THE MICHIGAN DAILY t t ye to be Quick it a New Suit or Overcoat for Thanksgiving. OW from among hundreds of matchless I styles which we offer. .L THANK US AFTERWARDS I r. arlkMalc olm Block j orty Now MalcolrmBlc dty Badges Class Ping Cutab Badges DETRIT JEWELERS AND STATIONERS MUSIC AND DRAMA Violin-Sonata Recital. A series of four violin-sonata recit-, als will be given this year by Samuel Pierson Lockwood and Mrs. Geo. B. Rhead, similar in character to the sev- en presented last year. Last year the historical sequence of all the com-I positions was maintained throughout the series, which began with Haendel and ended with Strauss; this year each recital will contain specimens of various periods. It is hoped thereby to present programs which will be in themselves more varied, and also to accentuate the actual juxtaposition. The program for the first recital Wed- nesday afternoon of this week will be as follows: Sonata No. 3, E major........... ......Bach (1685-1750) Adagio; Allegro; . Adagio ma non tento-Allegro. Sonata No. 6, A major, Op. 30, No. 1. ...........Beethoven (1770-1827.) Allegro; Adagio molto espressivo; Allegretto con Variagioni. Sonata No. 3, G minor, Op. 32.... .Sjoegren (1853) Allegro moderato; Allegro vivace; Largo; Allegro assai. "The Prince of Tonight," Fairyland in all its alluring mysti- cism is embodied in the first act of "The Prince of Tonight," the Mort H. Singer musical fantasy in which Hen- ry Woodruff will appear at the New Whitney Saturday, matinee and night, Nov. 11. The act opens with a scene at "The Breakers" a fashionable Palm Beacl hotel, and suddenly changes to the mythical Delft Forest in Lunitan- ia, where little fairies dance in an em- erald gloom before the prince who is to reign but for a night. "The Prince of Tonight" is one of the most elab- orate spectacular prbductions seen in years, and the costumes are corres- pondingly gorgeous.'A special crew of expert electricians is carried by the company to handle the vast equip- ment of electrical effects. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Men in the Union membership cam- paign who have not turned in results, do so tonight at 7:30 at Union. The girls club of Hobart guild will hold a meeting at Harris hall at 4 this afternoon. Mandolin Club Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock. Meeting of the Fort Wayne, Ind., stu- dents at the Michigan Union tomorrow evening at 7:15. There will be a business meeting of the Commerce Club this evening in the economics building. SEATS FOR PENNSY GAME GO ON SALE. (Continued from Page i.) lady who is also a member of the Uni- versity and he may then purchase a second ticket at the timethe purchases his own by signing ticket and address card on her behalf. Five $2.00 tickets in the sections assigned to the general public may also be purchased at this time. "Checks will not be accepted at the general sale. "Members of the University,shall in- elude all members of the faculties and other officers of the University whose names appear in the General Univer- sity Bulletin and all students regular- ly enrolled in the University. "Numbers will be issued on each day of sale to those standing in line. At the beginning of each hour a list of numbers will be posted. Tickets will t be sold to the holders of these num- bers, in numerical order, during the hour specified. "The sale of tickets in the reduced price sections will be closed Wednes- day, November 15th, at 6 p. m." Sickness Keeps Dean Reed at Home. Dean Reed is confined to his home by illness, technically, auto-intoxica- tion. Though he had been under the weather for several days, yesterday was the first working day that he was not in his office. It is expected that he will be able to be back in a few days. Student Called Home by Death. 1rving Schuttz, '13 L, was called to his home in Joliet, Ill., yesterday by the sudden death of his mother.' Schuttz will probably return to col- lege. New Thursday, Nov. 9 The Greatest Comedy Success of the century Presents THE CHORUS LADY By JAMES FORBES Henry Woodruff w In The Prince of Tonight Prettiest of all Musical Playa Saturday, Nov. 11 Matinee and Night MORT H. SINGER Author of The Traveling Salesman and The Commuters As played by Rose Stahl at Uackett Theatre, New York-one solid year Prices 36-60-23- -$1,00 Whitney Theatre 75 People 75 Seat fate Thursday Prices *36-60-'l-$1-$1 O ence solicited. We will quote on your designs or furnish sketches and prices. All work guaranteed. -211 Woodward Ave. