THE MICHIGAN DAILY a * * * * * g. *K J nounce the arrival of 21 late patterns 41 and Winter Woolens in Blue-Gray, r-Cray mixtures and coron~ation effects. are being soown in foreign lines and dy ideas that have been worked out for Spring. We Solicit Your Orders n Suit or Overcoat: to Order $20.00 up. F. W.ROS v 123 E. Liberty Street EHLIG S CU MID Liao f Chafljmg Dishes FARE 205 4. Malrv. MUSIC AND DRAMA I Faculty Concert That the second faculty concert of the season was of extraordinary inter- est was evidenced by the unusually large number of. auditors that assem-* bled last evening in High School hall. The occasion was the introduction to local audiences of Fraulein Leonie, Born, soprano, and Richard P. Hal] 'cellist. Fraulein Born is the possessor of a large, dramatic-soprano voice, whicl she only partially displayed in her numbers on last night's program. Th( four Schubert songs, which comprise( the first group, wrere given in a :styl, that bespoke diligent and painstaking study. "Traum durch die Daemme- rung" (Strauss) was an exquisite ex- ample of mezzo voce work. Fraulein Born's singing was a distinct pleasure, and succeeding appearances will be looked forward to with interest. Not often do we have the opportuni- ty of listening to such artistic 'cello. playinz as was offered -by Richard P. Hall. His tone is ravishingly full and satisfying; his musicianship is- of the first rank. In the Mendelssohn Trio ',Continued on Page 4.)1 SUBSCRIBE NOW AND GET THE BACK NUMBERS FOR THAT FILE. Sweaters cut ever at the Palais aoyal. 209 i'±. Liberty. 1-tft Shoes repaired while you, wait. An-t dres, 222 _So. State St. 3tf Rosenberg presses suits-25 cents. l2tf The U. of M. Boat House will close Nov. 11th for repairs. 25 to 31 DON'T DELAY THAT SUBSCJ1IPA 'HON ANY LON(aER. Shoe repairing, laces and polish for sale. J. H. Lambert, 613.E. William St. 3 eod tf YOU CAN'T HAVE A BETTER SCRAP MOOK. THAN A COMPLETE FILE OF THE MICHIGAN D)AILY FOR THE YEAR. S: * K CLASSIFIE D ADS. Advertising~ matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office opl- posite the Majestic between the hours of 12 noon and 10 p. mn, or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time up to 9 :30~ p.'' m. These. Ads bring. Results. LOST. ihost-Nose glasses in case, Tuesday evening at Library or on Jefferson and Thompson Streets. Finder Please call Bell 119=L. 27 -jost-Gold ring, turquoise matrix. Finder call 1415-J. Reward. 27 FOR SALE For Sale-Twenty-four volumes (com- plete set) of Balzac, good as new. Inquire 722 Monroe St., Bancroft's 'Store. 27-28-29 WANTlEDI., Wanted-Place to work in Fraternity H-ouse.- Competent. Telephone 71-J. 27-2. Wanted-Student to stoke furnace for cash, weekly. Just mail your ad- dress to Mrs. S. E. Ames, No. 411 Ifamilton Place. 27 All the latest popular song hits at Grinnell Bros. Music House at Ten cents per copy. A complete stock of the latest Opera hits at popular price. also. Everything in college songs, and3 ollections. 18 tf : _----- ., ___. _ _ = y . - i t ,T ', P j P . a' i.'.. r'. ! r _ ' t i . . s a. i"" -y. . = , , 6 t., f 4 ,« t PURE WOLEN FpABRE ICS. ANI HAND M JADL NT The clothes of widc-awake gentlkmcri at nodcr pr ices. We know th t yvu v sit to -u rt)re wl nt l r J rFi. r .x r.. car our chief bu clothes, to p a. c u 1a r pi:op~e. Pe ople who expect n Y,-ea ::a: zscS NTe have to be wide a- wYake! Dare not offer freaks or STUVDENTS Our Card Indexes and Filing Systems are TIME: SAVERS. For Filing Per- iodicals, Clippings, Class Notes. Typewriter BalBearng-Lang Weaviig } ()Ull r1 e&d a 'vutp l i rL uP v. ( " he best now and have Wtlu- wie oolleg e f uh s i- 1) Shl:,% << FUELBER & ZEVVADSKI (201 I-o 3 l T 1. 11 AND 1?\%IN -"'lI F: SPE4.IAL, TNtI ]inner 5:30 to 7:00. Roast Sprng Chkc with O'yster L°rossinq and Cranberry Sectional Filing Cabiniet, Mi'dget Card Indcx Outfits, Ruled Cards, Guide Cards. Weis Rosenberg calls and delivers. Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. l2tf-1310 S. State St. Up Stair 12tf r, Schoettle & S chairear C04 RS PRINT ERS BINUERS' STUDENTS' SUPPLIES aiin Street Bell Phone 1404 Pianos to IKent. Terms reasonablh Schaeberle & Son. Music flousc. 1' S. Main S t Rosenberg. drycleans swe.-%ers. 12C: HIave you seen those nobby Oxford blues at Milward's? Tailor, 330 S State St. 19 tf Iiisbie Collar, he islee louch that 4if1111 means so much' in dress is II ~ conferred bMy &h Cadillac: Id's the ri~,lii collar IIIi i Blank ICHI. rplus $85000 LJOVE~RS of choice spong es tin the bath. Will Find some fine ones in the stuck ju.,t r ceived. Rosenberg. dryclean suits. l2tf' r Savings Bank I sTranaactedE Pres:; W. D. Fritz, Cashier Beauty it of forin and quality- Maudruka Forms $2 00 to $4.00 GIRL'S, GYM SUITS- We take ordlers for girl's gymtuasiuw slsu is No matter what style or quality of mat- erial your desire, we can fill your wants. Before you place your order, pay us- a call Price $5.00 Highest Workmanship Satisfaction Guarenteed SECOND FLOOR MA CK& CO. MAIN ST. panics Bank. Main St. and Profits 440,000 Qarry Drxzg Co. SUBSC!RIBE NOW. PAY LATER. There never was a razor made that diddt need "stroppng. You may have enough money to be abe to use a Gillette blade once and then throw it away, but why spend it?' You can save your money and save your face from the tortures of, fa dull razor if. you will strop your Gillette blades on a It will keep Gillette blades in perfect shaving condition" indefinitely. 100 to 500 shaves from one blade. Strops borh edges at once; reverses itself and strops the other side,-30 seconds and all edges are sharp. Small, handsome, simple to use, requires no skill, Can't get out of order. Guaranteed for ten years. Sold by all good dealers on thirty days' trial. Two Blades Sharpeiwd FREE Send us 2 of your Gillette blades. We will d sharpen them, free, to demonstrate how pore etl y the Twinplex does the work. Or ask your dealer to strop them for you. ~, /7 TWINPLEX SALES CO. St. Louis, Mo. For Sale in Arn A rlo. by for ri~,hno 2-oro2 5 Cets rwmiSBE COON 6' co MAKERS TRO V 1V Y L®1i ;- CADI.LLAC - V I talZ er g lll A.eraR p ater. lams aud -n Clocks M g x a-asr-Alrru a large line of vlICHL l*AN Ji, VA;[i!LY and NO ELTIES Finest Jewelrv and V th Re1;a ring Hailer's Jewelry .storms falsi St. Bel1 Phoxe 534 L j F X~g 1 _ -r- ' a I i TUTtLE & CO. WE SERVE HOT LUNCHES Fine Dine of Lowney's and Hag'ey's " Chocolates "4c i .. e.. Y .k . k r . rr. OLD- College1 Jeweler Rtichigan Pins, Fobs and Fraternity ewelry. Big Ben alarms $2.50 Arnold alarms $1.0 )'our Pat rrage is Well Cuired for Here Chafing Dishes I ,Main St. 5 o'clock Tea, Co'asters Egg Boller, Hiors-D'oeuvre Dishes, Fruit and Bread Basket. All finishes to be fouuid at F OR the man chasing t'. Pi.1, uF down hill, in the s andy bun] Velvet is mild and smoo th Fand plea. Velvet-selected leaf-twvo year s i warehouse undergoirg a change wv elimninates the harshness o f te leaf mellowness rarely att&.neF-al : ness you should kno i, a. No sir Impossible to b;k';c1o rnt -one s;.noke as cool and ~ela another-sLoiheit for 54 hk-;Icsa siareyble At you dealers. Chirag~o r 1niverzit*3 ?IIus4iC lbousc' res Building M1aynard St. Next door to Uaiversity School of Music 308-310-3 12 S. Main ~ Phone 175 175 Red , : e - -- r ' ..' , '_ P, o : F .. c > ,,, - ,.. ; ^ '> ,< , S ' 1 .# j , 3 ! ti : , s ' ti _ w t o ~" The flome of Musk-For the College Student Red The New 'Song Neckwear All Shades--Priced 50c TINKfFR &COMPANY EXt Iuslvl- Furnishers and Natters. (.OR. . STATE and WILLIAMS STS. Red "VARSITY" -By- J. Frd Lawtoln Earl V. Moore GLOVES Now Ready Downes. D. ft P.. anid Lined anid Unlined Ltzheri $1.50 to, $6:00 i egian Cloth esror Coll egeMen at Allen's Good Cloth~esStTai