TEE MICHIGAN DAILY Id Co., 311 So. State Street NING DISPLAY, : Winter Woolens of Exclusive Styles Suits, Overcoats and Trousers. LD Co., 311 So. State Street THE LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS T IE PICHIGAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. . MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert s. Dilley Editors., News Editor ....Harry Z. Folz it's Worth 25 nuch the price asked for son for asking it solution, this ad and 25c Week Only. : Harveys Solution. buy ,nteed, your quarterback TYPEW IUTfING. LAW OUTLINES, TYPE1 WRITER SUPPLIES. TYPEWRITERS,l t(iew and secon d hand), for sale andl rent. O. D. M OR RIL OVER BA LTIlOR E LU NC RI LL 5S L 2-.J at all drog stores y a Bargains 111 Sweaters Assistant............Frank Pennell Athletic Editor.......F. E. Shaw, Jr. Assistant ............G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama .. . .Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files................Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Wa'lle W. Merritt' Night Editors. Maurice Toulme Mack Ryan Loren Robinson Karl Matthews Wallace Weber. Reporters. John Townley Oscar Beckman C. Harold Hippler ....Robert Gillett Frank Murphy William Daugherty J. Selig Yellen. BUSINESS STA FF. Assistant to Mgr. ..Joseph Fouchard Advertising Mgr ... Elmer P. Grierson Circulation Mgr..... E. Ray Johnson A. R. Johnson, Jr. OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building Maynard Street. OFFICE HOURS: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. m., 10:30-11:30 p. m.; Bus- iness Manager, 1-5 p. m.. Both Phones 960., town Calh REWARD-One bale of copy paper to the person suggesting a method for keeping our reporters at work while Art Lane is quartering a comic opera troupe across the road. What we are palpitating to ascer- tain is how we can be expected to con- tinue publication with those fourteen chorus girls in juxtaposition to the office. If we can't persuade the class ath- lrtes to exercise their limbs instead of their tongues we wish that we could at least induce them not to stifle us in our sanctum by transferring the scene of battle from Ferry Field hith- er. We are as sure that we are not pro- viding quarters for a debating league as some of our unkindly critics are that we are not engaged in the publi- cation of a newspaper. We are just disagreeable enough to air a conviction that Otis ruptured the blood vessel in-his eye by trying to see through the Ferry Field wall in quest of a girl. Farbeitfromus to insinuate that the drinking of water is not conducive to the study of the law but we have no- ticed that the jurist mill boasts of neither drinking cups nor taps, with nary a complaint from those imured within. Platinum Portraits Platinum Portraits Sweaters Spalding Automobile Sweaters nWhite, Cry, Navy and Maroon Price $7.50 Spalding Jacket Sweaters White, Cray and Navy $5.00 and $6.00 WAHR'S University Bookstore When You Desire Portraits of Quality Goto THE PHOTOGRAPHER Sweater Roll Vests with Collarsw 319 . H uron $6.50 TUBERCULOSIS 4SSOCIATION - WILL CONVENE HERE NOV. 3. Phone 961-L Plattr'um Platinum Portraits P'ortz aits; Hadfilid White, Blue, Gray and Cherry STHEEHnBOSAN'S STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Interpreter ie ..Mrs. J. R. Trojanowski FASHIONABLE HAIRDESSER f Room Hair Goods, Hairdressing. Manicuring and Face Massage. Rainw ater Shampoo ng a Specialty. Bell Phone 1696 1110 South UTnirersity BMl 696-W L L B R 0T H-ER LEAN AND PRESS CLOTHES BY HAND D 75c OVERCOATS DRY CLEANED 75c SUITS PRESSED 25c OVERCOATS PRE'4SED 25c OUR SOUTH STREW Z1 ' ~ 410 SUHSTATE SRE IN ADVANCEI 503 E. Jefferson Street Parties a Specialty. ischer's Orchestra. N FERGUSON, Proprictor New Rate Just received a full line of SHUMATE Razors and Strops, including the famous Shumate Tungsten Razor and the 'Shure mate" Safety Razor. The prices are right and the goods have the best guarantee cif any on the market. Yan Dorel's Pharmacy 703 PACKARD STREET Subscription price: By carrier, $250; By mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- versity. