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May 30, 2013 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2013-05-30
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Thursday, May 30, 2013
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Thursday, May 30, 2013
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


From Page 1
Councilmember Sally Peterson
(D-Ward 2) said communication
about the Fuller Road panels
went much smoother and created
fewer concerns among Ann
Arbor residents and business

"I think since then (the
Plymouth project) they've
been much more proactive in
communicating their intentions,"
Peterson said.
Peterson said two community
meetings have been held this
year between University and Ann
Arbor officials. The first was held
in February during which the
University apologized for the lack
of discussion on the Plymouth

Road project and announced
the plans for Fuller Road. The
second meeting was to alert the
surrounding neighborhood of the
"I think the meetings went
quite well," Berki said, "The
feedback that we've received
from the community on this staff
of the solar project has been very
Currently both Ann Arbor

and the University have their
own renewable energy projects
but Peterson says she would
rather they collaborate on green
"The city and University
are just now looking for
opportunities to collaborate,"
Peterson said, "I would say that
might be one of those areas where
we could have some very positive

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RELEASE DATE- Thursday, May 30, 2013
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 2 Italcized 38 0ountryroad 54 In a gennane
1 It'sa kock 3 Rough house? 39 "National Velvet" manner
5 Jostle 4 13th-century writer Bagnold 55 Bit ofldandruff
10 NiasorPinta Scandinavian 43 Fit 56 S opped waffling
14 Pressed int epic 44 Polising 59 Kazakchstan
service 5 Numbersthat outcomes bordersea
15 Fox's"WarStories aren't 45 Babysitting 60 Hardy's " the
16 Mystiqe 6 Figrouss tshridm 61aSrh-acreatio
17 Sporting, with "in" 7 Melee 50 Make eual 62 Law hdaon
8Ra orel a hale rkS 51 Cook's lSsrrated acrediing org.
20 Wrigglers' 9 Spun offering 63 Race in the
waterway? 10Spicy Condiment 52 Lounge sofa driveway
23 Rik in "A Bug's 11l unit ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
24 Like some state ASSAD HAOLE S R S
narrations 13Whatamateurs R O L L O O S L I N H O P
25sConnrectl(wth) rarelyashoot F L I ED0T 0 L E F T B 0 E
29 Patsy 21 Eye on CBS, F D OI L TS TA E
31lPoetic preposition e.g. ' 0R0IE
32Sourceoftecks? 22ActressSorvino S H O T K I L N E N I D
33 Mail carier's 26 Footnoteabbr. T O V F I E L 0 H O C K E Y
romantic 27 Level-headed OPERA B E E C H
activities? 280Quiche
37 Onheclmer essentials W I R E T A P R E C I T A L
sie 30 atgewth some EnIw E
sie 0 ag se ED A A E I O U
40 Also rightangles? F I L E D A C L A I M P K G
41 Bddy for 3Autopioneer A A L K E RRB A P I E
Casar 34Delcacy TAGSALE MONEY
42 Fortress fr 35 Lterary olio
summer shoes? Goi0ng into 810 FIDELCASTRO
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wapon e
1iDesert pant wit 707 7
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From Page 3
"It will continue to be a
substantial (expense) and the
city will go forward and meet it,"
Taylor said.
Lumm said the city would
need to keep this issue in mind
in future contract negotiations.
"It is critical that in every
contract we negotiate that we
raise the issue and start to
address our pension offerings
going forward," Lumm said.
Powers added that there
would be more information
presented to the council
members on these long-term
obligations in the next quarter in
order to make informed future
budget decisions.
Alongwith thebudget, several
amendments were passed that
allocated and reallocated money
toward social welfare programs
- including $100,000 for the
Washtenaw Health initiatives,
$300,000 for affordable housing
initiatives, $4,500 for a senior
meal program - park funding
and city maintenance.
Another proposal to resume
the pickup of leaves on streets -
a service eliminated during the
recession - was proposed and
defeated because of high cost of
over $300,000 and its difficulty
to implement.
Proposals to increase police
funding in order to add three
full-time employees, through
elimination of three probation
officers, and a separate proposal
to increase police staffing by
one full time employee, through
eliminating employees in the
city attorney's office, were both
defeated by a margin of 6-5 and
9-2, respectively.
Taylor said the city didn't
need more money allocated
to safety services, as over 50
percent of the city's annual
budget was already allocated to
fundingthose services.
"We need a balanced
approach," Taylor said. "The
benefit of adding additional
officers does not away the
detriment by the offsetting cuts
needed to fund those officers."
Lumm, who proposed the
amendment to allocate three
more full-time positions to the
police department, said she was
disappointed with the outcome.
She didn't think the city was
prioritizing public safety as
much as it should.

