RIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1911. PROFESSOR MCHNN&GOF GUAGE IARV ARD TiALKS5 ON "TEA."* F. _N. Professor Edward Cha~nning, of the a of rhet-j history department of Harvard Univer-* rle-sity, and author of numerous text * h." The 'books on American history, delivered * ated by' a lecture yesterday afternoon on "Tea * Tuesday; in the Colonies" with special reference e southX to the Boston tea tax.,. Prof. ehanniing * ical lab- declared that the real, reason why- the. titute a' colonies objected to the tax wvas not so * ology of much because of the tax itself, but be- * *Pills- cause the Eaist India Company had a * are in- nronopoly on all the tea,. Prof. Channing is now comnpleting * Boucke, the third volume of his eight volume* will de- history of the United States which * e mean- "Professor Van Tyne has highly recoin- * Imended. ___ * * * * * * * *st FAA --- Not so ye eph Homner, ty of Mich Ann Arbor; er, trainer, fangled Eng the animalN up to Dean Deain,-well personality dubbed Joe that name corner! S( smilinger si hand and s; ano-Legs!" of TO BE .1' HONOR HANY ALUI DEMO] 6 Held and Souter to Act Toastmasters at Union Dinner Thursdav4 PROGRAM TO RE 1?EaTITjE. [in rec H. C. Adams will be the guest time, the grey r andI Francis T.Letchfield~pres- desire that tl f the senior engineer class, will merishedcanl as toastmaster at the secoid' erected. an Union membership dinr..er of At the lat r which will be given Thursday Regen~ts, no g from G to 8 o'clock at the Un- in regard to for the delay Verne Souter will act as Fresh- ! hnt te(+m man charge of t of vocal s( dll e for writing and hisj its poetry color and ihim fame at home Tickets for the dinner will be sold for thirty-five cents, and a be se- cured at the Union or from the follow- ing men; Frank Murphy, Francis Ri- ordan~, Rudolph Van Dyke, and Richard Simmons. ; ompense, but th yet beenr detern )pie Read has he leading Chi- so been the au- short stories in the counitry. The, re wi be fifty a number of BAKET HALL IS ]DECLARE~D TO TO E A SOCIAL FIJNVTION.De BOULDER, COIF., Nov. 1.Dca- ing that basketball games violat(ed th~e , rules prohibiting social functions on "school~tnights, the faculty social func--a .tion calendar committee has forbidden ;i the completion of the the sorority live chamjpionship series, which had been ro planned for Wvednesday nights.Al Arl TALuK fN1 by ,e New Homes; Women's Will :attend Irrigal s. Professor Clarence Mr. Horace W. ing b ILL., Nov. 13 as delegates to repres i00 comm~erce; ty at the 19th~ Irriga women's build- be field at Chicago, DU nts of the Uni-i is a member of the he enmd of.the ; was* a classmate of PI for $125,000 is at present irrigat' h of the build- the Arnold Co., of Chi :o be used in I is tne h country Time ofj "Murderers of to one year are required to1 Swithin two make-up courseo the University of the take at t] Min home in De:.roit King's English"'I pectation of nei: :e a, three-hour pendicitis at H the Y. M. C. A. at I 'ouible is of oil Lnesota. best of success -- -- eration, it is ai sed armnory and are still in the cts and bids on be asked for in. Thirty New Books Received. The library of the engineerin~g de- partment has received some thirty odd new books on different scientific sub- jects this past month. less be' be neruI i_______________ Mike *Murphy, theveeran trainer of. Esthetic dancing is planned for men athletics at the University of Pennsyl- j at Syracuse. vania, denied a print~ed report that he ______ is about to sever his connection with A junior woman has just been ap- Penn as a result of a. difference of pitdascaenw dtro h opinon oncenin thetraningandstaff of the University of Washington' coaching of the ,football squad. He Daily, said: "I have, a seven year contract. with Penn and could not quit if I 'want- edme to do so. The story that friction Women students at Wisconsin are exists betwee'n me and the football ; required to leave all parties at 12 coaches is absolutely untrue." o'clock and be home within half an be able to return to school until af _the Christmas holidays. Cold Weather iPrei-ents Tr~yout. The tryout for the Cross Coun team, scheduled °.o be held yester xafternoon, was postponed on accoi of the cold. The new date for the t out has not been set definitely, but club will wait for more favora weather conditions Sociology Club Elects Officers. Twenty members or the Sociol( club met informally in the semin; vroom of the economics building1 night. The election of officers resu: as follows: president. H. G. Derthi, YVice-president, L. D. Stern; secret,, Miss Stone; theasurer, Miss Thom ma; reporter, Warren Crane. Mm. I thick gave a talk on life in the mo rtains of Kentucky and TenneE where he lived for several years, e, A. C. Wil- r; Assistant Steward, D., A settlement dance, the proceeds of the Self Government Association. ottery has placed a re a fine collectiol aicl will b~e on sal educed prices. '4:. itwhiclh are to go to the University Set- - ,n The Pennsylvanian musical e tlement, lis being planned at the Uni- itinerary this year will cover versitly of Chicago. -. 2,000 miles.