e Michigan A Reliable Directory Reliable Bus DaiyI ANiTRBOR tICHGAN, -WEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER 11-11, ., .,.. ,. : , ; STUDENT COUNCIL FAVORS .JAAWYERS' ELECTION PLAN. Will I4istitute Clause Calliig for Ma- Jority. Vote Into Class Constitution. S That the plan adopted by the senior1 law class at its tlections t is year should be incorporatedinto the new , Iinterclass constitution was the unani- mous- opinion of the Student Council nd as expressed at its meeting last night. il The plan is that no candidate for any office in any class can be -declared elected unless he receives a majority vofe, and in case. there is no majority ws for any candidate for any office, the two highest candidates for"that office' ED. will be balloted on at a subsequent{ election. By degrees the proposed constitu- tion isdassuming the form that it will and .take 'when presented to the classes on. f6 adoption or rejection. The work ut of getting the same in shape is nat- urally slow, due to the fact that two ith separate bodies-the Non - Athletic .nd commite and the Council-have to in pass on each clause. rk- The matter of a graduate toque was oss also taken -up at last night's meeting en and fiial, action will undoubtedly be ng staken at the next regular meeting. abt SOLE UNITED STATES' EXHIBIT. .nd 'as University of Xifhigan Was Represent- ed at International Exposi- - .ad tion of Hygiene. ten ful "The University of Michigan rep-l ad- resented the United. States at the In- is ternational Exposition of Hygiene held '- at Dresden, Germany, the past sum- his mer," stated Dean V. C. Vaughan who' Lay recently returned from an exterided ill European trip. "The German govern- ek ment provided for this great conveA-I in tion and the majority of the leadingI powers of the world were represented.s ib- It is to be greatly regretted that the of United States, as a. government, had rer no exhibit; the one from the hygienic he laboratory of the University of. Mich-; ere igan was the sole' representative fromI 'he this country. Although the university, lar exhibit was too small, to be classedI he under a separate head and for this, ay reason was placed. in the German rer building, nevertheless it was labeled- 'he 'University of Michigan.' nd "The purpose of' this ,exposition was in to place before the public the latestI )ut developments in medical science. TheE he- principal discovery in the university ot- exhibit was the 'split protems' whicht .he were derived from the germ products1 rd of various diseases. From these will of be discovered a method of immunizing rc- the disease. The ,exhibit made a very .n r~hahnwi. I TAU JIETA P1 INITIATES TWELVLE IDGDGE BUILDERS. Dean Mortimier Cooley, Professors ' Gardner S. 'Williams, G. W. Patter- son ai8d J. A. Bursley were the prin- cipal speakers at the Tau Beta Pi ini- tiation banquet held at the Michigan Union last night. J. J. Collins acted as toastihaster. Manley Osgood and G. W. Cooper spoke- for the student members of the organization. The following senior engineers were taken into the "society last : night: George Armstrong, Bruce Beardsley,, Gage Cooper, 'William Davidson, Otto Eckert,: Howard Harding, Walter Heald, Thomas Mitchell, Dale Par- shall, James Pierce, Charles Rickers- hauser, Rudolph Van Dyke. SENIOR DENTS BURY ELECTION HATCHET. The wave of insurgency which has been threatening to create bitter fac- ~3' * * * * * * * SYRACUSE SEAT S TODAY., * * * ALE A tional strife among the senior dents has JOHN MITCHELL A HERE :TOMOROW Labor Leader Will Deliver Sec- ond Lecture in S. Lt A. series BEARS REPUTATION AS ORATOR John: Mitchell, ex-president of the United Mine Workers of America, the second speaker:'on the, S. L. A. pro- gram for this year, ,will deliver an ad- dress on "Industrial Accidents" in Un- iversity Hall tomorrow night. .Mr. Mitchell was last at the university. two years ago and created a favorable im-, l'ession at that time. He .has been a unionist practically all. his life and 'rose from doorkeeper in a trade union to the presidency of the United lne. Wprkers of Am.erica, He is considered-to be' the greatest expo- vent of labor.in this country and'is re- garded as the fairest leader the union. has ever had. There is no factor con- cerning trade unionism. that he is not acquainted with and he has always been an active 'defender of it. Even though Mr. Mitchell is great as a controlling factor in labor organ- ization, he Is. a orator of some abili- ty. He has. always ayalled himself of his opportunities and las done every- thing to improve himself in the art of oratory. He is said to. be a speaker with great personal magnetism and a ready talker. The course tickets for the year have been selling, ahead of last year. Res- ervations to holders of course tickets will continue througout the week in the