. I nld's ES~ Iitmoo yand Creams the city Store, Phorx'. 270 All the latest popular song hits at Grinnell Bros. Music House At Ten cents per copy. A complete stock of~ the latest Opera hits at popular prices afso. Everything in college songs rand ollections. 18 tf *..L~EAVE .1 WANT AD FOR THAT LOST OR FOUJND ARTICLE AT THE DAILY OFFICE OR AT QUARRY'S. DON'T GET THE IDEA THAT IT'S 700O LATE TO SUBSCRIBE. THE 416- ISISUJES ARE YET TO COME. Kollouf cuts and makes clothes for the college men. Old post office build- ing, Main and Ann Street. 28tf SUBSCRIBE FOR THE FOLKS AT HOME AND IWRITE FEWFIR LET- TERS. Michigan and Pennsy Banners, Pen- nants, Arm Bands, etc., at Wahr's Uni- versity Bookstore, 34-5-6-7-8-9 Patronize the new print shop, Davis and ,Ohllnger, Job Printers, 109 E. Washington Street. Bell Phone, 432-J. 18 eod tf Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres, 222 So. State St. 34 eod tf Log Log Slide Rutles only $7.00 at Wahir's tTniversity Bookstore. . 34-5-6-7-8-9 OPERA COMMITTEE TO PICK CAST BY.KEEN COMPETITION. The second tryout for the vocal and cast parts of "The Awakened Rameses" resulted in the assignnment of each part to two men. So excellent is the mate- rial tha~t appered before Bert St. Jiohn and the opera cqinmittce ir the first tryout an the one hleld last night that the judges have gecided tq let W9, men wogrk on eacli Prt. Tile better actor will be given the part. The books will bo off the press in a day or two, and the music is also ex- pected from the publishers this week. Rehearsals for the chorus are being held every other niglit in Scott's Acad-, emy and the work of dividing tryouts into groups has begun.x SENIOR DENT COMMITTEES ARE SELEC'TED BY BIR KETT. President J. H. Blrkett has appoint- ed the following committees to direct' the senior dents through the ensuing CLASSIFIED ADS.. * Adsertising matter for this * classified column' must always * be paid for in adv-ance, and may * be left at file DAILY office opi-* * posite the Majestic between the *' * hlours of 12 noon and 10 p. in., * * or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. * Uui-ersity and 'State, at any* *time up to 5;:30 p. Mn. These Ads bring Results, *x * ***** WANTED. WANTED:s NEWf}SBOYS TO~ SELL THlE MICHIGAN DAILY SOUVENIR SPORTING~ EXTRA. CALL AT DAILY OFFICE BETWEEN . ANDT1 2?ANY DAY TIllf W} ;. ' AN N, ARBOR s PRESS BUILDING.' Wated-Ten' students for' Jewish board. 806 S. University Ave. 36-2"7-38. FOR SALE For Sale--Duebills on a leading New York Hotel. See the Business Man- ager between 1 and 2 p. im. eod tf LOS'T Lost-A ring of, crescent shape set with garnet and pearls with diamond in star setting. Finder call 1439-J or leave at DailyN office.' Liberal re-. ward. 34-5-6 Lost-Fountain Pen with name H. G. knoch on gold band. Reward if re- turned to 326 S. Fifth. 35 & 36 Lost-Sete drawing' instruments in room 437 New Engineering building. Finder return to instructor Menefee.I Reward. 36-37-381 Lc i-A small triangular pin kith in- signia Tau Phii Gamma. Turquoise a round the border. Finder please phone56..M. E. ifttiltev, 8. Rings- ley. 36, to- Lest-first Nyational Bank pass book, two checks on German-American and First national, also two important letters.. Finder please return to Mrs. Gertie-Chizum, 220 S. Ingalls or Fastidious Folks prefer that famous assort- ment hard and nut center chocolates in PTackage JUST E. E. CALKINS Banlners Ponia Representing Mich 15 Other Colle I buy in large quaf big reduction andi I offer the largesi mnent at lower prix any other dealer Arbor-compare pi fore you buy. This vveek's Scr Special-a beautifi picture Choice of Engineer Economics-Chef Only 10c with aj purchase. IdMAUM Buy your ALARM CLOCK at Chapman's Jewelry : Store 205 South Maio Str et /LYN '1 I k Clever C IU & Co.'s For, the Dashing,, Daring, to be had 4nywlew'e. wve acknowledge no ity in every imstanict. Come Into the' Store today and g of the swellest line of college togs y eyes on. The real leaders, among the vu young fellows of this town all wear u ew o& CompanyI WADHAM& CO. CLEVER SUIT call 1017-G. Reward. 