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November 07, 1911 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1911-11-07

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tend the Band

ich igan


IA Rkeliable Directory of
Reliable Business



- -

Not Look the Same
Faces Cornell On
; Squad Works at


* * * * * * * *

Directions for Sending the Ban
to Cornell.


1. Bring your money to class
with you.
2. If the man vith the sub-
scription list doesn't get to you
look him up.
3. Class presidents, should
see that the subscription lists
are in circulation all the time.
Fresh law candidates for the
presidency should circulate the
lists themselves.
* * * * * * * * * *




t as Serious as Feared;
t Practic to be Held
All Week.
st has determined to give
ew surprises in both the'
he Michigan team and its
r, judging from yesterday's
xactly what the lineup will
stion even to the Michigan
Mondsy's practicewas se-l
e coach has issued ordersl
' give out absolutely noth-

ntly disgusted with
.e team in the Syra-
e first hour of Mon-
as spent in almost
>all. Yost and Red-
re squad and drilled
.g and blocking, both
offensive. The Mich-
t Saturday was far
n a man did go low
ve and often missed
this fault that the
o rectify. It is ex-
of each practice will
Kept Secret.
er the hour's drill in
r, the coach ordered
and started secret
inued until late, de-
here was no scrim-
as the field was too
chances. It was in
at the changes in the
, about which Mich-
idering. Ever since
here have been many
to what men would
t new men would beJ
ity squad. But Yost,
>ut this information
cret practice all this
possible that the real
be known until the
Cornell next Savir-

day's practice and Pontius is sure to
be out today as he is only suffering
from .bruises. As to when Craig will
be able to play is conjectural, but it is
believed that his injuries are not as
serious as at first feared.
Looks as TBough 200Rooter Would
Accompany Themn to Ithac a.
That a special train to the Corneil
game will be secured for Michigan
rooters sems probable from present in-
dications. Sixty-five students have al-
ready announced their intention of mak
ing the eastern trip. This number com-
bined with a possible ,5 from the band
and 20 from the reserve squad, makes
a balance of only 40 additional men to
be secured in order to obtain the
$14.50 rate. It is practically certain
that the band- will secure sufficient
funds to make the trip, while the re-
serves will, in all probability, choose
the Cornell 'trip in preference to the
Nebraska tour.
The special train, if secured, will
be equipped with both 'coaches and
standard Pullmans. The berth charge
is $2.75 for lower and $2.20 for upper
accommodation, each way. The spe-
cial will leave Ann Arbor at 8:30 Fri-
day evening and will arrive in Ithaca
at 10 o'clock the next muorning. Re-.
turning, the special will leave Ithaca
about midnight Saturday and arrive
here before noon on Sunday.
It is imperative that all who intendt
to make the trip engage railroad ac-
I commodations at the Athletic Asso-
ciation office before 6 o'clock Wednes-
day afterpoon. A block of tickets for
the game wil be on sale at the office.
These sell at $2.00 and include general
admission and seat in a reserved sec-
tion near the 55 yard line.

Freshmen gymnasium classes start-
ed Monday with an enrollment of over
800, which is in excess of last year's
figures. Freshmen of the engineering
and literary departments wh" have
not appeared for their physical exam-
ination should do so at once. Attend-
ance records will be taken this week.
There are seven sections this year.
"Although there have been several
excellent charts among the members
of the incoming class, there have been
none as yet up to the standard set by
Allan Garrels last year. Several have
been perfect in all but one point. in-
til all the men have been examined
and the charts carefully compared, it
will be impossible to determine just
who is the most perfect freshman,"
said Dr. May last night.
After this week all upperclassmen
who hold lockers must report for their#
Athletic Association Members
Mav Get Tickets Today;
$1 For Students

The University Y. M. C. A. mcm-
bership campaign has added between
150 and 200 new men to the Associa-
tion in the last three evenings. This
brings the present membership up to
1200; and with a good share of the
territory as yet uncovered, the office: s
expect to reach the 1,500 mark. This'
will be an increase over last year's
About forty men have been pushin
the work, and will continue the can-
vass until every student has been
Leipsic Professor Delivers Lecture.
The first of the series of lectures to
be given under the auspices of the uni-
versity as provided for by the Board
of Regents at its last meeting, was de-
livered last night by Caspar Rene
Gregory, an American professor in the.
University of Leipsic, on "Mt. Sinai:
Its Monasteries and its Manuscripts."
Second Union House-to-House
Campaign Ends Most



