THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,, id Co., 311 So. State Street NING DISPLAY 1 Winter Woolens of Exclusive Styles Suits, Overcoats and Trousers. LD CO., 311 So. State Street THE LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS THE MIC-IIGAN DAILY J The Student's Club. N'T SNEEZE! ted, nauseating or pur- you can cure yourrcold rt time by using modern " TYPEWRITING. LAW OUTLIINES, T YPE WRITER SUPPLIES, TYPEWRITERS. (new and second hand), for sale an1 rent. O. D. MORR ILL OVER BALTIMORE LUNCH BELL 582-J , cleans and .Try it. It's if you want it. I. GI Bargains Sweater Vests with Roll Collars $6.50 White, Blue, Gray and Cherry SHTEETAN'S STUDENTS'BOOKSTORE Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year.,. MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER' Albert R. Dilleyg Editors. News Editor ........Harry Z. Folz Assistant ............Frank Pennell Athletic Editor ......F. E. Shaw, Jr. Assistant .............G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama ....Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files ..............Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Walle W. Merritt Night Editors. Maurice Toulme Mack Ryan Loren Robinson Karl Matthews Wallace Weber. Reporters. John Townley Oscar Beckman C. Harold Hippler .....Robert Gillett Frank Murphy William Daugherty J. Selig Yellen. BUSINESS STAFF. Assistant to Mgr. ..Joseph Fouchard Advertising Mgr ... Elmer P. Griersoi. Circulation Mgr.....E. Ray Johnsoni A. R. Johnson, Jr. OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building Maynard Street. OFFICE HOURS: Managing Editor. 1-2 p. m., 10:30-11:30 p. m.; Bus- iness Manager, 1-5 p. m.. Both Phones 960. Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50: By mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- versity., RAL 1911 Another opportunity to become a member of the student's club, to take advantage of the privileges of a well appointed clubhouse, will be laid be- fore every male student in the univer- sity today or tomorrow. Truly the Michigan Union is the student's club. Democratic in its spirit, ridiculously moderate in its fees, it is thoroughly in keeping with the ideals of the uni- versity. It stands for the "best of ev- erything on the campus and is the nat- ural rallying point of the student body. In its leather upholstered divans stu- dents of, every state and every view- point, every race and creed gather in the spirit of restful fellowship. The broadening effects of such an influ- ence can scarce be overestimated. The mingling of man with man, student with teacher, in social relations is' a vital part of liberal education. The opportunity to eat an occasional real meal from a perfectly appointed ta- ble, and served,,is mellowing and civ- ilizing. There are men in the university whom it is worth while for you to meet, better yet for you tQ know. When the opportunity comes, grasp it. And beside all present and materi- al advantage accruing from a Union nembership the present student body should not be blind to the responsi- Milities resting upon it. Pleasant hough the present club house is, it is nadequate. Within a short time alum- ii all over the world are to be asked to :ontribute to give to the student body i modern and splendidly equipped structure, within the shadow of which 3very legitimate student activity will lourish. The present students must nanifest an interest in the movement to justify such a request. If you would have a splendid clubhouse tomorrow, .ou must utilize and assist in support- ing the one, that is provided for you oday. The member of the Union who will Tome to offer you membership is not in agent. He is working for no re- mnuneration. He has come courteol- y, as a fellow student, as a friend, as - prospective companion, to extend to you the privileges of his club. Think 'efore you turn him away.. Give at- tention to what he has to tell you. townC It pleases us to record that Frank Blanchard and Brander Matthews are ncreasing the world's sum of knowl- mdge concerning the The Drama, from .heir stamping ground at Columbia U. The Day of A Senior Law. Get up, go to quizzes all morning, look up Trial Practice Rules in the library all afternoon, prepare Prac- tice Court Pleadings in the library from supper till 10 p. m., go home and study six hours for tomorrow's quiz- zes. Lucky guy-nothing to do till to- morrow. When You Desire Portraits of Quality Go to THE PHOTOGRAPHER jPtatln~urm:. Portredis. 