Monday, July 30, 2012 8 Monday, July 30, 2012 The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 30, 2012 The Michigan Daily - Change with MCuibed 15 Neighborhood 'Watch' mediocre MICHAEL NEVITT |I Vo EWP o ial Not so social Schaffer's latest fails to impress; too much raunch, no substance By SEAN CZARNECKI Daily Arts Writer It's no secret that "The Watch" is using an old Hollywood trick: Get a bunch of heavyweights together, and the box office numbers will fol- low. Really, just look at all that The Watch cheddar: Penned by Seth Rogen At Quality16 and Evan Gold- and Rave berg ("Super- bad"); starring Fox Ben Stiller ("Tropic Thunder"), Vince Vaughn ("Wedding Crashers"), Jonah Hill ("21Jump Street") and Richard Ayo- ade ("The IT Crowd"). Yet, despite those big names, audiences should spend their time elsewhere besides this mash-up of insipid raunch and inspired improv, comedy and sci-fi. Stiller is an over-zealous, over- involved member of a small town community who forms a neighbor- hood watch after his friend is mur- dered in the local Costco, of which he's a manager. And as you prob- ably know, the neighborhood watch ends up defending the world from alien invaders. Stiller, Vaughn, Hill, Ayoade, Rogen, Goldberg - how did this movie go wrong? Though it's faintly reminiscent of "Ghostbusters" and "Attack the Block," there's nothing particularly wrong with the prem- ise. What those comedians' earlier releases had was an abundance of knee-slapping lines, a moral (even sentimental) core and tremendous performances. For the most part, "The Watch" lacks all these traits. This second directorial feature from Akiva Schaffer ("Hot Rod," also a member of Lonely Island) does give its audience a handful of chuckles and, every once in a while, a hearty out-loud laugh. The most memorable: a seemingly improvised gag involving Vaughn and a Russian nesting doll, tak- ing advantage of Vaughn's rapid fire verbosity. Yet Schaffer barely ever exploits his actors' strengths, instead relying on an overabun- dance of raunch, not wit. Con- sequently, "The Watch" quickly becomes obnoxious. Besides the gross-out gags, the film's other main focus is sci-fi. The alien invasion proves superfluous to thelaughs. In fact,the filmwould've fared better as a story about a group of mismatched suburbanites in a neighborhood watch. There's some great ideas in this movie. Watching Stiller as the straight man attempting to be as multi-cultural as possible by befriending all the minorities in the neighborhood is great fun. He has no black friends - but he's Fox Group bowling was just the worst idea. getting there, he says. He's the one societal douche that hasn't outworn his comedic fodder: the overcompensating white man. "The Watch" had promising racial undertones, but ultimately pro- vides superficial revelations. Being edgy is not the same as throwing out four-letter words. You gotta dig deeper. No such thoughtful laughter will be found here. Story short: If you want some real laughs, go see "Ted." "The Watch" 's mediocre laughs could just as effectively be repro- duced by trading locker room sto- ries with your friends at home, for free. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was finished in 1512 after more than four years of work by Michelangelo. It is unquestionablyone of the most beautiful and famous ceil- ings in the world. One of the highlights of my summer was standing beneath this world- famous artistic masterpiece, awestruck. As I looked to my side to see if the hundreds of other fanny pack-carrying tourists were as stricken by its beauty as I was, I was shocked to see numerous eyeballs star- log at Blackberrys and iWhones instead of at the 300-plus fig- ures colorfully depicted above them. It appeared that Chris was "checking into" the Sis- tine Chapel, while Lisa shared a picture on her Facebook profile of some battling naked figures in thefamous mural and then eagerly continued to update her screen to check for notifications. In the past decade, Face- book has proven to be an effec- tive means for people to share stories and images from their lives with family, friends, coworkers and Sarah What's- Her-Name that theytmetattha one party that one time. With just the simple click of a smart- phone touch screen, you can "mobile-ly upload" an image or video of a special moment to your profile and share it with hundreds or thousands of your "closest" friends instantly. But why does that random girl from your 1th grade English class need to experience the Sistine Chapel with you? The truth' is, she doesn't. With the ever-evolving popu- larity contest of social media, the Facebook generation has started to lose sight of what is most important. Instead of thinking about how beautiful a landscape is, we have started to think in terms of how many likes or comments a picture of it will receive. Your enjoyment of your own life is no longer important; what's important now is the development of your digital persona. Now, sharing on Facebook does have its advantages. It's much simpler to post a picture than have to send it 15 times in e-mails to