THE MICHIGAN DAILY LAY isive Styles THE fICIIIAN DAIL Y iznown hands.. Then he noticed that _ he lok °was dIefective. Forthwith he Official Newspaper -at thte University' purchased a new one 'and the villagers of Michigan. 'smiled. Of 'course we do not desire to Published ever'y "morninfg except Mon- draw conclusions but we saw the .day throughout the school yea'r. . , child-sized safe in the Administration building, afte~r it had been rifled, and MANAGING iEDTOR. wondered. Not that the thievs had Walter ~K. Towers. effected an entrance, but that they t ~used "soup instead of 'a hatpin to a BLSINESS MANAGE force it. Albert 1IL Dille ___ Street Text Books and Students' Supplies for all departments. Tons of Second Hand Books Cheap, D:r2kwing Instruzments eand Engineers' Supplies All the best makes of instruments, price $10 to $25 Many good second hand sets at - - $3 to $15 Every set Guaranteed. Founta.irt Pens All the leading makes including Waterman Ideal, Conklin's Self-filling, and "Wahr's Special," the best U00O pen on earth. Lo.. Leaf Note. Books, Shop Tools, Laeb. Supplies, .Etc., Etc. WAHR'S UNIVERI4TY BOOK~STORES 316 So. State St. Mainr St., Opp. Court Hoxis Editors. News Editor . ...Harry Z. FolI WRITER SUP] new and second W OUTLINES, TYPE.. ES, TYPEWRITERS, d), for sale and rent. 0O. D. MORRILL OVER BALTIMORE LUNCH BELL 582-J =Mw Books Assistant ........... Frank Pennell Athletic Editor..... F. E. Shaw, Jr. Assistant ......G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama . ... Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files..............Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Walle IN. Merritt Night Editors. Maurice Toulme Ernest Burton Loren Robinson Karl Matthews Reporters. John L. Coxc Oscar Beckman C. Harold Hippler .. . .Robert Gillett Wallace Weber William Daugherty 3. Selig Yellen. BUSINESS ST-AFF. Assistant to, Mgr. .. Joseph Fouchard Advertising Mgr ... Elmer P. Griersonf Circulation Mgr..E. Ray Johnson C. I4, Kleinstuck Aft. R. Johnson, Jr. I tGown ZalkI signs We Xeet. At the general hospital "Gasoline and Steam Autos are positively for- bidden the use of this shed." All oth- ers welcome. Michigan Daily Sign: "Football and sport storie~s." What has become of the old-fashion- edl freshm~ian who worea freshman cap?. f l tnssnm portraits Plat nur Portraits' When You Desire I d Hand mnents the Instruments, Draw- ,r Drawing Boards, rer 'Ic is not judged entirely by its. ,ers. A red-hot iron will cau- and thus kill. every bacteria, tine it will work such injury to greatly retard the healing o it is with many agencies used these antiseptics kill the tissue ie they kill the bacteria. The is the one that kills the gerins, rius effects on the tissue. Her- has these properties whenever required. iE FR S S BY HAND D 75c OVERCOATS PRESSED 25.- STATE STREET. Nlusic Every Day OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. OFFICE HOURS: Manraging Editor, 1-2 p. m, 10:30-11:30 p. in.; Bus- iness Manuager; 1-5 p. mi.. Both Phfones 960. Subscription price: By carler, V.~56; By mall, $3.00. Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- versity. THURSDAY, OCTOBER' 5; 1911. DAILY ETICS6.F At the present time The Michigan Daily is publishing 2000 copies of tlke paper each morning andl while. then subscription lists have as, yet not reached that number, additional subscriptions are coming in constant, ly and it. is the hope of the manage. me~nt that the 2000 mark -will soon be, overtaken. The surplus copies of the Daily are being distributed this week. free of{ cost and to those who are. receiving the paper gratis as a sample the Edit tors ask that before taking a copy they' first ascertain whether or not the reg- ular subscribers in the house 'have been supplied. . But, better still-send in, your subscription today or hand- [it ,to a campus,, solicitor. The-Daily- needs your- cooperation. x 'Twas Ever Thus. A long, long time ago a certain gen-. tleman owned a cow. He was partic- ularly proud of the' creature and boasted of it. One morning he' discov- 'ered that 'the animal had been forcibly' removed from her quarters by un- "Madame Simrry " The programme at the New Amster- damn Theatre, New York, the current home of "Madame Sherry" the newest Leder~er musical attraction, produced by Led'erer' i partnership with A. H. Woods and° H. H. Frazee, describes the piece as a "French Vaudeville," which means as Lederer explains it, a form of musical play where all songs and all the comic busine'ss are direct is-t sues fromj the story and act, as inI the common or gardeni variety ofna tive musical comedy, mostly introduc- ed matter, regardless of any assimila- tive qualities' the introduction may possdss. "Madame' Sherry" will be played here by the New York New Am~ster- daze Theater Company on Saturday, Oct. 7, %at the Whitney Theater. 