THE MCHXLOAri DAILY W had is a Scrap Book Speciall r Leery day somebody wants to know, EveryMan, Should Have An "R & W" Carlton Gabardine- A Light Weight Worsted .Rain Coat J T is of ideal weight and warmth for this mid-season weather and, more- o cver,% it is shower-proof. A coat for busi- ness and convenient for the theatre and other social occasions; in fact, a coat for every day'"'use and all "year round' 'wear. Our assortment includes a variety of >paitterns in a wide range of prices. F. W. GROSS 123 .fast~ Liberty Street every day somebody comes in to 'see what our Scrap Book Special is. An- swer: Every week, I =run an 8x14 pic- ture, regular price 40 cents, at half price (20 cents), or with any 50 cent purchase at 10 cents extra. These pic- tures we call Scrap Book Specials be- cause they are just the pictures that every student ought to have in his Scrap Book and they are at a price that any student can afford to buy. If you would only go to the trouble to come and see these "Specials" you would not miss a single one. For instance: this week we are run- ning your choice of the Engineering, Chemical, and Economics buildings. They are all. fine pictures and every member of these departments should not miss the opportunity to get one. Next week's Scrap Book Special will be that fine picture of Coach Yost-. with his signature and big smnile. So now put it down on the first page. Get 25 Scrap Book Specials, one every week for 25 weeks, and every one a good one. Lyndon. 33 * 4 1* * * * * * * CLASSIFIED. ADS. Advertising matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op- posite the Majestic between the hours of 12 noon and 10) p. mn., or at Quarry's Drug .Store, N. University and State, at any time up to 0:000 P. n. These Ads- bring Results. * * * * * * ? ~.. ~ * *1 *: - -~;~ -~~-- >;%~~' d~4 -j~. F7ZZ~fI? ~ -, _______ WVe have to be wide a- wake ! Dare not offer freaks or old-fogy styles. For our chief business is selling men's -%iv boys' clothes, to pa ..~c ul a r people. Lin ifChafiligDishes LROWARtE 205 S_. malt% STUDEN4TS Our Card Indexes Aind Filing Systems are TIME SAVERS. For Filing Per.. lodicals, Clippings, Class Notes. Sectional Filing Cabinet, Midget Card Index Outfits, Ruled Cards, Guide Cards. Weis r, Schoette &Schairer Co. RS PRINTERS BINDERS STUDENTS' SUPPLIES' The Married Women's Club of the University of Washington marched in the torchlight parade Monday evening. All the latest popular song hits at CGrinnell Bros. Music House at Ten cents per copy. A complete, stock of the latest Opera hits at popular prices also. Everything in college songs and ollections. 18 tf *..LEAVE A WANT AD FOR THAT LOST OR FOUND ARTICLE AT THE DAILY OFFICE OR AT QUARRY'S. Sandwich and drinks delivered at once to your rooms from 5 p. m. to 2, a. m. Call 1078-L, College Inn. 3tf DON'T G~ET THE IDEA. THAT IT'S TOO LATE T1O SUBSCRIBE. THE 11G ISISUES ARE YET TO (JOME. Kollouf cuts and makes clothes for the college men. Old post office build- ing, Mainw and Ann Street. 2 tf SU)BSCRIBE FOR THE FOLKS AT 1103E AN) WRITE FEWER LET. TEAS. Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres. 222 So. State St. 3tf Rosenberg presses suits-?5 cents. 12tf Shoe repairing, laces and polish for sale. J. It. Lambert, 613 E,. William St. 3 eod tf WANTED. WANTED: NEWSBOYS TO SELL TIHE MIHIGAN DAILY" SOUVENIR SPORTING EXTRA. CALL AT DAILY OFFICE BETWEEN 1 AND 2 ANY DAY THIS WEEK. ANN ARBOR PRESS BUILDING~. FOR .RENT. For Rent-One single room and one suite newly furnished, excellent light and heat. Phone 1715-J. 33-34-35 LOST. Lost-Watch between chemistry build- ing and State street, about 5 p. m. Thursday. Names and dates en- graved in case. Finder please re- turn to R. H. Williams, 616 E. Huron or phone 762 L. Reward. 33 FOR SALE. For Sale-Student spare time business for sale; moderate investment; big profits; no canvassing. Address E. B. S. care Daily for interview. 