TILE MICIIIOAi~tDAILY =18mm ..r.. *r 0' Every Mani Should Have An "R & W" Carlton Gabardine- A-Light Weight Worsted Rain Coat Jrpis of ideal weight and warmth for this mid-season weather and, more- over, it is shower-proof. A coat for busi- ness and convenient for the theatre and other social occasions; in fact, a coat for "~every dlay'"'use and all "year round' 'wear. Our assortment includes a variety of patterns in a wide ranige of prices. F. W. GROSS All the latest popular song it; at' * * * * 'y ** Grinnell Tiros. Music House atienoiiCLA SSIFIED) ADS. cents per copy. A complete stoolk of * Adyertising mautter for this* the latest Opera hits at popular prices * classified, column must always ' also. Everything in college songs and * i Iid for in advance, and may ollections. 18 tf be left at the D)AILY office opD. .* * j)Qe, thet Majestie between the* . .LEAVE A WANT AD) FOR THAT hotirs of 12 noon and 10 p. ini., ILOST1 OR FOUND ARTICLE AT THlE or sat Qnarry's Drug Store, N. * D)AILY OFFICE OR AT QUARRY'S. *University -and State, at any* _____________' timie 1up1to e):30 1). in.' DON'T GE:T THlE IDIEA THAT Ir.Ts' * The se Ads bring Rtes ilts. t "OO LATE TO SUBSCRIBE. 'THlE, ** * ** **** 41G ISISUES ARE YET TO COM1E.. 1IANTE 1). Kollouf cuts and makes clothes for- the college men. Old post office Iild- WI~ANTEP: IEWSBOiS T0 SELL, ing, Main and Ann Street. 28tf s'11E 311C11(ANIDAIL~Y SoUVENiIRI _____________iOR1t' l~ E1XTRA.. . V1I11 AT I)AIT1Y SUBSCRIBE FOR T111) 1KS AT 0OF1F l' BL_1EN i 1N) "2 NYI HOME ANI) WRITE F 1 ER tLET- l)X THrI S111EEIh. _ \'!N _ A211B 'TERtS. PUESS _1BU1Il)lM . . : E } tj ., t ,,'. - _ ... _ - .. ____:_ Dae o ofr{freaks i~~ ~~ -y ngmns i People who e PURE WOE ARC AND HA NDf MAD GAMEtS t I /' 123 East Liberty Street ForI Pocket Ran Cutlery YSCB MILS Michigan and Penusy Banners, Pen- nants, Arm Bands, etc., at Wahr's Uni- versity Bookstore. 34-5-6-7-8-9 NICllIGAN UNION OFFERS Two dinners will be served at the Michigan Union today from 1 to 2 o'clock and from 6 to 8 o'clock. The usual price of seventy-five cents a plate will be charged. Tables for couples may be reserved at thle Union any time today. The following is to- day's menu: Cianape of Caviar. FOR RENT. For Rent-O0ne single room and one suite newly furnished, excellent light andhet.Phone 1715-J. 33-34-35 and eat. LOST. Least -A1 brown leather watch-fob, with an "M" pendant ande Athletic Button Attached. Phone 8 35-J. Reward.II 34 & 35 The clothes oc,[ -wk enlmr cd prices. We know that your' visit to u tvewl ujlyprofisthk. STUDENTS Our Card Indexes and Filing Systems are TIME SAVERS. For Filing Per.. iodicals,'Clippings, Class Notes. - Lost--A ring of crescent shatpe set with garnet and pearls with d(iaond in star setting. Finder cll 1439-J or leave at Daily office. Liboeral re- wa i ; 4 . x°16 VAUDEVILLE m flhlllfl College MiChigan Pins, Fobs and Fraternity A."lLU Jewelry. Big Ben alarms $2.50 Arnold RN L *JewCee alarms $1.00 220 S. Main St. Your PatronagJe is Well Cared for Hiere L a Chafing Dishes special E~gictT-,aflU ~mta I I- EJniversitv lutcios Press Building, Maynard St. Next door to University School of Music 5 o'clock Tea, Toasters Egg Boiler, Hors-D'oeuvre Dishies, Fruit and Bread Basket.. All finishes to be found at SCHUMACGHER Hadware 308-310-312 S. Main Phone .175 175 Red and CopaWy I a 3 I SHARP AND TUyREK- - GENE RAIF -- 1.-'medy Thle Home of .Music -For the College Student The New Song J. F'red Lawtom Earl V. Moore Now Ready SILK NECK WEAR Sn 1nC Fownes Gloves Lucas and Kennedy Gloves Exir Adde A- ste 342 South State Street Exclusive Motion Pictures Remember ! MatineeThikivl D A Call and inspect our lines of Full Dress AccessoriesI .Soft and Plaited Bosom. Shirts, Stiff and Soft HatsI 4 7ollegian Clot heSforColle geM en at Allen's Go~ohst ll i