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July 25, 2013 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2013-07-25
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Thursday, July 25, 2013
6 LVVJ The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Thursday, July 25, 2013
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.comIN EW S 17

From Page 3
CSG does not have an
updated budget but does display
legislative minutes. But to see the
breakdown of each vote and CSG
initiative takes some digging,
requiring a full read through
of the minutes, making the site

friendly" as other schools' pages.
The University of Nebraska
student government page
includes a project tracker which
shows a visual poll of the progress
of each student government goal.
Northwestern University's site
features a "Campus Voice" page
where students can vote and
suggest various initiatives.
Proppe said there have been

student interaction
on CSG's site.
The Rackham
School Student G
site has two separate
the minutes and the
initiatives. Rackhan
Phillip Saccone, RSG
said the site updates ge
into the hands of the
- the president, vici

component looking to revamp their site and
implement a communications
Graduate director position similar to
iovernment Proppe's idea.
e pages for Saccone said keeping a user-
e status of friendly site does require some
a student extra work, but that it primarily
President, takes a dedicated staff and
enerally fall organization, something Saccone
executives is confident CSG can achieve.
e president "It's about balancing," he said.
t they are "So the execs, the committee


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chair and what not, obviously
retain some control over it, but
you also want to be able to give
access to all of the members and
even to the student body to some
Beyond the official site, Proppe
said he has generally been pleased
with CSG's social networking
presence, which included
maintaining an updated Twitter
account over the summer.
Proppe said he also hopes to
start a series of blogs that would
be updated weekly by the CSG
executives to allow students a
better look into the organization.
"A lot of people don't know
what are the day-to-day
operations of central student
government," Proppe said. "'Why
is this position a 40 hour-a-week
position?' Not a lot of people
really know that."
Proppe has compiled a list
of the issues with the CSG site
that he hopes to get fixed and is
in communication with Public
Policy junior Bobby Dishell, CSG
Vice President, to begin work on
the site.

From Page 1
Currently - according to the
release - Detroit is facing $18
billion in debt. A report from
Orr in June, the Proposal for
Creditors, illustrated Detroit's
dwindling economic status over
the past few decades, showing
that between 2000 and 2012
Detroit's population decreased by
26 percent with unemployment
increasing by 12 percent within
that time.
Both Snyder's press release and
the report stated that the hope
was to incentivize investment
and growth for the city down the
line. Orr's plan would spend $1.25
billion over the next 10 years to
revamp and restructure the city's
main services, police, fire, trash
and street lamps.
Wednesday, one day before
bankruptcy was filed, the General
Retirement System of the City of
Detroit and the Police and Fire
Retirement System of the City of
Detroit filed a lawsuit with the
Ingham County Circuit Court in
Lansing against Snyder and Orr.
The plaintiffs claim that filing
bankruptcy and disrupting the
From Page 2
In order to determine that
Warlpiri Rampaku is distinct from
its parent languages, O'Shannessy
had speakers tell a story from a
picture book, or had two people
simply talk to each other while
she recorded the conversation.
She found unique grammatical
patterns forming, which is one
of the factors that makes Light
Warlpiri a language of its own.
The pattern for Light Warlpiri
involves the use of a mostly
Warlpiri sentence with an English
or Kriol verb. For example, to
ask someone "Where did you
go?" in Warlpiri, one would say
"Nyarrpara-kurra-npa yanu?" But
in Light Warlpiri, one would say
"Nyarrpara-kurra yu-m go?"
Here, the Light Warlpiri version
uses the English word for "go",
and "yu-m" translates to the non-
future version of "you". But in
the Warlpiri version of the same
sentence, "yanu" is used for the
past tense of "go" and the "you" is
expressed as "-npa".
Both the lack of a dictionary and

