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May 07, 2012 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2012-05-07
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Monday, May 7, 2012
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday, May 7, 2012
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


Senior attackman Trevor Yealy tallied two goals in the final game of Michigan's inaugural varisity season.
Wolverines lose final game
of inaugural varsity season

Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan men's lacrosse
team concluded its first season as a
varsity program with a loss to No.
5 North Carolina in Chapel Hill on
Tied at two a mere nine minutes
into the game, the Tar Heels quick-
ly gained control and never looked
back on their way to a 19-5 rout of
the Wolverines.
Michigan hung close to North
Carolina through the first quar-
ter thanks to strong performances
from junior Zachary Dauch and
fifth-year senior Trevor Yealy.
After one period of action, Mich-
igan trailed, 6-3, exhibitingsigns of
life heading into the second.
But the Tar Heels held the
Wolverines scoreless in the sec-
ond quarter, jumping out to a 9-3
lead heading into halftime. Yealy
notched a second goal in the third
quarter, but a seven-goal explosion
by North Carolina left Michigan in
a hole, down 12 goals with only one
period to play.
Not surprisingly, Michigan
found North Carolina's lead to be
insurmountable, as the Wolverines
fell to the Tar Heels with the final
tally standing at 19-5.
"You have to give credit to North
Carolina," said Michigan head

type ofl
to be, a
to finis
what to
show th
for then
his nint
goals or
son. M
have all
but two,
a 1-13r
But de.
Paul an

John Paul. "They are the the hard work put forth from the
program that we're aspiring senior athletes.
nd in some ways it's great "[The seniors] had a really tough
h against a team like that task this year," said Paul. "They did
we got a close-up look of a great job establishing the founda-
p-1O lacrosse looks like and tion for what this program is going
7em the work we need to do to become. We're not going to get
n to get there." where we want to be without great
ite the Wolverines' poor senior leadership, and we got that
ve output, Yealy put forth this year."
h multi-goal game this sea- The athletes were also more
than satisfied with the year as a
"It's been an incredible honor ...
to wear the winged helmet and rep-
We got a (feel) resent the block 'M' on the varsity
level," said Yealy. "I feel incredibly
privileged to have been a part of it,
osse looks like." and I'm thankful to all the coaches,
administration, athletic depart-
ment and all the people around the
program for what they have done
to make this program possible. It's
theless, Michigan's five been an unbelievable experience,
n Saturday tied their worst and I wouldn't trade it for any-
'e performance of the sea- thing."
toreover, the Wolverines Fifth-year senior Brian Gre-
owed 10 or more goals in all nier, who notched his fourth goal
games throughout the year. of the season on Saturday, added:
igan finishes the year with "It was awesome to be part of the
record, with its lone win first team. I'm really proud of coach
March 4 against Mercer. Paul for leading us through this
spite the sub-par record, transition, and although our record
d the team understand the didn't show it, it was a great year.
ance of this first year as a I'm proud ofthis team and what the
g process. team will become because of Team
was especially pleased with one."

Tobel sets record for
second- straight week
By JUDY KIM ished in second place in the
For the Daily women's 400-meter hurdles with
a time of 1:03.58.
Junior Kiley Tobel keeps The impressive feats didn't
improving. stop there. Rising senior Allison
Tobel, who set the Michigan Liske won first place in women's
pole vault program record last shot put (14.22 meters), and in
week with a height of 4.16 meters, women's discus throw, fifth-year
set it again it at the Len Paddock senior Emily Pendleton, junior
Invitational with a jump height Erin Pendleton and junior Kari
of 4.17 meters. She attempted the Prena took first (52.61 meters),
14 feet, but missed, and finished second (51.28 meters), and third
in second place. place (45.58 meters), respective-
Despite missing the 14-foot ly, for Michigan.
mark, Tobel said she was pleased Junior Charlotte Cahill ran to
with the season overall, adding first place in the women's 100-
that she is definitely "hungry for meter dash (12.15 seconds), and
more." sophomore Amber Smith took
"I can't tell you how good it second place in the 100-meters
feels to be consistent, especial- hurdles (13.77 seconds).
ly at a high level," Tobel said. The success of Michigan ath-
"(Friday), I got some really good letes in the Len Paddock Invita-
attempts at 14 feet and I haven't tional adds to the anticipation of
felt that good in a while." the upcoming Big Ten Champi-
In addition to Tobel's second- onships, which begin on May 11
place finish, the women's 4x100- and end on May 13, in Madison.
meter relay team came in second "If we can continue to move in
place, finishing in 46.43 seconds. the direction we've been going all
The 800-meter was another year, we'll be fine," said Michigan
strong event for the Wolverines, coach James Henry. "We've had
as freshman Brook Handler, a few meets where I wasn't very
sophomore Ariel Dempsey and happy and the kids weren't very
junior Chloe Prince came in sec- happy. The last two meets put
and (2:11.97), third (2:15.85) and us back in position, feeling good
fourth place (2:17.09), respec- about ourselves. There is confi-
tively. dence with the girls and that's
Senior Nicole Prince took sev- something we can carry into next
enth place, finishing in 2:20. week and know we can be com-
Freshman Dana Carey fin- petitive in the conference."

