0 1 'an MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1911. IS ARE CHAMPIONS, Beat Junior Litsj ore on Wet and ' erv Field "LIM JUCKLIN" FIGURES SHOW CORNELL BE Genial S. L "Big Red Team" Has tile Adva CORES SUCCESS hesatitcs on last S Opie Read Keeps Big piled and show some interesti A.-Audience in Con- about the tussle. If there is a: SENIOlIS. Plunging through 12 yards of slush Ad snow, Grosvener of the senior en- neers, carried the ball over the jun- r lit goal and won the campus chain- onship for the "Boilermakers" yes- rday afternoon. The score was 5 to the engineers failing to kick the goalj stant Laughter why the "Big Red Team" defe Wolverines a glance over the KNOCKS 3ISPLA;EID CHARITY, hould dispel it. In only one f( the game did Michigan outs opponents while the Ithacans A big broad shouldered, shaggy hair- doubled the amount of ground ed man kept those that went to Uni- Below are given the statistics versity Hall last night in a constant Cornel state of laughter by an unlimited store Ground by rushing ...... 111 of spicy stories and $,itty remarks. Average distance of punts ..41 OniP RP d9A in his -'rsenta.t"ion of "01d 't Fist I1 'relied mainly on straight sloppy condition of the any fancy 'plays impos- ughout the entire contest were outplayed by their mnents. The third year ndicapped by the lightness and found difficulty in r feet against the rushes rs. Grosvenor's punting ally in winning the game. re long and low, proving mbling block for the jun- wice the kicker recovered . Remington andRicker- the other stars for the i pi e eau ,u11 pi el 1 1 U1st dI Cowns .. ..... . . Lim Jucklin," also spoke on subjects Ground lost on penal that Pre of vital interest to the country Running back kicks . but even they contained expressions Fumbles........... that evoked a smile. Fumbles recovered "I do not come as an orator with Forward passes ..... boundless quantities of oratory, nor as Ground gained on fora a lecturer to give' to you something passes ............. that you do not know, but as an Amer- ican writer to present something from League will Enteri his works," began Mr. Read. "Old fel- The officers of the lows are gone for good and civilization will give a tea for the anishes them. I am going to say what Monday, December 2. 'Old Lim' would say if he were really be held in Barbour gy' a human being." And that is what he did. The say- SEVEN PARTIES AS ings of the old gentleman were enter- '1; LIl SOCIAL tat: :ng to the audience and proved that -- hi, creator could fulfill the reputation The senior lits ai of telling.a story every three minutes things this year in a One detail in particular, the horrible least seve arties are tale of the sweat shop which is con- .festivities ill begin tained in "Lim Jucklin" was vividly Barbour gymnasium brought out by the novelist. Charity Saturday. The dancin and the contributions of rich men that at 2 o'clock and con are responsible for the degrading con- No admission will be 6 ditions of humanity also came in for reports from the Neb a knock by the route of the short witty be received at the gy' epigrams of the story-teller Fischer is engaged to To count the sayings that caused a sic. laugh to break forth would be an end- The second Saturd less task, but it is safe to say that the Christmas holidays ar audience took away some valuable be tried in the guise facts besides a lasting smile, which "dinner-dance." Dane will return as Opie Read's lingering sway from 4 until 6 a . . . . . .. . 1 ties . .75 ......126 .2 .0 ward fumbling on either was not hindered by sts from the rooters earlier interclass niors played a de- g the entire contest. oved regular"moun- the senior plunges. s were able to gain1 id the brilliant runs"1 the first of the sea- ed the playing of Pasr .. own >n of . h broke nearly 'he game ended of the field. with lIMoehlman Rallies From Operation.. Word was received here yesterday of the success of the operation for appen- dicitis which was performed upon Ar- thur -Moehlman, '12, yesterday morn- ing at Harper Hospital, Detroit. The last acute attack was the culmination of a series that Moehlman has suffered, as the result of an injury sustained in the push-ball contest two years ago, Although suffering intensely the pa- dient has passed the crisis and will soon be on the road to recovery. NEW YORK ALUMNI LEASE WIRE FOR PENN SY GA ME. A special wire direct from Ferryj Field will convey the results of Sat-! urday's Michigan-Penn game to thet alumni of both universities in Newj York City. Reisenweber's Hall has1 been engaged for the purpose, and thef old Michigan and Pennsy grads will be1 able to follow the big game play by, play.t TO Visitors will be g: es B. 1912 Engineers 1913 Lits was E. Campbell ....... L.E........ Baker sure- Parshall.......... L.T. .........Kuhr ture. Tiller, DeLange... L.G. ......Peterson nous Kitson ............ C. ......Reinhart' had Cullen............ R.G. ...... Staebler hibit Lawrence......... R.T. ......Kanzler un- Ricke-hauser...... R.E....... Johnson work Rogers............ Q. .. Nicholson,R Bit- Spinning 11 be Chapman .......... L.H.......Gould rates, Grosvenor.......R.H. ........ Saier ell is Remington........ F.B. .......Bogart some se of Officials-Edmunds, referee; Bor- f Dr. leske, umpire; Watkins, field judge; Haff, head linesman. Touchdowns, Grosvener; Time of periods, 7 minutes. EUEN. Professor Glover Will Resiue Work., Professor Glover, of the mathematics Carl department who has been confined to f. M. his home since Sunday by tonsilitis was will meet his classes tomorrow. their young men acquaintances Women's league will hold a s "sweetmeats," similar to the or en at the time of the Vanderbilt It will open at 9 o'clotk Sa morning and will continue until the wares are disposed .of. The supply of candies will be ly increased for this sale. A former one, the goods were al before the purchasers had beer plied and the women wish to a repetition. >r -poi f o Dean Reed Not Able to Resume Work. TO ISSUE ITS FIRST "WUXTRY." Dean Reed is still confined to his ) me by illness, though he has been Daily Will Get Out Special Sheet After A aadily improving since he was first Penn Game. ti ken sick over a week ago as a result Immediately after the final whistle of overwork. It is not at all certain is blown in the Pennsylvania game on when he will be able to resume his du- Saturday, the Michigan Daily will issue ties. a yellow souvenir edition and sporting ---extra. It will contain a complete de- Y, W. C. A. TO CONDUCT THREE tailed account of the contest as well as FLOWER BOOTHS SATURDAY. interesting facts about the players and for the purpose of or- ----features of the day. The paper will be isory committee of the Hydraulic Lab' Work Counts Extra. To increase, if possible, the associ- sold on the streets and at the news ie committee will meetSeniormechanical engineers who ation fund, the Y, W. C. A. will hold a stands. This special edition will not discuss the policies of have any spare time to do extra col- chrysanthemum sale next Saturday. It interfere with the regular publication . It is not the intention lege work, may earn extra credit, to is probable that three stands will be of the Daily and the Sunday morning ittee should usurp the the extent of one or two hours, by par- operated by the women up to the time paper will be put out as usual. board of trustees but ticipating in the experiments now be-- of the Penn game. One will be locat- Special wires have been arranged ork along with it. ing conducted in the hydraulic labora- ed at State and Washington streets and b tween the Daily office and Ferry field tory, another in front of Newberry hall A; The entire contest will be telephoned ices Again on Dec. 1 yet no site has been selected for the play by play to the press room and gistrar Hall yesterday: Pres. Hutchins Returns From Illinois. third but the Association plans to lo- the management hopes to have the "ex- be two days of vaca- !President Harry B. Hutchins rep- : cate it east of the campus. tra" on sale by the time that the spec- ;iving time this fall. As resented the University of Michigan at tators reach the 'campus on their re- ill be no classes on. the annual banquet of the' Michigan Dean Vaughan Goes to Lansing. turn from the field. I understand that all Club of Illinois, at Champaign, Ill., Dean V. C. Vaughan left yesterday 'day. At present I am Tuesday evening, making a brief ad- for Lansing to attend a special meeting Beginning next year fraternities al o say whether or not' dress to the members of the society. of the State Board of Health. He will Wisconsin will not be allowed to ini- >ubled for that day." Ie returned to Ann Arbor last evening. return to Ann Arbor this afternoon. tiate men until their second year. e'1 s t n' i d; " f d't d%] .- ' 1 -'i ,- ' 1 1