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November 09, 1911 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1911-11-09

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id the Band





A Reliable Directoryof
/ Reliable Business



Call For Comedy Club Candidates
Brings Forth More Material Than
in Former Years.
With half a hundred Thespians as- H
piring to roles in the cast of the Com-
GIVElubpla this year," room 205 in
Univesityhall was taxed to its limit
Will Not Announce yesterday afternoon. "Never in the his-
1111 jtory' of the Comedy Club has there F.
nges Until Saturday but been such enthusiasm shown, nor such
or is That WV holesale 'an eagerness on the part of students *
I Has Been Made to compete for roles" was the expres-
sion of Manager A. G. Cohen after the!
rehearsal. "Every 'effort is promised
ST iRTS EAST TONI0HT. by thejudges to fit the good material *
into a play which will prove a bannel *
ee to Escort: Players to 'Train performance in every respect."
id G4ive Them Rousing A delay will be caused in the issuing *
Send-Off. .of calls to those who met the judge's *
approval due to the fact that the final *
,an's lineup still remains a se- choice of a play has not yet been made. *
d according to Yost that secret It is the opinion of the judges that one *
be solved until the team ap- will be chosen within a week or ten *
n the Ithacan field for Satur- days as many favorabletmanuscripts
are now under consideration.*
ne. It was thought for a while Rehearsals for the play will begin *
men had been picked but there before the Christmas holidays this *
ersistent rumor yesterday that year, as many of the dates, January 22, *
shift had been made although and February 10, which have been en-
s were mentioned. Behind the gaged at the Whitney Theater, will
r.ecessitate an earlier start than in oth- v
ates the varsity tried conclu- er years. dla
ith both the scrubs and the A poster contest similar to the one sh
n, but the scores and even the conducted for the Michigan Union Op- re
of'the team was kept quiet. era, will be opened as soon as the play
ie thing did creep out that is is selected, and prizes will be offered da
less of a surris to. ths for the three best posters submitted. U






evised Figures Give Total En- Yesterday's Canvass For Funds
rollment of 5482 Students to Send Band East Fails
Exceeding Last Year 113 to Raise Required Sum

~' * * * ... .,. 4~

* Seventy-five dollars more -were hand-
ed over to Comcier :n Burg > ester-

P'res. Hutchins will Visit Alumni in
Interests of Residence1a,0.
The campaign for securing funds for
the proposed residence hall for women
has been carried out of the state of
Michigan. President Harry B. Hutch-
ins, who is now in the East, hopes to
receive'somie large contributi6ns from
prorminent' alumni in New York. He
refused to divulge the names of the
men he will visit until his return.
'resident Hutchins has taken an active
interest in the efforts of the women to
secure the residence hall and aided
Miss Agnes Parks, the financial secre-
tary, in securing funds from the De-
troit alumni.
Many letters of acceptance have
been received by Deai Jordan from
Detroit alumnae .who expect to attend
the annual reception given by women
living in Women's League houses. The
reception will be held this afternoon
at four o'clock in Barbour gymnasium.

Enrollment Figures. * day as a result of the second day'
-~campaligning for flids 'to sen's! the
Nov. 1. 1910 1911 t hand to Ithacai. Tld: ;ith th hui-
Lit ............1895 2064 * cred dollars contrib 0ed by the Afihe ,
Grad School .... 135 241 * i Association fuin7si an amomint
Eng........ .... 1243 1248 * which is apprexim:'fisy fifth- d, -rs
Med............ 262 241 * Iss than the sur reruired fo, t1e
Law ........... 775 782 * transportationexp.t <es of twent- livo
Pharm..........81 78 * ncn. Further canvass ng will u done
Homeop......... 93 97 * ttnong" alumni today with a vi ;xv to
Dent .........239 226 * making up this d( c :t.
Sutmmer School..1226 1194 * Considerable cofivion resuiltu
*from the uncertainty of the me~i o o
Total....... ... 5339 5452 * collecting the money contributed It
* was the intention of the Student Cou.-!
* * * * * * * =* * * *lcil to have the money collected as sub-;
In comparing the enrollment of No- scribed. On several of the snoscrip-
ember 1, 1911, with that of the sametions only partial collections were
ate last year an increase of 113 is made. As a result about fifty dollars,
svhich have been subscribed are yet un-
.own, 42 better than appeared in the paid. The lists are sll in the hands
suits which were announced yester- of the circulators and those who have
ay. The figures given there, 5381, rep- not yet paid their contributions svill
sent the number of students in the le given further opportunity to do so.
niversity last March, but a better today.
lag off d b Ti'hi rlem nowe onfrontin athe