city employees' pension funds
would violate Article XI, Section
24 of the Michigan Constitution.
The article states that pension
funds "shall be a contractual
obligation thereof which shall
not be diminished or impaired
A press release from the Detroit
Police and Fire Department
Retirement System stated that it
was willing to cooperate with Orr
but was also legally required to
protect pension funds. It asked
the court to prevent "taking any
action which would contravene
the protections of Article IX,
Section 24."
Orr's order reads that any
element that is deemed illegal or
unenforceable can be "severable"
without completely removing the
The case was heard by
Judge Steven Rhodes in the
U.S. Bankruptcy court for the
Eastern District of Michigan.
The Detroit News reported that
Rhodes froze the lawsuits against
the city but did not rule yet on
whether Detroit is eligible for
Chapter 9 and did not rule on the
constitutional legality of Snyder
filing the city for bankruptcy.
State Rep. Jeff Irwin (D-Ann
Arbor), who has spoken out
writing system - speakers write
in traditional Warlpiri instead
- point to the newness of the
Determining the difference
between a language and a dialect
is often difficult, but O'Shannessy
said it often has to do with political
and social criteria. However, she
added that if two systems are not
mutually intelligible, they aren't
considered the same language.
O'Shannessy said a person
who spoke Warlpiri but not
Aboriginal English or Australian
English, wouldn't understand
Light Warlpiri. However, all
Warlpiri speakers in Lajamanu do
actually understand Light Warlpiri
because they are all multilingual.
Light Warlpiri is not mutually
intelligible with Aboriginal
English or Australian English,
so it's not considered simply a
different dialect.
Linguistics Prof. Sarah
Thomason said O'Shannessy's
discovery and ability to study a
language from its beginning is
particularly remarkable.
"It's so rare to find something
this unusual when you can actually
study (its development) in real
time," she said. "There aren't that

against the minimal requirements
needed to implement the
Emergency Manager position,
said he was frustrated with the
way Detroit's finances have been
handled in the past. He said other
communities around the state
have received funding while the
government seems less inclined
to bail out Detroit.
However, Irwin said the
magnitude of the city's financial
woes is likely too great for an easy
fix. City management has far less
to blame for the deficit than does
the city's diminished population.
"They're trying to pay for
the pension obligations of the
policemen and the firemen that
patrolled that city when they
had two million people in it," he
said. "Imagine if the population
of the United States shrunk from
330 million to 110 million; do you
think we'd be able to make Social
Security payments? Probably
With the bankruptcy only
recently filed, it may be too early
to determine the full impact on
both Detroit and the University's
involvement within the city.
University President Mary
Sue Coleman said at an event
in Detroit on Tuesday that she
was not concerned Detroit's
many well understood mixed
Thomason compared Light
Warlpiri to Michif, a language
spoken in Canada that combines
French and Cree and is often
characterized by Cree verbs
incorporated into French phrases.
"The people who created these
things had to know both Cree and
French to do it, but if you know
French, you wouldn't understand
Michif because you wouldn't know
the verbs," she said.
Similarly, Thomason said, "You
can't just wing Light Warlpiri,"
even if you know the languages it's
derived from, because there are
structures that don't occur in those
"It's very unusual to have the
opportunity to see a language
develop like this, but there are still
many questions as to how it will
develop," O'Shannessy said.
Given the permission of the
plans to continue her research
indefinitely. With time she said she
hopes to analyze how grammatical
structures change, if and how new
words are developed and whether
Light Warlpiri's speakers continue
to use the language.

bankruptcy would have any
impact on the University.
"I am really not," she said.
"I have tremendous confidence
in Kevin Orr ... it is going to be
painful to get back, I understand
it. But if it gives the city a chance
to start over, then we all just have
got to make that happen."
Craig Regester, associate
director of the Semester in
Detroit program, said he doubts
the economic problems will
deter students from becoming or
remaining involved in Detroit.
Regester said University
students would continue to have
a role in influencing the city
but that he and the students
take a "humble approach" to
their contribution, crediting the
Detroit residents for maintaining
the city through years of
"Yeah, they (the students)
have something to contribute,

absolutely, but they also probably
have as much, if not more, to
learn and to understand about the
world through beingaand working..-
(in Detroit) along with so many
people who have been doing this
for decades in the city," he said.
Regester said he also felt
that many people don't have a
full understanding of the city's
strengths and weaknesses, which"
contributes to the problem.
"Even with the official
declaration of bankruptcy, and
this is no small financial shift,
the various organizations that
have emerged all throughout
the city could almost be seen
as an unofficial, second quasi-
government that will keep on
functioning, as it has for so long
now, independently of the city."
Daily Staff Reporter Adam-am
Rubenfire contributed reporting.

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