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May 30, 2013 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2013-05-30
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Thursday, May 30,2013
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
From first day to last, Wolverines prepare for
Oklahoma City in first WCWS since 2009

Daily Sports 4
Walk through t
the Donald
R. Shepherd
Building, home4
of the No.A
7 Michigan
softball team,
and look to your
left. Hanging
is a roadmap E
of Oklahoma
City - the siteF
of the Women'sc
College World
Series. There, E
you will find
the goal of the
Wolverines since
began in February.

NNON On Tuesday, senior secon
Writer baseman Ashley Lane, alon
with senior co-captains Jacly
he doors of Crummey and Amy Knapp, too
their final ground balls fron
MUidgan at Michigan coach Carol Hutchin
k hom ateAlumni Field. After practice
MIdAMIf freshman left fielder Sierr,
Matchup: Lawrence carried her Hutchin
Idiana 17-7; head poster onto the bus alon
Michigan 17-9 with the rest of the Wolverines
When: equipment. The team the
Thursday hopped on a plane bound fo
8:30 P.M. CT Oklahoma City - where it wi
Where: ASA take on the No. 1 team in th
Hall of Fame country, Oklahoma, on Thursday
Stadium A two-out double from Lan
.d in the fifth inning agains
NRadio: Louisiana-Lafayette on Saturda
secured Michigan its first Supe
Regional victory since 2009 b
the season advance to the Women's Colleg
World Series.


d "This has just been a dream
g season, especially for my senior
n class, who has, from day one,
k said they were going to get to
m Oklahoma and who have done
s everything I've asked them to
e, do," Hutchinssaid to reporters
ra on Wednesday in Oklahoma
s City. "We are extremely proud
g of our kids. They fought tl'rough
s' a very tough regional and super
n regional."
r Prior to the flight, the
11 Wolverines received some advice
e from current assistant coaches
. and former Michigan players in
e Amanda Chidester and Nikki
t Nemitz. Members of the lsat team
y to play in the WCWS in 2009,
r Michigan defeated Alabama
o before losing to Florida and
e Georgia. As always, the message
was to play one game at a time.
"The one thing they've been
telling me is to soak it all in,
embrace it, and just play in the
moment," Lane said. "Don't get
caught up in everything that's
going on around it. It's just a
game, nothing has changed. Just
go out there and have fun."
And like Lane, none of her
teammates have gotten closer
to the WCWS than their own
"It's everyone's dream," said
sophomore catcher Lauren
Sweet. "I've been watching it on
TV my whole life and I just can't
even believe that I'm going to get
the chance tobe there."
Added junior first baseman
Caitlin Blanchard: "We were
talking about it this morning.
We've never been there before
so we don't even know what to
expect. It's really exciting."
Thursday night will be a
battle between two experienced
coaches at the helm of two
strong programs. This year
marks Hutchin's 10th trip to the
WCWS in her 27-year tenure
at Michigan, including one
national championship in 2005.
Meanwhile, in 19 years as head
coach, Oklahoma coach Patty
Gasso has led her team to seven
WCWS appearances, including a
national championship in 2000.
While the Sooners pose the
biggest threat on day one, they
also boast a lineup that resembles
that of the Wolverines. A young
team, Oklahoma will rely on

Ann Arbor, MI


Michigan coach Carol Hutchins will guide her team in the WCWS for the 10th time
in 27 years as coach. The Wolverines won their only national championship in 2005

seven freshmen and three seniors
to get the job done this upcoming
weekend - like its counterpart
in Michigan, who also has a
young team. The Wolverines will
have to stop sophomore infielder
Lauren Chamberlain, whose .623
on-base percentage was second in
the country this season.
As the top-ranked team in the
field of eight, Oklahoma boasts
the nation's strongest pitching
staff, with ateam ERAof1.16And
if Michigan's offense has been
explosive all year, Oklahoma's
has been dynamite. The Sooners
bat .338 as a team - good for
third in the nation - compared
to the Wolverines, who aren't far
behind at .330.
Hutchins plans to take her
team to cheer on fellow Big Ten
representative No. 8 Nebraska
before taking the field on
Thursday night. She hopes her
young players will get a sense of
the environment - one that could
be potentially hostile in front of
a Sooners' crowd rallying behind
the recent devastation caused by
"When it's time to focus, they'll
be focused," Hutchins said. "Play