to CVS will
begin in July

CSG encourages
higher standards

Changes to include
new check-out
stations and small
health clinic
After two years in business,
the South State Street CVS
Pharmacy will be undergoing
some minor renovations to add
new checkout stations and a
health clinic, MinuteClinic,
which can provide basic health
CVS will begin the
renovations in July, carrying
them out at night when the store
is closed, and plans to complete
them before the end of the
The renovations are part
of a continued expansion of
commercial drug stores into the
downtown Ann Arbor area, as
Walgreens has signed a lease to
open in the former location of
Michigan Book and Supply in
CVS spokesperson Mike
DeAngelis said the store was
renovating to keep up with
customer demand.
"The business is growing
and we needed to add the
checkout stations to keep up
with the volume of business
that the store is experiencing,"
DeAngelis said.
In addition to the checkout
stations, the MinuteClinic
will have registered nurse
practitioners and physician

assistants to provide treatment
for minor injuries and illnesses,
administer shots and vaccines
and conduct physicals.
"The store is to serve
the University of Michigan
community," DeAngelis said.
"We are adding these features
to enhance our services."
Garry Turner, owner of The
Village Apothecary, said he
wasn't concerned about the
expansion of commercial drug
stores in downtown Ann Arbor.
He has owned his drug store
since 1994 and owns two others,
one in Jackson and another in
"I don't think it will bother
me that much, I'll still be here,"
Turner said. "Revenue goes up
and it goes down."
Turner said the level of
personalized service that his
store provides would attract
customers, adding that his
patrons always see the same
faces when they shop.
"Unless you are really in love
with dealing with corporate
outfits and their whole line of
thinking, (I think) most people
would choose personalized
service," he said.
LSA senior Anusha Sharma
said she liked the idea of the
MinuteClinic's accessibility.
"I think it is a good idea,"
Sharma said. "It would be a
convenient way for people to get
"I prefer the national chains,"
she added. "(They are) more
reputable and often have more

Parties stress
importance of
attendance and
Daily StaffReporters
A highly contested Central
Student Government election in late
March saw allegations of campaign
violations followed by law suits,
as parties sought to secure the
presidential and vice presidential
seats. But to move forward from the
election politics, the 52 newly elected
legislative representatives must
harness their power in numbers to
fulfill their campaign promises and
implement positive change.
In a March interview preceding
the elections, LSA junior Michael
Dalton, a representative during
the 2012-13 term who ran with
youMICH, said he believed that
the second CSG assembly failed
in their outreach to new student
organizations. He added that
elected representatives could have
participated more actively.
"Every representative didn't
write up a resolution, every
representative didn't even have
something to say in announcements
arising, every representative
didn't even convey a message
to the assembly that says this is
what someone from my respective
college says their experience at the
University has been like," Dalton
Furthermore, Dalton said the
lack of communication between
elected representatives and the
student body was evident through
the few students who spoke during

the community concerns portion of
CSG assembly meetings.
"Students didn't really feel
that comfortable, I think, coming
to us about their student-related
problems," Dalton said.
He noted that student input
would have proved to be useful
when university administrators,
such as University Regent Mark
Bernstein (D-Ann Arbor), addressed
assembly meetings.
Dalton said the power of the
assembly and its ability to use
public pressure to influence
administrators was underestimated.
Representatives get especially
prompt responses when e-mailing
administrators and could hence
channel the voice of student
government to create bigger impact.
In the 2013 CSG election cycle,
youMICH and forUM proved to be
the two dominant parties in terms
of number of representatives and
garnered popular votes.
Public Policy junior Sam
Dickstein, forUM Communications
& Marketing Director, said
forUM implemented a stringent
interview process in choosing its
representatives for the 2013-14
assembly to ensure those selected
would be the most committed to
student government.
"We really looked for people
who had CSG experience, showed
a serious passion for CSG and also
were committed to coming to all
the meetings (including summer
assembly)," Dickstein said. "If a
representative is not showing up
and not holding up their end of
the bargain, we will not take that
In reference to the faltering
attendance records of representatives
in the winter assembly, Dickstein
said he thought that forUM
representativeswould not be a reason
for unachieved quorum.

"We really expect to have all
the candidates show up often," he
said. "We're so far very happy how
the representatives have been with
their participation and we expect
that to continue."
Dickstein said individual forUM
party's greater executive platforms,
would work to accomplish their
individual campaign promises
through their resolutions and the
backing of their party platform.
"What's really important to the
party, we think, is to make sure that
we follow through on campaign
promises," he said. "Whether that
is in line with the platforms that
everyone ran on, we hope to make
sure that those are seen through."
Out of over 100 elected
representatives in the CSG
assembly, 32 are members of
forUM. Resolutions introduced
and approved by all forUM
representatives would have a clear
majority in the house and would
therefore be passed regardless of
opposition from representatives
from other parties.
"We have a very strong majority
(of representatives) and we'll
have that continue throughout
the summer as well," Dickstein
said. "And so we see forUM being
a very strong force in CSG but we
understand that we're going to have
to work across party lines."
Business senior Michael Proppe,
CSG President, said he didn't
think party politics would impede
productivity. The multiple parties
merely served as a marketing tool
during elections and would not
cause a dissent within the house.
"I am confident that we will
(work together)," Proppe said.
"Once yougetelected your loyalty is
not so much to the party anymore as
it is to what you ran on and what is
the best for the studenthbody."

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