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July 03, 2013 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2013-07-03
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013
6 i 1The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesday, July 3, 2013
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com N

From Page 3
So in Octoberof2011,Kononenko,
in collaboration with plastic
manufacturer Dart Container,
launched Trust for Cups. The
program, administered by GLIST,
encouraged fraternities to adopt

sustainable practices in exchange
for a discount on disposable plastic
cups, an essential item for Greek
events across campus.
In order to benefit from the
cup discount, participating
fraternities were required to attain
a 35 percent recycling rate and
elect a sustainability chair to their
executive boards.
By the end of the 2012-2013

academic year, 12 fraternities had
participated, with 10 starting
successful programs.
This year,Kononenkosaid GLIST
will transition Trust for Cups
into a Greek Life-wide recycling
competition where fraternities
and sororities will record their
recyclingrates as part of a challenge
against other houses.
"We're trying to utilize the

competitive energy of Greek Life,"
he said.
rKononenko said GLIST revolves
around sparking dialogue and
building an eco-conscious culture
in Greek Life - one that he said
begins with a simple action like
recycling and escalates to the
renovations soon to make a brown
and white sorority house on Oxford
a little greener.


Call: #734-418-4115
i Email: dailydisplay@gmail.com

RELEASE DATE- Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
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From Page 1
The drink menu features an
array of daily specials as well
as a loyalty program that can be
accessed through The World of
Beer App for Apple and Android
Wilson said the
knowledgeable employees were
his establishment's greatest
"They learn everything there
is to learn about beer - they
learn the ingredients, they learn
how it's made, they learn the
breweries, (and) the brewery
histories," he said.
Wilson said his staff could
help guide customers who
range from the novices to the
beerconnoisseur in deciding
on flavor, styles of beer and
"We wanted to change the
dynamic down here on South
U a little - offer the students a
different alternative," he said.
"If they haven't already gotten
into craft beer, we wanted to try
to get them (into it)."
From Page 3
And with a full year ahead
for CSG, this additional help
may prove necessary. With the
help of the UC, CSG looks to
achieve off-campus bus routes,
a new North Campus cafe and
a school-sponsored tailgatefor
the Notre Dame football
game. Other goals include
increased funding for student
organizations and efforts to
help to create increased campus
Dishell said his plan for the
upcoming year is to ensure
the UC achieves its purpose by
giving students a more powerful
voice, and he is looking forward
to seeing what they can
accomplish in the coming year.


Children dance to the band Measured Chaos at the Rackham stage during Top oflthe Park on Tuesday.I' M
Pollack discusses tuition hike,
socioeconomic diversity issue
After June Regents On tuition rates: amount of financial aid available On socioeconomic diversity socioeconomic diversity h
to students. She cited these efforts at the University: been flat or trending downwar


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meeting, rovost
explains historic
budget adjustments
ManagingNews Editor
June has been a busy month
for the University's Board of
Regents, as it recently drafted the
University's budget and tuition
rates for next year.
University Provost Martha
Pollack sat down with The
Michigan Daily to discuss
changing tuition rates, increasing
socioeconomic diversity at
the University and working to
increase state appropriations.
Pollack briefly discussed
tuition equality. Regents and
administrators have been
grappling with the issue in the
face of student protests this year.
She said the University has
yet to finalize a decision after
receiving a report from a task
force assembled to research the
"I believe that there will be
some kind of announcement fairly
soon but I don't have an exact
date," Pollack said.

Pollack said the continuing
increase in tuition is due to cuts in
state appropriations - which are
at half the per-student level they
have been in the past decade - as
well as the nature of the higher
education system.
"There are kinds of industries
like ours that are very labor
intensive and in those labor
intensive industries, costs tends
to grow faster than inflation," she
said. "That is part of the reason
you see super-inflationary tuition
growth in the past."
Pollack added that such growth,
which goes beyond the rate of
inflation, was not a sustainable
trend and the University would
continue to have to raise tuition to
battle increasing operatingcosts.
"The goal is to find some
sustainable path between those
two extremes," she said.
The 2013-2014 tuition increase
was the lowest in 29 years for
in-state students, with a rate
increase of 1.1 percent for in-state
students and a 3.2 percent increase
for out-of-state students.
Pollack said the University has
tried to contain raising tuition
rates in the last 10 years by
being "really aggressive at cost
containment" and increasing the

in the fact that the University now
meets full need for out-of-state
families earning $40,000 a year
or less.
"The biggest change (in the
budget) is financial aid," she said.
"We have continued to really put
even more resources into financial
aid. That is the one big dramatic
The challenge to increase
financial aid, thus lowering
the burden for out-of-state and
in-state students, will also be
addressed through the upcoming
capital campaign, which will
seek to secure billions in
Pollack said the most important
goal of the campaign would be to
find donors who would provide
additional support to financial aid
Despite these efforts, she said
there were too many variables to
determine what tuition rates will
be in future years.
"We always want to have
tuition increases to be as low as
possible but there is just so much
uncertainty," Pollack said. "There
is a lot going on in higher ed right
now and I don't think anyone can
say what tuition will be in two
years or four years."

Pollack said though
socioeconomic diversity for
in-state students has been
trending upwards, the University
is still concerned about the low
number of applicants coming from
low-income families, both in-state
and out-of state.
She said the University's goal
for socioeconomic diversity is to
have roughly the socioeconomic
diversity of the demographic of
high-school students who score
at or above the 25th percentile on
the ACT.
But Pollack said University
research has shown once a
student has applied, his or her
socioeconomic status does not
necessarily determine attendance.
"Once they apply, they are
equally likely to get in and once
they get in, they are equally likely
to come," she said.
Pollack added that, under
the guidance of Lisa Rudgers,
University vice president of
communications, the University
has been brainstorming ways to
reach out to low-income students
toencouragethemtoapply. Efforts
have included simplified financial
aid brochures and mailings.
However, out-of-state

In addition, more out-of-state
students have been enrolling in
the University, a trend Pollack
said was the continuation of
a "really dramatic drop" in
Michigan high-school graduates.
Pollack said the University was
attempting to address this lack of
diversity in out-of-state students
through increased financial aid.
On state appropriations:
Pollack said though state
appropriations have increased,
they did not make up for the
massive cuts from previous years.
She added that Cynthia
Wilbanks, University vice
president for government
relations, has gone to great
lengths in past years to build an
alliance with business leaders and
legislators in order to secure more
appropriations for the University.
"We are very pleased that for
the past two years we have gotten
an increase but it has been small
and it hasn't begun to make up
for the cuts," she said. "We are
working very hard to try to make
our case and really be sure that
GovernorSnyder and the legislators
really understand the value of the
University to the state"

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