different people. However, when your usage becomes so excessive and intrusive that it lessens your ability to enjoy real-life experi- ences, there is a problem. Social networks should be a means of sharing special life moments without inhibitingthem. This rule of thumb should be applied to more than just one's travels and major life milestones. We have all seen the group of freshmen eating in the dining hall, each with one eye on their chicken broc- coli bake and the otherontheir iPhone. While this moment may not be as inspiring as admiring the Sistine Chapel, it - like all of life's moments - is just as fleeting and special. Before you know it, you will be sitting on the plane back from Europe wishing you had eaten one more cup of gelato, or sitting at graduation in the Big House longing to hang out with all of your friends one last time. So don't live a life destined to be filled with social net- work-induced regret. Take the advice you've heard a million times and just put the phone away. Take a deepbreath and enjoy where you are and what you are doing at that very moment. Enjoy your friends, enjoy your food, enjoy the Sistine Chapel and enjoy the moments you will never have back again. It may sound like a Hallmark card, but it's advice you won't regret following. Save your Facebook-ing for later - like when you're pro- crastinating in the UGLi. Michael Nevitt is a LSA junior. FAIRYTALE From Page 7 stay in and run. Both "Sleeping Beauty" and "The Little Mermaid" center around female leads that are seen not heard. Aurora has a total of 18 min- utes of screen time in her own film, while Ariel is mute the entirety of her courtship with Prince Eric. Their gift for being amenable is a "true love" that is based entirely off of looks and a five-minute song sequence. This Fairytale world taught little girls everywhere that with some patience, a lot of cleaning and a calm, subservient personality, they too can get a Prince Charming, a castle and everything their heart desires. Later, "Beauty and the Beast" and "Mulan" began transform- ing the stereotypical Fairytale happy ending by focusing on strong, independent women that ' 4 had more to do than clean a home and make someone's dinner. Belle had no desire to marryGaston, the typical alpha male. Mulan would A swift horse for Mulan. "never pass/ for a perfect bride,/ Our current system for funding research is broken. Though that may not be the posi- tion of the University, as it's now launching an innova- tive alterna- tive called MICHAEL MCubed that SMALLEGAN may provide a direction for change. The way academia powers forward, claiming new victories daily, obscures the rough edges of the current paradigm. Let me recall for you the saga of scientific misconduct by Marc Hauser, the Harvard University evolutionary biologist - not to further tarnish his name - but to bring some of those edges to light. Hauser was studying the abil- ity of tamarin monkeys to learn algebraic rules and in 2002 pub- lished results in Cognition - a journal that publishes research about the study of the mind - that supported his hypothesis. To establish patterns in the mon- keys' behavior, his team watched video of the monkeys' behavior. and coded the monkeys' actions. After some questions arose concerning Hauser's data and his refusal to let his lab colleagues recode his tapes, his research assistants recoded the data with- out his consent. Their data looked nothing like his. Coding behav- ior is somewhat subjective, but what they found prompted fur- ther investigation because the data was so different. In the end, Hauser was found guilty of eight counts of scientific misconduct and resigned from his position at Harvard in 2011. Hauser could, just be a bad apple, but from an outsider's view, academia appears to pro- mote such "bad behavior." Whenever I curl up with a new issue of some bleeding edge sci- entific journal (which I assure you isn't often, I have a life...), I'm always struck by the fact that hypotheses are always con- firmed. I haven't yet run across a peer-reviewed article, that says, "We thought this would happen, but this happened instead." I don't think it's because scientists are always dead-on with their intuition. It's just that there is no room in contemporary journals for negated hypotheses. Journals, funding agencies and research institutions don't seem to think that results of failed experiments are worth sharing. So Hauser's hypothesis would have to have been confirmed - otherwise, all his team's efforts would have been for naught. But how did he even get to that point - to have a hypothesis that was essential to support? Herein lies the problem inherent to how research funding operates: In order to be awarded money for a grant proposal, your hypothesis needs to be well on the way to being proved correct.