Editor's note: *The writer of this
viewpoint has chosen to change
the subject's name due to the sen-
sitive nature of the material.
Dear *Laura,
I am writing you to tell you what
I could not say when I saw you
across the street, on the steps of
the Michigan Union. We crossed
paths during our freshman year of
college, which was 11 years after
our separation. I want to tell you
exactly who I am, considering that
in the past we were both confused
on my meaning to the world - you
said that I was a "nigger," and I
thought that you might be right.
We were nine-years-old and in
the fourth grade. We were on our
way to our elective class when you
asked, "Brittany, do you know that
you are a nigger?" That was a day
I will never forget and I wonder if
you remember it-if at all-for the
same reasons that I do.
When you told me what I meant
to you, I found it more useful to
analyze your motives rather than
your specific message. I went to
bed that night thinking about
what kind of conversation your
parents had with you about my
race. Moreover, I was hurt that
you did not consider how I would
like to be identified. My concern at
nine-years-old isstill the same for
me at the age of 21: "Why was I
not given the opportunity to speak
for myself?"
I wonder, at exactly what age do
children come to understand the
meaning of race? This leads me to
ask, atwhat age do children's inter-
racial friendships become strange?
Is this question different from
thinking about the age at which
some white children are told that
black children are niggers?
Fundamentally, I want to know
at what point in your nine-year-old
life did you begin to doubt I was
your equal?
Since you seemed off-put when
you saw me during our freshman
year of college, I'm interested to
know if the way our friendship
ended affected you as much as it
affected me. I assume that it did,
not only because of your noticeably
distant disposition when I bumped
into you later on campus - face-to-
face - but because you "de-friend-
ed" me on Facebook not long after

you saw me.
I want you to know that your
perception of me at nine-years-old
was notyour fault. At the time, the
deterioration of our friendship was
more reflective of race in America
than it was a representation of
your character.
As a self-identified Italian-
American, what would you do?
I hope you understand that hav-
ing the strength to empathize
and appreciate the experiences of
people with a different race than
your own is important. The world
listens when you speak, but the
world questions if I can. Will you
speak with me so that I, too, can
be heard?
I am asking you to be my ally. I
am currently negotiating my place
in the world. I am searching for a
seat of influence that would impact
the types of questions that race in
our country has left me curious
to understand, and I could benefit
from your bargaining power. So,
although you speak of the glass
ceiling, that same ceiling often
feels concrete to me.
Stand beside me to make the
types of changes that Susan B.
Anthony and Eleanor Roos-
evelt made for you (e.g. the right
to work, vote and co-ed educa-
tion). Let's further the advocacy
work of the former Black Panther,
Kathleen Cleaver, with the right
to access birth control, and that
of First Lady Michelle Obama's
concerning healthy living. These
issues affect all of our lives, and
our nation's future.
I am asking that you reconsider
stereotypes and be open to believ-
ing that my race may be different
from what you think we are, and
what you think we can become. I
am asking you to think critically
about the words that you use and
the decisions that you make - most
of which havecthe potential to affect
the lives of people in the nation you
care the most about: America.
Altogether, I am asking thatcyou
help me provide other girls in our
country with the friendship that
we never had.
Brittany A. Smith
Brittany Smith graduated
with the class of 2012.