Writer Thinks Athletic Asso
ation Members Did Not (
Fair Chance to Secure Go
Seats for Penn Game
iftieth a in In L n Had to Take Se
on lard LnMe: Others Were
Already SOld.
(T11=e Daily assumes no responsibil
for sentimen'ts expressed ill commi
Editor, The Michigan Daily:--
F be it from ne or any oth
"scrub" underclassman to criticise i
doings of the high and mighty Athle
Association of this University concei
ing things which do not affect the c
'inary individuti. But there are son
Things which directly concern the si
lent and especially the members
he Athletic Association. It was adve
ised by this Association early in t
ear that a great A vantage in purcha
ng a membership ticket was that t
nembers were to receive first choice
he sale of tickets to the Penusy gam
On the morning of November 7 whe
hese seats were put on sale for men

S xteen solicitors, members of the
senior law class, appeared at the call
of the bailiff before the chancellor of.
the Barristers last evening to receive
membership in the organization. The
initiates together with the present fac-
ulty and student members dined at the
Union. Dean Bates, Prof. Bunker.
Walle Merritt, and T. J. Davis address-
ed the society. The solicitors taken
into membership follow: H. S. Gamble,


Olowed the team for the
rs. For the first time in
the bucking machine was
lay and the entire varsity
old to try their st':ength
ne. To bring the oucker
his late stage of the sea-
such a long absence ev-
s that the coaches are farl
d with the work of the
eam in general, in regard
,nd plunging. There was
orkout in tackling and
a short time before the
a Leaves Tonight. -
will leave at 9:30 tonight
able thlt today's practice
t and behind the locked
xpected that the turn out!
give the team -a send-offj
any previous effort along
that enthusiasm will run
opinion in general seems
idea and the authorities
ver it. The entire student
id the team and there is
y of showing it than a gi-

l; i 1
s i a

E '-

CLASSES SECURERdTES FOR wea of the actual growt is gaineaU y 1 g.
subtracting from the present number, band is the advisability of using P. P. Farrens, W. R. Metz, A. J. Kolyn,
SPECIAL DINNERS AT UNION. 5452, the November enrollment of last he annual contribution of the Athlet- T. J. Davis J. G. Black, D. L. Lucking,
A year, 5339. . ic Assoaiation for the trip in the face . A. Persky, J. J. Devos , W. K. Towers,
A system, -whereby campus orgami- eAn-increase of 169 is the showing of I f the unusually large expense list L. F. Martin, F. A. Picard, W. A.
zations and classes can give a series he literary department, and this is the with which it is confronted this ('ar Bertsch, Inman Sealby, B. B. Boynton,
of dinners throughout the year for cost argest made by any department, al- It had been hoped that the ameunt C. R. Wright,
has been arranged by the Michigan
Union management The planihto though the gain of forty made by the contributed would be sufficient to de-
Unionyclassrorga n iTzatio to graduate school in the past twelve- ray the expenses of the trip for' if the DlEAN OF BOSTON COLLEGE
alseries 6 s five dinnerszatn 40 gcents anonth, is more, in proportion. The en- ssociation money is used up for this FOR WOMEN To VISIT HERE,.
a series of kve dinners at 40 cents, ineering department has come to the nurpose some other means will have to
plate. Tickets for the whole series nd of its slump of the last few years, be adopted to raise further fund- at a
will be sold for $2.00. h rsn on hwn lgti-trdt. Dean Sarah Louise Arnold of Sinmmons
Tiplnwsfloelatyabythe .present count showing a slight in- later date.,
This plan was followed last year by crease. The numbers of laws, phar- "While we did our best we a not College for Women, Boston, Mass., will
several classes and proved a success. )e the guest of Dean Jordan next week.
The unir ad snio eniners avemics, and homeops show but little va- quite satisfiked with the results," said
Tr ration either way. Quite a decrease Councilman Burge last night. 'S'ome uring her stay here she will address
already passed favorably upon having contributed very liber- the women of the university in Sarah
the dinners this year and ,a number aper samog sthmdentsand ofethe s rdyCaswell Angell Hall on "The Oppor-
of the other classes will consider the sme th l csuets. althile "dtunities for Vocational Training for
In the latter case the decrease of 3 I iothing."
question in the near future. A meeting ssWomen." The date for' the address
of the class prsdnswaseda due to the failure of regular students'] The necessity for some plan which!
prsdnswshl tthe yias not yet been decided.
of he las pesiens ws hldat heto remain for the summer months and will do away with all short noticz.a o e be eie.
Union last Saturday to talk over thento emafr ttendanmeronts ide doeasas ith alid ot h onn- Simmons College is the largest en-
ncit to a smaller attendance of outside schemes is quite evident. Tl e Ct..-
plan and with one ex eption it was students.. A reason for the fact that cii is working along this line and hop-, dowed institution in the country giving
judged an excellent idea. there are 21 fewer medics this semes- uscuo devise some me ns by which the women a technical training, other than
teaching. Women are there taught to
"UNION OPERA SURE TO BE ter, is the increased requirements for lasses may be reached more thorough-rs
entrance adteitouto ftel in the futui e. become librarians, nurses, landscape
SUCCESS"- LUSICAL DIRECTOR. and the itroduction of the ly designers, and t6 follow many other
lit-medic course; while the raise in
"This year's opera should be a suc- ees of March 1910, in the dental school IEN PECE I" STUDENTS RAVE ocations.
cess," said Mr. R. C. Kemp, musical is presumed to be exercising its proba- A E -LAT
director of the Michigan Union opera, ble effect and may explain why there RIII)S GATHER TEN NEW
last evenIg. "t p are now fewer students in that de- In one respect the students who have MEMBERS INTO MYSTIC FOLD.'
lead to the opera.Ishoult than last fall taken unto themselves wives are quite
leadto he oera It houd b suc pa men t n ,as important as those of the faculty .
cessful not alone because it is unique After the custom of the old order
sUirhd 1- A nT. alike nic.a e ' l 1 t"e . 'I'{


