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May 03, 2011 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2011-05-03

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Tuesday, May 3, 2010
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
A2 City Council passes marijuana ordinance aefian oat

the Am
of an
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new in

er delay, council meeting involving two proposed
amendments dealing with zoning
unanimously and licensing of the facilities as
od ac well as requiring sellers to compile
sses ordmance and provide access to client lists.
Following the vote, coun-
By CECE ZHOU cil members discussed further
Daily StaffReporter amendments to the ordinance
including clarifying the licensing
r months of deliberation, limits for dispensaries and cultiva-
n Arbor City Council voted tion facilities since the ordinance
aously last night in favor currently states that the number of
ordinance that calls for facilities inthe citywillbe limited.
ed regulation of the culti- Chuck Ream, owner of the
and distribution of medical marijuana dispensary MedMAR
na in the city. Pharmaceuticals, Inc., mentioned
vote on the ordinance was during the public hearing portion
lly scheduled for April of the meeting that the ordinance
was delayed so that coun- would cause an unnecessary vio-
mbers could reflect on lation of confidentiality between
formation provided at the caretakers and their patients since

it requires sellers to allow officials
access to their client list.
"You must please drop the
record-keeping environment that
have given our caretakers tremen-
dous danger for no real reason,"
Ream said. "You hold the lives of
good people in your hands."
Kirk Reid, a medical marijuana
patient and caregiver, spoke about
how he is uncomfortable with the
ordinance because it would grant
strangers access to inspect his
A proposed amendmentby coun-
cilmember Carsten Hohnke (D-
Ward 5) after the vote led to debate
of changing the buffer boundary -
the distance that medical marijua-
na centers are required to be from
schools, including colleges - from

1,000 to 1,010 feet.
"In working with staff, we've
identified that 1,010 feet does a
little of a better job of trying to
accomplish what we're trying to
accomplish," Hohnke said. "The
intent here is not to impact any
existing dispensary or cultiva-
tion facilities but simply to make
corners more whole and locations
more continuous."
Council members Sandi Smith
(D-Ward 1) and Sabra Briere (D-
Ward 1) voiced their disagreements
to the proposed amendment, call-
ing it unnecessary.
"1,000 feet is more than cau-
tionary, and I don't see any reason
to (change) it," Smith said.
The motion failed to pass and

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From Page 1A
Snyder - a self-proclaimed
"workaholic" who earned three
degrees from the University - said
his academic experience, as well as
the various organizations and jobs
he was a part of during his time at
the University, inspired his pas-
sion for helping others. He added
that his time at the University
also led to the development of his
three-pronged career plan, which
includes working as a businessman
and public official with the ultimate
goal of becoming a teacher after his
time as governor ends.
"I would probably be at the
far end of the least worldly person
when I showed up at the Univer-
sity of Michigan," Snyder said. "I
had fabulous parents but I didn't
have a lot of opportunity."
In his speech, Snyder lauded
the University for being world-
renowned in numerous programs,
adding that its academic strength
provides students with many oppor-
tunities in their quests toward self-
"The true uniqueness here is
the intersection between being the
best of the world in so many fields,"
Snyder said. "It's about having an
environment where you can build
your own path through so many of
He added that while many
critics say the size of the Universi-
ty hinders its ability to fully focus
on individual student needs, the
expansive student body and vast
amount of organizations allow
students to excel in their post-col-

legiate lives and careers.
"Our strength is our breadth
and size," Snyder said. "We need
to stop being defensive about our
breadth and size and start being
proud of it."
Snyder also said students are
often attracted to the University
for its "spirit of exploration" and for
seeking a career path that helps the
common good.
"You are all explorers and
when you were exploring at the
University of Michigan you're mis-
sion was straightforward, it was
to graduate and you have achieved
that fabulous goal today," Snyder
said. "The next thing is you need a
mission for the future."
While he said today's gradu-
ates do not necessarily need to
have a finalized plan before grad-
uating, he said students should
engage in areas that positively
impact their communities and the
common good.
"What the best really means in
my view is giving your best...and
that's by doing that in a positive
fashion," Snyder said. "A forward
looking fashion."
University President Mary
Sue Coleman preceded Snyder,
and talked about the importance
of leadership in the University
community and beyond. She rec-
ognized former Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly President Chris
Armstrong as "a proven leader"
who persevered amid criticism for
being openly gay.
"He has represented you on
campus and in Lansing...and yet
what created the biggest headlines
for Chris is the fact that he is a gay
man, the first to lead the Michigan

Student Assembly," Coleman said.
"When this generated criticism
and bullying, he did not blink. He
continued to hold his head high
as student body president and as a
Michigan student and to speak out
for equality, tolerance and compas-
sion. That's what leaders do."
Coleman added that the Uni-
versity strives to prepare students
to take on leadership roles by pro-
moting tolerance and developing
inner strength.
"We're serious about creating
thoughtful leaders," Coleman said.
"Our world needs strong, decisive
individuals. Individuals who listen,
who gather and respect different
ideas and who act boldly based on
an informed point of view."
"This is no time for wavering,
but rather for people who are will-
ing to stand up for their beliefs and
ideas," she added. "People unafraid
to challenge the status quo, people
eager to take risks because big risks
can deliver big rewards."
The student speaker for the
ceremony was Jillian Joan Gar-
ment Rothman, an LSA graduat-
ing senior who concentrated in
political science, with a minor in
Afro-American studies. Rothman
told students not to be reserved in
their careers and instead be bold
in their post-collegiate pursuits.
"Being overly cautious is not
a product of growing up, it's just
called boring," Rothman said.
"The greatest men and women of
our community were the ones not
afraid to take risks or get messy."
"All we must realize is that by
avoiding risks in fear of failure we
have essentially failed already," she

In an interview after the cer-
emony, Architecture graduate Rick
Figura said he was glad Snyder
spoke mostly about his own person-
al experiences, rather than politics.
"I think if he had gotten into
politics he would've gotten quite a
reaction (from the crowd)," Figura
said. "All in all I thought it was a
decent speech, politics aside."
Still, Figura said he expected
more extreme protests than just the
handful of students who stood with
their backs to Snyder as he spoke.
Clark Evans, an LSA gradu-
ate said he thought the graduation
ceremony wasn't the appropriate
venue to protest Snyder's policies.
"I have a problem with the pro-
testers in the fact that he's a Michi-
gan graduate," Clark said. "So, I
think that it's not appropriate, espe-
cially at commencement, to display
their concerns with the governor."
School of Music graduate Alex-
andra Kozak said the standing stu-
dent protesters didn't offend her
and commended Snyder for speak-
ing despite the controversy sur-
rounding the speech.
"When people were actually
booing it bothered me," Kozak said.
"There's a level of respect, I mean
they're still people. But the back
turning, that's a quiet way of show-
ing your protest."
Despite the protests, she said
graduating was a "surreal" experi-
"It was overwhelming,"
Kozak said. "The sheer size of it,
the Big House and then all the
people. The family bond, even
though there's 7,000 graduates,
having that many people behind
you is really great."

Mark Bums


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