I Thursday, July 11, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com POACHING From Page 2 Since the testing was discontinued, the levels have been declining due to the balancing effect of the world's oceans and ecosystems. These trackable changes give researchers like Fisher 'd'd Cerling clues as to when layers of ivory were formed. "What we do is take a small sample of that material bordering the base of the tusk (and) measure the amount of carbon-14 in that sample using accelerator mass spectrometry," Fisher said. "In certain circumstances that measurement all by itself may be enough to determine the date of death of the animal." The individual testing of samples from seized ivory shipments costs about $500, Cerling said. However he said this is a small price to pay, considering both the magnitude of the poaching problem as well as the millions of dollars that are associated with the illegal industry. However, cost is also what is preventing the research from going any further. Cerling said a lack of funding has stopped the team from applying their carbon-dating method to suspect ivory outside the laboratory. -Yet Cerling says they must continue to pursue funding as the poaching problem persists. Just last week, five tons of ivory worth $20 million in the Philippines was seized, he said. Fisher said up until now, it's been nearly impossible to convict ivory smugglers because they can claim that the ivory was extracted before the bans in 1975 and 1989. But this carbon-dating method could provide evidence against them. "You find the shipper and you say 'so what's up with these tusks in the clothing (shipment)' and they say 'oh oh yeah yeah well we had some space in the shipment. No need to worry aboutthatthat's old ivory....so it's perfectly legal' and we say'hmm we'll see about that'," Fisher said. George Wittemyer, a professor of ecology at Colorado State University who is involved with the study and has conducted extensive research on African elephants in the past, said this new method has the potential to ease the poaching problem by providing precise data. He said one of the main questions that this research could answer is exactly how illegal ivory is being obtained. If the tests indicate that the seized ivory is from elephants who have died in the last few years, they will have evidence of current and active poaching. Likewise, if the ivory appears to be taken from animals killed within the last 20 years, the researchers will be able to infer that it is coming from storehouses. "We're very interested in how this ivory being is procured," Wittemyer said. "This is an important technique to help us identify the mechanisms of the trade." FACULTY From Page 1 against the state of Michigan defending the right of higher education institutions to use affirmative action policies in their admissions procedures. The case, Cantrell v. Granholm was later combined with Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action v. Granholm by the U.S. District Court of Eastern Michigan. The District Court ruled summarily in both cases in favor of the state. The CDAA successfully appealed to the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court, which reversed the District Court's ruling. In November 2012, a 15-judge panel ruled S to 7 to uphold the reversal of the District Court's ruling. However, it stayed its own ruling from taking effect pending the Supreme Court's review, which it granted on March 25. The nation's highest court will hear the case in its autumn session of this year. The coalition argued that MCRI is a violation of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution since it allegedly prevents minority students from fully exploring and using their experiences with race in the college admissions process. Their argument also relies on precedent set in Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger, historic cases in which the University was the party - and bearing the name of former University President Lee Bollinger - which defined the legality and parameters of affirmative action programs across the nation. In their initial filing with the Supreme Court, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette and the associated petitioners rebuffed both the reasoning of the coalition and the Sixth Circuit Court, writing, "It is exceedingly odd to say that a statute which bars a state from "discriminat(ing) ... on the basis of race" violates the Equal Protection Clause because it discriminates on the basis of race and sex. Yet that is precisely what the en bane majority held here." While the future of affirmative action hinges on the outcome of the case, the court is expected to be equally interested in determining what power courts can have in overturning popular referendum. While the Sixth Circuit Court, sitting en bane, upheld overturning the MCRI, the Ninth Circuit Court did not support a challenge to California's Proposition 209 in 1997 - another ban on affirmative action. Reconciling these two conflicting circuit court precedents will be one of the chief tasks of the Supreme Court as the eight justices consider the case. Justice Elena Kagan, an appointee of President Barack Obama, recused herself from the case due to perceived conflicts of interest from her time as Solicitor General. As the case's hearing draws closer, both the University and other parties are considering preparing briefs for submission to the court. After the passage of the MCRI, University President Mary Sue Coleman publicly promised to challenge the initiative in court in a dramatic speech on the Diag. In a December interview with The Michigan Daily, when asked whether she would have any concerns about reinstating a policy the majority of voters opposed, Coleman said she would not commit herself to any course of action before the court ruled. "There's a pretty robust argument going on in the legal community about constitutional amendments and what this means," Coleman said. "I wouldn't want to opine on that yet until we're faced with it." As Coleman is stepping down from her role as president next year, the decision of whether or not to reinstate