THE MICHIGAN DAILY ONE OF THE LATEST STYLES ENGLISH LAST Invisible Eyelets 9SHOES $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 MUSIC AID DRAMA. IN E R & CO Sign of the Big White Shoe" STAT E STREET ""' . ROEHM & COMPANY DETROIT. MICHIGAN Experience in the Manufacture of Fraternity Jewelry Designers of Exclusive Society Class Pins andRings Medels.lg Pipes Stationery Catalogue,- also Price List of Badges. (Coninued from page 3.) in D minor, his ensemble work with Mrs. Geo. B. Rhead and Samuel P. Lockwood left nothing to be desired; his group of solos was so charmingly given that he was compelled to re- spond to an encore. Albert Lockwood contributed the fin- al group on the program, and, as u11 - al, delighted the audience"'with his masterly interpretations. He too was recalled for an encore.. "The Squaw Alan" Coming. Edwin Milton Royle's drama, "The Squaw Man" comes to the New Whit- ney Theater on Saturday, November 4. Mr. Dill impersonates a gallant and manly young officer of the English government; the scion of a noble house, who takes upon himself the onus of a crime committed by another, that the family honor may not be smirched and innocent lives ruined. He leaves England under this cloud and plunges into the life of the far West, which he pursues for several years; but .finally emerges with his name cleared and comes into posses- sion of an earldom and a wife. The character is embodied by Mr. Dill in a manner that proclaims his adaptabili- ty for this king of stars work. His sentiment is always fine and manful and he seems especially happy in his appeal for public interest and syn- pathy. "The Prince of Tonight." One of the most lavish scenic pro- ductions ever sent out of 'Chicago or New York is that of "The Prince of Tonight," the Adams, Hough and How- ard musical fantasy in which Mort H. Singer will present Henry Woodruff at the New Whitney Theater, Saturday, November 11, matinee and night. It consists of four gorgeous scenes, con- tained in three acts. The first act shows the famous resort, "The Break- ers," at Palm Beach, Florida,lwhich is later changed in a wonderful transfor- mation effect into the beautiful Delft Forest in. the mythical Land of Luni- tania, where Henry Woodruff, as the prince, reigns for the night: The sec- ond act sho~ws a magnificent house- boat during the progress of the water fete, and the third act the shore at Palm Beach. YOU SHOULD BE CONVINCED BY THIS TIME. SUBSCRIlE. Alpha Nu varsity tryouts at 7:30 to- night. Visitors welcome. Managers of class teams still in the football series meet at the Athletic As- sociation offices today at 12:05. Students from Missouri and Okla- homa call up Pugh at 684-L in regard to formation of Missouri-Oklahoma club. Meeting of the business staff of the Michiganensian. Sunday, at 11 a. m. Meeting of soph engineer class at 4 p. in., room 311. Nebraska men meet tonight, at 1221 S. University, 8 p. in. Discuss sending man to Nebraska game. Band rehearsal tonight, McMillan Hall, 7 o'clock. Only those whose ames appear in this issue of the Dai- ly need appear. J. lit football practice, in suits, at 3:15. Tuberculosis Shack Closed. Because of the approaching cold weather, the university tuberculosis shack, located on the north boulevard, was closed yesterday for the winter. The building has never been equipped with a heating apparatus and it is nec- essary to vacate it during the stormy months. The shack was built last spring and since that time has ac- commodated a large number of pa-I tients. During the past summer, it of- fered an opportunity for many people to secure excellent treatment at a small cost. The university society wvill reopen the shack next spring. F UNIVERSITY NOTICES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4th I. CLARENCE BENNETT, Presents The Squaw I ii', I 11 a~n h NEW WHITNEY THEATRE By Edwin Milton Royle I I Seat-Sale, November 2nd Prices--35c, SOc. 7SEc, $1.00, and $1.50 )EHM & COMPANY ANTS AND FRATERNiTY JEWELERS ist DE TROiT, MICH. Hamburger"Daffydil" No.3 If a Broiled Hamburger is "sous- ed" with "Chil.". Is The Ice "Tanked" or the Sauce "Pickled", Davis & Konold's "Club Lunoh" Orders Delivered Phone 652J Drugs, Tobacco Rowe's Laundry 406 Detroit St. THOMAS ROWE Prop. Bell Phone 457 of tde rccm lies in its furniture. It's urpis ing how far your money will go in a store like ours. Gome in and let us show you. Martin: Hailer FURNITURE, RUGS, CARPETS AND DRAPERIES DON'T SPONGE YOUR FROM YOUR NEIGHBOR. SCRIBE. DAILY SUB- ---- --r i m--s - -- anu- vorfd -7- Majestic TONIGHT ADAMS & CUHL " The Two Admirals " l/ / F%, el >i.ti d' S I '' 7 t ) Sport on re- 20 PEOPLE 20 Lots of 0irls Matinee Tomorrow, 3 P. M. .. 50 .. W _ _ A MEN! Read This Ad We are exclusive agents for the Royal Tail ors At the Reception and "Prom" yOu11 want to feel that 'you are correctly attired. _I Wlhen we tailor your for you, D ress suit expressly I You'll Feel Comfortable No doubt you are sick and tired of readi g the nunerous claims of clothing conceins, uho will not guarai tee to fulfiill their claims. OUR CLAIM, that THE ROYAL TAILORS of Chicago will make you a suit or overcoat, just F. D. tOKxSYTEIE. 11 be made that will fit perfectly and satisfy 'oe in every re::ect at from $5.oo to iers would charge N oi, is backed un by THE ROYAL TAILORS who attach to d t hat reads: "If ',iis armerint does not fat yo perfectly and satisfy yOu in every it, don't pay one cent. Fair isn't it ? 40o absolu-ely pure wool samples-2o cf rices $18.oo to $35.00. Don't wear ready-mades when Rcyal Tailored clothes because it will fit you splendidly and you'll be absolutely certain that it is cut in very latest fashion. Fast black worsted fabrics and pures ilk lining at a saving 'of fron $20 to $60. & FORSYTHE 215 S. Main 3i .®a two will articles of Footwear you Our local dealer will show you the woolens and take your measure. Better order your suit im- mediately and have it ready before you'll need it. LaGest tailors in the Wind of GOOD mnade-to-order-clothes. need soon, are lousc Slippcrs and Gym Shocs ve the largest stock in town, of these articles of Footwear-THE VERY BEST MADE. Slippers $1.50 to $4.00 per pair. 03 m Shoes 85c to $2.00 per pair. J WILL MAKE A MISTAKE IF YOU DO NOT COME TO US FOR THEM " PURPhIELD'S" 119 South Main Street 41 Prce Building Chicago, U. S. A OUR LOC AL Y , 111. , cSr.>. 4" 1F'ss T'v, b . : r:."": ' T^k= rr 7 4;a V v },cF f} .;.. ittf'i! c .hi% " wirra s. iFSYkf al ii 'M i iiltfLY les tYli[Yllfl ia .at "atie !,. f1 f r r r DEALER IS Hosiery I Repairing L F. W. GROSS 123 E. Lber ty St. d Exoltxsive Local R sroseuiti tive 3 2 For the BEST Photographs go to G. C. MAEDEL 119 East Liberty Street