THE MICHIGAN DAILY iniIwiTHE 13 fII'hlOAN DAILYI A Y e Styles treet Official Newspaper at the University of :Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year.. MANAGING wEDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert IR. Dilley I Editors. News Editor......Harry Z.' Fo'lz Assistant........:.Frank Pennell Athletic Editor.....:.. Karl Matthews Assistant......... G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama .. .. Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files........Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Walle W: Merritt Frank $haw Maurice Myers Edward G. Kemp. Night Editors. Maurice Toulme Mack Ryan Loren Robinson Robert Gillett Wallace Weber. NG.LVUlAi~. TYPI SUPPLIES. TYPE WRITERS, nd hand), for sale anri rent 11tORRIL L [MORE LUNCH BELL 582-J a nner Y Day Reporter rs., Oscar Beckman 18th John Townley, C. Harold Hippler Frank Murphy J. Selig Yellen William Daugherty We have a full stock of tnant-, Arm Bauds and niers. Buy them now get your clio~ce. Pen- I Michigan and Pe n nsy- Colors Ban- and RE I' SHEEHAN' STUDENTS' BOOKSTO] II II r + We are the original makers of, English clothes, None but im- ported woolens here and nearly all the patterns are confined ex- clusively to Kirschbaum. Drop in and see our display of fabrics. P. Kirschbaum "The Original Young Men's Tailor" hG.2737 797 Woolward BURSIESS STAFF.* Assistant to Mgr. .. Joseph Fouehard Advertising Mgr . Elmer P. Grierson Circulation Mgr...E. Ray Johnson A. R. Johnson, Jr. ..Emerson Smith Edgar L. Jaffa...... W. T. Holiands' OFF'ICES* Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. OFF ICE HOURS: Managing Editor; 1-2 p. inm., 10:30-11:30 p. in.; Bus- iness Manager, 1-5 p. in.. Both Phones 960. Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- ffi versity. WEDNESDAY, :NOVEMBER 15, 1911. Night Editor-C. Harold Hippler. Put Your "House in 'Order. The great week of the .year is upon ais. At no time 'do excitement and spir- it rise so high, at no time do wve attract so many visitors, as during the few days preceding the big game. The old boys will be here from'far and near to ming l their voices_ in devotion and praise to .Michigan. They are 'coming backi to see thcir old Varsity, "rip 'em up" once more. They come also to be refrc','.d and rc eewed by a pungent draught from the' ptre and undefiled spring of Michig3an spirit. They will expect to see. the old town in a football frenzy, ablaze with th^ Yellow and Blue. Two months of stcady gro wt' havenmade their expectat-orns high and strong. It is for us, then, to give their a reception that wiillnot be disappoint- ing. The Maize and Blue. should em- blazon every club house,. fraternity house,' and business house in the city. Let us all pull together with. shout and song and banners, and send the old boys home fired with new enthusiasm for our common alma mater. We'have also a duty to the three hundred or more visitors 'who will come from the east to root for Old Penn. We remember how our friend- ship 'for Minnesota was re-kindled by the generous display of our, colors which greeted those of us who followed the trail of the pigskin to the distant battle ground of the north in 1909. Let us pjot forget, then, to intermingle free- ly, with our own colors the Red and Blue. It is a courtesy we owe to our rivals. Better still, it can be the. means of assuring Pennsylvania of our friendship and causing .her to rejoice, in her relations with the Wolverines.p town CAMk Won't we be too cute for anything in our yellow ,coming-out gown? Thank you. The lily-white' snow, among other things, furnishes an exciting topic for freshman rhetoric themes. There are a great many things we would rather be than the conductor of the 11:43 p. m. interurban from Ypsi. Wanted-Newsboys with strong backs and weak minds to sell ten-volume autographed sets of T. T. lyrics, at the game Saturday. Great men leave ineffaceable tracks in the mud of time. It is revealed that o, s. Max Bennett injected laugh-stuff into his last year's efforts in German Comnp. In future years, how noble some 'for- mer student will feel 'to take. down Tom's helmet and say: "Children, se how your father bravely dismantled Ann Arbor's police force!" Rather embarrassing, however, if little Willie asks for details. When the voluminous complaints against the Athletic Association are all forgotten, we'll be ready to welcome the