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July 16, 2012 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2012-07-16
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Monday, July 16, 2012
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

From Page 10,
K culture of ETAs: Hair is every-
thing. A full pompadour, black with
no blue, with a ducktail and long
sideburns, showsyour legitimacy as
a "real" Elvis. Natural black is best,
though wigs, if styled right, work
Your weight will determine
what type of Elvis you will be able
to impersonate. The general rule:
"The heavier you are, the later you
go in the decades," said King. The
youngest, thinnest Elvis imperson-
ators go for the snappy cat clothes
of the '50s, those a little heavier don
the black leather pants and plain
white suits of the late '60s, studs
and stones make their appearance
in the mid-'70s, while glittering
cabochons and rhinestones - called
--the "pinnacle of elaborateness in
the Elvis costume" - last up to the
period when Presley died.
There are no restrictions to who
can become an Elvis impersonator.
You can even be an elected official,
like Bruce Borders. Indiana House
of Representative (and former
mayor) by day, Elvis impersonator
by night, Borders still performs as

Elvis in high schools around the some of us have
state."It's away for me to relax from said. "It reminds yt
the headaches of being mayor," he pageants. There's s
said in the book "IAm Elvis." are out there to stal
Some ETAs, like Michigan Elv- and there are other
isFest co-founder Matt King, get there just because
their start at young ages. At 14, King with performing."
sang "Blue Suede Shoes" in front
of his high school freshman class. Elvis to ElVez
After his teacher marveled at his
physical and vocal resemblance to King loves inter
Presley, King started competing in fans, though he at
Elvis look-a-like contests and trav- them can get pretty
eling across the country. So far, "You meet a lo
King has 45 replica jumpsuits and think you actually
75 puffy sleeved shirt bell-bottom said. "They shakem
outfits. "(Elvis) had 200 jumpsuits, you. It's kinda weir
so I'm not there yet," he said. Perhaps the wei
His favorite memory was per- the culture surroun
forming where Elvis held his last existence of imp
concert - Market Square Arena in don't look anything
Indiana. With a live 12-piece band billy king.
blaring in the background and the Over the years, E
arena packed to capacity, King got Robert Lopez) has
to stand in the same spot as the singing and dancin
King of Rock'n'Roll had, wearing can Elvis." Backe
the same replica outfit that Elvis sounds of the b
wore many years previous. "It was Elvettes (Gladysita
kind of cool," he said. Maria and Que Li
And what's the relationship most of the songs
between all the Elvis imperson- literal translations
ators? Friendsor enemies? dards into Spanis
"Most of us are friends, though Mamacita" (That's

rivalries," King
ou a lot of beauty
ome people who
b you in the back
r people who are
they're in love
racting with his
dmitted some of
y crazy.
t of fans that ...
y are Elvis," he
when they talk to
rdest thing about
ndingElvis is the
ersonators who
g like the rocka-
l Vez (real name
s made a living
ng as "the Mexi-
d by the sassy
eehived Lovely
, Priscilita, Lisa
nda Thompson),
he performs are
of Elvis stan-
h - "Esta Bien
Alright, Mama),

MondaY. Julv 16.2012

"Huaraches Azul" (Blue Suede
Shoes), "Viva La Raza" (Viva Las
Vegas). And El Vez's costumes
are Mexican re-interpretations of
Elvis outfits: a jumpsuit with red,
white and green rhinestones and a
sequined Virgin of Guadalupe on
the back, a maroon crushed velvet
jumpsuit with a matching cape and
silver lame lining, a black mariachi
suit with white piping. Every outfit
has a matchingsombrero.
"This person isn't any more like
Elvisnthan anything you could imag-
ine," said John Stuart, a producer of
the Legends in Concert series in the

book "Impersonating Elvis."
"There's nothing even close,
other than the fact that the jump-
suit is white. And yet they'll still do
It's part faithful nostalgia, part
staunch allegiance that will cause
the fansato go crazy over the charms
of Mr. Vez and others of hiskind.
"Certain songs just hit me and I
start crying. I just - I miss (Elvis), I
really do," said ardent festival-goer
Carol Rice in the book "Imperson-
ating Elvis." "After all these years. I
just wish I could go to a concert and
see him again, you know?"

Elusive physics
particle found at 'U'

Visitors take stairs at the South Divison enterance of the underground parking garage during the opening last Thursday.
Underground parking garage completed

In c
tists fr
have fo
the elu
a partic
ity pos
the uni
nar hos
was a k
that bra
ing rese

ine, researcher, for decades.
"I have been pursuing this phys-
wins bet over .ics for a long time," Kane said. "In
1989,1 - and some collaborators -
'0 with Stephen published a book called 'The Higgs
Hunter's Guide."
Hawking According to Kane, the finding
of the Higgs boson is one of the
By JOSH QIAN most important discoveries for
Daily Staff Reporter physics.
"It was predicted to exist by the
ollaboration with scien- so-called Standard Model theory
om around the globe, Uni- that provides a remarkable and
researchers believe they very well-tested description of
)und a particle similar to the world we see, telling us what
sive Higgs boson particle, we are made of and how just three
:le theorized to make grav- fundamental particles - electrons,
sible and to give mass to and two called quarks - combine
ts that compose subatomic to build up our world," Kane said.
e such as protons and neu- According to the University
News Service, Kane bet Stephen
discovery of the Higgs-like Hawking - the renowned physi-
was announced at a semi- cist - $100 that he would find
ted by the CERN, the Euro- the Higgs boson particle. Though
Organization for Nuclear Kane said he has not spoken
ch, in Switzerland early io directly to Hawking since the dis-
covery, Hlawking acknowledged
ion Kane, the University's the outcome ina BBC interview.
Weisskopf Distinguished Physics Prof. Jianming Qian,
city Professor of Physics, another researcher involved with
:ey contributor to the study the discovery, said the project to
ought on the discovery. find the Higgs boson was a huge
e said he has been conduct- effort between international sci-
earch on the theory of Higgs entists.

Structure to add
about 750 to 7,000
existing A2 spaces
Daily News Editor
In an event studded with
antique cars, music and free
food, the long-awaited Library
Lane parking garage had its
grand opening last Thursday.
Vol. CXXI; No 148 Cc}2012 The Michigan Daily
N EW S..................... 2
CLASSIFIEDS......... 6
SPORTS .. ............8
ARTS ....................................10

Located off of Fifth and
South Division streets between
East William and East Liberty
streets, the four-level garage -
with entrances on Fifth Street
and Library Lane, which are
not yet open to the public - has
711 underground spaces and 52
aboveground spaces, bringing
Ann Arbor's total on- and off-
street parking spaces to about
The garage also has six elec-
tric vehicle charging stations and

wiring that will allow for a total
of 12 electrical vehicle stations in
the future.
The $50-million project was
managedby the city's Downtown
Development Authority, which is
responsible for all of the city's
parking as well as other urban
infrastructure programs.
Susan Pollay, executive direc-
tor of the DDA, noted the garage
is the newest public parking
garage built in downtown Ann
See PARKING, Page 7

and how to search for themr

See PAOTICLE, Page 7

Obama signs loan Italian-American Hipster haven Back on the ice
b a a sCaitlin Morath explains why Documenting the sounds, Red Berenson expected to
Lower student loan rates to foreign travel may not be as sights and acts of Chicago's play in Red Wings-Leafs
continue for another year. exotic as we think. smaller music fest. alumni game.
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