361 en Fail Buy {fAFFNER. HES HERE I Rosenberg calls and delivers. Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. Have °you seen those nobby blues at ,Milward's? Tailor, State St. Rosenberg drycleon uwits. l2tf 12tf Overcoats,~ Hats anc Redmnan Collars Holeproof Hosiery Spalding Sweater Batr Collars Interwoven Hosiery and Jerseys Oxford 330 S.! W9tf 217 So. .Main LET year: Invitation-C. F. Pryor, chairman; ~1 An Mderson, 3. E. Del~hart, .. F. Social-F. 34. Annis, chairman; H. J. TJixecutive-A. W Bruce, ohairman; H. J. Post, A. E. Rasmussen,_ A. M. Taylor. Ca.p and Gown--C. 4. Bullis, chair- man; G. W. Cosper, P. A. Fowler, L- ER Sullivan. picture-E. 11. 'Taylor, clhaimV . S. Forth, WV. S. Mathias, G. C. Herring= ton. Class Day-P. L. Gardner, chairman; B. B. Frankel, P. 14. 'Alexander,P.. Kuebler. Promenade-F. J. Dengler, chair- man'; M. D. Olcott, A. Rehag, T. Scott. Banquet-G. W. MacKay, chairman; F. L. Hardy, K. E. Bliss, K. E. Berend. Auditing-R, Miller, chairman; H. S, Bailey, C. Locke, S, R. Ruthven. .Rosenberg drycleans sweaters. 12tf Mfartin guitAis and mandolins, best on earth, on sale atSRcIh?,ee le &I son's Music Hou~se. 29tf 121-123 S. Mlain lw Royal, 209 E. Liberty. Rosenberg presses suits--25 Palams 1-tf r. Stul 12tf cents. l2tt U BEYI Hakinaws-Large assortment of all wool samples for sale hbyLiving and Plumb, Prices $5 to $8.'Phone 1314, 803 S. State. 36 to 41 Is Named Delegate to Congress. Mr: William E. 'Taylor, '93 E,- has been, appointed delegate to represent the university at the American Road Congress to be held at Richmond, Va., Nov. 20. Mr. Taylor is now vice-pres- ident and general Imanager of the .Oris- kany Corporation and of the Victoria Coal and Coke Co. Wadhams DO YOU KNOW $4'00 in Board for $3. Board by the week $T4.00 Y ONKER'S C-dl 11i West Huron St., Opp. Jnterii am Furnish the 'Ice Ciream for Your Party lCater To Clubs and Frats =If you want STATIONERY, FOUNTAI N PENS, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES, Etc., go hi o headqjuarters for Studenit's SuppIeCs use The Student Suppy Store -GILBERT &' MOR~SE3CANDIES HENRY &n me- I Designers of Men's Clothes, will give you in Enilish Cuts Why Not Buy Where You Can Get the Best Goods At Lowest Prices Goodyear' Drug Store AnyDoctbr in Ann Arbor can tell You About Us. I I HTOGGERY SH-OP tIJNUH[S, UQN[ TOBACCO, Cl6 Agentsfor WO will try- and ple, Both -Phones l11 We are never Undersold sto be correctly and that is to! e apparel, artist tailor is ent turned out workmanship the best. If you haven't been ull Dress,, Tuxedo or Frock Suit see us about' ievwest fabrics are shown, I I I LARGE LINE OF For nice hot chocolates and daily home made candies go to the ;Sugar Itowl 1107 S. University Avenue Has just received a line of Silk and 'Silk Lise lUalf Hose. 'Let, us show vou our :fall line of lined and unlined Dress Gloves. J,. LOIIR R. E J( 308 S. StateStreet, Any Dy '-eistr CHIROPOD EverytIhi n tiseltic. Office hours. 0-12 a MISS E. J. F 924 E. Huron Street, Er 2 81 cks East of High School )ieterle, Varsity Tailor Service will please you and every thing Is clean Specialties on Saturday. 7 East Liberty Street -1 _ . Clloth esforCOllegeMen at All en's Good Clothes Sto.,