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1911. Night Editor-Loren Robinson. Watch the Leader. While our rooting has improved con- siderably in the 'past two weeks, we still lack team work. One cannot, of course, give all his attention to the cheerleaders. But we ought to keep one eye on the leaders and submit ,urselves to the discipline essential to effective cheering. The desirabil- ity of doing so was demonstrated at Saturday's game. One of the leaders, after having hushed the crowd to en- able the Wolverines to make the full- est use of a big gain, told'them not to .heer when Michigan had the ball but to cheer when Vanderbilt had it. The Vanderbilt linesman overheard the re- quest, and in righteous indignation termed it one of the most unsports- manlike actions he had ever witnessed at an intercollegiate football contest. We would recommend to the cheer-j leader the use of more tact, and would urge upon the rooters closer atten-i tion and quicker response to the sig- nals of the leaders. SUBSCRIBE NOW AND GET THE BACK NUMBERS FOR THAT FILE. IRON Advance The fifth annual convention of the Michigan Association for the Preven- tion and Relief of Tuberculosis will be held under the auspices of the Univer- sity and Ann Arbor associations in Memorial Hall on Friday, November 3. Besides the reports of committees and officers the convention will be ad- dressed by Dr. F. R. Waldron, pres- ident of the Ann Arbor association, Dr. A. R. Warthin, president of the State Association, Ethel McCormick, secre- tary of the Grand Rapids society, and Dr. R. L. Dixon, secretary of the State Board of Health. Discuss Trusts in Law Review., The November Issue of the Michigan Law Review will contain several ar- ticles upon the trust question. Geo. L. Clark tells of "Unenforcible Trusts and the State Rule Against Perpetui- ties" and Geo. W. Wickersham, of Washington, D. C., discusses the "Re- cent Interpretation of the Sherman Act." Another important contribution is by H. W. Walker, of New York, on "The Doctrine of Supervisorship, and the Definition of a Vested Remainder." Alchemists Banqueted. Professors A. H. White and W. G. Smeaton were the principal speakers at the Alchemists banquet held at the Union last night. About fourteen members of the society were present. Dean Reed to Speak at Meeting. Dean Reed will take part in the dis- cussion of college entrance require- ments. which will be the topic at the meeting of the college section of the State Teachers' Institute tomorrow af- ternoon. He will make use of statis- tic compiled by Registrar Hall, of all students entering the university in the last four years, and giving the percentage of conditions, average of units presented, etc. I S. i _ v" al KEPT BY W. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., Near 50th St. Subway and 53d St. Elevated College Men Always Welcome Special rerms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproor NEW YORK We Do French Dry and Steam Cleaning PRESSING eaud REPAIR ING Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75c Suits Pressed 25* FULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors 619 E. Willam St. Hotel 'Cumberlan d I A COLLEGE Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. MAN VNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF Harry P. Stimson, formerly with Hotel Imperial. K. J. Blingham, formerly with Hotel Woodward 519 E. William St. is 25c ed 25c Contracts Written by Month or Term Watch this Space Tomforrow othes Cleaning and Pressing E. J. SCHMIDT 707 N. University Ave. Up-Stairs pp Skirts Pressed 35c Ladies' Suits Pressed 50-6 c I We collect and deliver. Telephone 1534-L English[ Rough Cloth Felt Hats STATE Hats WAGNER& CO STREET "Industrial Accidents" John Mitchell E 3 HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. HENNE CB. STANGER 0 Tonight There is a difference in bil- liard tables. When you play on a Bruswick-Backe you know it is the best. We have no other make. His ability as an orator makes him an effective speaker, and his treat- ment of his subject arouses special interest, because in this age labor problems are among the most vital and pressing questions of the day. Rugs, Carpets, Draperies and Furniture Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin- tende^t Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit 'United Lines, by officers of Varsity or- organizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group of students to or from Ann Ar- bor, extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. 117 ai 119 West Liberty Street t , J E AST ' RANDA L L & PACK, Photographers S- PHONE 598