The seat sale for the Penn game ,Nov..
18, will commence this morning. For
the convenience of its patrons the
Michigan Daily publishes the rules
governing the sale, as issued from the
office of the Athletic association:
"On Tuesday, November 7th, at 8 a.
in., there will be sold at the office of
the Athletic Association, 424 S. State
street, tickets in the east half of the
north stand to male student and fac-
ulty members of the Athletic. Associ-.
ation only at $1.00. Each member of
the association may purchase but one
ticket in his section and must present
his membership card when purchas-
ing this ticket. He may also purchase
in addition not more than five $2.00.
"On Wednesday, November 8th, at
8 a. in., there will be a general sale
of reduced price tickets to student
members of the University and also a
sale of tickets to the general public.
Only one reduced price ticket will be
.sold to any student member of the
University except were a student mem-
ber of the University desires to take
his wife or a lady who is also a mem-
ber of the University and he may then
reserve a ticket for her in the reduced
price section at the same time he pur-
chases his own by paying for the ticket
at that time. However, it will be nec-
essary for the lady at that time or a
later date, at least two days before
the game, to' come to the office of the
Association to secure her ticket and
identify herself. If a member of the
University wishes, he or she may pur-
chase in addition to his or her reduced
price ticket, five $2.00 tickets in the
section assigned to the general public.
"On Friday, November 10th, at 8 a.
in., there will be a sale to lady and
faculty members of the University on-
ly. For this sale a block of tickets.
will be reserved in the reduced price
section for lady and faculty members
of the University at $1.00. Only one
reduced price ticket will be sold to fac-


The Michigan Union ended its second
"house-to-house" campaign last night
with 550 new names added to its menl-
bership. The total membership includ-
ing the pledges, numbers at least 1,500
men. Mack Ryan, '12, .led in the indi-
vidual number of new members se-
cured, with twenty-one pledges and
three paid memberships.
Full reports were not available, as
some of the committeemen were una-
ble to meet at the Union last evening.
Another meeting of the sub-chairmen
will be held at the Union at 7.30 to-
night for the benefit of those men who
have not yet turned in the results of
tneir work.
"We are satisfied with the results
of our campaign," said Robert Tip-
ping last night. "We are now far
above the mark of previous years. The
committeemen have done excellent
work, as the results show. We now
have an unanswerable argument to of-
fer the alumni in our campaign for
the new clubhouse."
What might have been a serious fire
was prevented Sunday afternoon
by two students who put out a slight
blaze on the roof of Dean Reed's res-
idence, 907 Lincoln avenue. The young
men were passing the house and notic-
ed the fire in the shingles near a chim-
ney. Reaching the roof by means of
a tree, they tore the shingles away
and stamped out the fire before the
blaze had gained any headway. The
damage was slight.
Naval Tank Gets Scrubbing.-
The naval tank in the new engineer-
ing building which was drained a few.
days ago by the big Blake fire pump
in the hydraulic laboratory is now
being cleaned. After the work is com-
pleted on the tank a series of tests
will be conducted with the new wires
that are to be installed in the slots of
the tank.

Laboratory of Typesetting Machines,
Presses, and Bindery to be
Established Soon.
LAWRENCE, KAN., Nov. 6.-Recom-
mendations for a complete newspaper
plant for the school of journalism of
the University of Kansas have been
approved by the regents; and Prof.
Thorpe hopes to have the entire ship-
ment in place by the first of Decem-
ber. Laboratory work in typesetting,
making and locking up forms, cost and
material estimating will be done in a
model plant containing typsetting
machines, presses, a bindery, type
and enough cabinets to allow two
classes, of twenty students each, ma-
terial for work.
Tryouts for Union Opera Chorus Han-
die Music Creditably.
The first rehearsal for the chorus
'of "The Awakened Rameses" brought
out over 50 men last evening in Scott's
Academy. The entire number of try-
outs was summoned for the rehearsal,
and the eliminating will take place1
later. Music was given 'to all the men,j
and the dancing parts for the first act
were assigned, though not definitely.
R. C. Kempf, who has charge of the
chorus part of the opera, and Jules
Weurthner, expressed themselves -as
highly pleased with the manner in
which the men handled the music forr
the first time.
Tryouts for the orchestra should
meet Jules Weurthner this evening, at
7:30 in Scott's Academy. The men1
must have eligibility cards, which may
be obtained from Professor Strauss in
Tappan hall f,rom 11 to 12 o'clock thisv
The semi-final class football game,i
scheduled for this afternoon between
the senior engineers and the junior
laws to decide the contestants of the
final game, has been postponed untilt
tomorrow afternoon. The protest,
which resulted from the referee's de-
cision in the lit-engineer game, played
last Saturday morning, has not yet
been acted upon by the board of di-
rectors of athletics.
The board will meet today to settlei
the dispute. Should it decide to allow;
the protest the junior lits and the en-I
gineers will have to play their gamef
over on Wednesday. Otherwise the
laws and the engineers will play to-
morrow afternoon on South Ferry
Bishop to Address Y. W. C. A..
Bishop Chas. D. Williams of Detroit
will address the regular Tuesday meet-
ing at Newberry hall this afternoon.
Because of the enthusiasm with which
the students have received the other
talks that Bishop Williams has given
in Ann Arbor, the officers of the Y W.
C. A. expect a large audience on this
occasion. There will be a short mu-
sical program in addition to the ad-
Blake Fire Pump Being Tested.
A series of tests are being made
with-the Blake duplex fire pump in the
hydraulic laboratory of the new en-
gineering building for the purpose of
determining the slippage of the pump.
These tests last from 12 to 15 hours,
and will continue for at least three