319E.HRuron Phone 961-L Platlr~usm Portraits Platinum Portraits F teal;: Port: at. Sweaters Spalding Automobile Sweaters In White, Cray, Navy and Maroon Price $7.50 Spalding Jacket Sweaters White, Crey and Navy $5.00 and $6.00 WAHRss University _Bookstore Day Cents a. m. Tickets gage will not . i rs. J. R. Trojanowski FASHIONABLE HAIRDESSER Rl Hair Goods, Hairdressing. Manicuring and face ;Massage. Rain water Shampooing aSpecialty. ell Phone 1696 1110 SOuth Uni':ersity Ball 696-W We Do French Dry and Steam Cleaning PRESSING pznd RLPAIR IN G Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75o Suits Prssed"26 I FULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors 619 E William St: Ann Arbor - Chtca o Callaghan (5. Company 540 S. State St. Opposite Law Building Law ooks New and Second-Hand Old Books-Taken in Exchange-New Book. Callaghan ( Comp any Apposit. Door of L6aw Bldg.- Next to 0-vrtner- -, BROTHERS- PRESS CLOTHES BY HAND RCOATS DRY CLEANED 75c TS PRESSED 25c OVERCOATS PREgSED 25c 410 SOUTH STATE STREE'I 1k .50 IN ADVANCE E. Jefferson Street Lies a Sp'cialty. er's Orchestra. ERGUSON, Proprietor ' N&w Rate Just received a full line of SHUMATE Razors and Srops, including the famou- Shumate Tungsten Razor and the "Shure mate" Safety Razor. The prices are right and the goods have the best guarantee of any on the market. Van Dordl's Pharmacy 703 PACKA RD STREET FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1911. Night Editor-Robert M. Gillett On to Cornell. A week from tomorrow the Varsity plays Cornell at Ithaca. It will be a close, "hard fought game in which any one of many little things may decide the result. Can you imagine the effect which a lusty locomotive, engineered by 200 voices specially imported from Ann Arbor, would have on the team on such an. occasion? It should be remembered that it is when the Var- sity plays away from home that it re- ally needs your support and encour- agement. If you can afford to go, and a special rate of $14.50 has been secured, this is a splendid opportunity to prove con- clusively your loyalty and faith in the team. And we venture to say that you will feel well repaid when, on return- ing, you are able to relate the experi- ences of the trip, the thrills of the game, and the novel celebration in- troduced to Ithaca. WATCH FOR THE YELLOW SPORTING EXTRA AFTER THE PENNSY GAME. Harry Lenox, Ta ilor Wishes to advise the U. of M. students that he has secured his complete stock of Fall Ard Winter Ptools. ON' Y 56 Lafayette Ave. Detroit, Mich. in Avance 519 E. William St. iick Service SCR A P BOOKS HERE 1 BOOKS COMING We Apologize. Dear Ed:-What have I done that I should be referred to as a pedagogue? Heaven forfend! Max Bennett. The Commonwealth of Iowa is now monopolizing Max's services. ..LEAVE A WANT AD FOR THAT LOST OR FOUND ARTICLE AT THE DAILY OFFICE OR AT QUARRY'S. 1914 Poster On Sale at SCHMIDT'S Today Photographic prints reproduced. Its great. Ccme and see it. A Y."Oo 0 707 N. University Ave. Up-Stairs Clothes Cleaning and Pressing ,,,_1 GOOD WORK et and Deliver Tel.1534-L "One can never be a scholar by 'going through' college- in one door and out the other. Neither can he take a short cut to gentlemanly appearance." HAVE WAGNER MAKE YOUR CLOTHES STATE STREET 1 lO LIVERY 5 and 7 Passenger Cars Prices Reasonable LL PHONE 1101 H0MB PHONE 452-Black Arbor Garage, 206 West Huron Street I 1 .! rGER'S School of Dancing Ladies and Gentlemen Tiesday and Thursday evenings, 7:00 to 8:00. Penn b sgin, hen yEu do. Private lessons given by appointment. Larms call at Academy or 346 Office Hours 10-12 A. M.,2-4 P. M iege Laundry HUSTON BROS. 367-309 S. State St. HENNE X8. STANGER k Billiards is a fine game, ask those who play. You need some recreation and what is Rugs, Carpets, Draperies and Furniture DETROIT UNAIED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson DetrĀ®!t Limited-8:13 a. m., 10:13 a. m., 12:13 p.m.. 2:13 p. m.4:13 p. m.. 6:13 p. ., 8:13;p.;m. Kalamazoo Limited - 7:46 a. m 9:46 a. mn., 11:46 a. m 1:46 p m., 3: 46 p. m., 5:46 p. m. Lansing 7:46 p. m . Local Cart East Bound-2'oDetroit, 5:45a, m ,6:45 a. n., and every two hours to 10.45 p.mi. To Ypsilanti. 5:45 a. m. and half hour- ly to 11:15 p. m.. also 12:15 a. m., 12:30 a. m., 12 50 a. m. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. [ ewl Cars West oud-5:40 a. m-., 7:15 a. mn., and every two hours to 11:15 p mn. better than this? WORK 606 E. Liberty Stree t HUSTON BROS. 307-309S . State St. 117 and 119 West Liberty Street I )N EAST RANDALL & PACK, Photographers r '' --- PHONE 598 r r