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of everything in high class Drugs, Pha.maceuticals, Toilet Articles and Bath Room Supplies. Headquarters for Theat- rical Makeups, Creams, Pairnts, etc. ® P AND SAUCER SIGN means that tt Rome Tea Room is located on the ingtont St. It is the only" place Whore eVerything1 isi t find t ore quiet. retire d place in th city. Besides me iltickot, alsob oard by the week. Our specialty rin nfornmtion cll 1381"L. THE BROWN DRUG STORE E. C. EDMILL, Prop. Pressure', 122 S. Main St. The Rexall Store Prey cription Specialias r i Cleans. Any Ink Any Time Anywhere. Pen have to carry an in Pen around, for a source of instant sup- do you have to co dlin to write. At the to paper the ink res writes steadily w blot or sputter. uaranfeed for five rears. ax or e first ponds ithout TRADE MARK Reg.u.5. Pat. Off. The Chorus Lady. The leading character in James For- bes international success, "The Chorus Lady," is that of Patricia O'Brien, a member. of the chorus, who speaks slang with amazing fluency. The chor- us girl type, as portrayed in this com- edy, is one of the most original char- acterizations that has ever been at- tempted. "The Chorus Lady" will Le the attraction at the New Whitney on Thursday, November 9, and judging from the enthusiasm with which this play has been received elsewhere lo- cal theatergoers are insured a genuine comedy treat. S. C. A. Missionaries Reach Busrab-. Word has been received in this city that Charles Shaw, '11 E, and his wife, known here as Miss Adele Bayly, '11, reached Busrah, Arabia, the first of this month. They will take up their work there in the industrial and med- ical mission pchool which the Stu- dent' Christian Association established in 1909. Chicken Dinner Every Sunday, 25c Hathaway & Sharp's 331 South Main Street I THE VARSITY TOGGERY SHOP 1107 S. University. Avenue Has just received a line of Silk and Silk Lisle Bali Hose. Let us show you our Fall line of lined and unlined Dress Gloves. E. J. Lohr, Manager LUNCHES, CONIICTIONS, CIOARS TOBACCO, CIOARETTES, PIPES Agents f orB-B-B Pipes We will try and please you all and give you thevery best satisfaction. LARGE LINE OF CLASS PIPES 308 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. CHIRopoDyCornsbunions, ingrowing j ( Dails, treated and cured. Everything absolutely an- tiseptic. Office beurs. -12 a n.s 1-l and -8 p rn MISS. E. J. FOLEY 921 E. Huron Street, End North 12th 2 Bit cksEast ti h cocI - Fhcre 969.J Homemade Candies Sell Rapidly. So eager were the buyers to get some1 of the homemade sweets that were for sale by the Women's League in University hall Saturday, that the sale had to be discontinued before the time appointed because of lack of candy. About $28 was taken in by the women. They are planning to have a much larger supply for the Pennsylvania game. Buy your ALARM CLOCKS at Chapman's Jewelry Store 206 South Main Street IMA JESTIC .4-k hard iridium pointed gold pens and for all special uses-manifold-r eping, stenography, etc. $3.00 and up., GEO. WAHR HEEHAN (L CO. . C. SCHLEEDE .J. SCHLEEDE JOHN A. TICE ®. HALLER., Mat. all bird )o you need to be Shirted? so, let us show you our line of Manhattans Patterns that are new and snappy, in several different fabrics, tute the largest line of high grade shirts to be found in the city. We do not say this as an idle jolly, but ask you as a favor to in= this line and satisfy yourself that our assertion is true. All of the newest designs and weaves in silks, are to be found in ne of fall neckwear, French reversible and open end four-in- and bat wings in plain colors and stripes. Dent and Perrin are our best makes in gloves, and you can feel :d that with either make you can secure perfect satisfaction. (nox and Statson Hats. Also a large line of hockey caps, including the official que. eule, Conlin & Fiegel Tonight The Twio Admirals Extra! j Wednesday Thursday At Every Show HENRY & Co Matinees and Nights Original Nobing Pictures World Series of Vase Vall Games ATHLETICS vs. GIANTS In connection with regular shows I Designers of Men's Clothes, will give you the Latest Styles in Engl sh Cuts HENRY & CO. 711 N UNIVERSITY College Laundry SPECIAL I Matine pm Thurs.% * BASE BALL I PICTURES .a."'. U 1" FINE HAND WORK 11 111 606 E. Liberty Street 2 2 For the BEST Photographs go to G. C. MAEDEL 119 East Liberty St