- The key concept undergirding our current system is that com- petition creates better results. Hence, we have the X PRIZE Foundation, the DARPA Robotics Challenge and National Science Foundation receiving 40,000 pro- posals each year and only funding 11,000. To succeed in these races, principal investigators must do their homework. This means that in most cases, researchers apply for smaller grants first, usu- ally from their home institution. Likely, some significant portion of the University's $1.24 billion it spent on research in the fiscal year of 2011 went to projects of this type. *This means that by the time you even receive a federal grant for your idea, you've already invested money and months of time into gathering preliminary supporting data. All of this makes it increasingly "necessary" for their careers thattheir hypoth- eses are correct. Otherwise, all that work can be scrapped and shelved. These incentives thus encour- age explorations that are nar- row and one more step on what's already been done. They make taking baby steps the prevailing paradigm. Everheardofthe "least publishable unit?" The really big leaps that we need to take to solve big problems aren't safe to talpe in this environment. Furthermore, solutions to these problems often lie strewn across the borders of multiple disciplines and funding for interdisciplinary research is even harder to come by. MCubed is an opportunity for collaboration. So, that's the stage upon which MCubed, a part of the Universi- ty's Third Century Initiative, will enter in the fall. MCubed, instead of taking a merit-based approach to fund- ing, will hand $60,000 to any three researchers from at least two different units who agree to work together on a project. The only approval for the ideas will be mutual interest in the questions asked. It appears that all schools, colleges and departments in the university will be participat- ing, providing an unprecedented opportunity for cross-disciplin- ary explorations. The money can be used to hire a postdoctoral researcher, graduate student or an undergraduate to work with the team of three. In a creative - and playful - move, interested faculty will be given a token that's a third of a cube and represents $20,000. They can only cash out the $60,000 when they've agreed to work with two others and the pieces of the cube are combined. Faculty will meet and toss around ideas on a web platform that will launch in the fall. In addition to the $15 million the program will infuse into Uni- versity research, the initiative is also an experiment in itself. The Institute for Social Research faculty will observe the collabo- rations formed and the impact of the results of this program. MCubed could fall flat or be a bea- con guiding academia away from asking questions that we almost know the answer to, to ones that currently have us scratching our head. We wait with bated breath. Michael Smallegan can be reached at Affordable Student Co-op Housing 2. 4 and 8 Month Contracts on North and Central Campus !! All utilities, High-speed Internet Homemade Meals Shared Work, Shared Fun Leadership opportunities 4 Single/Double rooms 4 Parking available WWW.ICC.COOP INFO@ICC.COOP The Inter-Cooperative Council 337 E. William St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Phone: (734) 662-4414 (ext.1Oa) DISNEY or a decide their l N The call-to heroin traditi piness impris father father Huns perfect daughter." They family's honor. The Fairytale ideal ed that there was more to is bent by these princesses, but not ives than finding a husband. necessarily shattered, so Belle and Mulan can exist in a modified ver- sion of Fairytale reality. V O Fairytale More recently, Disney has attempted to stay current and polit- nding here. ically aware, producing princesses such as Tiana, Rapunzel and Meri- da: girls that want a destiny outside of marriage. Tiana hopes to own a ough those movies begin as a restaurant and be financially inde- -arms for brave girls, each pendent, Rapunzel wants to leave ne ends up succumbing to her "mother's" home and find out on: Belle sacrifices her hap- who she is and Merida wants noth- for her family, choosing ing more than to plan her own life onment in order to save her without the constant constraints. . Similarly, Mulan dons her set by her mother. The three girls 's armor and takes on the all accomplish what they set out to in an effort to preserve her do and they didn't adhere to the ste- reotypical Fairytale expectations. It's great that girls finally have strong Disney-princess role models. But something is missing. Tryingto make Disney princesses politically aware has taken away the charm of the Fairytale world and has made it blatantly clear that Disney is attempting to make amends for the "typical princess outlook." Though strong female leads.are nothing to be shied away from, it would be best for Disney to leave the Disney princess legacy to the classics: rather than creating new princesses, simply create new out- lets and a new world for the inde- pendent women to thrive in, rather than clashing the modern with the Fairytale. CONTRIBUTE TO THE COVERSATION Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor and viewpoints. Letters should be fewer than 300 words while viewpoints should be less than 850 words. Both must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. Send submissions to