33 For Sale-Eastman Kodak No. 3 A, nearly new, with outfit; also new L. C. Smith Typewriter.. Bargains if sold immediately. Ross, 643 South Thayer. Phone 363-LI 33 Grab This. 4 chair table, main dining room. 4 chair table, smoking room. Brennan's Restaurant, 612 Liberty. 30 to 34 PURE WOOLEN FABRICS AND HAND MADE GARMENTS The clothes of wide-awake gentlemen at. moderat prices. We know that your visit to our store will be mutually profitable. r . L-'C, SMITH ieara- 1eic txnsB s& BROSI COlR. LIBERTY AND MAIN SiRI 'A most convenent plac for y( . Typewriter banking. Ball-Bearing- long Wearing ___________________ You'll need a °Tyepwriter later. Get the best now and have it's use while in C utti na mcolj pQ l ,Asiu oshwyut F 1EBER ~l~fDSKICor. State and Monroe Block from Campus" 310 s. State St. Up Stairs MRS. C. A. IRAN SO ' fs b i,he '1If tlouch that 4111111111 111111111 Pe opl~e who Street Bell Phone 1404 i Bank! OR, MICIi. Surplus $8500 $1,350,000 r Savings flank 00 Surplus $75,000 s -,50).000 Business Transacted Hiscock, Pres-; W.,I). .'M. J. Fritz.Casshier The shower baths. of the gym or your home will prove a greater Success and bring a greater amount of Happiness if you have some of our fine Bath. Towels 9UARRYTDRUGCO., Rosenberg calls and delivers. RZosenberg's phone, Bell 266. Have you seen those hobby blues at Milwvard's? Tailor, State St. Rosenberg dryclean suits. Oxforui 330 S 19 tf 12tf l2tf 12tf means so much' in dress is 41 conferred hby1h Cadillac" Ids the ri ,hti collar for r~Inow, 2-.fbr 25 CenzdW._J I di Rosenberg drycleans sweaiters. 12tf sw eaters cut cover at the Palais Royal, 209 E. Liberty., 1-tf CA LLAC - M'arttn guitars and on earth, on sale at Son's Music H-ouse. mandolins, best Schaeberle & 29tf P3RISBE, COON 6& CO. M1AKRS TROV,,IY M .< im The kz Mechanics Bank 3-105 S, Main St. Surplus and Profits $108,000 I Senior Pictures fromI l iUEEEEUEU®EEE®0®®®®UE. ""®wAwwwUwwwwwwwinin ww For Sale in Ann Arbor By Wagner WO .Compaqan:l 41 dl . I sta kl sb aaALLE 10tablshed rou tain Pens $ Watertsan'a Ideal Corxklf aSelf Mo lySee our large line of MICHIGAN J4W E~LRXT and NOVELTIES Finest Jewelry and Watch Iiepa~ring Halr'S JoWalry Store ?IO S. Main st, .- ~elI Piozo 534 L Huntington* Studio a : i , ,F:. :,'y' I . 49' WALTER J. WATSON have the acme of big city art in tiem. When youx Saturdhay go iw and look at Walter J. Wctson's work. 78 Wa qJiington Ave* are in Det.oit next Detroit, Mich. RNOLD- Cofele , Michigan Pinst Fobs and fraternity ® e e jewelry. Biig Beanalarnms $2.59 Arnold l oar; otbraye is WJel Cared for Isere I Chafing DishesI 220 S. Uv~P St, * COMEboys, a chex--AlI to- Velvet cheers you on and cheers you up. It's so smooth. The selected leaf is hung in the ware- house over two years-changing harshness to complete mellowness. Then all "bite:' has disappeared -and good taste and the enjoyable mocthness are pre-eminent. This "time process" is not patented-just costs us more-and the result is "Velvet"- smooth and vwondesfully pleasing. Now once more - everybody -d V-E-L-V-E-.T--smoothly At all Jlealers. SPAULDING & MERRICK Chicago THE 4 MOTjE 5 o'clock Tea,Toasters Egg Boiler, Hors-D'oeuvre Dishes, Fruit and Bread Basket. All finishes to be found at eso 01000 I tuniversit? usc bos Press Building Maynard St. Next dloor to UJniversity School of M'usic 711hzeIjome 6of 3ttslc-- 'v'r'thje College' Stvwkn j I SCHUMACHER HardwareI 308-310-312 S. Main Phone 175 175 Red SILK NECK WEAR I 4 The New Song Fowne s gloves' Lucas and Kennedy Gloves VARSITY U Y- TINKER &COMPANY 342 South State Street J. crest If&NlrtQ*x r.'arl V. Moore No v heady 10C Full Two Ounce 'dins Call and inspect our lines of Full Dress AccessoriesI Soft and Plaited Bosom Siirts, Stiff and Soft Hats 7. L =;d/ 1 _ i ,. l ollegian Clot hesforCOllegeMen at Allen's Good Clothes Storte m A