association's office in University. hall from 4 to 5 o'clock.. SERIOUS OPERATION IS FATAL TO SOPHI LIT GIRL , Miss Florence Stevenson, '14, died iftj Dr. Blair's private hospital, yesterday morning -from heart failure following somewhat subsided. Although a large number of the members of the defeat- ed party feel that they did not receive "a square deal," and that they are en- titled to a new election, they do not believe that a new election would be of any material advantage so far as the ultimate results are concerned.: As a consequence of this attitude, it is probable that the formal protest which has been quietly circulated for the last two days will not be present- ed to the Student Council. THESPIANS WILL GET EARLY START Comedy Club Tryouts to be Held Before Plav is Selected EARLY PRODUCTION IS PLANNED Tryouts for all parts In the annual play of the Comedy club will be held Wednesday, Nov. 8, in room 205, N. W., 2 to 5 o'clock. It was the intention of the manage- ment to make a departure from past custom this year and select a play of real modern type, several eastern p lishers having already been approach-i ed for suggestions along this line. A half dozen plays had been submitted: by different students, all of whichl were exceptionally good but none were+ suitable for the needs of'the club., In the event, however, that the club1 fails to secure a suitable modern play, it is quite probable that "Tom Pinch" will be presented.1 "The dramatization of 'Tom Pinch' 7 seems highly commendable," said Man- ager Arthur Cohen last evening, "from the fact that 1912 is the centennial oft Charles Dickens' birth and many cel- ebrations are being arranged by dif-I farent dramatic and literary organi- zations throughout the country in hon-1 or of this occasion." In previous years the tryouts have been held' after the play was selected but this year the management has seenl fit to look over the field beforehand with the idea of choosing a play that will be suitable and adaptable to thet material at hand. Also the first pro-.. duction will be given earlier than lastr year. Heretofore, it has been given around exam time and the result was that many who would have attended at another time were unable to go. . All aspirants for the cast will be re-t quired to see Prof. Strauss, at room 209, Tappan hall, any day between eleven and twelve o'clock and obtain eligibility cards before appearing at the tryout.t Students charged with campus of- fenses who do not appear before the vigilance committee at Washington are ducked in a local basin. New Reading Room Not Popular. The reading room in Memorial hall, installed this fall, is not proving to1 be popular with the students. It is probably dn,. to the fact that few are aware of its existence. In order to re- lieve the congestion in the library nineteen of the most popular maga- zines were removed from there this fall and placed in Memorial hall. 1:, * * * * * * * * * *' * * * * The seat sale for the Syracuse game will begin this morning at 8 o'clock, for members of the Athletic Association, but the general student sale will not be started until tomorrow morning. Students may buy tickets for this game at the fifty cent rate but for others the price will be, one dollar and one dollar fifty. All seats will be reserved and Athletic Association mem- bers must present their mem- bership cards. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *, * * * *J4 * * * * * * * DIScU BAND CAU NOTED BIBLICAL SCHOLAR TO DELIVER LECTURE HERE. Professor Gregory, of Leipzig, Opens New Series of Free Lectures. Professor Ca'spar Rene Gregory, of the University of Leipzig, the distin- guished biblical scholar, will lecture in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall next Monday evening, November 6, at eight, o'cloclk. His subject will be, "Mt. Sin- ai; Its Monasteries and Its Manu- scripts." Professor Gregory ranks first among living scolars in his knowledge of the Greek text of the New Testatment, and Is among the very few scholars of American birth chosen to full profes- sorships in German universities. He took up the work of the great Tisch-' endorf, and has made many contri- butions to scholarship. One of his lat- est publications is a monograph deal-' ing with the words attributed to Jesus in the new verses in the last chapter of Mark which were found in the Freer manuscript of the Gospels and published' by Professor Sanders in 1908, This lecture is the first in the new series of University lectures for which the Board of Regents made an appro- priation the present year. The public is cordially invited. UNIVERSITY FLYERS SOON TO MAKE TESTS. Preparations are being made for the That the charging of an fee into University Hall at meetings, as suggested in a ication to The Daily yesterd utter impossibility and a heard of, is the