THlE MICHIGAN DAILY H1. Wild Co, 311 So. State Street )PENING DISPLA f Fall and Winter Woolens of ,exclusive Styles for Suits4 Overcoats and Trousers. ®I WILD CO., 311 So. State Street TlE LEADING MERIKhANT TAILORS ITHI-I ICt'i.T6AN DA1L fhe fighting spirit into the men; it will Official lNewspa,,per at the University of Michiigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. . )MNA~iLM EDITOR. Walter Ri. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert IL ]Dilley Editors. Niews Editor ........IHarry Z. Fo fz Assistant ............Frank Pennell Athletic Editor ........ Karl Matthiews Assistant ............ G. C. Eldredge Mu Isic and Drama . . ..Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee file s ........Emmett Taylor Editorials. A1rthur 13. Moehhinan Walle W. Merritt Frank Shaw Maurice Myers Ed:ward G. Kemp. Nigh t Editors. iare naot getting your V' regularly, a postal to the Business Man- will start Somnething W11I'1IPE SUPPl'iES, TYPEWRITEIS, (new and sconnd hand), for sale and~ rent. tgTrade arifacLurers i n the %world of03-FFICIAL EQUIPF- M'ETforallathletic ~ sports aqd pastimes. w'i a~ '4?lei prt d K y si~o.d 7hav cacpli Of /. j trrS i~t lQ C(" a- ,p~4 op r~~. It's a eon plte rough out eccopdao d as Wh,'at's New in f5port Mile of a-mi is senat f ree ou ?,C- I , est. STALDnlG Ca.BROIS. w ar a ve Deroit r< cli J~IUS'1T BROS. 307-309 S. State St. Ifirs set on our "Sim- plex" Spotters must ncc- Sessarily be spotted trite Bow.lers kiiow what thili n cans. Ill Sweaters Maurice Toulme Loren Robinson j Wallace Mack Ryan Robert Gillett Weber. Elelporters. John Townley C. Harold Hippler Frank Murphy Oscar BeckmanE 'T. Selig Y ellen William DaughertyI Sweater Rol Vests 'with Cellars $6.50 White, Blue~ Gray and Cherry STU1DENTS BOOKSTORE ON \BROs. S. state St. 7 Detroit's "Original" Young Men's Tailor Suits and Overcoats $28 and up Assistant' to Mgr. . .Joseph Fouchard Advertifing Mgr . . .Elmer P. G rierson Circulation Mgr..E. Ray, Johnson A. R. Johnson, Jr. OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. OFFICE HIOURS: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. mn., 10:30-11:30 p. mn.; Bus- iness Manager, 1-5 p.'in.. Both Phones 960. Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- versity. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1911. Night Editor--Winm. T. Daugherty. Weet The '.eam. There was a football game at Ithaca yesterday and when the time was call- ed the red and white had the' advan- tage. But the score is a ~minor detail. ,We want to win games just as much as anything else but in our opinion the spirit with which the men played, the ' mier in which they faced the Cor- nell eleven, crippled as they were, far outreaches the fact that Cornell scored and we did not. Today that crippled team is coming back and there is only' one way in which we, the student body,, can show that we appreciate their hard struggle and that we are standing behind them .loyally. Our be a real manifestation of campus sup- port. The men not only deserve it, but they need it. Be there at 9:19. JUiNIOR LAW'IS IISCOYEPR NEW WAY TO COLLECT CLASS TMx Devotees of the "Conservation of Ex- penses,", "Economies, Practical and Improbable," "Sure 'Thing Dips on Easy Street," and otter articles of like tenor that appear every Thursday morning in our own "Autocrat of the Boarding House Table," (founded A. D. 1728 by B. F.), might take a tip from the recent dive into high finance taken by the junior laws at their class meet- ing Friday. Verily, the way of the de- linquent is hard-at least it is to be among the junior laws. As an induce- ment to members of the class to pay their class dues, which amount to $1, early, there will be no prize of honor- able mention -the munificent discount of ten per cent will be offered to those who pay their assessments' before Christmas. Think of what those J. Laws can do with that ten cents at Christmas time! Other classes have tried tags, clocks, etc., but this should prove the adduce- ment par excellence. And they claim that those laws adhere too closely to precedent!I 0. S. lU. CARRfO-TOPS PLAN NTATIONAL FiRATERNITY. COLUMBUS, 0., Nov. 11.