affirmative action programs will likely fall to her successor, pending the court's ruling. Because the University is listed as a respondent in the case, University spokesman Rick Fitzgerald could only offer limited comment on the administration's legal strategy in approaching the case. He emphasized that though the University continues to support affirmative action, it cannot take any action as long as the MCRI remains in effect. Michigan State University, also a party in the case, is currently preparing its brief for submission to the Supreme Court. MSU spokesman Jason Cody said the school would likely be filing its brief some time in August but was unable to comment further since it is still being written. Though the University has not made a move to file a brief, Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen, one of the University's most senior tenured faculty and an outspoken critic of affirmative action policies, has filed a joint amicus curiae brief with other opponents from across the country. While the brief draws heavily on reasoning from the Texas Association of Scholars in its opposition to affirmative action policies, Cohen said he focused his portion of the brief more on the constitutionality of popular referendum - which he sees as the most important issue of the case. "I was amazed at the decision of the Circuit Court," he said. "The people of the state of Michigan have the right to determine policy of the state of Michigan within the frame of the United States Constitution. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals denied them that right and decided on their own view of the matter that this was not appropriate decision making for the people of the state." Citing James Madison's Federalist Papers, Cohen also said the Sixth Circuit Court had exercised its "will" rather than its "judgment," and that popular referendum must be answerable only to the strictures of the Constitution itself in judicial review. Since the central question is the power and legal standing of a popularly adopted referendum, Cohen said he could see some of the court's liberal justices supporting overturning the Sixth Circuit Court's decision in the interests of popular sovereignty. "I don't think people fully understand what's at issue here," Cohen said. "People think 'are they for affirmative action or are they against it?' But that's not the issue here - the issue is the right of the people to make a decision against certain policies whether you like that policy or don't like that policy." He added that he saw it as likely that the court will, in the end, reverse the Sixth Circuit Court's ruling. "An honest of the intellectual or civil community will say, 'Look, whatever I may think about affirmative action, I think it's reasonable for the people to decide whether they want it or don't want it.'" A remedy abroad n the plane to Buenos Aires I had no idea what was in store for me. A million emotions darted through me while I nervously sat on my 11-hour, flight. I had never been south of Mexico ever in my life, let alone without my par- SARA ents. Was I crazy SHOUHAYIB for going to a country where I didn't know a single soul? It was too late to turn back. I reclined my seat and closed my eyes. I woke up to a flight attendant telling me we were preparing for landing. I looked out the window and saw greenery, and thought to myself, "Hey, this really doesn't look any different from home." Man, was I wrong. I instantly felt like an alien when I tried to catch a cab at the airport. My Spanish definitely was not as good as I thought. Argentinians have a distinct accent where they pronounce all words with a "Y" or a double "L" as a "J". So words like "ella," meaning "her," would sound like "eja". It tripped me up a lot. Eight years of Spanish only got me here? Sheesh. I was scared and I was worried. I didn't know if I could muster the courage to make mistakes and risk looking like an idiot while trying to speak a foreign language. I remem- bered a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that I had framed on my night- stand back home in Michigan. It said, "Believe in yourself. You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face ... you must do that which you think you cannot do." I carried this quote in mind for the first few weeks of my five-month journey. It slowly became a part of my everyday actions and me. I tried things I normally wouldn't try and I experimented with my limits. I was able to travel to Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Bolivia and Peru during my stay. I never imagined I would be that fortunate to backpack with my friends like that. It changed my life and how I viewed the world around me. It made me feel free and powerful, like I had the world at my fingertips. For my fellow Wolverines - or any college students for that matter - who are interested in studying abroad, I have a few words for you: Take the path less traveled. Most people choose to go to Spain or Europe to study abroad. Try something different. Studying abroad opens your eyes, and as cliche as it sounds, it truly does broaden your horizons. If you didn't have the opportunity to grow up in an ethnic home it's your chance to adopt a new culture. Live at a home-stay if you have the opportunity - you won't regret it. I lived with a 70-year-old seamstress whom I grew to love like my own grandmother. I owe my Spanish proficiency to her - she didn't know a lick of English. By studying abroad you can connect to the native people of the country you're in and most importantly it helps teach you about yourself. It teaches you about your fears and how much you're willing to push the limits of your life. It's a big world out there. Go explore it. I was afraid I wouldn't make friends. In retrospect, I was silly for thinking that. I made three extraordinary friends from all over the U.S. during my program, from Washington D.C., Texas and North Carolina - all of whom I have visited after my abroad experience. They became my family away from home. I will love and cherish them for the rest of my life. They're the kind of friends I want at my wedding. Truthfully, before