Monday, June 20, 2011 The Michigan Daily - 17 'Tree of Life' trades face-time for illusions $ 000 ANONYMOUS EGG DONORS NEEDED -Office located in Ypsilanti near EMU -Healthy, young women ages 21-29. -All ethnic backgrounds are needed. -Program is completely anonymous. -Qualified donors will be financially compensated $5,000 If interested please call 734-434-4766 By ANKUR SOHONI Daily Arts Writer Movies are miraculous. Pro- jected illusions of life, engineered to entertain and keep us in our *** seats, collected in the dark for hours The Tree on end - it's all Of Life very silly, after all. But film taps At the something inside Michigan people that noth- ing else does, hit- F Seanchlighl ting a rhythmic visual chord that is - at least to an extent - organic and natural. There are rules, though. Sometimes, you can make a film like visual poetry, like Godfrey Reg- gio in his 1980s films "Koyaanisqat- si" and "Powaqqatsi." Or Ron Fricke in 1992 with "Baraka."All three pic- tures were montages of nature and civilization, without narrative. Those movies are cool. Awesome, actually, if you have the energy to stay awake. But when you see a trailer for a film featuring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn in leading roles, you don't expect that. You expect face- time, and lots of it. And when that doesn't quite happen - when a film experience is so completely differ- ent than what you expect - how do the masses in the dark respond? Easy. They walk out. Forget the rhythmic chord inside us. Film is a social thing, not only independent but something to facilitate our interactions with oth- ers. And when the first 40 minutes of "Tree of Life" turn out lifelessly incomprehensible, it's not surpris- ing to see people flocking back to the ticket counter to retrieve their 12 bucks, or actually boo the film, as at this year's Cannes Film Festival. The film has a whispery-beauti- ful opening set in the 1950s around the.O'Brien family, a young couple and their three boys. The mother (Jessica Chastain, "Jolene") sets up the opposition of "grace" and "nature" - the balance of spiritual- ity and humanity that tugs on both ends of the film. That "nature" is presented as the stern Mr. O'Brien (Brad Pitt, "Inglourious Basterds"), who teaches his sons thatethey must fight to find their place in the world. His antithesis is Chastain's delicate per- formance as his wife, who strives to be the "grace" end of the equation. The film begins with the death of one of their sons, as presented in mysterious jump cuts and unex- plained hints. The parents despair and contemplate the death of a child in each of their own ways. Then it all takes a strange turn, thrusting into a half-hour (or at least it feels that long) exploration of forests, the cosmos, dinosaurs and volcanoes (among many, many other things) throughout which not a word is spoken. And that's when the audience may become somewhat unruly, and it's hard to blame them. But right when you think the ordeal will never end, it does, push- ing the story back to the O'Briens and, in a different time and place, their grown-up eldest son Jack (Sean Penn, "Milk"), who barely says a word but his eyes seem to contemplate mortality. Jack is the focus of the rest of the film - his younger version (newcom- er Hunter McCracken) grows from an innocentyouth to atroubled ado- lescent. He witnesses the drown- ing of a friend, which prompts him to whisper to the heavens, "Why should I be good if you aren't?" "The Tree of Life" is an utterly polarizing picture, and not only in the way you experience it. It's a story of fathers and sons, death and God, poetry and pragmatism. As a whole, though, it's about more, and it's about you - the way you approach life, faith and the deci- sions therein. By the end of the film, who is still sitting in the theater? Perhaps it's the population of only one end of that central balance. On the technical side, Emmanuel Lubezki's ("Children of Men") cin- ematography is the epitome of stun- ning. Even in its dullest moments, the film is an unforgettable pictur- escape that wows the eyes. Yet, as sumptuous as it is, the film struggles to satisfy even the most patient. Character arcs are told in glimpses and whispered voiceovers, not the screams of regular summer fare. It is a testament to director Terrance Malick's ("The Thin Red Line") genius that there are dis- cernable arcs at all. But if only there were something more to take away, an easy reward for our patience. For a film that seems so meaningful, it veers awfully close to commonplace nonspecificity of purpose. Film professors will tell you; If you can tell a story without saying a word, do it. Terrance Malick tries something in that vein and succeeds in many ways. The film can change the way you see storytelling on the screen. Whether that change is for the better or worse really depends on your own outlook. Unrealized potential ruins 'Green Lantern' AD VER TISE WITH THE CLASS IFIEDS By KAVI SHEKAR PANDEY Daily Arts Writer To directly contradict Kermit the Frog's proclamation, it's quite easy being green, especially if you're the Green Lantern. The DC Com- ics superhero is venerated among comics readers for his stupen- Green dous storylines, and since the Lantern usually At Quality 16 plays no less than and Rave third banana to Batman and Warner Bros. Superman in the Justice League, even Joe Schmo has a passingresemblance to his name. When the character's ticket to the silver screen was finally punched, it was put under the ten- der-loving care of talented comic writer Geoff Johns, arming direc- tor Martin Campbell (who reboot- ed the shit out of James Bond in ("Casino Royale") with a reported $200 million budget and casting Ryan Reynolds ("The Proposal") - the hubba-hubba hunk that women throw their drawers at and men respect, well, because he was once married to Scarlett Johansson - as Hal Jordan. And after all that, "Green Lan- tern" is a conflagration of ridicu- lously amateurish storytelling and pathetically poor characters, think- ing it can squirrel behind its fagade of snazzy special effects and call ita wrap. Well, you can't spoon a dollop of creme fraiche onto cow dung and deem it edible. As the Comic Book Guy would likely say, "Worst comic- book movie featuring a middle-tier DC superhero ever." "Green Lantern" is doomed from its first act, where wildly confus- ing exposition, delivered by Geof- frey Rush's ("The King's Speech") monotone, rockets the audience off into the Land of Bewilderment before introducing us to our hero, Hal Jordan. That's "hero" in the lightest sense of the term, since Hal is a cocky, reckless, woman- izing blowhard we're supposed to like anyways because - gasp - his father died when he was a kid. Hal will grow up by the end of the movie, but once he gets the ring he just becomes drab, and isn't as excit- ed and/or surprised that he was just chosen to join an intergalactic force as he probably should be. Reynolds is clearly trying his darndest out there, but he's dragged down by the insolvent screenplay and his anti-chemistry with Blake Lively (TV's "Gossip Girl"). Then there's the case of Peter Saarsgaard ("An Education"), gagging and squealing (read: obnoxiously over- acting) as Dr. Hector Hammond, a villain so transcendently hideous he makes Jabba the Hut look like Clive Owen. Hammond isn't remotely intimidating (unless fugliness counts as a superpower) and may just be the most ineffectual villain since LeBron James. What's most disappointing is Campbell's sloppy direction. He handles the action well, particu- larly Hal's training sequence, but everything else is slapdash. One of the film's more egregious instanc- es of Great Moments in Directo- rial Ineptitude occurs during Hal's goosebumps-inducing first recital of the Green Lantern oath, in the middle of which Campbell inexpli- cably cuts to Hammond sticking his hand into a dead alien's open wound. Gross, in more ways than one. $200 million can buy a lot (must ... fight urge to say clean drinking water), and it definitely buys good special effects. Unfortunately, these effects are splattered onto action sequences crippled by the fact that Green Lantern is first fighting Baldy McGrossFace, Hammond and later a humongous, amorphous blob of evil. Not exactly The Joker. Hell, not even Mr. Freeze. It's a poor sign when the film's most compelling scene occurs after the credits, an obscenely cool twist that could make "Green Lantern 2" legitimately great. Until then, in brightest day, in blackest night, "Green Lantern" will still suck with all its might.