T HE MICHIGAIt DAILY ; Every Man Should Have An "R & W" Carlton Gabardine- A Light Weight Worsted Rain Coat IT s of ideal weight and warmth for this mid-season weather and, more- over, it is shower-proof. A coat for busi- ness and convenient for the theatre and other social occasions; in fact, a coat for "every day" use and all "year round' wear. Our assortment includes a variety of patterns in a wide range of prices. F. W. GROSS, 123 east Liberty Street SE RTHE£ HLIG (f SCHMID Li- qf Chafing DishesI E 205 8. Mathn MUSIC AND DRAMA ' ~Ethel Barrymore,. Ethel Barymore will be seen at the Whitney Theater for one night, Mon- day, November 13th, in "The Witness for the Defense," Mr. A. E. W. Mason's latest play. The appearance of Miss Barrymore in any city, at any time, is a dramatic event of much importance. But this year the interest runs doubly high owing to the fact that her new four act drama has proved one of her great- est successes. As Stella Ballantyne, Miss Barrymore has a great role in which a wonderful opportunity is giv- en her to display her powers of sup- pressed emotional acting. Miss Barrymore has surrounded herself with a very superior company, one, it may be said, of the best on the American stage. It includes Mr. A. E. Anson, who for two years was the leading man at the New Theater, W. L. Abingdon, who won distinguished laurels as "The Devil" for Mr. Sav- age, and Mr. Ernest Stallard, Lums- den Hare and Annie Esmond. Majestic Theater. The Adams and Guhl Musical Come- dy Company which has made such a success at the Majestic during the past week, will remain for three days longer. While they will continue to present the production of "The Two Admirals" there will be several new musical numbers introduced and new photoplays featuring the well known story of "Fallstaff",in motion pict- ures. As a special attraction Manager Lane has secured te original moving pictures taken of the "World's Series of Base Ball games between the Ath- letics and Giants in New York and Philadelphia. These will be shown in connection with the regular shows Wednesday (matinee and night) and Thursday night at no extra charge. Sweaters cut over at the Palais Royal, 209 E. Liberty. 1-tf Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres, 222 So. State St. 3tf Rosenberg presses suits-25 cents. 12tf The U. of M. Boat House will close Nov. 11th for repairs. 25 to 31 DON'T DELAY THAT SUBSCRIP- TION ANY LONGER. YOU CAN'T HAVE A BETTE1D SCRAP BOOK THAN A COMPLETE FILE OF THE MICHIGAN DAILY FOR THE YEAR. * * * * * * * * * * CLASSIFIED ADS. Advertising matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op- posite the Majestic between the, hours of 12 noon and 10 p. m., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time up to 9:3 p.m. These Ads bring Results. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *1 * ; *, * * * * * * * * * * * * LOST Lost-Log log slide rule with name on case. Please leave at room 322, New Engineering building, or phone 1119 J. 29 Lost-Between Majestic Theater and Liberty brown purse containing money. Return to Wahr's for re- ward. 29 FOR SALE For Sale-Twenty-four volumes (com- plete set) of Balzac, good as new, Inquire 722 Monroe St., Bancroft's Store. 27-28-29 FOR RENT. For Rent-Two fine suites, all mod- ern conveniences, short walk from campus and hospitals, good location, southwest corner of Washington and Twelfth St. 29 For Rent-Suite, all modern conven- iences, one block from campus, terms reasonable, 912 E. Washing- ton. 29 For Rent-2 room suite, steam heat new rugs and furniture. Price $3.50. 632 East University Ave. Roy. L. Hogue. 