Thursday, May 30, 2013

one pitch at a time, commit to our
game plan and trust what we've
done all year. We don't need to
be better than we've been, we
just need to be what we are ... and
have fun, because that's Michigan
Well, you're in luck!
Our writers will be
there for it all.

in ie
Local Business
CVS on State Street is
set to receive minor
Obama's shift away from
the "war on terror" needs
some work
'Fast' Franchise
Sixth installment of "Fast &
Furious" pleases audiences
yet again at the box office
Softball Preview
No. 8 Michigan will play in
Women's College World
series this weekend
>> SEE PAGE 12
Vol. CXXIom~.113(lvv2013 h Mihigan Dily
NEWS ........................... 2
OPINION ............................4
ARTS ..... ... .........8
SPORTS ...............11

Workers construct solar panels on North Campus between Fuller Road and Beal Avenue.
Solar panels to be buit
on North Campus site

Alum files
suit after 'U'
denied FOIA
Request aimed to
obtain external audit
of Jenson case
Daily StaffReporter
The University receives over
500 Freedom of Information Act
requests each year, including sev-
eral from The Michigan Daily.
One request wasfrom 2002 alum
David Boyle in an attempt to obtain
the external audit conducted in the
fallout from the Stephen Jenson
case - in which University officials
waited six months to report that a
medieal resident was in possession
of chldpornography
Boyle was denied the FOIA
on the basis that the informa-
tion contained in the audit - con-
ducted by the law firm Latham &
Watkins - was protected under
attorney-client privilege. The
Michigan Daily, which had also
filed a FOIA request, was denied
on similar grounds.
After being denied the FOIA,
Boyle has filed alawsuitagainstthe
University challenging its claim
that the external audit is privileged
The external audit was pre-
sented to the University's Board
of Regents and they summarized
their findings in a memo released
to the public.
See JENSON, Page 2

$2.2 million project
will provide energy
for northern A2
The installation of more solar
panels on North Campus is a
continuation of the University's
work to maximize the use of
environmental efficiency, the
only type of "going green" we
ever want to see in Ann Arbor.
The new panels will be locat-
ed on Fuller Road between
Bonisteel Boulevard and Beal
Avenue, according to a press
release. These panels will add to
the $2.2 million panels installed
on North Campus in 2012 on

Plymouth Road, which gener-
ated co-troversy that stemmed
from a lack of communication
between the University and the
Ann Arbor community.
They are part of a partner-
ship between the University
and DTE Energy, as part of its
SolarCurrents program, who is
funding the $1.5 million proj-
ect. The University will receive
$6,000 from DTE annually for
the next twenty years to cover
costs stemming from site main-
The panels are expected to
produce approximately 240
kilowatts of solar power per
week. However this project is
not considered part of the Uni-
versity's goal for lowered emis-
sions by 2025 since all power
will be directed into the DTE

grid for commercial use by resi-
dents in northern Ann Arbor.
DTE is also placing kiosks on
North Campus, including one
in the Duderstadt Center, that
provide information in real time
about the energy generated by
the panels. Engineering courses
may incorporate data from these
panels in the future.
Andrew Berki, manager of the
University's Office of Campus
Sustainability, said the project
offers opportunity for the Uni-
versity in multiple areas.
"It's really a benefit in that it's
helping climate change from an
energy generation standpoint,"
Berki said, "But it's also further-
ing what we do here at the Uni-
versity from an education and
research perspective."
See SOLAR, Page 6

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