319' EHuron Portraits of Quality Go t. OIL PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 961-L Platinurn ?Wa"ain-LPortraits Portraits We Do French Dry and Steam Cleaning PMESCSING end REPAIR ING Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75c Suits Pressed 25. FIULLER & O'CONNOIO Tailors 619 E. William St, H HotelCmeln Majestic Theater. There will be an entire change of program at the Majestic theater to- night and' incident~lly I 2andgei Lane promises one of the, best of the vau- deville shows of the' season. The big attractions tonight will be the' Orphe- us Comedy four and Dorfothy Vaughan. The former is one of-the fufidie'st 'com- edy male quartets' on' the' vaudeville stage and the latter's chief faxnie rests on the fact that last season she played the title role 'in'the produc~tioni of "Madame Sher'ry" during its long run at the Colonial Theater~, Chicago. Later she succeeded' "Stella Mahew in the chief role in a "Barnyard Romeo" at the' Americair 'Music Hall, New York. Miss Vaughan is a note'd stage beauty. Five acts 'will constitute the newsh w a d t e ecn s ri s o ex clusive photoplays 'will be "shown. The motion pictures" shown at the Majes- tic are exhibited' there exclusively and will 'not be seen at any other theater in 'Ann Arbor. Beautiful specimens of' colored' motion phoetograp'hy make this feature' an important part of the Majestic programs. Foresters Ha'e New Course: A new 'course in surveying' is to be offered to fourth year foresters. Base lines, triangulation and solar and stel- lar~ observations consti'tute the work. Two fifty; paid in "advanice, 'brings all, the news' of this "And other univer- sities to 'your' door every morniing. S .W.Cor. Bro'adway, at 54th St., N*eai,.Iltb St. Subway and 53d St. Elevated NEW YO '1r r r. de-L 'W 7AA'ILI &EF !ISb Y A C: LLihjt.IMAIN College Men Always V< elcome Special Perms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient, Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside. Rooms.: Send for Booklet. SEEKS VNDER THIS MANAOISMIENT OF Harry P. Sfiniso %n, formerly with Hotel Imperial. R . 1.Binhamr, formerly with Hotel Woodward 216 S. INGALLS 'ST -4 I GOOD BOARD $3.50 In Advance THE PI N:E S 503 BAST JEFFERSON" STREET Catering to parties a specialty. Music by Fiseher's Orchestra. #SUBSCRIBE NOW Mrs.- J. R. Trojanowski FASHIONABLE IHAIRDESSER Hair Ooods, Hairdressing, -Manicuring and Face -Massage. Rainwater Shampooing a Specialty. 1110 South University Bell 696-W CO* John Ferguson, Prop. t N. Uiver ity Ave. i freshidn Caps, Cyan. Shoes, Suitsj, Towit ,'Etc. Laboratory Sults and Aprons Enbineering Overalls and Jadkets', Interwoven Hose OperatingCoats and Apr6nW Holeproof' Hose -~ Sweaters IWAGNER -& CO. Student Outfitters I State St. Sign of the big wbi.e shoe .....,. Slickers and Raincoats Meistersohaft Shoes J. & M. Shoes Barkerp Collars Redman Coltars Stetson Hats Hawes Hats Cluett Shirts ited Number of ,oral Union Tickets certs $3.00 IFLONZALEYS -Jan, 22 LHEVINNE - Feb. 16 MAY-MUSIC FESTIVAL-4 Days 5 Concerts igne~d by responsibe party , X a 7, I I m Tinker Tuttle Old T, J. Kai Sheehr Not Lv dorrI U., OF M. CO-OP. STQkES' Mane you bought'.a CO-OP TICKET, 500. '5% discount at the following stores: tie-Tower. Sam Burchfield-Tailor. r& Co.. Tom Lovell-'Shoe' Repairs. & o.Sid-'Millard Printer. IownV Canoe Agency. J. F. Rentschler-Photographer. ril Malcolm-Tailor. Haller 's Jewelry Store-Except Water- an & Co.-Stationery and Leather, man Pens. Big Bens and Ingersoll !e Books.Watches.' tJ Books. ~AIF ~ Koch & Nich6I~-'urniture.' A.G SPA '1)D(O& BROS. Th Sal lgTra~ark are the largest au of OFFICIAL EQUIP- Qp ,INQ MENT,forallathletic TRADE sports and pasihnes. Q Q N If you are'interested i~n Athletic Sport you; MARK should have a copy of ~ INE,. logue. It's a complete is known throughout Wnay'soeiort the world as a WhtsNwiSpr Otiav -mntae of and is sent free on re- Qsa tty quest. A. 0. SPALDiNG cii. BROS. 254 Woodward Ave. Detroit Mieh Detroit United Liunes On information to Division Stiperin- tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the ,Detroit United Lines, by officers of Varsity or- organizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any ,group of students to or from Ann Ar- bor, extra cars and extra service r'ill be 'promnptly supplied. . .. .. Music and papers. Goldman Bros.-Pressers, ]DOWN-TOWN. Allenel Hotel. ..Alen & C.-Haberdashe'rs. MZTROIT. Martin Maier & Co.--Leather Goods. Sheehan & Co.-Books 'and 'Stationery. Spaulding's Agency, at T. B. Rayl's; also Hardware, etc. fA LL & PACUK, Ph otographers - F