opinion.of Bartelme of the Athletic Ass' "It would be a great set b spirit of Michigan," said Dir telme, "and would lend a co element to a function where it and sentiment should b dence. As for begging, if dents regard it as such, we are not aware of it in tha There are other sources of n the band to aid it in its an with the team. The Athlet ation offers it $100 and ai might be made to the alumn tions within striking distan place to be visited. I beli is a desire on the part of th visit Nebraska rather than this year. Nebraska has as which, I am sure, would b help." "Ike" Fischer, when interv to what he thought of the co' tion said, "The band as a sents the description of its a tion in soliciting aid, as ' We do not wish to appear in and whether we will make at all this year will be de morrow night when the i brought up. All I have to sa we offer our services with al (Continued on Page 4. Director Bartelme E Opposition to Plan ing Admission Fee Meetings OBJECT TO WORD " Ike Fischer Resents Use Describing Actions Raise Money. removal of the bi-plane, built by the SPHINX university aeronautical society, from the mold loft of the new engineering Junior Lit HOLDS Society Se Members. nce "The .educational value of such a l in convention can hardly be overestimat- the ed. Its. popularity' is seen by the fact k a that the average daily attendance for ice five mopths was 40,000. Indeed, it is ufffi- a great honor for Michigan to be rep- 'im- resented .at such ,a worthy assembly." Dean Vaughan visited other Europe- an parts and studied the existing con- dive ditions of individual countries. "The can Germans," he said, "are living more sen scientifically than any other nation on me. the earth. This accounts for their d is supremacy in science, trade Itnd cam. ban merce. My study in Europe this sum- lled mer convinced me that the world is of not yet through with great epidemics. yer Cholera and plague are widely dis- to tributed, notwithstanding all the steps aig for their prevention and eradication. will They are spreading more widely than ever before." 'p ." '.an operation, for. appendicitis. Her parents reside here.r The funeral. will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clockat the Presbyte- rian church. The pallbearers will be the members of the Christian Endeav- or cabinet of which Miss Stevenson Swga, member.- Prizes for which seniors are eligible were recently .announeed at Prince- ton..,They amount to $400 besides the' annual interest on bequests amount-' -ing -to $14,500. A junior at Cornell University made a successful flight of over 500 feet in an own-make aeroplane last week, un-i deg,, the aispices of the Aero club. building to the hangar, built for its storage on the aeronautical field. The flyer is now being treated to a coat of varnish in order to make it weather proof, and before its remov- al the plane will be equipped with con- trolling gears. At the aeronautical field an apparat- us will be erected for the purpose of lifting the bi-plane from the earth. The plane is equipped with runners that permit it to coast down inclines, and the society proposes to take ad- vantage of the winter snows, and coast on the steep hill which rises on the grounds of the society. Gophers Spend Freely for Athletics.' The Wisconsin athletic council has issued a statement of last year's ath- letic expenses, which totals $35,869, The largest expense was football, which also showed the largest return, $21,569 being taken in. Basketball, which proved a failure at its single trial' there, was next, bringing in $2,928. The statement shows a bal- ance of $1,402 for the year. Ten neophytes trod the of the Sahara and were a the innermost secrets of the ciety last night. After the : tion and embalming a ba held at the Union in honor mummies. "Howdy" Wilsc ed the initiates and serve master. Professor C. H. spoke on "Sphinx and Scho Professor J. A. C. Hildnei the Sphinx of "Nineteen Six "Ernie" Kanzler replied t come for the neophytes. The following juniors we fully fitted into the nun "Ray" Bassett, "Don" Denn nie" Fallon, ,"Banty" Irvin 'Reinhart, "Bo" Bogart, "Di son, "Hap" Haff, "Ernie" F "Eddie" Saier. Harry A . Rogers, a Hay omore, put himself in line negie medal when he resct mate from drowning while on the Charles River. card is cal the knack every pla behind him nn nor Cr he formerA . ._ : . U 1, 8 A. M. tk ation Members Only. se 50c Reserved Seats lust present membership cards en purchasing tickets. irsonally purohase tickets. Students may pur- it ticket only, however they may purchase any and $1 .50 tickets.' Syracuse vs. Michigan Ferry Field Saturday, Nov.14, 1911 2EP. M. Wednesday, Nov. 2, 8 A. M. and bal of weakron-members, Faputly, and eral Public. Prices: Non-members and Faculty 500, Reserved Seats All others than Students and Facul $1.00 and $1.50 0 I