Monday, August 8, 2011 The Michigan.Daily - 'LIKE' THE DAILY ON FACEBOOK And follow along on Twitter - @michdailysports LIVE CLE Class of 1962 stars in alumni game at Yost Berenson, Hinnegan "Nothing like scoring goals," .ie. y .e Hinnegan said. "If you're a for- ward, you're a goal scorer. There's decades of players nothingvlike scoring goals. Every- decbody loves it." New assistant coach Brian By MARK BURNS Wiseman and former Wolverines ManagingEditor Brendan Morrison, Jason Botter- ill, David Harlock, Jed Ortmeyer, Michigan coach Red Berenson Billy Powers, Sean Ritchlin and is used to getting on his players, Eric Nystrom sat in the stands. but never has he done it so liter- But whether they were on the ally. ice or in the stands, the former It was at the Michigan hock- players marveled at the newly ey team's annual alumni game, installed scoreboard inside Yost. where players from five decades It made its public debut at the made up the 34-man roster - game Friday. ranging from the class of 1962's It didn't show any replays Berenson and Al Hinnegan, all because the game wasn't being the way to 2009's Jack Johnson recorded, but it will have them in and Billy Sauer. the fall. In Team White's 13-7 win The scoreboard hung low over Team Blue, Berenson took enough for a puck flipped up on a the opening faceoff and bolted dump out of the zone to hit it, but toward the offensive zone. But Michigan Athletic Director Dave as Berenson neared the blueline, Brandon said the scoreboard will his winger, Tim Miller (Class of be raised six feet higher by Sep- 2009), came from the right and tember. He added that he "wasn't collided with the 71-year-old sure" why it hadn't been raised coach, sending them sprawling to yet. At any height, the monstros- the ice in a heap. ity was a big change from Morri- There was a gasp from the son's playing days. crowd the filled up most of one "I remember when I was down side of Yost Ice Arena. Both here they didn't even have a clock Berenson and Miller got up with- up there," he said. "They just had out injury but it provided an the scoreboards at the ends of the opportunity for former players rink, so to come in and see this to poke some fun on at their old now it's a big adjustment, but I coach. think it's a good thing. It's keep- "Almost lost him on the first ing pace with the times, but you shift," joked Steve Shields, who still have the traditional feel of skated as forward despite being the game at Yost." a goalie at Michigan and in the For Morrison and Shields, the NHL. weekend wasn't refined to the Added Berenson: "I don't know usual game and golf outing. Since what happened. I was just get- the two couldn't be here for The ting some good speed up and all Big Chill at the Big House, they of the sudden Miller ... collided took a tour of the football facili- with someone else, I think their ties. When they got to the locker defenseman, so I got the tail end room, someone was already there of that." waiting for them - Michigan And Berenson's former line- football coach Brady Hoke. mate from nearly 50 years ago, The three, who were all at Hinnegan got the scoring going. Michigan around the same time Stationed in the slot, Hinnegan in the early 1990s, chatted. And found a bouncing puck at his feet by the time the alumni game was and lifted it past Sauer, the Team over, some of Hoke's ways had White netminder. rubbed off on the former Michi- Hinnegan is just over a year ganplayers. older than Berenson and played "It was so refreshing to walk with Berenson on a team that in to Schembechler and see the won the Snoopy's Senior World ticker coming across, the amount Hockey Tournament in Santa of days before we play the team Rosa, Calif. from Ohio," Shields said. affordable rates. pet friendly, resort-style amenities.