"Basically, we're just a country
full of bitches. We're like the kids
in the back-
seat on a road
trip whose
parents keep
telling them
to shut up."
Seth Meyers
spew some ADRIENNE
scarily accu- ROBERTS
rate jokes at a
comedy show
the other Friday night made me
realize that we, as a country, are
not terribly self-aware. We get
what we want, and then we hate it
and complain, just like that. Most
of us don't realize that we sound
like whiny, little children.
While this tendency may just
be human nature, it's more pro-
nounced in America because in
politics, we have two options. And
usually, they're quite extreme.
Left or right. A capitalist-conser-
vative or a hippie-liberal. Com-
pletely out of touch or just too cool.
As young people who will be
voting for president in a mere six
months, we want a politician that
can speak to us in a language we
can identify with and discuss
topics we care about. Things
like foreign policy are extremely
important, but they aren't what
we, as college students, deal with
on a daily basis.
When President Obama
appeared on "Late Night with
Jimmy Fallon" and "slow
jammed" the news, it was a
refreshing break from the gener-
alized speeches that we hear on
a frequent basis. It was funny, yet
effective. And it hit home with
college students. Not surpris-
ingly, the Stafford Loan inter-
est rate increase received much
more attention from the press,

An open letter

as young people are more likely
to watch a nighttime program.
Obama's "slow jam" was the third
and fourth most searched item on
Google for days after it aired.
Appealing to a younger genera-
tion is not solely reserved for the
Democratic Party. Mitt Romney
went on "The Late Show with
David Letterman" to recite a "Top
Ten List" in an obvious attempt
to identify with the younger vot-
ing generation and make himself
appear less uptight.
While both candidates have
pandered to the youth vote,
they have criticized each other's
methods as being insincere and
condemning them as desperate
attempts to relate to the younger
voting generation.
But the thing is, while the goal
of comedic endeavors from poli-
ticians is to ultimately persuade
you to vote for them, research
shows that receiving informa-
tion in a humorous manner actu-
ally causes viewers to retain more
So, though it may appear to
be just another campaign strat-
egy, viewers are most likely learn-
ing more than they would when
watching a typical debate, and may
have an easier time remember-
ing it. More viewers will tell their
friends about it in the morning or
post it on Facebook, all because it
is a nontraditional - and funny -
form of presenting news.
It's understandable how sing-
ing about Stafford loans, which
are a major concern for many stu-
dents, may come off as insensitive.
But it may actually be beneficial
to young people who had no con-
cept of the severity and urgency of
the issue before. It's by no means
a funny issue, buta funny delivery
brings about necessary thought
and action.

It's surprising, then, that we
turn around and criticize these
same actions that draw attention
to an issue and make it seem as
though politicians are dumbing
them down for our demograph-
ic. The complexity of the issue
remains the same - what changes
is the style in which that message
is delivered.
We sound like
whiny, little
If we desire politicians that
speak to us on an understandable
and relatable level, then we should
appreciate the fact that humor is
an effective manner to get people
to listen, and hopefully care.
Once we start calling presidents
"too cool" when they attempt to
relate to a younger generation, we
risk keeping many voters in the
With almost every new presi-
dent, we complain that they are
out of touch and have forgotten
about whatthe youth vote needs to
make an informed decision. If we
continue to criticize presidential
nominees Barack Obama and Mitt
Romney, we should expect that
their concern over issues impor-
tant to us would dwindle.
As a country, we will most like-
ly continueto be the annoying kids
in the backseat on a long drive. A
line needs to be drawn, however,
between constructive criticism
and just plain bitching.
Adrienne Roberts can be
reached at adrirobe@umich.edu.

39 @JoseCuervo thanks for a day
of drunken stupor and tequila
.shots now if someone could
;dust te me wh atI was ce le brat-
ing?.... #DrinkoDeMayo
A sl'ow jam situation

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