Turn Out
ated last night that
tainly turn out and
celebration and has
I band men to meet
night. It is expect-
its will gather on
low the band to the
ering and singingj
he train will leavej

in conception, and clever in music, but
because there is a system connected
with it that is going to keep the men
attached to the opera from now until
the last performance. There will be
itftla n sa cit fa. n r nmAn Adrnnnin

Prof. Howland Injured by Fall.
Prof. William Howland, head of the decision of the athletic athorities in from which it takes its name, Druids,
rolf.aculty othe , Schoo of Mu, regard to the dollar rate for students, the senior lit society, gathered last
vocal faculty of the School of Music, TIregar e asthatnight about Druid Rock for the sol-
injured his right knee yesterday by a The rule reads that married faculty emnities connected with the annual
fall fron a tempoiary flooring in the men may take their wives to big games fall initiation. Following this a din-
r house of Prof. Louis A. Strauss, which for the one dollar rate and now the an-.-nor waa hald in tl,ยข rnnm ofhPa nv.-

hers 1 arose a trifle early (4:30 a.
and took my place as 53rd man in i
perfectly willing to stand three h(
and a half on a disagreeable day in
der to get a fairly decent choice.
course I might have risen earlier
perhaps I was a little slack in this,
e that as it may I did wait three ho
and a half for a chance to buy six t
its to the game. Being about the I
man inside the door, of course I cc
rot have expected that there A
seats left any nearer the center of
field than the forty yard line. W
wad given a chance to take my chc
however, I found that I was limited
a space between the twenty and th
yard lines. No, in fact, I was not
en a choice at all. T'he gentlemat
the desk chose them for me, told
there were none better and cast his
gle eye on the next victim.
The chart was well marked up w
red pencil and from what I could
=rom these markings at least t
thirds oT all the bleachers on Fe
Field were already sold. Now I cont
first, that all those seats then ma
ed off with red pencil were not
and that these early and eager buy
are being handed out less lfavora
seats,-contrary to the rights wh
this Association pretends to exten
them. And Secondly, I contend
ven if it were true that a rushing i
order business has taken two-third
these )leacher seats already, (whit
do not believe,) they have been gi
out in derogation of the srights of
Xssociation members to first chc
Why should they give outsiderE
,hoice over some of the faithful.v
Lave attempted to "get behind the
ociation?" In view of the fact
i' e must pay an equal amount withc
siders for the tickets which we n
purchase (except of course our "ch
ing" seat) it is no more than fair -
we should be given at least an eq
chance with outsiders in purchas
tickets. A MEMBEF
Expert Lectures to Engineers.
In his lecture on "The Cost of
Rate of Electric Service" last even
before the Ann' Arbor -branch of
American Institute of Electrical
gineers, Mr. B. J. Denman, acting C
engineer of the Detroit Edison Co.
that the reason that Detroit leads
country in the use of the electric
hiCle, was due to the extremely
lower rate due to the low current .
sumption at night. He also answ
many questions put to him by