-To bind red-headed college men together in the firmal ties of a national secret organi- zation, the local Rced 'Head Club, now styled Lambda Tau Rho, has entered into communication with a number of the largest universities in the country. Chapters are planned for Cornell, Co- lumbia, Syracuse, Chicago, Michigan and Pennsylvaniia Women's League Plans Big Program. The Women's League is making ef- forts to secure, for the annual event given by them on the night before the J hop, any of the following artists: Miss Ellen Terry who appeared last year, Miss Edith Wynne Matthison of the New Theater Company,the Abbey Play- ers, or Miss Dorthea Spinney, a well known interpreter. The recital will not be restricted to members of the league but will be open to the pub- lic. Sociology Club to hear DerthO. H.,CG. Derthick will address the meet- ing of the Sociology club on "The So- cial and Political Aspects of the South- ern 1-ighlanders" which will b follow- ed by a discussion of the subject The club will meet Mnday evening at 7 p. in. in room 104 of the Economics building. BOY PIANIST IS .1 PUPIL~ OF F ORM)IElt MUSIC HEAl. Pepito Arriola, the 13 year old pianist who appeared at the Whitney Friday Flatlnurn Portrmtts Banners Pillows 319 E. Huron Phone 961"L, Michigan Souvenirs o1 all kinds Platinum Portraits Fle~tluvrnPortx l.d%. When You Desire Portraits. of Quality' Go to THE PHOTOGRAPHER I Wwe Do French Dry and Steam Cleaning PRESSING aii'd REPAIRING Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75c Suits Pressed 25c FULLER & O CONNOR Tailors 619 E. William St.- IMichigan - Pennsylvania I Decorations Iw WHR' University Bookstore Ann Arbor 'Chicago Callagha n ( Companmy 340 S. Sta t, St. Opposite Law BIwIldIng Law Boks New aund Socotud-Harid Old Books-Taken In Exchang-New Hooks Callaghan (Q Comnpany 0Opposite Door of Law Bldg.- Next to C4wrner Pennants Streamers Arm Bands I Platinum ,Portraits PKirschbaum "The Original Young Men 's Tailor" G273797' Woodward I zaarry L enox, TL'ailor Lie.:.:-( [ viS1 .i.S"^ : '^tx'r" .J 25c Pr~sscd 23wc essed IcC Contracts Wriitten by Month or Term Wishes to advise the U. of M. students that he has secured his complete stock of Fall awd Winter Roofs. Cl othe Cenigand. 56 Lafayette Ave. Detroit, Mich.. r Skirts Pressed 35e Ladies' Suits Pressed 50-6 c We collect and deliver. Telephone 1534=L. only means of expressing this sentiment nigt ai pupil of Alberto Jonas, for- lies in getting out and meeting thenih men~~~ ~ attetri.uerly head of the piano department of Two games are yet to be prayed. Up- the University School of Music. Master on the character of the welcome given Arriola, who has been playing to rec- the men this morning will rest in large ord houses all over the world said that measure, Nlichigan's football success Proj. Jonas, who was recently decoral- for the remainder of the season. The! ed by the King of Spain has the largess right kind of a reception -will instill number of pupils in all of Germany. Amateur 'In order to show you what -we can cap, we will develop any size film for 10c A %ROLL This week only E. J. SCHIMIDT 109 N. University Upstairs DETROIT UNITED L .INES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and. 1 Jackson Detroi~t Llimited=8:13 a. mn.. 10:13 a. in., 12:13 p.m.. 2:13 p. m.4;13 p. in., 6.13 p. mn., 8:13 p., m. Kalamazioo Limuited - 7:461 a. in 9:46 a. mn., 11:46 a. m1l:401 pm., 3: 46 p. m.,, 5:46 p. ini. Lansing 7:46 p. mn Local Cars East Bound-'lo Detroit, 5:45 a. mn., 6:45, and every two hours to 10:45 p m. To Ypsilanti, 5:45 a.mi. an~d half hour- *Iyt1411:15p. m., also 12415 a.,im., 12:30 a. mn., 1250 a. Mn. '1o S2line, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-0l:40 a. mt., 7-:15 a. mn., and every two hoursito 11:15 p mn. .. _ ;" I.-i P_ -rte . . .. .. .-: u-_.JP"°.e e. _ .P.: x a, r When in Stop at Ncw and Absolutely Fireproof Cor. Alams Ave. and Park St. ln the clitre of the theatr-e; shopping and businss district Ilas large convention hall-h-las gratd roof garden. Mus ic from 6 P.M. to 12:30 A. ALI I - Have yo noticed the distinguished appearance a perfect fitting Dress Suit gives one. this is the only kind we make., WAGNER & CO. Our fabrics are the newest. STATE STREET I p IK - almillZrAllov l;'j)r;~ Boom has Private Bath EUROPEAN PLAN ;Rates: $1.50 per'day and up .lust received a full line of SUMATE Rvazors and Strops, including the fatuous Shumate Tuzngsten R.lazor and the " Shure mate" Safety P azor. The prices are rig ht and the goods have the best guarantee (4 any on the market. Vary Dorell's Plarfac~y 703 PACKAID STREET I Mrs. J. R. Trojanowski FASHIONABLE iJAIRDESSER Ifair Goods, Hlairdressing, Mauicuring anid j ~face Massage. RlIai water Shampooing a Speially. l110 South university Bell 696-W Good Board New Rate TIMESHURON $3.50 Week in Advance jMrs. E. B;.Lambert 519 E. William St. f i GOOD BOARD $3.50 IN ADVANCE TI THE PINES, 503 E. Jefferson StreetBl e T Catering to Parties a Specialty. ]fu ..1 Music by Fischer's Orchestra. JOHN FERGUSON, Proprietor 1221 S. University hie .. ea Rooi Dell Phone1 La Wo' luller HAL. W E CLEAN SUITS, DRY CLEANED 75c LADIES GARMENTS OUR SPECIALTY. TRY US L BROTHERS TAND PRESS CLOTHES BY HAND OVERCOATS DRY CLEANED 75c SUITS PRESSED 25c OVERCOATS PRA E ED: 410 SOUTH STATE STREE ,Proprietor 7I IANDA LII & PA (C, Photogdra-phers j - PHONE 598 -