23-25-29-31 For Rent-Large siAgle room suitable ofr one or two men, in modern house with steam heat. 209 N. In- galls St. 28 & 29 WATCH FOR THE YELLOW SPORTING EXTRA AFTER THE PENNSY GAME. 0 -- Lo(L Xa~. . - -. rK L -f___ Pe opie PURE WOOLEN FABRICS AND HAND MADE GARMENTS The clothes of wide-awake gentlemen at moC prices. We know that your visit to our store will be mutually profitabl Im " i W e have to be wide wake!t Dare not offer freaks old-fogy styles. For our chief busine is selling men's -n' bo clothes, to pa. ic uI people. who STVDENTS Our Card Indexes and Filing Systems are TIME SAVERS. For Filing Per- iodicals, Clippings, Class Notes. & BROS, Typewriters BaB-Beaing-Long Wearing You'll need a Tyepwriter later. Get the best now and have it's use while in college Ask us to show you FUELBER & ZEUADSKI 310 S. State St. Up Stairs t nail meicansAvi COR LITARETY AND MAIN A most convenient place banking. CuttingC SPECIAL, TONIG Dinner 6:30 to 7:00. Roast Sp with OysterDressing and C Sauce. Cabinet, Midget Card led Cards, Guide Cards. W eis It :hoettle & Schairer Co. RINTERS BINDERS STUDENTS' SUPPLIES et Bell Phone 1404 L o f the room lies in its furniture The. Real. ngho mrfou rne wl- g iurso Come in and let us show Martin Hailer FURNITURE, RUGS, CARPETS AND DRAPERI ColleeLan Bank Martin guitars and on earth, on sale at Son's Music House. mandolins, best Schaeberle & 29tf LOVERS of choice sponges in ,,he bath Will Find some fine ones in the stock just received.' Beauty of form and quality- Mandruka Forms $2.00 to $4.00 All the latest popular song hits at Grinnell Bros. Music House at Ten cents per copy. A complete stock of the latest Opera hits at popular prices also. Everything in college songs and ollections. 18 tf FINE HAND WORK 606 E. i ess Transacted ok, Pres.; W. D. J. Fritz, Cashier Rosenberg calls and delivers. Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. l2tf 12tf Immediately After the Came Rosenberg drycleans sweaters. 12tf Bank DON'T SPONGE YOUR FROM YOUR NEIGHBOR. SCRIBE. DAILY SUB- Have you seen those nobby blues at Milward's? Tailor, State St. Rosenberg dryclean suits. Oxford 330 S. 19 tf . Main St.J Quarry Dru Co. us and Profits $10,000 H A LLE R'S Ns*all led ni. Pens Waterrram'.tdeals Coriltlx self tlocks g~13o-Ieat-r.- Alarm. aad line of (MICHIGAN JEWIELRY and NOVELTIES Finest Jewelry and Watch Repairing dler's Jewelry Store St. Bell Phone 534 L 12tf FOOTBALL PICTURES ]DETROIT SATURDAY NIGHT ALL NEWS STANDS TODAY. 28 Kollouf cuts and makes clothes for the college men. Old post office build- ing, Main and Ann Street. 28tf HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE YEL- LOW SOUVENIR SPORTING EXTRA MMEDIATELY AFTER THE PENNSY GAME SUBSCRIBE NOW. PAY LATER. SUBSCRIBE NOW AND GET THE BACK NUMBERS FOR THAT FILE. Shoe repairing, laces and polish for sale. J. H. Lambert, 613 E. William St. 3 eod tf YOU SHOULD BE CONVINCED BY THIS TIME. SUBSCRIBE. Three Days More I MAJESTICI Musical -ComedyI Continued success of the greatest attracticn in the of Ann Arbor "THE TWO ADMIRALS With Adams and Guhi mommmsoo mommom ® h College lllichigafn Pins, Fobs and Fraternity Jewelry. Big Ben alarms $2.50 Arnold Jewe rePr alarms C.0 r1r Yo iri Patrioonage is Well Cared fog"J.Here Chafing Dishes 5 o'clock Tea, Toasters Egg Boiler, Hors-D'oeuvre Dishes, Fruit and Bread Basket. All finishes to be found at B ug Beauty Chor - raw If erfsit* flbuiSic lbouse g Maynard St. Next door to University School of Music SCHUMACHER Hardware 308-310-312 S. Main Phone 175 175 Red Home of Music-For the College Student Red The 'New Song U, "VARSITY" Neckwear All Shades-Priced Sc TINKER & COMPANY Exc usive Furnishers and Hatters. COR. . STATE and WILLIAMS STS. GLOVES Red Exclusive "Merry Wives of Superb Photoplays Windsor" Pict Extra!v Wednesday ExNrLY Matinee--N Thursday Both Sho Original moving pictures-World's series baseball Games taken in New York and Phila. Athletics vs. Giants Shown in addition to regular shows No extra charge of any Special--Matinee Base Ball Pictures 100 Thursday, 4 P. M. 10c Remomber-Vaudeville starts again Thursday Night -wBy - J. Fred Lawton U Earl V. Moore Now Ready Fownes, D. tl P., and Luhen Lined anid Vrnlined $1.50 to$6.00 legian Clothesfor CollegeMen at Allen's Good Clothes Store