lite nece sf yor aly p g euoi - --: e a e n u rooms rtde or-
arp so the parade will start out, either by request or resignation." is now in the course of construction. thorities realizing the high cost of liv- ganization at which Prof. J. R. Effinger
o'clock from State street. Mr. Kemp, who is directing the re- Although his injury is painful, Prof. lug, have applied thehsame rulingnto andzaton. at w. rof. J. sR Eafs.
cn are in Good Shape. hearsals and the music, has had wide Howland will meet his pupils today as t tues. he "aell not Thd Pf. Cros ae ottals.
appy t thsewhoare"narl" mr-The new members are Otto Cairpell1,i
lly all the squad are infit experience in staging amateur produc- usual. ; Harold Hippler, Laurence Abrams,
and there are no cripples to tions. He was the man behind the ______ ___Clare Hughes, Rufus Siple, Robert{
Pontius has entirely recov- productions of "The Mikado" and "o- Dental Society Meeting Postponed. HABERDASHERS REPORT BIG Shaw, Edward Hanavan, Mack Ryan,
his knock in the head and lanthe" which the Masons gave at the The first meeting of the Senior Den-r DEMAND FOR CLASS TOQUES Werner Allison, and Oscar .Beckman
houlder is in good shape. Al-, Whitney Theater in years past. He tal Society which was to have been
orty McMillan will not ac- like wise produced "Pinafore," which held last evening was postponed until' "The toque sale this year has been PLAN TO REGULATE TRAFFIC.
he team to Cornell it is ex- was given by the choir boys of St. An- November 22. Since the new officers unprecedented," said a State street
t he will be in shape for the drew's Episcopal and the First Con- were elected only last Saturday, time haberdasher yesterday. "The demand
e if his knee continues its 'gregational churches last May. He is did not permit a program to be arrang- for class toques began a month earlier Local Police Will Relieve the Con1ges-I
.te of improvement, at present acting in the capacity of ed. Hereafter the regular meetings than usual and we are still serving a' tion After Penn Game.
tthews, athletic editor of the choir master at these churches. will be on the first and third Wednes- brisk trade in this line." Because of the immense crowds that
go with the team and report The second rehearsal of the chorus day of each month. Toques of all conceivable degrees of are expected to be in the city Novem-j
Dispatches concerning the will be held this evening at which I "skinniness" of texture, and feebleness ber 18, for the Pennsylvania game, the
f the team and its condition those who have been notified are ex- Prof. Hussey Discovers More Stars. of color are on the market. The fresh- police department is making prepara-
will be run in the Daily be- pected to be present. * Professor W. J. Hussey, director of man seems to be considered the most tions to regulate the traffic on State
account of the game in Sun- . the University observatory, has discov- unsuspicious purchaser, for fresh street. Vehicles will be excluded from
e. Preliminaries Close Sa'turday. ered many new double stars in his t:ques, as a rule, are made on the skin- all the streets leading to State and
With the tryouts of the Adelphi so- work at the University of LaPlata, tight, fade-in-the-first-shower princi. Packard street, and will be compelled
on Victim is Nearly Well. ciety Saturday night, the preliminary South America, where he holds a joint ple. There has been a dearth of soph to drive to Division street in order to
>ney, the fresh engineer who contests for the interdepartmental de- professorship. Up to three weeks ago toques in the stores for almost a week. reach the downtown district.
a the neck by glass from a I bates will close, and every effort bent he had found forty. Prof. Hussey ex- -_For the further protection of the
aining hydrogen which had toward the interdepartmental debates. pects to be back in Ann Arbor by the Y. 10. C. A. to Hear Noted Composer. Pennsy crowd against crooks, and the
:ed and which exploded, is The Jeffersonian vs. Adelphi debate opening of the second semester. The Y. W. C. A. has secured Miss'light fingered gentry, who may be
from an enlargement of the will take place on Saturday, November Carrie Jacobs Bond, a well known tempted into the city in order to prey
the neck. It is feared that 25, and the Webster vs. Alpha Nu de- Detroit Student Called Home. writer of popular songs, to give a re- upon the visitors, and townsmen, the'
of the glass still remain un- bate. on Monday following. From the Oliver Heidt, '13, Detroit, was called cital on March 28. Miss Jacobs is the chief of police has made arrangementsj
in. The doctors at the Hom- contestants in these debates the men home Wednesday morning by the sud- author of "Just 'Wearying for You."' for the addition to his force of sever--
ospital do not consider Hon-! will be chosen to represent the univer- den death of his mother. Heidt will in "His Lullaby," "I Love You Truly," al plain clothes men from Detroit and
tion serious. sity in the Central Debating League. all probability return to school. ;and many other well known songs. Toledo.

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