Argentina, I felt lost. I had gone through some things leading up to my departure and I wasn't the happiest meI could be. The beautiful city of Buenos Aires was the remedy I needed. I finally felt like me again. I fell in love with South America and it will alwaysbe aregionoftheworldthat I hold close to my heart. It helped me discover who I was and what I was capable of. My college experience never would have been the same if it weren't for study abroad. It was the time of my life still to this day. I wish there was a way I could pay it back, because Iam forever indebted to the happiness and fulfillment it gave me. Regardless of where you choose to go, it's a big world out there. Go explore it. -Sara Shouhayib can be reached at sarasho@umich.edu. that's not always the most obvio thing in the world. Lasi February, 18-year-old Justin Car of Austin, Texas, was arrested in connection a post he iv Facebook a player gam His parent that the co in the head a kindergat blood of th / And eat ti one of thee castic jest, "JK" and p implying t The police: however, a facing up t charges of threat" des nothing in] have enabl There ar with this s is what Ca adult, frien stranger, i depraved see a joke kindergart slightly pe more con that law e have arres of a single isolated someone it anonymou saved live authorities actually pL style mass multiple f Thursday, July 11, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Context is everything hen it comes to the one Facebook post's worth of no immediate threat. Tha Internet, context is twisted sarcasm, the cost of this happening enough right everything- but zealous person's effort to protect While DeFluri wasn't ar the public has become a family's or otherwise detained f suffering and months of a young stunt, D'Ambrosio was hel us man's life. a grand jury dismissed hi e iCarter's case is just the lat- Moreover, Carter's comme t est evidence showing that both made in an argument with law enforcement and the general er gamer regarding a game public have trouble distinguish- players, are notoriously ter ing between online sarcasm and siastic - something I can ERIC online threats. In 2010, police in to, having heard my hous FERGUSON California issued a stern warn- screaming various obsc ing to the public about the Inter- about the very same game, to net meme character "Pedobear" daily over the past school y tade while arguing on being a mascot for pedophiles. bout the online multi- This was probably lost amid e League of Legends. hysterical laughter from anyone s and attorney claim aware of its common use as a way People ofte mment - "I'm fucked to mock people online who come do ' et alright. I'ma shoot up off as inappropriately interested Oflt get t rten / And watch the in young girls. Even more recent- Internet. e innocent rain down ly, 18-year-old aspiring rapper he beating heart of Cameron D'Ambrosio was arrest- m. - was made in sar- ed after posting lyrics referencing as it was followed by the Boston bombings to his wall Context doesn'tinheren receded by a comment on Facebook and threatened with der what Carter or D'A hat Carter was crazy. up to 20 years in prison. posted on Facebook harm saw it quite differently, This lack of understanding the eyes of the public or nd as a result Carter is has even shown itself at the enforcement. It doesn't les o 10 years in prison on University, when campus police anxiety bystanders must h makinga "terroristic reacted with praiseworthy speed when seeing a man in a ga pite police finding this past Valentine's Day to walking around campus. his house that would reports of a man - Engineering it does do in an online sei ed him to carry it out. student Albert DeFluri - in change the meaning be 'e several things wrong Angell Hall wearing a gas mask. person's words in a way th ituation, one of which Apparently, it wasn't until well obvious unless you know irter said. Teenager or after police had been dispatched thing about the comm d of Carter or complete that anyone made a connection that person identifies with t takes a particularly between DeFluri's gear and the rappers to gamers to Met sense of humor to Grumpy Cat sign hanging around fanatics, the sheer variety about shooting up a his neck, which read "Love is in and offline communities- en and not be at least the airyGet out the gas mask." with their own in-jokes at rturbed. What is far Admittedly, it's slightly ridicu- torical norms that range icerning, though, is lous to suggest that every ques- the absurd to the dow enforcement seems to tionable statement and public disturbing - is overwhe ted him on the basis behavior should be checked for Law enforcement must be, e-mail containing an Internet-specific references identify when one of thes screenshot sent by before alerting police. One man's munities is relevant toa n Canada. Even so, this jest can all too easily become Otherwise, they risk ar S vigilante could have another's threat. But if police are and threatening to pro s if they had alerted trying to prioritize public safety even more people forn to someone who was and have any respect whatso- threats they never actually anning a Sandy Hook- ever for freedom of speech, they sacre. But thanks to have to look at the whole picture -Eric Ferguson ailures to understand once they have confirmed there's reached at ericff a@umi 5 at's not it now. rrested for his d until is case. nt was anoth- whose enthu- attest emates enities almost year. 'n le tly ren- mbrosio less in of law sen the ave felt as mask What tting is hind a at's not Isome- unities . From mebase y of on - each nd rhe- e from vnright elming. able to >e com- a case. resting isecute making made. can be ch.edu. APPLICANTS WANTED Graduating Seniors, Incoming Seniors & Grad Students... Set up your career with Peace Corps! APPLY THIS SUMMER to gain international job experience in 2014. peacecorps.grov/appl chicago@peacecorps.gov 1.855.855.1961 NOTABLE QUOTABLE rusting Obama w/ border security is like trusting Bill Clinton w/ your daughter. - Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.) in a tweet Wednesday after a House GOP meeting about the party's immigration reform strategy.