Student Council Plan of Sec
irig Funds eets with Genei
Approval; Subscriptions
be Taken Today
Donations of Twenty-Five Cents
le Solicited on the Campus
By Committeemen.
The band will go to Cornell.
That is, if the decisions reached
a dozen or more classes at their me
ings yesterday to circulate subscr
tion list among their members to ra
funds for this purpose is to be regai
ed as indicative of the spirit prevae
on the canpus.
Not all the classes met yesterd
but in those which did there was pr
tically no opposition to the proposal
finance the trip obf. the band in t
manner suggested by the Stude
Council. Accordingly, committees w
appointed by the presidents to ir('
late lists among their respective cla
mates this morning. The money wa
be collected at the same time that t
subscriptions are made.
At least five hundred dollars
needed to send the band and, wh
it is the express desire of the Coun
that no one shall subscribe more th
twenty-five cents, it is evident that t
individual subscriptions will have to
very near that mark in order to a
complish the result aimed at.
Assuming that the sentiments of t
classes which met yesterday voice t
expressions of the student body as
whole the Student Council reque
the presidents of the classes which
not meet to appoint their committ
this morning and to send out th
subscription lists. In the fresh la
class, which has elected no presid
as yet, all the candidates for that
fice are authorized to take up subscr
tions themselves.
The presidents of all classes wx
bring the subscription lists, togeti
with the money colle'cted, to the Mh
igan Union this evening between 6 a
8 o'clock. Councilman Burge of t
finance committee will take charge
Exhibit Closes This Evening.
Tomorrow is the last day of the a
nual fall exhibit of the Ann Arbor A
Association in Memorial hall. The
hibit will be open this evening fr
7:30 to 10 p. m. It is estimated by i
authorities of the association t
about 3,000 visitors have attended. I
exhibit up to date. The regular hot
are 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. dal
Wyvern Elects Members.,
Wyvern, junior society, has a
nounced its fall elections. .As yet
date for the initiation has been s
The following were the women ole
ed: Margaret Jackman, Osee Jew
Betty Ware; Georgia Maier, Winifi
Mahon, Helen Henning, Irene Murp
Amy Burnham, Margaret Kinney, 1
Prof. Wenley Spoke at Detroit
Professor Robert M. Wenley lect
ed yesterday afternoon at the Chui
of Our Father in Detroit on "Eva
tion in Relation to Philosophy."


the possibilities of changes,
e is but a guess at the best.
seemed Michigan's weakest
ere the ends, and these posi-
vc< been worrying the coach all
Wells has shown himself to.
llar half, while Pontius played
,me at the outskirts Saturday.
was weak, but the only possi-
fill that position seems to be
he second string of backfield,
rith Wenner, Huebel, Carpell,
Smith and Herrington to
roin, it seems as if one more
d could be picked. The fact
ig may be out for some time
sents a question. The only
e quarter left is Picard and he
tthe best of shape. So it may
Huebel or Wenner will be giv--
nce at that position and Car-
back at half.
practice will be held again
.d it is probable that there will
nmage. Craig and Pontius
e only missing men at yester-

Manager Stanley of the band yes-
terday received two subscriptions, one
for five and another for ten dollars
from alumni in Pittsburgh, Pa., and
Schenectady, N. Y., to aid towards
sending the band to Ithaca. Accom-
panying letters state that large dele-
gations from the alumni associations
of both cities are preparing to attend
the game.
Librarian Koch is negotiating with
authorities at Cornell for the exchange
between the two university libraries
of duplicate books. Prof. Hudson's re-
cent donation, consisting principally of
'histories, duplicated a number of
books in the library. Lately about 100
volumes were secured in this manner
from Harvard. The library authori-

ties here have also bought a couple of ulty members, except where a faculty
consignments of old newspapers 100 member desires to take his wife or a
cubic feet apiece to be kept on file. (Continued on page 4.)

, I -

r, Nov. 7, 8 A. M., Association Members, Only
Price $1.00 Reserved Seats
s must personally present membership cards when
g tickets.
s may purchase one student ticket only--but may
not more than five $2.00 or box seat tickets in other




Ferry Field, 2 P. M.
Saturday, November 18, 1911
No checks accepted at this sale. Sale of student tickets
will be discontinued Wednesday, Nov. 15, 6 P. M.
Reduced R. R. rates from Chicago, Toledo, Detroit and
around the state.

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 8 A. M., up to Wednesday, Nov. 15
6 P. M. Sale to Students, Faculty and General Public:
Prices: Faculty and Students $1.00, Faculty and Student
must personally purchase tickets in reduced price sections
Friday, Nov. 10, there will be a sale of tickets in any sec
tiou to lady students and Faculty members only. Prices $
and $2.00. Prices to all others than students and Facult3
$2.00, Box seats $3.00 and $4.00.


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