hero with a real solution for the trouble. PROFESmOR EFFINGER GIVES TALK TO Y. W. C. A. MEMBERS. "Intellectual insincerity is too plenti- ful among the students in the univer- sity," declared Professor Effinger in an address before the Y. W. C. A. at New- berry hall yesterday afternoon. "Say what you think, not what you think you ought to think. It is better to be consistently wrong than to be right by chance." "Dimensions,- time subject of his talk furnished him oan enc;nt pg inte shape of ma:ue2atical terms on which to hang some principles. The meeting was attended by a large number, of university wone. PROFESSR SC OTT DELIVERS FIRST LECTURE OF SERIES. Professor F. N. Scott delivered the rst of a series of lectures on the "Gen- esis of Speech" yesterday afternoon In the amphitheater of the Psychology laboratory. The relation between or- dinary eniodons and their correspond- ng actionis was expialned and the dif- ferent theories outlined. The next lecture will show by lantern illustrations, how -a useful act is reduced to an attitude. The lectures will be Meld on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 2 and not on Tuesdays alone, as announced. n,'uri, Portrato When You Desire Portraits of Quality THE PHOTOGRAPHER 319E.4 Huron Phone 961-L FPiw, t lzv um F Banners Pillows Platin um Portrait's We Do ,French Dry and Steam Cleaning PILESSING eknd REPAIR ING Suits Cleaned and Pressed 750 Suits Pressed FULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors 619 E. William Ann Arbor Chice 340 S. State St. Opposite Law Saxildiniii LwNw awad Second-Hatad Old Books -Taken In Exchange-New Books Callaghan e&.. Companm Apposite Door Of Law Di1dd.- Next to Cosier-v 56 Lafayette Ave. ]Detroit. Mic wScotch, English, and Irish Woolens for Overcoats and Suits. The stock fs complete in evt ry way. Michigan -Pcnnsyl' Decorations 'Michigan Souvenirs of all kinds UWHRI'S University Bookstore Pennants Strea Arm 8 P laiiuum Portra .G co. English Styles Dress I !dPOSS IBLE U ep a skirt presentable during rainy weather. :outract is not an ordinary condition, how- u are accustomed to having them pressed, $.0we contract to pres- 3 skirts (luring atin of strictly up-to-the-1niiuute. Saniitary innioth busiies, we are doing, make these onl of our finished work will explain our ainmon one of our representatives. We Collect and Deliver G ET 'an enlargement from youy favo ite negativr. Any negative ftoni which a good coentact piutnt ay be made will .ie d an excel lcnt enlargement. Can be made any size from kodak negative suitable for £Fran ing. E. J. SCHMIDT 709 N. University Upstairs DETROIT UN lJ7I Between Detroll Jael Detroit Limited-8:13 a. mn.. 10:13 a. p.m., 2:1b p. in.4:1Fi p. mn.. 6:13 p. mn.,8 Kalamazoo Limilted - 7:46 a. mn 9: 11:46i a. m 1:46 p mn., 3: 46 p. m., 5: Lansing 7:46 p. mn. Local Cars East Bound-a. Detroi w , 6:43 a. nm., and every two hours P.M. 'TO I psilanIL. 5:4,- e, n, and ha U-50 a.,in. To Saline. change at YI Local Cars West Bound- 5:40 a. mi m .and every two hours to it:15p in. When inI DETROIT'' Stop at Hotel luller New and Absolutely fireproof Cor. Adams Ave. and Park St In the centre of the theatre, shopping and businfcss district Has large convention' hall-has grand roof garden. Music from 6 P. M. to 12:30 A. Ml. Have you noticed appearance a perfect fitting Dress Suit gi, This is the 9nly kind we make. WAGNER & CO. Our fabrics are the nev STATE STREET the distinguished les one. west. .. 4 ' s _ .: Every Boom 7has Private Bath EUROPEAN PLAN Rates: $1.50 per day and up Get your CANDY for the Pennsy Game at Vain Dor- en's Pharmacy. Just recrived a special ordler for the game. Gi1b: rt's are the one best bet. Vail Doren's Pharmacy 703 PACKARD STREET Mirs. J. R. Trojanowski FASHIONABLE HAIRDES4ER Hair Goods, Hairdressing. Manicuring and Face Massage.' Rain water Shamnpooing a Specialty. 1110 South University Bell 696-W Good Board New Rate THE HURON $8.50 Week in Advance Mrs.' E. B. Lambert 519 E. William St. GOOD BOARD $3.50 IN ADVANCEj1 . *. TI THE PIKES; 503 E. Jefferson 'Street Catering to Parties a Specialty. ji ~ ~ R Mus a by Fischer's Orchestra. - JOHN.FERGUSON. Proprietor 11221 S. University HALL BROTHiS WE CLEAN AND PRESS CLOTHES BN SUITS DRY CLEANED 75c OVERCOATS DRY CLEANED 75c SUITS PRESSED 25c OVER SPECI'AL'TY. TRY US 1 O T T hie .. esar4 L. W lulT Proprietor- ., ,.- ! Ik T 'l T. X 'A CK. 'PhotoA ran. l e rs