sugar Bowl Service wilt please you and every thinig is clean Specialties on SaturdayI . Ji. LOIIRI t i s e 2BI U r 5for olleg eM en at Allen's Good C1