Monday, May 9, 2011 The Michigan Daily - C 4 i tchtgan DAMly Pandora's box 44 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 BETHANY BIRON EDITOR IN CHIEF MARK BURNS MANAGING EDITO TEDDY PAPES TORIAL PAGE EDIT, Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Institutional Bigotry Equal compensation shouldn't be punished watershed moment is facing the University. On Thurs- day, the Republican-led Michigan House passed an amendment that, along with Republican Gov. Rick Sny- der's proposed 15 percent cut to University funding, could slash state funding to the University by a total of more than 20 per- cent. The additional five percent cut isn't because of conflicting economic theories or discordant solutions to fixing the current budget crisis, but because the University provides benefits to domestic partners and same sex couples. The University can- not yield to this pressure and must maintain its policy of equal compensation. Sex is awesome. I'm talking about the toe-curling, mind-numb- ing, stop-your-breathing sex. Seri- ously, you should try it. What isn't so awesome is the lack of discus- sion about sex and all its ins and outs. Why is sex kept behind bedroom doors and in the back MOLLY seats of cars? PAYTON Why can't any- one say the word 'dildo' without dry heaving? So I want to talk about sex, baby. I want to live in a world where I could walk into the Ugli and announce, "I just had an amazing orgasm" and be received the same way as if I just yelled, "I just got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts!" Everyone would appreciate the news. But I don't even need that much - ifmy sexcapades were simply overheard in the Ugli and appre- ciated by a fellow sex enthusiast, then we're finally getting some- where. There's a silent weight on the topic of sex. Somehow over the years, anything sexual became anything shameful. And trust me, I went to Catholic school all my life. I know guilt. I don't under- stand how anyone can be expected to have a handle on themselves if they aren't given a fair chance to figure it out. And the best way I've learned to solve problems is to just keep complaining about it - just kidding, to have a good old-fash- ioned dialogue about it. So when I want to talk about sex, that's what I want to do: talk. Not judge, but have a useful con- versation about something that is a major part of our lives. I don't mean to be vulgar or invasive, all I ask is for people to bring some consideration to the subject. Why is sex not part of daily con- versations? It's one of the most basic elements of our lives, but why is everyone so damn uncomfortable talking about it? Normally when- ever I bring up sex, judgments are made or walls immediately shoot up. I understand other people are shy and hesitant to talk about their personal lives, but the problem lies beyond that. If I'm comfortable sharing my sex life, I should be able to do so, butt. get spurned for it. People should be elated to have an open discussion about hook-ups or sexting because we all could learn from each other. Sexuality is just like someone's personality or someone's stretch marks: always unique. It's so beautifully complex and personal and one of the most basic ways to relate with some- one. You don't have to share every detail of your most intimate night, but the next time someone brings up sex, just go with it. You'll learn something, I promise. So let's cut the bullshit, and talk about what's on everyone's dirty, dirty minds. As much as it is awesome, sex is hard. And by hard, I mean as complicated as explaining what a blumpkin is to your RA. It's a delicate process, but sex is to be enjoyed. I encourage all forms of healthy and consensual sex. There's a silent weight on the topic of sex. Do you remember your first celebrity crush? How about your first erection? Remember wonder- ing why your panties were sud- denly wet? Or even the sinking feeling in your stomach when you caught a glimpse of a love scene? That's your sexuality. Even before sharing a sexual experi- ence with someone else, discov- ering your sexuality should be a celebrated process. If you are completely lost in it, celebrate it. Don't let my forwardness scare you. Take your time. You want to honor your sexuality so that hope- fully each sexual experience is positive. Remember it's your sex life - experience it how you want. Put your hand down there, watch some porn, or maybe just kiss a piece of fruit. Just do it on your own terms. Once you explore your sexual inclinations, share it with the world. I want to hear all about it, and soon, everyone else will too. Until then, you have me. Look out University of Michigan, I'm com- ing for you. Molly Payton can be reached at a 6 Snyder and Michigan Republi- cans have shown the state exactly how much they care about educa- tion. Snyder's campaign promises came close to assuaging concerns of students, parents and teachers, but his budget plan and education cuts have shown otherwise. Snyder's concerns are not with educating the future - they are focused on his conservative bloc. On Thurs- day, the education budget approved by Michigan's Republican House showed the depths of this base. Funding cuts have two effects: they either raise tuition costs and force out the less affluent students, or they lead the University to cut programs and reduce the quality of education. The amendment has all oftheseimplications,but atitsheart is something much more alarming. The University is now being extort- ed by the backward inclinations of Michigan's conservatives for pro- viding equal care and treatment for its same sex employees. State Rep. Dave Agema (R- Grandville), who proposed the amendment, stated that the Uni- versity is breakingstate law, and he is correct. Despite this, pushing for civil rights and conducting business in accordance with the morality of equality is the path the Univer- sity has chosen. Unfortunately, the lawmakers of Michigan are more concerned with reduction of civil liberties than with the education of the state's youth, and will even harm students in an attempt to coerce universities into emulating the legislators' bigotry. The importance of lower tuition cannot be emphasized enough, since its financial accessibility is essential for the general progres- sion of society. Equality and civil liberty, however, are principles that are more important and inherent than the provision of education. To ask the University to do anything besides maintain its policy of equal treatmentand compensation would be nothingshortofaviolation of the principles the University has come to standfor. The University must choose between providing the best educa- tion and treating its employees with equality. In the event of this law passing, the University may have to make painful cuts to its programs and the quality of education may decline, but the alternative cannot be an option. Michigan's Senate and Snyder must prevent this bill from becoming law and block this destructive new cut to education. But the assault will not end there, since University policy currently' violates Michigan's laws. In the event that the new amendment is passed, a redrafting ofthe state con- stitution or a proposal that allows same-sex benefits is the only thing that can prevent cuts like this from passing in the future. In the mean- time, there is little the University can do besides brace for cuts and hold its head high. I I